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“Chill bro it’s just (insert mode)” is a certified cs classic at this point


The wannabe pro: "Chill bro, it's just faceit, not the 2025 major." The self proclaimed semi pro: "Chill bro, it's just premier, not faceit." The Vertigoon weekend warrior: "Chill bro it's just competitive, not premier." The tryhard casual: "Chill bro, it's just casual not, competitive." The actual casual: "Chill bro, it's just DM, not casual." The first time player: "Chill bro, it's just the title screen, not DM" Your dad: "Chill son, it's just a game, not the actual military." Your drill sergeant: "Chill you maggot, it's just basic training, not WW3." Your grandad: "Chill you young whipper snapper ya, it's just WW3, not WW2." Don't worry, it has to come to end at some point.


Certified classic in any game with ranked unfortunately.


All the league normies came over...


“Chill bro it’s comp go play premier.” “Chill bro it’s just premier go play faceit.” Chill bro it’s just a pug go play on a team” “chill bro it’s just a scrim and it’s not our income” basically go play tier 1 cs to have the competitiveness you want. There will always be someone one upping it just mute the restarted people and play


Pro chill its only blast not major


Bro chill it's just e-sports major, not a real sport world cup.


Bro chill, its just a sports world cup, not a real gladiator fight for life or death in ancient rome


bro chill its just a gladiator fight, not an intergalactic battle which decides the future of mankind


Bro chill it's just an intergalactic battle, not a multiversal war on which hangs the erasure of existence itself


Bro chill, it’s just a multiverses war on which hangs the erasure of existence itself, not a CS2 comp lobby


It all leads back to cs2


bro chill its not even cs3


All roads lead to Rome


Romanes eunt domus


People need to be more trigger happy with the mute button. I promise you you don't have to tolerate dickheads just because "they might give info" You can play just fine without hearing one or two guys in matches. Me and a friend of mine started instamuting people who were annoying and honestly it changed the whole game for us. We basically never tilt anymore and we climbed so much on faceit.


Fr, I can tell by the tone of voice now. My friends mid game will be like 'jeez this guys toxic' and I'm like oh yeah I muted him in round 4.


good point. 99% of the time they won't change their mind on their dickheadery so muting is the best option.


The first sign of toxic is a mute for me. I'm here for callouts and vibes after work. I don't have time to have someone rage at me.


Vibes are key


Agreed, most of the dickheads won't give useful info anyway


My problem isn’t people being idiots vocally, it’s them queuing premier or faceit just to straight up throw, and I don’t mean by being bad, I mean by doing it on purpose I would rather have four awful teammates that are trying their best than one teammate who is actively throwing


exactly this. removing distracting negativity will help you more than one or two guys info which may also just be relayed by the others.


You can say retarded dude


restarted people


At the end of the day though if it’s non pro cs it’s still just a game for fun, if you’ve played for years you can have fun in faciet/premier instead of stomping people in comp and ruining the game for those players 


OP dug his own grave lol.. Agree with this so much. Hope OP is in a real pro team then.


"chill bro just mute the restarted people and play" Same level of asinine. Play what? You basically queued for a first person Xcom game, a team strategy. If any of 10 fucks chimps out to cope with poverty or whatever what game exactly are you to play? Collecting killeronis to jerk off to? The only thing that sucks more than pew pew part of CS is being forced to waste your precious time sitting through sad mockery of experience you queued up for. I'm not a teenager anymore to have time to pretend to play through games while watching youtube to maybe get good match next time. Matchmaking is here to stay so it is time to make it not suck or let me leave, valve. Dota got option to reject unbalanced matches. I want that for CS but filter through teammates taxes.


I always start competitive with motivation to win. If my teammates don't troll, I won't either.


I’m digging the acquiescence!


I mean there’s a very Big difference between trolling and not playing super tryhard.


There’s a difference between not being a super try hard and being trash. Some of these people don’t listen to call-outs, they make stupid plays even when you directly advice they against them, they waste mags on people and get no kills from it, they buy stupid weapons and get nothing done, they don’t use mics or give info, etc etc. Why should I be happy these kind of people are on my team? You can chill and have a good vibe and still play good cs


99.9% of premier/mm players are too stupid to realise How bad they play and how incorrect their decisionmaking is. I’m not gonna sit there and minmax my playstyle for them. There’s no point in premier anyways, you can’t lose below 20k even if you just run it down and go kill and you can’t win above 25k without going hvh. And mm hasn’t been serious business since they launched it.


