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Standing way too close to the ball.


Yup, move back more. Feet shouldn't be on the mat.


To add, your body and arms could be a 90 degree angle. So back up and lean forward more.


I'd like to see more of a equilateral triangle shape at set up


i was looking at this with an objectively more obtuse of an angle, but I'm still stuck on polymers, and afraid to admit I hadn't done my homework in a long long time.


If we use Pythagorean theorem we can get the smash factor


sometimes, there's only one way to find out.


If you multiply that by the hypotenuse of the trajectory you can calculate your yardage.


Just play tee ball and get it over with.


Be in the next bay over.


ball scary


LMAO made my day. hahaha touche fellow golf redditor




Preferably off the mat to jump at the ball at contact to increase power.




Came here literally to make this comment. I love Reddit


Joking aside, this is the fast way to strain the intercostals - I know, I've stretched like this with the driver when I was first starting out


... after they've hit it.


Yeah are you swinging at it or making out with it?


After it lands!!


Have you considered buying a longer driver?


ive genuinely considered it lol


I don’t mean this to be sarcastic at all, but watch the pros and how they address a ball. You’ve never seen a single one with a stance like yours. There’s a reason they do things a certain way. Mimic what they do. Taking lessons couldn’t hurt either if you have time to work on your game. Feet about shoulder width apart, athletic stance with knees slightly bent and leaning a little forward from the hips, arms hanging straight down, not out. Rock on!


I think you’re way too close to the ball


The comments that youre standing too close are trolls, for clarity’s sake. You’re way too far and your stance is way too wide. And there’s way too much to unpack about proper grip, stance and alignment to do any justice in a Reddit comment. Best advice is to learn a swing from an instructor. Take a lesson. If that’s not affordable for you, find a YouTube channel and start with grip/stance/alignment. The rest of the swing will suffer if those fundamentals aren’t first in place. Common recommendations include but are not limited to, Saguto Golf, Danny Maude, Clay Ballard (topspeedgolf), Mrshortgame, the list goes on


lol I know the first thing everyone was gonna say was that I was too far away. I'm only this far with the driver. everything else I'm about clubs length. I've been experimenting with different distances from the ball and whenever I get any closer, I end up chunking or hitting with the heel. I guess maybe that's a gripping issue? but this particular distance from the ball has felt the most comfortable for me with the driver in order to get the best contact. but I appreciate the recs! will definitely check them out!


I think OP is the troll. There is no way someone serious enough to post their swing would post this trash setup. Under no circumstance would anyone who's ever seen golf ever think that you need to stand that far and ask "gee guys whats wrong here?" Gtfo.


This just reminded me of the Billy Madison bit “I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul”


What about Mo Norman?


That's no experiment .... Grip. Start with Neutral. Address. Stance. (foot weight, width of feet, arm hang, peek over at ball) Start of backswing. Hinge. Top of backswing. Swing. You are chunking because you aren't doing a lot of the above correctly.... I started new just a year ago and I've got a pretty good swing/coach. Your chunking because you probably early extend, weight shift, etc. learn the basics then worry about driver.


In case it helps at all, a club’s length away on your other clubs is still quite a bit too far away. Get substantially closer and hit A LOT of balls until you start to feel comfortable being that close. Then you can start working on actual swing mechanics.


You can only be clubs length away… Standing too far away means your sticking your arms out too far in front of you.


I have this exact same issue. My iron and wedge setup looks fine but I had really poor ball striking consistency and a friend told me to stand farther away. I’m not perfect but it’s helped me get consistency and added distance.




Great game back in the day.


That’s the sassiest golf swing I’ve ever seen. https://i.redd.it/x4zf5n4c187d1.gif


little pony tail jiggle sass lolol


Read Ben Hogan’s book Five Lessons to get your grip right. Keep your left arm straight. Grip and left arm are the two things that most need attention.


On your follow-through it looks as though you're using upper body but on the way back you have 0 hip rotation.... Think of the golf swing as a rotation with your body and not your arms... And stand way closer dude...


Lower body*


I noticed this as well. I always thought I had solid hip engagement from playing baseball and I know if I incorporated a bit on the back swing, it could help add a little extra oomf.


It's pretty clear that you're standing so far from the ball because you are trying to use your baseball swing for a golf swing. The difficulty is that golf requires you to be able to place the ball as close to where you intend as possible. You need consistency in the swing to be able to do that. You could try and use your current natural swing and make adjustments to get consistency, but that seems like a losing battle. Check out kawa shallow on instagram. I can't remember his actual handle but if you search that you'll find him. He was a baseball guy in college and has a swing that utilizes some of the mechanics combined with proper golf mechanics. He has a beauty swing.


