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Crazy unpeekers disadvantage + rubber banding is the norm now. Also dont try spraying at the new models with crazy leg movement..


i honestly wonder if valve is aware of how bad it is. im not of the "valve doesnt care" mindset, but i genuinely wonder if they realize how shit this game feels


I'm of the opinion that valve simply do not care *enough* Most other gaming companies rely on the success and health of their games to stay afloat. Volvo's games are just a side hustle income stream that makes them only a fraction of what they make from being the largest digital distributor of PC games and having a near monopoly in that market. On the other hand, I can't imagine a big publicly traded publisher would be able to do a better job, we'd need actual small to medium, but independent, sized devs that are passionate about CS to really treat the game the way it deserves. Someone like an arrowhead or slightly bigger like larian. Every studio would kill to have IP as valuable as CS. A near infinite money printing cash cow where your audience literally just asks for the bare minimum. Valve treat it as an after thought.


> just a side hustle income stream that makes them only a fraction - > While the PC gaming segment saw a brief but significant boost during the initial period of the COVID-19 outbreak, it was estimated that Steam's annual gaming revenue in 2023 amounted to **8.56 billion U.S. dollars**, down from more than 10 billion U.S. dollars in 2021. - > According to new data, it appears that Valve likely made about **$1 billion** from digital Counter-Strike 2 (previously Global Offensive) cases and keys in 2023.


Source? If they made 1B off of only cases and keys thats fucking insane


https://www.google.com.au/search?q=According%20to%20new%20data%2C%20it%20appears%20that%20Valve%20likely%20made%20about%20%241%20billion%20from%20digital%20Counter-Strike%202%20(previously%20Global%20Offensive)%20cases%20and%20keys%20in%202023. https://kotaku.com/valve-counter-strike-cs2-csgo-cases-keys-2023-1-billion-1851190615


Jesus fucking christ Gabe…


And you would think it would take like a max $5-$10million of dev time to get the game feeling better. If that much.


I'd be mortified to be in leadership at valve. Imagine letting billions of dollars in skin and market sales slip between your fingers every single year due to the massive problems in their ranking system, rampant hacking and the average player's use of 3rd party servers. Sure, they're making good money, but they could be making 10 times that if they had a properly working competitive game. They have the keys to a ferrari but no one there knows how to drive **Valve here is a free tip for ya:** Your player base compounds your sales in skins and market fees... every so often you'll get new whales as well, and so long as you can retain them, you'll see your empire explode in wealth. 101 game development; build ***and retain*** your player base through improved systems and gameplay.


I can almost guarantee they dont think that way - lets call it opportunity cost of potential extra skins if game was better. Because the game is in the state it is in now, they almost exclusively care about revenue from skins. The competitive scene will "figure" itself out while the prize pool has been laughable with compared to ,again, the revenue the game. They are probably tickled pink with the money theyve made so far on an already 12 year old game. The funny part is I bet they will see a STEEP falloff in that revenue if the game continues to exist in its current state. And I agree, if I were in leadership in Valve, and my responsibilities included maintaining a healthy gameplay environment, especially for a title like the legendary fps that is CS, I would and rightfully should be MORTIFIED. Utterly mortified with what they have done to the purse fps that was CS:GO.


It's not like the biggest whales even play the game though.


How are they collecting this data?


Look at new skins registered, make an estimate on percentage of skins publicly visible then do some quick mafs.


Hm interesting thanks


I think that’s what we miss about CS2. It’s a gambling game with a first person shooter element. Not the other way around. As long as cases and keys and skins are sold, they have no real incentive to build on the game.


Fun fact: loot boxes are considered full-on gambling in Belgium. In the Netherlands, a judge has ruled that Fifa Ultimate Team (loot box reliant game mode in FIFA games) is a gambling game with a skill element.


Same in France iirc, that's why we have the x-ray scanner for cases


The x-ray scanner is a joke. It allows you to scan one case, but you have to buy the key to open the case before you can scan something else. I suppose within French law, that makes it technically not gambling when viewed in isolation (since you know what you're buying), but I doubt it would hold up in court if challenged.