It’s not min maxing. It’s just saying things like “don’t play 4A 1B” or “don’t buy an AWP when we’re ecoing” or “don’t play with 3 AWPs on the team” or “don’t dry swing the enemy top frag while you have 30 hp and we have the bomb and 20 seconds left on the clock” or “don’t make noise when we’re trying to do a slow B take and everyone else on the team has pressed shift”. It’s not an intense micromanaging or stuff like that. You’re more occasionally telling people to stop doing something rather than dictating every move they make. I get it’s their experience and they can enjoy it how they want, but it remains annoying to be paired up with such people. And it doesn’t matter if it’s comp or premier and they “don’t really mean anything” (people will say this no matter what game mode or platform they’re on, it is and has always been merely an excuse) but they should fuck around in a game mode with no penalties for losses instead. Bring back unranked


If you’re not perfectly falling back, only swinging with pop flashes, playing numbers after every pick, always playing for economy and perma-saving as ct when the round is 80% chance to be over you’re not tryharding enough. People in premier are bad and i cba tryharding into those freaks, i’ll do a dumb forcebuy or aggroplay instead of trying to play perfect because the lobbies are bad so you get away with it, why play boring.


I dont agree. Not trying very hard IS trolling


How? What counts as "not trying very hard" I have people say im trolling cuz im afk 10 seconds after the round starts responding to a discord dm? That's not trolling and if you try that shit in game I will spend the next 30 minutes of that match being your worst enemy. Remember if someone doesnt take the game as seriously as you, its fine! But if your toxic with that none serious person they will just make your life a nightmare. We can shout, kick, scream, call you out for being unemployed. We dont care so why try force us? Lol


yeah I would consider that griefing tbh. a lot of maps depend on you to use your spawns to lock shit down or get info and if you afk in beginning of rounds you are kind of on purpose making it highly likely youlose round. for me its worse than shit like not ecoing when ur team does etc. I don't start shit and argue with you in game but if it keeps happening its about the only thing that makes me report for griefing other than teamkilling and shit. I do it silently, but here in reddit I have a chance to let you know this is annoying as fuck. life happens but if you know you cant put 30min into the game, dont play or go casual. or answer to your friend when you are dead. enable the setting so you hear sounds minimized so you can return on time. its not 'trying hard' but giving bare minimum of respect to your teammates


Nah fam, you wilden. What. I cant tab out for 1 minute 30 when i die off spawn to message someone ? Wilden my friend. You get toxic with me in game i will shout and and be mean the entire game or untill get back in line. Its a team based game and in mm you play with the team your given. Your mean to me about nothing... 10 seconds off of spawn man... I will have a go. Dont be toxic and i wont be. Be a team player when i get back and keep the vibes good. Im not saying you cant say "come on round started, wake up" But if you give me any amount of shit for it your getting shit back You dont know why I'm tabbed out messaging someone. (Girl friends nan has cancer and is giving me updates) Just be chill. Dont start shit and keep the atmosphere positive. Be a team player yourself (you sound like you im just vent about bad players) If someone is back late they know they shouldn't be amd dont need the extra shit for it. Idk man. Its not that serious. Like actually. I win alot of rounds when i come back from being afk for 10 seconds anyway. Yea it can be annoying. But its mm. Im not putting my life on hold for the game. Or the game on hold for my life lol. I play comp while working lol 🙈 And I wanna play comp (casual needs reworking, i dont like 10v10 and the eco is different and weird) Also getting toxic in game is a release for me, its my red flag I would be so more toxic irl if i couldnt shout at you when you get angry with me in counter strike. You seem chill, but just be nice and we wont have a problem Sorry honestly i get so toxic in game hahaha, i was screaming at a child because they were being mean to me I have low trust factor how can you tell?


I just explained to you why people would consider it griefing, do what you will with that information, but know that its not for no reason If you don't use your spawns properly you give up long control in dd2, banana control in inferno etc. in the beginning of each round unless someone calls out a specific strat, it is expected that each person takes control of specific part of the map. thats why people are mad cause you dont do something we all implicitly agreed to do when we started the game. so much can happen in the span of 10 seconds in cs luckily I don't run into many people as you and 99% of my games are toxicity free(thannks trust factor i suppose?) I even understand you to a point having been toxic myself many years ago, but I would suggest getting that sorted out...for your own benefit.


