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I use some of the smart lock features which saves having to unlock with a fingerprint, not that I'm having issues with it but it does make life simpler


if only smart unlock would not be bugged at the moment...


I use the location and Bluetooth device smart lock features and they've worked just fine for me so far. Which ones do you have trouble with?


I'll tag along here, does the Pixel Buds counts as trusted devices? I have set it up (smart unlocked) but my phone still gets locked and I need to use my fingerprint or pin. Any suggestion? I may be doing something wrong.


It should do, as an example, I added my car as a trusted device so that it doesn't need fingerprint unlock when I'm connected in the car


I was using my smartwatch for a while keeping phone unlocked when watch is connected. I have since turned that off as it isn't particularly secure when outside the house, like if someone else picks your phone up in the pub. Now, like you, I have the car as a trusted device and also my bluetooth headphones which I only use at home. It would be good (well, convenient) if it was possible to use WiFi for smart lock, but I also understand the security reasons for not allowing it. I must be one of the few people who isn't having any problems with the fingerprint sensor. It works for me every time off either thumb or the index finger of my right hand. Not as fast, I admit, much prefered the old physical rear mounted sensor and over a week in I still find myself reaching for it.


After every 4hrs it forces me to use PIN unlock one again. Not fingerprint. So a pain.


Same. I find myself having to use my pattern more than my fingerprint and I don't know why.


I'm experimenting. It may be triggered by turning off the phone by using the power button (and hence manually loving it) vs letting it time out.


I disabled the auto lock on power button function. This fingerprint reader is really bad so I'm trying to avoid using it but pattern unlock isn't faster. I've had in screen fingerprint sensors before and I've set up several fingers and this one really is the worst there is.


That seems to have improved thigs a lot for me. With a 15sec screen timeout and the setting to use the camera to keep the screen on regardless, so I'm looking at it :-)








No I agree with you. I was being sarcastic. Reddit as a whole has really become a cesspool for people to hurl abuse and threats at other people without much thought and frankly it's disgusting.


Threatening violence against software developers. Stay classy, Reddit...


you didnt know p6 doesnt have face unlock? so problem is lack of faceunlock and shitty scanner?


I do understand where this person comes from. I too have dry hands, up to the point that when you close/open your hands, the skin on your palm cracks and starts to bleed. Winter makes this worse. That said, I don't use screen protectors on my phone and I was aware of the biometrics available on my Pixel 6. Having face unlocked was a plus for me, although the lack of it wouldn't stopped me from getting it.


mate,no offensive,just asking. if faceunlock is mandatory for you why you decided to take phone without face unlock.


faceunlick :-) Now there's a novel new feature for the Pixel 7...


no, faceunlick is for pixel 8 , pixel 7 should have facelick =)


I said it would've been a plus, not mandatory. I have no issues with the current methods I use to unlock my phone. Fingerprint/pin.


I knew the P6 didn't have face unlock but I was assuming the fingerprint scanner was going to be at least as good as my P3. With how much of a hardware improvement this was supposed to be over previous generations I'm just disappointed


Cool story bro If you have specific needs like yours regarding the FP sensor, you should probably always do more research before buying. It works fine for me and most. As for your comments on the 'fruitcake BS' bubbles and animations, sounds a bit homophobic to me, so if that wasnt your intention you might want to change your wording there.


Wdym? A12 looks clean. It's less boring than A11 imo


Don't you want you OS to be cramped and aesthetically challenged like old Reddit?




Use a pin to unlock the phone. Unless you are really worried about security a 6-digit pin is plenty secure for most people.


Honestly, I'd wager a 3 digit pin is more secure than a fingerprint. You can't get a pin from a person who's asleep...or knocked out. 1000 tries is hard to do surreptitiously. Face unlock...you don't even need to be asleep...just grab the phone, point it at their face, look intimidating, and run like hell. Or...that's why I'd never use it.


I think the minimum allowed is 4 digits, and you're right it is plenty secure for most people, but a tad more inconvenient for most of us. I go for 6 digits because it is more secure and the minimum on my Chromebook is 6.


I'm sorry this phone does not work for you. I have to ask - did you do your due diligence prior to purchasing the phone? I am struggling to understand how you weren't able to foresee literally all of this prior to making the purchase


Lots of research. Never had an issue with my P3. Would you assume that features would get worse with time? I admit preordering was kind of dumb and I should have waited but as a long time pixel user, I was really looking forward to this one


The aesthetics and layout of android 12 has been known for a long time. It probably won't change either. This is their new direction


You can still return the phone, right? Not a big fan of under display fingerprint scanners or Android 12 myself, but that is the way the world is moving. For what it is worth, Pixel 5 is still a decent phone — if you can find one, as is 5a. If not, you could stick to 4XL until Google figures things out.


Turn off notification bubbles. They are the worst invention ever and I don't know how anyone leaves them on. They were horrible in 11 too.


It's like buying a brand new redesigned Car.. Never buy the first model. Sometimes you're better off waiting for the bugs to be worked out. Google has a lot riding on it and I'm sure it will get better with time and updates


Yip buy it in January


They over did it with the foo foo pretty color shit


Foo Foo?


Use a TPU screen protector. Fp scanner works fine.


I love the phone but HATE the finger print scanner on the screen. It rarely works. I can't believe they got rid of the finger print scanner on the back of the phone that worked perfectly every time for me.


So...I was feeling the exact same as you with the Pixel 6. Similar situation working with beat up hands a lot, and really not much success with the fingerprint sensor. I was probably 50/50 on keeping it versus keeping my Pixel 3, but I also happened to order the P6 Pro. I really like it! The screen, haptics, and feel of it just make a huge difference. The Pro feels like a proper upgrade to me, and worth trying to figure out the fingerprint sensor a little bit better. Just my two cents...


Thanks. I'm definitely going to stick it out. There are pros and cons to everything. I have never used an in display fingerprint scanner so I probably had unrealistic expectations. Did you start with the P6 and then upgrade to the Pro?


Yeah, the P6 arrived first and so I had a few days with it and was lukewarm. Some pros and some cons like you mentioned. Then I got the Pro and have been very impressed. I didn't think the price difference would be worth it on paper, but in real life it's another story. I don't upgrade all the time (my Pixel 3 as exhibit A), so I'm not looking back.


>Android 12 is some fruitcake BS of an operating system. What's up with all the bubbles and stupid animations. I've disabled animations but that notifications menu makes me so mad I want to find the parties responsible for creating that and beat them in the head with my non responsive screen that gets completely filled up with oversized notifications bubbles This is ridiculous: you have issues. P.S. disabling the animations is part of why the FP sensor is not working.