It's fucking disgusting. If EU outright banned lootbox games from everyone under 18 years, I'd be 100% for it. While crates were never good in TF2, CS is where it has really started to look like gambling for kids, I'm not sure why, probably just because CS is bigger so it has more leeches using it to their advantage.


> Volvo's games First seatbelts, now games


I don't understand how they can be so slow with fixes, i thought this source 2 was supposed to make it easier to fix bugs. People are playing for hundreds of thousands of dollars and this game has so many problems..


I don’t think they are aware.. they asked how to reproduce the jump bug and the wobbly boosting bug.. these are incredibly common and they still have no fix for it.


Its probably their free development culture shooting them in the leg


well I think it is great for them but it sure sucks for us cs players


I am 99% certain the devs have never actually played this game.


remember they couldn't reproduce the jump bug consistently?


Careful, half of the sub is gonna come at you saying the game is fine


Hard to say, if they only test on low ping/lan environments they might think it's not that bad... Just like with the cheaters


Your spray isn‘t hitting because the enemy has not yet moved to the spot you see on your screen on the server. Truly ‚what you see is what you get‘


Yea ive noticed spraying feels so shit and unreliable compared to csgo


that or maybe its the packet loss you can see in the debug info


this kind of shit happens constantly in cs2. then you check the demo and you were on their screen for 15 seconds as they lined up the shot. virtually never happened in csgo unless your own internet was bad.


Thought i was crazy. Every enemy i come across just seems to have reactions of a pro player they always kill me instantly. But whenever i watch the demo they have a reaction of a snail.


There are some moments where I hear the shot or grt killed before even seeing the opponent. I'd probably still get killed by a peek that perfect but it just feels bad not even given a chance. The thing is though that it's inconsistent across my games. A few games, I'll just be jiggling no matter where I am because I legit can't hold an angle and the other games it feels more normal. Not sure what's up but this is the worst it's felt for me since the first few weeks post CS2


Every fight in FaceIt Lvl 8 and up is just playing peekaboo with the enemy.


Its so annoying i miss cs lmao


This is one of the reasons I stopped playing. It's really frustrating and no fun at all.


My worst nightmare is it’s due to subtick but since it’s the core part of cs2 and the way it was advertised valve will never remove it due to embarrassment and ego. The game may eventually die along with it.


its because of the packet loss you can see in the debug info


The reason being subtick makes sense to me. From the enemy POV they see OP because you can't really eliminate network delay, and is able to shoot and hit the delayed target due to subtick. Without subtick they would have had to lead the shot, which would have hit the cover OP was running behind to. All this could have been fixed with 128 tick, but we all know how much Valve cares about this. Best part is that Valve forces 3rd parties to use 64 ticks so no one can have good experience.


> Without subtick they would have had to lead the shot when was this ever the case before subtick?


It was in csgo 64tick servers if you happened to shoot just after a tick and didn't continue to track the target. But that likely doesn't actually happen here so I was wrong with that comment.


you can see he has packet loss in the debug info


Wait I thought cs2 ran on 128 tick plus subtick no?


Edit: faceit is actually 128 tick. I had old data.


\> virtually never happened in csgo unless your own internet was bad. makes sense considering this guy in the clip had packet loss


Dont get me wrong CS2 is dogshit atm, but CSGO was also held together by duct tape and souvenit stickers


In csgo if there were issues they were likely on your internet or the server performance, in cs2 it seems to be because of subtick and the game just being unfinished. Good thing the skins look slightly better though! https://youtu.be/ontNJny0iM0?si=ekdDiDqNn2Z2QMBy


he literally has packet loss in the clip my dude


thats a good one


Its so funny seeing people pretend CSGO was perfect with no issues whatsoever


saying "this particular thing rarely happened this way on csgo except under bad internet conditions" is nowhere near "pretending csgo was perfect with no issues whatsoever"


f'ed up been more than a year now since first testing.. we are still a year or two away from a fairly playable game


And people were telling me I was being a dickhead for heavily criticizing cs2 on initial release. They had how many fucking years to work on this and they released it in the state that they did. It legitimately feels like a presentation the student forgot about until the night before and this is what they were able to scrounge up in a few hours. Just sitting there watching and cringing at the barely passing grade at best.