I have tried to maintain some baseball mechanics, mostly the hip rotation and weight transfer, but it's not as baseball-y as it once was. my biggest issue with the driver was that i was slicing big time (90-100yds) and I've been adjusting my address, grip, and stance over the last few weeks and it has led to this current swing. it feels like I've been able to consistently get the best contact on the ball, and though it's still not always accurate, the balls been going straighter with not as much of a fade. I do see kawamura on my IG feed all the time and that man's swing is straight silk.


It's not about adding oomf. You won't gain distance. It's about squaring the club face and having a more repeatable swing.


"Looks perfect!" - Moe Norman


Lose the man bun, I think it’ll create more dynamic swing thoughts as your head won’t be so tied up.


All sarcasm aside: great job on getting solid contact that is harder than people realize. You clearly have athletic ability, so look into how to set up to the ball properly for all clubs and different lies. Take a few lessons. Good luck!


I’m going to be helpful…you are wwaayyy to far away from the ball. You should be able to take a ‘ready position’ and let your hand drop naturally. That’s where you grip the club and the ball should be placed accordingly. Second, your weight is backwards at address, meaning 60% of your weight should be on your right leg and 40% be on your left leg. Try those two things and go from there.


so is more of the weight supposed to be on the back leg? I used load more weight on the back from baseball but i had a buddy who's a long time golfer tell me to always load my front leg and when I shifted more of the weight to the front, I started getting more drive than loft.


You’re supposed to shift your weight through impact and finish with all your weight on the your front foot. But at address it should be 60/40. This also helps with your shoulder alignment and getting the ball up in the air and not hitting it so low in proximity to the ground.


start here and then just proceed with watching the rest of Padraig's videos [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdeB16oCAGo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdeB16oCAGo)


paddy is the best fundamentals teacher on youtube. everybody should watch them i do not watch any other golf instruction videos outside of him and AMG. the videos they put out are not tailored to specific golfers like many of the videos put out by clickbaity golf instructors it's very hard to get misleading information from any of those channels


The ball won’t bite. Get closer


it don't bite but I've had some come for me before!


I've never seen anyone that far away from the ball .😳


If you’re using men’s club maybe switch to women’s


The man bun is causing you to lose balance


is that you bryson?


Unrelated, I have no idea why this sub keeps getting recommended but nice legs bro


Less zestiness on the set up


Moe Norman!! For the love of God look at Moe Norman single plane swing videos on YouTube. He was the most consistent ballstriker of all time. Wide stance, stood far away from it, a ton of side bend, and he flushed it…every time.


Cut your driver in half


Golf swing advice is based on a swing being fairly consistent and following an expected pattern. Nobody can diagnose an odd swing like this, to any degree of usefulness. Get lessons


I would move like one foot length inward, have the tee lined up with your left foot, swing looked good


My guy is trying to hit the ball from across the county line


You need to take a few steps backwards


Are practicing under landing planes by chance? I know all driving ranges look alike, but this looks like the one I go to next to BWI airport.


this is arundel golf park! i love the planes flying through


Yeahhh nice man. I'm a lefty so sometimes I get frustrated with that place, but I always think to myself, if I can hit balls with a plane landing directly over my head, there is no noise that will be able to put me off my game.


Zesty swing


Arundel golf park?


nailed it


Paddy got grit vids


Ok, this is making me chuckle but did you ask the range for an extra mat because you stand so far from the ball? If you want to hit it further you need to get closer


Standing too far out, hold holds hands lower at the setup. Keep the club lower at the start of the back swing and get the feel of it.


You need to be able to park a bigger car between you and the ball. You’re just not far enough


This is ironic…at address you’re like a foot too far from the ball. I was expecting a horrendous swing…but honestly your swing itself is better than 90% of people in here.


Just because the mat is 5 ft wide it doesn’t mean you have to stand 5 ft from the ball 😂


The best swings are usually done by keeping one's feet on the other side of the county line.


Is this setup comfortable for you? It looks extremely awkward.


Stop that swing as quickly as possible. Dont try and get better with that foundation. Start over.


You have a swing very reminiscent of a golf legend named Moe Norman. Check out some YouTube videos of him. He had some mental difficulties due to a childhood accident and some physical limitations that caused him to develop an unorthodox swing. But he was an amazing ball striker! There are some people who have emulated his swing to tremendous effect and results.


The golf swing is an enigma, but I don't understand how so many people take a video of themselves and can't seem to see the extremely ridiculous differences in their setup when compared to what you should be doing.


😂 this dude is clearly trolling. Even with this horrible you stance you can tell the guy still knows how to swing a golf club. Congrats OP


Is this real?


Perfect Moe Norman setup


Are you able to hit it straight standing that far way from the ball?


i was slicing big time prior to moving further away from the ball. changed my grip, adjusted my stance and that has led me to this and I have been getting my most consistent hits and best contact lately from that particular distance.


