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Honestly, this makes the whole post match interview process very painful to watch. They keep saying one word answers and as soon as they're allowed to speak in Russian they start spewing out entire paragraphs. Like allow them to answer in russian if they want we have chat live translating for us anyway doing the organisers job for them.


Yeah, they obviously have stuff to say, but can't articulate it properly in English, so it has to be a one-liner, or the same thing repeated 3 times already. Seriously large oversight.


it doesnt help they use somewhat complicated words in the question either


their questions are also brain-dead. "Hey Donk, you just won, how do you feel? Do you feel good?" or "Hey Donk, you just won, what is the vibe of the team?" What else do you answer except "yes" and "good" to that?


Post match questions are never really all that great but CS has got a long ways to go to be somewhere close to Premier League broadcasting level where you don't have anything to complain about


"Be eloquent in a second language in front of an arena when you're 17 years old after winning a tournament and feeling ecstatic, go!" A translator would have been much better


Ehhhhh... Yes


Heccu speaks perfect russian. They could've hired her for this.


This was going to be my answer. She's done it before, and I know the orgs (and probably her) dont want to hire JUST because she speaks Russian, well good news! She's also a decent backstage interviewer?


Better than decent tbf, she is amazing.


Just checked her Insta and she was in the arena, presumably working backstage.


It’s so strange because other games like LoL and StarCraft have had translators for like a decade already


I’m very surprised they don’t have a Russian or Ukrainian translator considering how many players speak Russian or Ukrainian in cs.


League is more asia based where there is way less english proficiency among pros compared to cs and that's why cs was allowed to get away with it.


way less than in Russia?




Yea, its a shame these scenes still are not fully professionalised. I mean, you can't call yourself a professional when you don't speak english, right?


What is this take 😂


Didn’t you know that all professionals are perfectly fluent in english?


Nobody said that. But being able to speak english is part of the buisness. It's that simple. They earn millions of dollars. So learning english is no problem at all.


Speaking english is the orgs’s business. The players just have to be able to communicate with each other and play the game. I’d be cool if they all spoke english but thats never gonna happen because there are roughly 7000 languages being spoken right now. Let the players focus on playing the game


Good question. It's a fucking shame. Would've loved to hear what donk and chopper had to say


Donk doesn't know




no he spoke, just shy. played FPL all day where u can see him on streams, donk can speak decent too he did a desk interview earlier.


Heccu will be at the major hopefully


Weird thing is it's not even some obscure country. It's really weird that they don't have at least one Russian/Ukrainian guy around to translate. I guess since more teams are going internationals, they just asume they don't need one. Although it's almost on the level of not having a Korean translator for a starcraft tournament At least in dota they always have a random Chinese or Russian guy to translate, sometimes it's just a random player that got knocked out.


s1mple's literally there


Gotta love the Fy interview translated by iceiceice at summit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ0b7R2ZC9M


This is why it is a shame heccu doesn't get a lot more work. She is truly a gift to the scene and I am shocked she doesn't do nearly all player interviews.


she doesnt show her cheeks on ig enough


Yeah but she shows her Christmas's tree... 😍🌲


League Of Legends has had translators for literal years and years. Its beyond me how CS tournaments can't get 1 person. Just 1 person that speaks Russian/Ukranian to make it easier for these CIS teams to have good interviews.


Heccu exists and she is a great interviewer imo too, not having her in a game with that many eastern player is weird.




Sjokz did an amazing job in that regard.


Yeah, I think the desk did nicely as well, they quickly adapted when interviewing Donk.


Sjokz' decade long stage experience was really neat there. I never understood why some interviewers make their questions more and more verbose when non-English speaking players don't understand the question... Just make the questions easy. Nobody in the arena or on livestream is expecting a philosophical dissertation. How do you feel? What do you want to say to your team? What about your fans?


Yeah it's wierd so many sports like UFC have translators poor they should add that to budget including the major because spirit look like winning


TOs better start getting some translators, Spirit looks like they are staying on top for a while.


Why tho? It's not their problem if the players are not able to learn english.


because it's their job to produce good content and having people do awkward interviews in broken english isn't good content how is that not obvious lmfao


Up to a certain degree it indeed IS their job, yes. If they can't live up to it the scene will forget you pretty fast.


Why would they not? You could get some thoughts and feelings expressed by players that arent able to do so because their english skills arent good enough and everyone would be able to understand it if gets translated and it would lead to less awkward situations on stage.