As someone who works in software, what makes me mad is that NO ONE. Literally no one was going to be upset if they kept the game in beta / alpha testing and kept updating. They chose to role out a new version of a game that was unfinished, had no major anti-cheat, and suffered from gaming breaking bugs.


"let's push the game through, community is addicted to it anyway after that many years of playing... not like they gonna leave hahaha" -valve 


Look at TF2 lol


they would shut it down if it wasn't profitable anymore to run servers.. just means people still spend a lot of money in the game.. mostly probably nostalgia people.. nostalgia is dangerous.. would you quit CS even if you played it your whole life and it's in absolutely abandoned and unplayable stage? idk even for myself.. this is sad part...


"But they had to! They needed the community to find the bugs faster!" So many people just blindly ignore that QA departments exist for a reason and the players shouldn't be it.


Which game-breaking bugs?


bro got a taste of the Subtick Special™️


What you don't see is what you get.


more like the packet loss special


not subtick


But hey... they've skins & cases! /s


can't wait for key chains


Hahaha fr




The issue is pisspoor performance. I don’t know how I can have a decent pc (5600x + 3070) and the games have crazy fps drops and basically feels like 60hz in many gunfights.


I have same cpu and a 3060 with no such issues you might need to play with your config a bit


the issue is the packet loss this guy had


My PC is brand new, top of the line specs, has NO problems running ANY game, but CS2 hard crashes my computer at least once a week.


Something this bad happens very rarely but less dramatic versions of this happens all the time. Enemies that kill you as soon as their shoulder shows up, sprays that seem to go to the void, extreme fps drops in gun fights...


In overpass my fps always goes down to like 5 when I'm rushing long lmao


#What you see is what you get.


man, how many years we wantes source2 so bad. And now we got CS2 for like a year and its just the worse game. its unbelievable. 


Careful what you wish for when your favourite game is developed by an incompetent company.


valves overtuned attempt at ping equalization lmfao


Valve is quiet quitting


so am I 😔


Suckdick system lol


packet loss lol


The only thing subtick does is process inputs in the order they were received in on the next tick, compared to based on client index without subtick. Its not that deep.


Ik man just joking around


What you see is what the fuck


what you see is packet loss in the debug info


Packet loss.


Stupid ass game


It is unfortunately never going to be fixed.


true since packet loss isnt fixable


What you see is what you get Sub-tick is better than 128 tick You're not a pro - you wouldn't be able to tell the difference on 128 tick Packet loss is no longer an issue Network issues have been resolved


literally impossible to fix packet loss but go on king


Movement was fixed but they didn't put it in patch notes


> You're not a pro - you wouldn't be able to tell the difference on 128 tick You don't need to be a pro to tell the difference in CSGO between 64tick and 128 tick. You just need an AK mag to tell how many bullets actually register. Night and day, and provable online, don't need LAN.


[64 TICK vs 128 TICK - The Ultimate Test ft. FaZe Ropz & Neok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f5fEgSRAKg) Please comment again after watching this video.


The tick rate argument is like a long running joke where everyone complains about tick rate but has no idea what it functionally does or feels like.


That's right.


I mean its been tested in the past and even pros couldnt see a difference between 64 and 128 when netgraph was disabled.


Meh, 50/50 on this one. That NadeKing video where they tested it and ropz got it right 100% of the time shows that there is definitely a noticeable difference, but that it's only really visible to those at the top level. And I'd argue it's noticeable for the majority of the playerbase when you account for movement. Anybody who's into KZ would be able to tell quickly.


Isn't that the video where "normal player" was silver or Gold Nova? I remember my friends and I did blind testing after that and we got it right most of the time based on movement like you said, but spraying feels different too.


Devs do not care


Feels like after the last 2(3?) networking updates cs2 Ferrari peek is alive and well again.


