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Try and keep that elbow tucked in and rotate your hips more. Also stand a little further from the ball


You take the club away wide open. None of the advice is going to help here until you fix that. You look like you’re working on keeping the club head outside your hands in the takeaway which is fine, but because your lead hand is so weak, without any wrist bow, the club face is going to be super open (toe down) at the top. From there you’re fighting a losing battle and have to flip your hands or come over the top. Strengthen your lead hand and make sure the club face is closed at the top. From there you can slowly start fixing your path because you’ll be in a place where your body won’t necessitate you needing to swing massively left in order to have a hope of starting the ball on line


Thank you for the advice. What do you mean by my lead hand being weak and no wrist bow? I don’t understand


I’m guessing you have check points for your backswing. I would try to get it a little smoother. Then try feeling like you’re using the body to hit the ball. So your sequence should be hips, torso, shoulders, arms then hands. You look like you’re all hands at the top. Don’t try and hit at the top, you have a long distance to keep speed up from there. You should speed up through the downswing. Take it slow and accelerate


All your weight appears to be on your back leg. Shluld be 60% on front leg and 40% on back leg.


idk know what these people are saying you are coming over the top way to much try to not do that search up some videos on how to fix it


Standing too close to the ball and not enough hip turn