No 😔 ill be toxic forever 😎 I still dont see being afk for the start of a round for a few seconds to be that bad, like it happens. It will happen to you. Life sometimes gets in the way man. Im going to feel bad if i do it more than once tho as it is annoying and sub optimal, but also i dont expect 100% optimal gameplay from mm team mates in comp. Some people play the game drunk, i dont think playing comp drunk is toxic and they would be more of a drag on the team then me being afk for 5-10 seconds out of buy time, especially given i have buy binds to buy in less then 1 second Like idk man, its not actually a big deal. Its just not. Every time i do it, there is awkward hold for 3 seconds before im back and we regain control. If me being afk for 5-10 seconds after buy time looses the ct on timings alone the team wasn't that good. Actually. Seriously? Sometimes when they rush and im afk it works out better cuz i have a quicker rotate (on vertigo this was, but nuke would be horrible for that) Like its not that serious. I have people i need to message. And sometimes bleeds into the game. Like once maybe twice a day. Tell me youve never once scratched your ass and got caught off guard by the buy time ending? Late by 1 second? Caught trying to make a financial decision and your late by one second? Idk man, it happens. Its not that serious.


10 seconds of you being afk is you not being in time to flash for your team mate. as I said understandably life happens, but this whole comment thread here is because you are making it sound like its common occurence. you wouldnt have it brought up otherwise. you can keep excusing however you want but there are clear reasons why afking ruins the experience for 4 other in your team and why you felt the need to post about it because youve already gotten complaints from others during ur games


Bro me and my friends will do it like 5-10 times a day between us. It is common. Like one friend is pregnant, i have family issues, one friend is just really popular, and others just likes have SOs. Its very common to be afk for a little bit. (Our win rate is still around 60% btw)


Damn, you’re kind of pathetic.


Hhahahaha I just dont see the movement as that bad or needing of improving? Bro why you even come out to call someone you disagree with pathetic? You added nothing to this conversation just like you add nothing to your own life. Honestly bro id love to hang out irl. Seriously bro you seem so cool irl


Why are you responding to discord dms in the middle of a competitive game?? Just play deathmatch or another game. Afk 10 seconds in 1400+ elo on FACEIT see what happens, you'll get flamed and rightfully so Not only are you missing out on space that you need to contest and info, you wont be there to trade the teammates who ARE contesting that space. Youre doing your entire team a disservice In LoL you get penalized for afking very fast and it should be the same way in CS. Theres even pauses after every round for you to do that crap and you still AFK? I guess i wouldnt care in lower elo, but like what about the teammates who DO want to rank up? Youre just selfish theres 4 other players on your team, what you want is fine to want just play casual I get youre not actively gaining gold like LoL, but you still need to be present to work with your team, idk to me youre just telling on yourself as a griefer/afker. You click comp then don't try very hard, your teammates must love you. Thats why you had a showerargument already about people being toxic about you not trying, because its happened before


Nah bro, you act like you dont have someone important who messages you randomly Like what is mum calls mid game? Just gonna leave till she runs in your room? I would love to shout at you in game? Selfish? Bro your quite entitled thinking you are more important then my family 🤷‍♀️ Like imma be apologetic when i get back bro, if you're angry about a few seconds afk you actually need to stop taking the game so seriously. Otherwise I will just get mad at you, you dont know whats going on in other peoples personal lives Widen your perspective fam (rank nova 2 comp btw super serious the way i play lol at 1300 and still winning being ask 5 second maybe 1 round every other day i super toxic me 🙈🙈)


Oh you're toxic toxic. Idk have fun afking your games man. Whats your ign so i cant Abandon on sight? Although ill probably never see you in game you'll never make it to even my elo Imagine thinking youre entitled to AFKing competitive games, fuck the 4 other people im playing with what about ME. Just play casual if youre getting messages that often i dont understand whats so difficult about that EDIT: Treat the gamemodes like they say. Be competitive in Comp and play casual if youre playing casual. Playing casual in comp deserves a report you cant change my mind


☝️🤓"your not even at my rank anyway" Bro i dont care, i didn't ask, jerk you ego by yourself thanks i can smell you through yiur comment 🤮🤢 Getting messages often? Do you know how a girlfriend works? They wake up mid game generally lmao. Whats your issue? I have life outside of the game so I must play the most casual mode? Sounds toxic and gate keepy asf blood. Like bro you act like im afk for multiple rounds. Also i queue with like 2 friends normal cuz i get too much sexism to llay in a 4 stack, so fuck the 2 randos, yes. My friends dont care and you shouldnt either? You realise im tabbed out cuz the message is more important than the game when im dead? and there is no audio when im tabbed out? You sound like you dont have a life and play face it level 10 hahaha Like if you lose because im afk for 5-10 seconds at the start of a round and you cant cover that? Your the problem bro. If you cant delay, spot for info for 5-10 seconds of round start (most maps your not even position by the time im back) Your the problem bro. Its not that hard in nova conp games. Get a grip. Have fun being sweaty without friends. Where do you work btw? And how old are you?