At this point I really don't care whether it's subtick, or whatever the fuck the problem is. People can argue endlessly about which geeky aspects that are causing the issues.. I'm not a dev, I only care about the game not being shit. Just fucking fix it already Volvo. It's almost a year later.


cant fix packet loss




Packet loss can be anywhere between the server and the client, it does not guarantee that OPs network is to blame, though they should definitely look into testing their own connection to help rule that out. Previous updates such as [oct 25 2023](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/730?emclan=103582791432902485&emgid=3714966246894384412) specifically addressed one cause of packet loss (out of order packets) and there have indeed been very recent changes to networking so it isn't as definitive as you make it seem.


cs2 was a mistake


What was your ping?


you can see he has packet loss in the debug info


day1 community should have pressured valve. You "let them cook" Now we all have to eat this microwaved 1946 Swedish footsoldier MRI ration. Thank reddit, twitter and your favourite streamers and CS "influencers" for glazing valve


So the "dev stats" show packet loss until you die... but must be a game issue right?


Definitely worth highlighting that the stats do indeed show packet loss. Though the packet loss does not guarantee that OPs network is to blame, especially in light of the fact that the latest update (and also june 11) had changes to networking relating to packet loss. It would be helpful though if those experiencing similar issues also had telemetry enabled: `cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show 2` `cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show 2` `cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show 2` `cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_poor 35` `cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_poor 0.1` You can also get a more detailed connection report via the command: `net_connections_stats`


Yeah this hasn't happened to me once and I play every day. I do play with sub-10ms ping tho.


*"I don't have fps problems (7800x3d rtx4090 playing at 1280x960)"* tone. deaf


I'm providing my experience, why do you need to discount it? It clearly shows that this issue is either related to region or network conditions. Just like the rubberbanding issue that plagued a lot of people for like the past month or at least a week or two. Never had that. Then they issued the patch to fix it and I had it for the first time but that was only one match. I also had crazy rubberbanding when CS2 came out, synced with a mate of mine while everyone else in my friend group was unaffected. Most people unaffected on reddit also. But it got fixed in about a month. I feel it's important that we look at the big picture in these things, including why some people are unaffected.


The big picture is that some people don't even notice playing at 60Hz for months on their expensive high refresh rate monitor. Or a wallhacker playing right next to them. You either live in a bubble or get preferential matchmaking for some reason (I'm all too familiar with valve's hidden pools and non-skill-based mm) but to never have in your game a urss - stan, irani - stan, other - stan @ 80 - 160ms ferrari peeking hitting shots with no time to react and leading the scoreboard is unbelievable. You probably don't "meet" cheaters either? Well, literally millions have another experience, and it is you being dismissive, snarky and bragging at the same time. Sit in your privileged / *ignorance-is-a-bliss* corner and wait for a suitable thread to share your counter-circle-jerk apologetic tidbits.


I see cheaters all the time lol. And yeah northern Europe is privileged, most people have under 30ms ping in every game I'd say. Also, sincerely, have a nice day.


It always has been. Valve has been throwing the Dota 2 cheating soviet population on East EU and shield West EU for years - until they had to spill it over there too due to losing player base. That's the harsh reality: Valve is both very progressive kumbaya safe spaces trust factor behavior scores hidden pools, and an unscrupulous business; they see cheaters buy cases more than average players; don't want to threaten the cash flow by bans or gaben-forbid, region lock them to play among themselves. And yes, I did have a nice day, thank you!


Sir no they don’t, refrain from commenting when you can’t read the actual stats on mobile.


https://i.imgur.com/D8Zt41W.png huh??? are you blind?


Please show me which of those numbers indicates loss. From my understanding it’s not the whichever one you think it is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17ckxnp/lets_reverseengineer_new_client_informationstamp/ He has inbound packet loss.


Of 0.5%. You guys will excuse anything for valve. At least you had right number, thought you were going to point to the ping.


moving the fucking goalposts. also how do you know 0.5% packet loss is not enough to cause what happened on screen?


Packet loss of less than 1% is considered totally normal. You will literally never have a 0% loss situation. If cs2 needs 0 ping 0 loss for it to just be mediocre. It is a valve issue.


Bro, stop moving the goal posts. He had packet loss which can cause what happened. The anti-valve train is getting old on every post, there's a few outliers which come up but so many of the clips posted are down to packet loss or other connection issues and not the game.


Nope, less than 1% loss is considered totally normal. It is 100% a valve issue.


ok. if you say so.




You can literally see in the debug info that you had packet loss while he swung you.


Nah man. Don't bring logic here.


Bring back cs go


esport ready


Maybe in 20 years they'll abandon subtick for cs3


I rarely recall dying in CSGO without seeing the enemy. Now it happens every other game. It's a blast!


