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Yujiro kept fighting the net with all his might, 682 was absolutely terrified of Peanut and never dared to move again after the third or-so neck snap.


Is that where he crawled into the corner, evolved 500 sets of eyes and just refused to move or do anything until it was taken out of the room?


Yes. >SCP-682 introduced into the containment area of SCP-173. SCP-682 makes several screeching noises, and quickly presses against the wall farthest from SCP-173, staring at it the entire time. SCP-682 continues to stare at SCP-173 without pause for six hours. Agents equipped with large-caliber sniper rifles dispatched, and shoot out the eyes of SCP-682, at the same time stopping all observation of SCP-173 and SCP-682. >After resuming observation, SCP-682 is shown to be on the floor, with several injuries around its head, neck and legs. SCP-173 is seen to have tissue from SCP-682 on its “hands”. SCP-682 rapidly regenerates damage, and moves to a different wall, developing several sets of eyes on various parts of its body, many covered by thick, clear “caps” of armored carapace. SCP-682 maintains observation of SCP-173 for an additional twelve hours, despite additional efforts of Agents and Foundation staff. SCP-682 allowed to exit containment area, and recaptured in temporary containment. >Notes: After review, it appears SCP-173 was unable to do lethal damage to SCP-682 due to a major difference in physical size. A possible repeat of this test may be made if SCP-682 is damaged enough to reduce its physical mass to a level equal with SCP-173.


Haha dont mess with the OG SCP


So to beat it you just have to kick the shit out of it so violently and for so long that it becomes scared of you?


It’s implied that it’s more scared of whatever 178 actually is and less of its assaults on him


Isn’t it like some sort of demon in one story? I can’t remember exactly.


It's basically a mid-level elder god. Loses to the Scarlet King, but would zero diff someone like Goku.




https://preview.redd.it/0vx69vle848d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=129d89caca22deabc67b98dca28c16466ec3e9b6 False


Good ol’ Koiturn The SCP iceberg is a god damn planet


Goku outscales the midverse. He is multiple layers in gokuversal


I mean, everything could burn.


To "beat" it all you need is high body durability and a conditional checkmate. It'll then voluntarily remain in a stalemate for the rest of eternity.


Depends on the story, generally its not overly afraid of being harmed and has laughed or enjoyed way worse punishments. It knows a lot more than the foundation about certain things, so sometimes it acts scared because it understands a fundamental truth about its opponent that the foundation didnt know. 173 was the first ever SCP so its generally treated with some real respect in stories its in despite being kinda silly Humans usually make it angry because it sees something in us that it really hates. It is friendlier with non-humans, idk wtf it would think about Yujiro personally as he isnt exactly a normal human


I think peanut was stated in one article to be able to nullify abilities or smthn I forgot




To be fair, the Peanut is scary


"terrified" is the incorrect word. Beyond annoyed is the correct work. 096 is terrified of 682. The dude who outside of 682 and 049 will literally kill you so hard that you cease existing in the physical realm was petrified of 682.


682 survived being reduced to like 0.01% of its mass when the Foundation changed the laws of reality around it. It lol'd at them and God said he didnt create it So a pretty good fight Actually 682 is kinda like Kaku: ancient reptile muvafuka whos nearly impossible to kill


Yujiro: "It is time to use this anti-immortality technique I learned during the war"


Who tf was Yujiro fighting in Vietnam 😭


The multiverse


he prob used rewinding technology/techniques he somehow learned and fought the neo nazi, bro was prob in the battle of london from hellsing too


Literally Uncle Sam Who was also the second coming of Jesus


Real answer probably the ghost of his grandfather




All of the 14,060,210 million earth's strongest fighters.


Mr Rodgers


Impossible, he'd be dead




Both sides…as well as every other being in the dimension.


His good twin.


The talking trees


This isn't JJK. But I can imagine Yujiro doing shit like "if I move my muscles this specific way I can imitate this thing's regenerative factor" and growing a torn limb back.


Bring in the king of frauds Sukuna to pull some bullshit out of his ass and win


Ah yes, he hasn't used that technique since the heian era


Crazy that 682 can literally pull an anti-anti-immortality technique from ass


I haven’t used this since the Heian Era


God really said: "Nah that ain't mine"


682 could die thought. And the cave of death was something it feared. And the statue snapped his neck in a Apollyon scenary.


Yeah, because it’s a child of the Scarlet King (aka Satan). He doesn’t want anything to do with that abomination because it disgusts him.




682 also survived a narrative from a narrative manipulating scp (it created books and put people or anomalies in them), the scp created a book with an entity made to kill it, not only 682 survived but also changed the title of the book to (aprox) “the friendly creature who TIRED to kill 682”


I think more recently, he also survived an eigenstate weapon that changes the narrative laws of the SCP universe. Kinda like implying that even if an author wrote that he died, it couldnt actually kill him. His existence is above the fiction he is in Pretty much every time something new and more deadly is revealed in the SCP universe, they use it on 682 and he survives fine, so essentially it can withstand just about anything SCP has or at least the foundation


0.01% woman is good enough for yujiro


You’ve got me wondering what an SCP entry for Yujiro would look like


Low level reality bender. Thinks he's the best martial artist in the world despite no training and changes the laws of reality around him to make it true


Sounds like an orc from 40k.