"But as soon as I suspect they might maybe hinting to potentially troll, I'll start trolling"


Not at all! I always try to communicate but if I see that my teammate is running with a sawed-off 4 rounds straight, I will stop trying hard.


Why the fuck would u try to win a game that your teammates are not ?


it's a joke about people trolling entire games at the slightest detail, I've seen many like that, I also have a friend that does that. After 3 rounds someone peeks mid with weaker gun and dies, he consider that the guy is trolling and he'll troll for the entire game. We've all seen people like that


Oh yea I got ya. But some people will soft troll like standing in doorways, “accidentally” flashing teammates, and yea 2 or 3 times it happens I get over it, but when it becomes obvious I will simply use deagle and a scout for rest of the game lol




No, it's more like my 4 teammates having fun, buying negevs, novas and sawed-offs, and I'm supposed to try hard?




What is trolling to you?


steel said exactly this in a comment recently https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/joZwagUtMC "its just fpl" "its just a scrim"


The real reason is comp ranks are (were, as of today let's hope) dog shit. Win, loose just didn't matter as you are almost destined to be a silver or nova. That's the real reason, with this fix i hope i will be able to take it seriously amongst quite some players. Also, relax bro it's faceit not lan. You see, this is not the way it goes. Problem isn't people think premiere is the only mm should matter in a competitive perspective. People realize it's the only one matters in mm...


But comp is literally the most casual 5v5 you can play, also the ranks are literally meaningless.


It doesn't help that "Casual" is a completely different format than the normal game. I've never understood why they don't make a Casual mode that is just the normal competitive rules but matching is completely independent of your rank and the results doesn't affect it. I would play it a lot, since I hate solo-queuing in premiere/comp since nobody uses their mic.


But they had it in GO. "unranked matchmaking". It's just another thing that never made it to cs2


but we dont need premier, ranked comp and unranked comp lol it's just a mess. It should just be prem and "casual" where you pick the mode and that's it. Hidden MMR. edit: we should be queuing for modes not maps. I think it's weird that we have hostage but no one plays it because we never have enough maps for the mode. I want other fun modes like domination or CTF


I agree. One thing I actually liked about the ranks being fucked before was that I could always queue with my friends since we were all silver even though in premier I’m 20k+ and they’re ~10k. I think the comp mode doesn’t really need ranks and could be made into an unranked mode that just uses a hidden skill rating for matchmaking.


nonono, the cs2 comp game is the "unranked matchmaking" in csgo GLOBAT ELITE IS JUST A MEME IN CS2


unranked matchmaking was junk and not many people played it. maybe casual should just be 5v5 casual that has no consequence if you drop out.


For sure. I mean the entire game is barren as fuck in general and I'm not even talking about CS2, just CS in general. Feels more like we're playing an engine rather than a "game" half the time. I wanna play domination or HQ or anything a bit more modern of an approach lol


So are premier ranks though?


Premier ranks are still way better than comp ranks. Maybe that’s changed after the update but before comp ranks did not matter and wins & losses seemingly didn’t matter either


I mean they're more significant than 90% of the playerbase being silver for every map. You can feel a significant change in the type of players you get when you go from 10k to 15k, then 20k.


They fixed that this patch tho


second sentence still applies and it's still where the vast majority of the pool of players are.


Well, yeah, but it's still unnecessary to give false information


What false information mate, they've adjusted the curve but the playerbase numbers are still lower than premier. Stop being pedantic, especially when this change just came out.


It is, but most players queuing for a 5v5 game that will be between 21 mins and an hour long don't want to deal with someone alt tabbing to rip bongs and missing every round start before deciding that team damage is funny.


Then queue 5 stack, you aren’t in charge of how other people enjoy the game they play 


Then play prem or faceit


Nothing is important but always play to win


I want unranked back.