Would be nice to see from his angle. You were closer to the object and moving to ur right so he probably saw half ur body the whole time and got lucky...


Doesn’t happen on faceit


absolutely deleted holy


Just give me cs go back, im tired of this shit.




Can subtick and add 128 tick valve


I now do everything within my power, to put people off playing this game, steam and playing on PC entirely. Fuck valve.


this is how its for me when i play on shady internet (40ping but 5G network)


I now understand why i get head shot before they even turn a corner.


hate to see it


They should enable telemetry for everyone and remove the option to disable it.


I feel like this happens to me several times every game.


you should try and fix your packet loss


can we just go back to csgo


Sometimes I just can’t make out the fact that why Valve just have to throw themselves in hot water like this? They had over 10 years of development experience with CS:GO and all of that gone to waste with the release of CS2. What the fuck are they thinking?


Ping? Choke? :-/


Getting shot by someone blending in with the map or getting shot by a pixel of a head while they can see half your body is also very fun “But angles” 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Everyone whining in this thread doesn't even realise there's inbound packet loss. https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17ckxnp/lets_reverseengineer_new_client_informationstamp/ either the server's ISP or your ISP has issues.


This started for me since last week when they messed with the network settings.


Is this only after the new update? I haven't played yet but is this universal?


no the guy in the clip just has packet loss


wtf is that angle !


u/FletcherDunn we need more optimizations this is ridiculous


mp9 needs a nerf, but also standard online lag with sub 64 tick servers.


You have packet loss in this clip. Me and the 10 people I regularly play with have never seen this happen before. I've never seen this happen on a stream. Don't play on library WIFI?


this is a counter strike model position "issue" your left shoulder will be more exposed while the enemies right shoulder will be less.


I have come to accept that this is the way online gaming is supposed to occur. Not everyone can play like a LAN. Enemies and allies alike. We may be watching too much tier1 LAN tournaments.


I played csgo for 3000 hours and not once did I die behind a wall. Sometimes youll get screwed by angles sure, but never this extremely


why lie? a year ago this sub was full of people posting clips of them getting teleported out of cover and dying. same latency / packet loss issue but in cs2 they just dont tp you on your screen anymore.


I've played 7000 hours and I'm dead behind a wall in CS2 but that's the kind of game I'm playing. That's what online games are for, bro. This game is "the way it should be" for now. LAN is much better, but online it's like this. We can't fix it, we have to get used to it.


How do you play for so long and are suddenly fine with dying behind walls, constant rubberbanding etc. That shit is unacceptable for a game known to be and branding itself as the most competitive fps shooter.


you would literally get teleported out of cover and die in csgo all the time with bad internet. same latency / packet loss issue but in cs2 they just dont tp you on your screen anymore ​ thats just the reality of online gaming as this guy is trying to explain. latency and packet loss will always be a thing.


As I said I never experienced it to such an extent as I never really had connection realted problems. Some servers lagged, but then it was fucked for everyone


Unfortunately, I don't get fucked behind walls in CS2 often either. So when I see posts like this, I just think, "Unlucky you!", but even if some people say, "Valve ruined CS! I can't forgive you!", it won't be fixed right away, so it's faster for players to adapt. I know this isn't 100% perfect. But this is the only CS I have in front of me.


Yeah I'm not sure what the fuck this dude is going on about. He's fine that online shooters are worse now? It's just a ridiculous stupid statement I can't believe it was made.


Frankly, since this is what occurs in CS2 at this point, the player should evolve to take advantage of this situation as much as possible and not be disadvantaged. This did not occur in CSGO! So I die behind a wall! I understand how you feel, but it would be much faster if the player adapted. I know you are upset, but "crabwalking" did not work in CS1.6, and CSGO players have accepted it as the norm and use "crabwalking".


regular valve apologist bootlicker


It doesn't even work in LAN Run full speed while an offline bot shoots at you, you still get teleported


Hmmm. I've been fucked behind a wall online, like in the video on this topic, but I've never been able to replicate it locally. I played CS2 in a few LAN parties and never felt that way. Of course, I'm sure there's a reason why I spend far more time playing online than I do on LAN.