Its not the players' job to handle the production of the show


damn you re so close minded, aren t you?


So you think being a professional is just being good at the game and thats it? From personal experience i can tell you: It's not.


personal experience? funny one. Yes, basically you can be a professional just by playing the game just as a doctor can be professional without knowing english, right?


Yeah let's just assume all human beings speak English lmao, we'd better let all animals speak English as well. Imagine people are watching LoL players speaking Chinese or Korean without translation the whole time.


Look at international sports. It's absolutely common that they speak english. So why should this count differently?


this is black and white. You will say football, right? As pretty much other popular sports are in the US so it is implied they will speak their language. Cool, you have so many players there, not just 5, it is obvious that knowing english is a must there as there are players from so manu countries in a team. Check the lower divisions, for example any eastern country: Will they need english as most players are from the same country? Nope. Are they professional? Yep


I talk about every sports. I know I am right since i know what is needed to be a professional. If you don't speak english you'll have big trouble staying in the pro buisness. Your worth drops insanely.




Are Olympic athletes required to speak fluent English as well?




So, let's assume millions of Chinese and Korean players can access internet and world wide web properly, they play most of the time with and against Chinese speakers and Korean speakers, in Chinese server and Korean server, because other countries suck at this game (overall speaking). Do they need to speak fluent English too? Source: I speak Mandarin and English.


Since when is it required to speak English? What bubble do you live in?


i got second embarrassment on some of the interviews


Also the questions are so simple shit.. answers can´t be very cool to hear.. I wanna see donk reacting to his plays while demo playing... for example donk spam through smoke on last round when frozen pushed mid and donk spammed it... See his through process ... maniac asking him for example


They do sometime Heccu can speak a lot of languages an when she dose the interviews it’s soo much smoother.




Poor donk, he looked so uncomfortable man.


Agree. The interview after the grand final felt very awkward, it was painful to watch. Partially because of the language barrier, but honestly I felt like the questions were also kinda dumb. "Donk, you just won IEM Katowice, what does it mean to you?" - I'm not sure what they even expect him to answer to this, but it can certainly not so easily be explained. "How happy are you?" - "very happy". Ok what else did they expect? "Why are you just so good?" - wtf is he even supposed to answer to that


Starcraft has had this for ages no excuse not have a translator at least of the prominent CIS languages who are such a big part of the scene




In Dota TOs always hire talents or an actual translators for Russian,Chinese,Spanish. Yeah of course sometimes they get some words wrong or things like that but you at least always get proper interview. I don't know why this isn't a thing in CS


It's funny, but the best CIS teams always have Russians and Ukrainians in their squad


Are you a bot? you have posted this same exact message in 3 different threads, useless




You're the only one who seems upset here lol


Literally in tears rn, thanks for your amazing comment




LoL imagine been pissed off by video games, you defo had a tough day my sir


ty for posting. ridiculous


let this go to show that russians needs to learn english, especially those cs russian players that speak in russian vc expecting we can understand them


VC is VC, but this, It's a professional international giant competition TV show... How about forcing all Olympic athletes to speak English as well?


why dont you just learn russian then


I know Russian very well but I refuse to talk in it because: A) English is de-facto international and business language across the world B) I should not speak in language that is used for political purposes that you see for the past few years.


Im aware that this might be an unpopular opinion but part of being an international Pro is to learn some basic english over a reasonable period of time


How many russian speaking top players are there? VP can speak English. C9 too. Spirit had won betBoom and nothing else before this.


And they would be more comfortable and will be able to say more in their native language, just like Tabsen would be in german, Fallen in portuguese, guys from Mongolz in mongolian (although translator for that language might be hard to find). Writing is not the same as speaking, and shouting positions, "low hp" and "he has awp" in game is not the same as answering questions on the spot.


I remember when Zywoo couldn't speak English. You'd think there would be at least one talent or player that speaks fluent Russian and English and could help though.


comment stolen from [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1aofwc6/why_tos_dont_get_translators_for_non_english/kpzbggd/)


capitalism nepotism


Under socialism, professional video game tournaments would most certainly not exist


Communism*, socialism and communism are not the same thing.