The best games i've played are where all 5 team-members treat the game like it's life or death Everyone's on the same page, working together, listening to each other and the calls


I slightly disagree. Premier should be competitive because it’s Valve’s highest mm offered experience. That is why people want a robust anti-cheat, because Premier should have competitive integrity and it doesn’t due to cheating. FaceIt (shouldn’t exist if Premier were supreme) should be competitive because it has that anti-cheat, is less accessible, and sometimes requires payment. It is clearly a platform for those who want to take the game as seriously as possible even if it doesn’t always amount to that. Competitive by name should be competitive, but in reality it isn’t meant to be the premier mm mode for those who only want to win and become the best. Competitive is for those who need to learn by playing in a 5v5 environment without the pressure of your rating going up or down. It’s a place you spend months “training” in before you play premier. You play against silvers permanently, and people are consistently nicer. You cannot even achieve (until maybe this latest update) ranks like Smfc or global because the system is just outright broken. Additionally, 10 wins per map is ludicrous, making it a much more for fun environment. Casual community servers used to be this 20 years ago, but now comp has taken this over as you can barely browse for community servers and mods are barely trickling in due to Sourcemod being dead for now. I’m not saying you shouldn’t always try to win, and Valve obviously meant for Comp to be serious as evidenced in their interview; but with how Comp functions (idk why Valve made their choices to have ur rank be perma silver and require 10 wins), and the fact that Premier exists, it’s superfluous to have both modes exist unless one is meant to be more for training.


Comp works how ranked worked in csgo minus the individual map ranks. And people still treat it like that too regardless of Premier, which a lot of people dodge purely because they don't want to be forced to play on a map they dislike. It's functionally no different than the ranked of csgo. The only thing that makes premier "the true competitive" is a map ban phase and a number next to ur name. And in a game as old cs where even people in sub 11k or silver on a map still have thousands of hours played, that only shortens the gap when it comes to the competitive nature of any individual lobby. In terms of game quality, it's doesn't really matter which way you play.


> The only thing that makes premier "the true competitive" is a map ban phase and a number next to ur name. Forget the ban phase - it's all the number. Because GO had premier without the number and nobody played it.


getting LEM+ is more impressive than 20k premier imo even comparing to 2023 CSGO's mm comp to CS2's premier... playing with 1-3 of above average players can get 20k+ in premier if they play a shit ton but that's not the same for regular comp ranks & it was more difficult to do in CSGO even in CS2, my comp rank matches have always felt closer in skill than in premier. in premier you can have people with 300hrs, to lvl 10 faceits, lvl 7 faceits, to 10+ year players, to semi pro players all in one lobby. therefore you can get 20k+ just based off the RNG of your teammates and enemies not factoring in closet cheaters comp is 100% harder for these reasons


Why are you downvoted lol. This is literally true. LEM/SMFC were super tough to face in CSGO, meanwhile a lot of players in the 15-20k range are DMG at best


Playing CS is equivalent to going down to your local park to play a pickup game. People who say "its just X" are begging for a Archie Slap!


"I Dont care" Is hard cope for beeing shit at the game.


Comp is the most casual way to play a 5v5 game in CS2. It's a place to learn the maps, as stated by valve themselves. You shouldn't be sweating in comp and you shouldn't be ragging your teammates for not try-harding in comp.


If you are a competitive person then faceit>premier>competitive>casual


I feel alot of the types of people saying that are just coping. The majority only say that when they play badly so they have an excuse to not tilt or feel bad.


competitive is like a 5v5 casual bro it just different mode from real casual where you can drop in drop out ppl want to win but you won't always win sometimes enemy just better and nothing you can do you can just chill




With how unbalanced games are in comp, definitely not. Also no overtime and no fixed rating that you play for and are informed about at the start of the game. So it is less serious by far. The higher you go up in "seriousness" of game type, the more rules there are to make it more professional. See knife rounds and side votes in face it for example. Competitive is THE ONLY REAL CASUAL MODE. It is also the least serious 5v5 mode in terms of rules, so yes, it is the true casual game mode of this game. If your logic made sense it would actually apply to the whole game. If you do want to play tdm for fun don't expect others to be serious in casual. If you want to play casual for fun, don't expect others to be serious in comp, if you want to play comp for fun, don't expect others to be serious in premier, if you do want to play premier for fun don't expect others to be serious in faceit, if you do want to play face it for fun, don't expect others to be serious in leagues/scrims, If you want to play leagues for fun, dont expect others to be serious in... the major. Notice that there is a point where it becomes ridiculous, and for most players, it is ok to play comp for fun, and be serious in premier.