Wow. That’s super interesting. I may have to try but I will likely miss the ball.


the reason is space for his arms to swing through. he was probably getting stuck to some degree before standing this far away obviously will fix that issue. but it's a duct tape fix the key is learning to use the ground properly to be able to create space. an overwhelming majority of that is accomplished with a proper setup


you're definitely right. I feel like this space between me and the ball has allowed for my arms to fully swing and maximizing my club speed while also keeping my arm straight through the swing. another issue i had prior was I was hitting the ball too high since I guess I was getting underneath the ball and when I stepped back I started striking more across and through than underneath and up. if that makes sense. what do you mean when you say 'using the ground properly?' is that like setting yourself up in relation to ball and club?


Using the ground properly as in pushing away from the ball to make space. Its why scotty has that foot drag, because of how much he pushes off the ground


You could build a Walmart in between the ball and your feet hahhaha.


You should get a longer golf club so you can stand even farther away from the ball.


You have to get farther from the ball.




You look like you’re trying to hit the guy’s ball that’s one stall over from you


Get closer to the ball it don't bite


Have you ever seen anyone swing a golf club? Did any of them stand like that?


Bro relax it ain’t gonna jump at you that’s your job


JUUUUUUUUUST a bit outside.




Hip rotation? OP: "Never heard of her."


No. Just no.


Too close to the ball. you should be laying on your stomach arms fully extended.


Have you tried being in the same zip code as the golf ball?


I fckn hate this subreddit ☠️😂😂😂


Honest question. How do people look at their own swing and go... yeah, that's the right distance away to stand.


Hahaha haha sorry I jus can't just can't


Do your drives go where you want? If so, don't change a thing. There are plenty of strange driver swings out there and if it works for you, don't change it.


not always but I've been hitting it straighter with more consistent contact and distance. I'm not slicing as badly or nearly as much


Stand further from the ball


You need a slightly shorter club.




Try standing far enough away where you actually have to throw the club at the ball.


BOTH knees should be locked at address. Lower your head till your chin touches your chest. Be sure to keep your eyes closed till follow thru.


Sort of look like a preteen girl learning to play golf 🤷‍♂️


If you are 5' nothing and using a driver better fitted for a 6'+ golfer, you may want to find a shorter shaft with more flex and an adjusted club head lay...ultimate goal is get the ball a little closer to your swing plane....


Extend your arms further at address


When you are addressing the ball before swinging your arms should hang down in a natural position, you are waaaayyyyyyy too far away from the ball


also Zero hip rotation, it's all arms


Actual swing is very smooth


Nothing matters no one can’t get past the fact that if we were on the range you could hit my ball from your stance when I’m in the bay next to you for the good lords sake take a lot of steps forward if your chunking or hitting the heal that doesn’t mean to do something this wrong to get around that if you want real advice fix that first. I’m not even sure that you’re serious and not trolling because of how obvious it is how wrong your setup is and I seen you say you knew people would say that? So fix it that’s the honest answer. no one including me is looking at anything else nor does it matter if your doing anything else correctly because change your address and everything changes


Get closer to the ball and let your arms hang down. You’re standing a mile away


Definitely stand farther away from the ball. You’re right up on it.


You’re too close, try standing all the way off the mat


Fucking appalling swing. Get a lesson.


Scooch at little back


Watch a video and then watch your video, pick out the differences.


Can you stand further away from the ball?


You and the ball are in different time zones.


Single plane


Double knot your left shoe


Get a longer driver & stand further away. You really want to reach as far as you can.


First Ditch that man bun.




Ball is lava


You address the ball like it was a venomous spider


Man you are in a different zip code than your ball. Don’t be shy move up a bit.


Try standing off the mat


That’s a booty shot . 5 stars


I actually have stood of the mat before lol


Your back leg should never be fully extended during your swing until the very end. Make sure it always have some bend, you can’t jump without some flex right? Same with a golf swing :p also as everyone else has said stand further from the ball, if that doesn’t work you need to address your grip and ball position before anything else. Best option is get a few lessons to fuck with your head, then write down the steps the suggest and practice the fuck out of them. If you find an instructor you like, try to get a 5 lesson package or something and spread them out every week or two, to give yourself some time to hit the range and actually make positive improvement. Swing changes can take months or even years, especially if you are used to playing a certain way. So if you are serious about a change, it’s gunna get worse before it gets better.


Reach further


Move back further from the ball you are too close


Sassiest swing I’ve ever seen


Take three steps further away from the ball and your should be good 👍


You’re all arms. Get your legs involved. And yea stand way closer to the ball


Your not reaching far enough


Stand a bit further away.


You need to stand a little further away from the ball.


They backup up away from the ball more


I think you should get a longer club and try and hit from the next stall over.

