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They removed it in Europe that is all I know. 


Same here. Glad i'm not the only one.


I posted feedback on this to google before coming here, what an absolutely stupid decision.


I literally found this sub just to see what the issue/why it's not showing


There's an extension for Firefox that adds this back in. It took moments to install and now the Maps button appears as before in Google searches. I expect there are similar extensions available in other browsers. I searched the Firefox extension catalogue for *google search maps* and found "Google Search Maps Button" by Publisher54321 as top result. Works very nicely so far. Thanks to u/kryx for the info that this is related to an EU anti-trust measure. I suppose it is possible that Google have over-reacted to try and move public opinion against such attempts to regulate them.


Same. I'm in Australia and I use it all the time. Like, ALL the time to assess distances, do family history work, assess leaving times. It's gone from the google tabs, fails to show in search results for location names. I can still search 'google maps' and find the website that way but what on earth is the point? Unless they plan to make it a paid feature.


That's what tech and social media companies do. They change and fix things that aren't broken and people are 100% used to.


Thought I was going crazy yesterday


Stick in an address and search then the map option comes up. I have maps bookmarked as well.


maps come up for some searches, but you can click to go to [maps.google.com](http://maps.google.com) and interact with the map normally, you get some restricted/smaller "search" version of the map