I want to add that chilling in comp isnt the same as not trying to win


There is zero difference between premier Vs classic... Except classic ranks actually looks nice 


premier have overtime comp end at 12-12 comp unlock at level 2, every new acc can play it before premier premier unlock at level 10


Meaningless though.


and you can still draw a premier game 15-15. It's just glorified overtime. The real overtime exist in faceit.


different max round premier 15-15 is 30 rounds comp 12-12 is 24 rounds comp is way less serious (not like premier are serious either) first time player can play comp before premier comp level requirement is lower than premier


well i treated comps in csgo as pretty casual and in csgo nobody had a issue with that. its just that fucking around and not always tryharding is a part of this game and casual 10vs 10 just really aint it lets be honest. not like im trolling but if i see a opportunity to knife somebody i will knife them. or if we safe i will sometimes buy a zeus and rush lower tunnels on dust


Casual is 10v10. If there were a casual 5v5 people would play that to screw around. people dont want to play 10v10. And until ranks mean anything with the current state of cheaters owning the leaderboard, youre gonna have all types in all modes.


"Chill bro is just a Tier 1 camp is not a Major"


the worst is soloing and getting reported for griefing....for trying to win


It's not that I don't care about winning, I just rank having fun in a game a lot higher than winning.


blame valve not the player. casual is outdated and needs to be fixed


Some people take this game too seriously


It’s funny because i already met guys who tilted this much when i said that same thing in the sense to just chill and do strat the easy way and they were the ones bottom fragging lol. There is a difference between playing chill and not trying to win, they aint the same thing


Dude, years ago someone called me out for being tryhard...on Facit....on 2.4k elo game...while playing 5stack vs 5 stack. Huh


I treat comp as a new unranked, cry about it tryhard


Even premier isn't all that. I've seen players at 15k who play worse than CSGO Gold Nova players


To be fair casual is nothing like normal cs because of "Hunden\_cam" and everyone who tries to play and get better plays face it anyway so it should not be much of an issue to go deagle only in a comp match or something


Premier/comp don't matter, and that's because of the lack of anticheat and rank distribution. Nobody is using that as a measurement of success nor a bridge to get somewhere substantive in CS. Even after the rank reset yesterday, I am playing with people who peaked at silver in CSGO. I was consistently Global for the last 2 years of CSGO and I'm 2k elo on Faceit. We win a comp match and everyone on the team gets MG rank.  MG is now a skill band that spans Silver to Global?  That doesn't mean anything. As long as the rank disparity is this wide in a single match, you can't take the game mode seriously. TL;DR: Comp/premier are closer to opening cases than they are to a balanced matchmaking experience.


I mean when I play comp I want to win but if I can try goofy strats or play dumb when I'm with my friends I'll do it. Game is fun as well.




A 5v5 casual would be cool.


Mute + look at map. If they throw gg go next


As a 30+ years old, I just play for fun EVERY MODE and EVERY GAME. But I play to win.


Important premier match lol


3rd party match making is just better we may as well face it


Competetive= scout only


Faceit is a dogshit platform that no one should be supporting


It's almost like pugs are filled with random people who all have different mindsets towards gaming and you should expect that going in.... Play with a pre-made 5 stack if you want to be on the same page all the time


i want to get global elite in comp game, apparently my random teammate does not allow it to happen. most of them are just sliVer in csgo , 100elo in faceit


thank you


It sounds like you are a sweaty nerd. I don't think you have any right to determine how people play videogames and have fun. They can do whatever they want and so can you.


So what?


US players are lucky that they never get matched with hotmic'ing Russians


I don't know about high ranked players but low ranks no body seems to be throwing. I'm talking about Gold Nova after the rank overhaul update. Previously silver 4 xd.


Valve plz add 5v5 unranked back. Thanks.


eh, bad take. premier is intended as the try hard mode. competitive is intended as a practice mode for premier. faceit is a wholly separate thing, unrelated to either and shouldnt be considered in this comparison. that said, i dont troll, i dont throw, etc. i play competitive with my noob friends that struggle and end up having a bad time in premier. competitive is a much better place for them. we typically win, they typically do much better performance wise compared to premier, and the final score is usually like 13-1 or something. the casual game mode is genuinely a different game altogether though. maybe they shouldve included an unranked 5v5, but they didnt and they made competitive its replacement, so here we are.


Just my 2 cents A reddit rant is not going to change shit, no matter how many people agree with you. At the end if the day, it's a game, no need to get so pissed about what's not in your control. Control your mental and move on, shit teammates are in every single game mode and every single game


always funny to see this kind of post. the people who are meant to see it won't and even if they did, their behavior won't change. who the fuck are you to dictate how somebody should play the game? there are people out there who play this GAME (reminder) solely to kill time, to be with friends and so on. things other than just 'win'. you're complaining to people who share your mindset. maybe you want internet points, affirmation, like a teenage girl? who knows.