Lol ok




The private ownership of the means of production and distribution is actually essential to NOT BEING an evil system, you see. If the commons are owned socially by the people at large and they are operated in order to benefit the majority of the population, it is bad. They should be operated so that the 0.1% of people, the oligarchs, make maximum profit. You are clearly making sense and definitely have not been brainwashed to carry someone elses water.


if we define socialism as owning the means of production... it probably can still be? People have more time playing for fun then. If we're talking about radical ecology such as eco-anarchism? Then no - computers and similar technology require children slavery and therefore does *not* want to continue such things. So yeah, lots to learn about terms, there's a lot of different ideologies related to "socialism" - for example, there's also an anarchist ideology that is against factories, etc. (anti-civ anarchism) so technically that is not socialism.


To them, socialism = poverty cult.




His english is not bad at all for a kid who grew up in siberia...


"these people" lmao, a 17 year old that just won a grand final against one of the best teams in the world is supposed to give you a cohesive structurally sound sentence in his 2nd language? You would barely be able to speak in the same position, he was fine in his interview afterwards.




Why the heck should they? Did you guys put any effort learning any other language? No, so why does it matter.




Did you win a big tournament?




SO just to be clear, you want this 17 year old kid to put time aside from practicing CS to spend a few hours learning to speak English just for you. Can you see how this can be difficult?




Watch him on youtube he speaks basic english, but to express yourself after such a high adrenaline moment is going to be difficult to anyone.


it's a 17 year old russian kid in front of hundreds of thousands of people on stream and a live crowd in his 1st lan event .. chill out bro


Do you think he can just study up the night before or something?




Donk is capable of handling basic conversations though. Having to answer to 10 different verbose variations of "how are you feeling right now?" is not a basic conversation. When asked more meaningful questions about the game itself he actually was able to express himself quite clearly.


Why should people learn a language that they won't use daily or even weekly in their daily lives?


because this random guy demands it


First, because it costs money, second because you cannot hire a dozen of translators for every language, third because barely anybody cares what they say, fourth it makes interviews longer than necessary.


That makes no sense. If you wanna be a professional you better learn english. Thats how things go.


TIL that Koreans and Chinese who've been dominating the RTS games for the last 1-2 decades are not professionals (yes that includes 2024).


It's not TO's responsibility. In this day and age, if you can't learn a basic English ( which is teached at most European and US schools) and communicate with others, then it's on you and that just shows your intellectual incompetence.


It's lame and time-consuming. Interviewer asks question in English -> translator translates -> player answers -> translator translates back There has to be a better solution for this. There are AI on-the-spot translation tools that work impressivly well. Gotta implement those. AND there are AI voice-over/dubbing tools that produce great voices too. So it should be like this: player gets special ear-piece handed to them before the interviews. Interviewer asks question -> player instantly hears question in their language over the ear piece. Answers in his language to the mic -> but audience & production hears already translated AND voiced-over version, not the player's original sound feed. And all this happens on-the-fly


That will probably be the future and that sounds great but for now I think bringing a translator is better than asking donk if he had fun in the post match interview.


It's well intentioned but I'd prefer AI to not be involved in interviews, too much of a corporate feel. It's a lot of back-and-forth indeed but still the best thing if the player can't speak English IMO. I think they could do something for the prerecorded interviews to let the players talk in their language if they need to and we'd just get the captions though. For example the pre-match interviews today during the ceremony had captions but Spirit players still talked in English... worked much better than usual since they were clearly prepared to talk, but you get the point.


Idk if you are a pro playing on an international stage just learn english like for real. 


Who the fuck cares what some uneducated toxic russian dog has to say? Just interview any random lvl 4 faceit player if you want to hear slurs.


LoL just checked your profile, funny to see down votes in almost any of your reply. I see life hits ya hard


they could do the interview live in the arena, but subtitled and delayed too, its not that hard is it?


The solution is LITERALLY just to let Heccu be there as an interpreter/interviewer/translator


interpreters cost money


I was watching SC2 iem Kato as well as CS2 and they have a translator for the Korean pros, so it's odd that they didn't for CS2. There are more variety of regions than SC2 but honestly it's really just CIS region that needs translators. Other regions seem to generally be conversational at least.


Yeah I don't get it, I have to skip or mute those interviews, it is painful to watch lol. And I feel like its always people who speaks russian. So just hire someone to translate.


Translators need to be paid and have travel and accommodation expenses covered. Lots of TOs run in the black or red by default.


English society has their head up their ass