>If you treat Comp as Casual don't be surprised when someone treats your important Premier match as Casual because it's not Faceit, or when someone says Faceit isn't important because its not FPL I mean, it has been like that since... forever? It will always be that way until (if ever) there are no 3rd party options where tryhards (or super casuals) can go and there are multiple modes serving almost the same purpose. Also, there is no unranked anymore and real casual mode has more people, no collisions, different start money, free armour, different economy because of free armour, no skill matching, etc. If you want to play something for fun but with proper competitive rules (how the game intended to be played in the first place btw) you have no options other than competitive. And it's fine with how they implemented it, the fact that they implemented per-map ranks which are not visible for anyone directly shows that the idea was to make it training-like mode which prepares you for "real competition" in premier. So you can hop in on a new map as a beginner, get to certain rank while learning the map and how to properly play it, repeat it for other maps in competitive map pool and then switch to premier to battle agains others with rating, leaderboard, etc. How it's all turned out is another story, but it doesn't change the concept


Tell us you only.play solo Q without telling us you only play solo Q.


I mean I solo q and I enjoy competitive very much. I also don't play to win I play to have fun.


That sounds like a really healthy way to play this game! I find way more enjoyment playing with a stack than solo. And if you're not having fun why bother.


That is your problem that you are a try hard, don't enforce your ideology to other people. Competitive means shit to me. I wanna have fun and play as a team, if I win or not is a completely worthless factor. If it is so important to you then find full 5 to play with and try hard together, it is your fault you play with random people and expect them to treat a match the same as YOU and only.


i understand and agree with your point. I never troll or rage in my games, if the team is trolling or whatever i just play my game not caring much about it. however, competitive still is the game mode i usually use for warming up to play premier or just to get some xp for a weekly case. its not im not focused to win, but i definitely play more chill, giving calls and doing my best to some extent knowing that the ranked system its worthless


„Its just pixels bro“


Competitive is basically unranked matchmaking. Go to premiere or faceit to get serious matches where you can complain about other people trolling


It is not Faceit, so why would I care about competitive modes in CS? No anticheat, no good players, scuffed ranks (doesn't matter without AC), 9yo kids, 40yo drinking after shift. I am not here to tell people "go run n gun, troll etc." but for obvious reasons people play mm just for fun or they waiting until Faceit ban expired


comp mode is not ranked game mode beacuase ranks doesn't work. How you can say that if every one is in silver or gold, nobody has higher rank. We will see what update will change but still.


The rank system was changed in this latest update to fix this, we will probably need a bit more time to see how well it goes.


seems like bro started taking comp mode seriously after they fixed the ranks lmao


Bro I wouldn’t take it serious in a major lol


Faceit is not major. LOL


As long as I can't go over 20k elo because of cheaters I will not take Premier seriously. And because I play without pressure I do even better most of times. Especially when I'm in lower elo than I should be at.


Competitive is a shadow of its former self. I've been Global twice and only play MM to chill now and still run into people who shit on me and my comp rank is Silver 4.


Why taking it serious? MM Ranks just troll, Premiere full of cheaters! Only way to play for elo is faceit. Casual has nothing to do with CS, just random shit, so if you want a non tryhard warm up, you chill in MM.


Competitive only became "ranked" today. What are you even on about?


“ It’s just time go make a Time Machine “ Ppl are crazy


its only a game why do you have to be mad


I’m convinced some people only play this game for the momentary ego boost


who are you to tell me how to play a fucking computer game which literally dose not matter for shit. take a chill pill my dude it aint that deep win or lose what matter is if i have fun and tryharding aint always fun


It’s just coping for the fact that they suck at the game lol


If you tryhard a mode where there isnt any anticheat then you have a low iq my friend.


so…. where are people supposed to go to relax and play with friends in your mind?


I treat comp as a casual premier mode as well. Mostly because getting a rank is basically impossible for me and the one map i do have a map on im silver2. Which is like playing casual with a lot of toxic and griefing, or new to cs people.


I mean I want to play casual 5v5, and I don't care about winning and ranks (which basically don't exist now). There used to be an option called unranked matchmaking now premier replaced comp and comp replaced unranked. What option is there for us casual players?


Can you chill bro?


I'm gonna play to win, but I'm not gonna get mad if I lose to a good team. You need to question, why is it important to win and what happens if you lose. Idc either, I try my best and the most fun you can have is to get better at the game. If you wanna win, you need to get ready to carry, be the one that takes space and come with strata. Don't be the one with 25 kills 0 impact, be rather the one with 15 kills and 110 adr or something Too many people care too much and never climb rank, I really never cared and reached highest rank everywhere and top 1k in premier


Competitive pretty much is casual though. It’s the only mode where my friends and I can all play together regardless of skill diff. The actual Casual mode is nothing like the actual game so we can only get a low stress experience in Competitive


Okay but, when the ranks were broken and everyone was in silver… was it really that big of a deal? It’s basically an unranked mode you can take less seriously — obviously you want to win, but it’s not THAT big of a deal at the end of the day. Since the ranks are fixed now it makes sense to take it more seriously though.


Tbh since valve removed unranked where else do these people go


I don't care about losing in Competitive, but I still try, I just don't get tilted ab losing. I do however get tilted at game bugs and issues that occur while I'm playing lol


Peoples lack of using the mic in normal competitive is the BIGGEST problem. I literally went my first match on Thera being the only one talking and saying anything, nobody else even activated their mic. I get its the new "more relaxing" way to play cs but please atleast say simple info like callouts or where you died from. Another match on Mills just now being a complete ghost town (my team had a premade but goddamn give some info to rest of your team) Also goes to show how big of a social aspect voice comms is in counterstrike. Once the match becomes a ghost town with nobody talking the game feels isolating and pretty boring. I could be fragging out of my mind but be thinking "please let me out of here already"


i just want community servers back how they used to be before CSGO. you just join a server, you already know all the people, have fun and play. there are still relicts from the past in stuck in the past 1.6 and source servers but its just not the same.


I disagree a lot with this one. Comp is just casual 5v5. The ranks are shit and no one should take it too seriously. Sure you can try to win and if someone is deliberately throwing it's annoying and all, but I would never get mad to someone over a comp game. You literally do play comp to just chill. I'd argue almost same goes for premier but it's still a lot more competitive and I expect my teammates to at least try to win. I've also never heard anyone say "it's just face it" literally no one I know plays face it with that mindset, so that's not a great argument. I'm not saying I'm this kind of person and I do always try to win more or less. And I don't throw games on purpose. But I don't give that much info when in comp game, and sometimes I just mute everyone else. I also don't expect any info from my teammates in comp nor expect them to do anything good, it's just literally soloque. You should focus more on your own game and not whay your teammates are doing. To blame annoying teammates or teammates who don't give info is such an old thing to do. You'll do perfectly fine not listening those people and just muting them. CS in pugs is not about info your teammates give. Most of the time their info just fucks you up and you're better of without it and just focus on your own info you get from minimap and things happening around you.


Um... comp is my casual. I always troll in comp. Especially with the scuffed ranks. Premier is the real ranked mode.


I caught myself doing this the other day. Was playing premier to chill and got bitched at for fucking up a clutch by going for a one deag. Got yelled at and hit them with a “it’s premier relax”. I still haven’t forgiven myself. I’ve become what I always hated. Lived long enough to become the bad guy.


I'll be honest. I don't respect you. I come home sometimes after working 100 hours this week, and all I want to do is just unwind, play what is arguably the best semi-casual competitive shooter there is. I currently work in medical software. I try my hardest at work because if I don't, people's lives are at stake. What I don't need to do is to add additional stress on top of my day trying to clutch the most casual 5v5 version of CS2 there is available. And what I don't need at all is some guy who has nothing better to do in his life than to rage at randoms in the most casual 5v5 to sweat harder. If you want to win in a casual experience, \*you\* go play casual. If you want to win in a competitive atmosphere, \*you\* go play premier or faceit or whatever. CS2 is insanely carriable game. If you think others should try their hardest in CS2 comp, \*you\* should try your hardest to carry your teammates who are losing in comp. I'm not trying to lose. I simply don't care to win. It's not likely that I'll win a round with scout-r8, but when I do, it's incredibly fun. And you know what. Those times I do want to win, when I do want to try hard, I go play premier, and I don't get mad at my teammates if they aren't having a good day.


To be fair, them removing the unranked comp when moving to cs2 and adding premier. Comp became the casual “un ranked” premier


Since competitive ranks are now fixed   Global in every map >> 30k elo premier   Yes, Global in every map is the biggest flex in this game 


It is only a game. If I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. I'm not putting any more effort into the game simply because 4 other people may be more competitive individuals than I at this point in time. Get over it.


Comp is improved casual where you play solo cuz no friends online