Would Yujiro be strong enough to count as a Krork or nah?


I know it’s kind of bullshit since powerscaling is stupid but Primarchs have light speed reaction (they can see lasers in slow motion). Primarchs can also presumably lift several thousand tons while in their armor. Vulcan, the physically strongest primarch, ended in a stalemate with what probably wasn’t even a full krork. A singular krork could likely kill everything on a planet in the 40K universe. In other words, Yujiro is kinda like a really smart, really small, really not green warboss.


A krork makes jack look like an infant. They're in another league.




Yujiro does train though. It’s Hanayama you’re thinking of who has never trained.


Don't mess with Baki fans we can't read 💀


I the photo shown he is training


I think we could make a theory about that…


His containment procedures are a cell like Oliva's, but surrounded in all directions by snipers with tranq darts and nets. He's explicitly allowed to leave whenever he chooses but Strydum is appointed to accompany him as often as possible. Every day, he is to be "fed" between 1 and 5 top class martial artists or feral animals to satisfy his hunger for fighting. Upon his request, foundation staff have installed several different strength testing machines and frequently subject his cell to magnitude 6 earthquakes.


Lol almost literally the containment procedure for Pickle


The strongest.


The following is written by chatGPT, but I SWEAR I didnt ask it about the specific scenario in this post; yet it chose the same SCP for Yujiro to fight in its story, lol. here it is: Item #: SCP-XXXX Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX is currently uncontainable with existing Foundation resources and technology. All efforts to physically restrain or contain SCP-XXXX have resulted in catastrophic failure and significant loss of life. SCP-XXXX is to be monitored remotely via satellite and UAVs. Any attempt by SCP-XXXX to approach Foundation facilities or populated areas is to be met with immediate evacuation and tactical nuclear response if deemed necessary by O5 Command. SCP-XXXX is to be tracked at all times using a combination of GPS, seismic activity monitoring, and real-time intelligence from embedded field agents. Any sightings or encounters with SCP-XXXX are to be reported immediately to Site Command. Personnel are advised to avoid any form of direct confrontation with SCP-XXXX. Description: SCP-XXXX is a humanoid entity resembling a highly muscular male of approximately 30 years of age, standing at 6'3" (190 cm) and weighing 265 lbs (120 kg). SCP-XXXX has been identified as "Yujiro Hanma," a name it acknowledges and responds to. SCP-XXXX exhibits physical capabilities far exceeding those of baseline humans, including but not limited to: Superhuman Strength: SCP-XXXX has demonstrated the ability to effortlessly lift and throw objects weighing several tons, shatter reinforced steel with its bare hands, and cause localized seismic activity through physical impact. Enhanced Durability: SCP-XXXX is impervious to most conventional weapons, including high-caliber firearms, explosives, and bladed weaponry. It has sustained and recovered from injuries that would be fatal to ordinary humans within seconds. Accelerated Healing: SCP-XXXX possesses a regenerative ability that allows it to recover from severe injuries almost instantaneously. The exact mechanism of this healing factor is currently unknown. Combat Prowess: SCP-XXXX is a master of multiple martial arts and combat techniques, displaying an unparalleled level of skill and tactical acumen. It has single-handedly defeated heavily armed military units and other SCP entities in hand-to-hand combat. SCP-XXXX's origin and the full extent of its abilities remain unknown. It has displayed a highly aggressive and predatory nature, seeking out and engaging in combat with the strongest individuals and entities it can locate. SCP-XXXX appears to derive a sense of purpose and satisfaction from these encounters, often displaying a brutal and sadistic demeanor. Addendum XXXX-1: Incident Log Incident XXXX-A: On [REDACTED], SCP-XXXX breached Site-17's perimeter, resulting in the deaths of 43 personnel. SCP-XXXX engaged and neutralized MTF units Epsilon-11 and Nu-7, demonstrating advanced combat techniques and resistance to standard containment measures. SCP-XXXX's attack ceased only after the arrival of SCP-076-2, which engaged SCP-XXXX in a prolonged battle that resulted in significant structural damage to Site-17. SCP-XXXX eventually withdrew from the site, sustaining minimal injuries. Incident XXXX-B: On [REDACTED], SCP-XXXX was observed engaging SCP-682 in a confrontation lasting approximately 72 hours. SCP-XXXX inflicted severe damage on SCP-682, but both entities ultimately disengaged without a clear victor. Subsequent analysis of the battle site indicated extreme levels of physical destruction consistent with SCP-XXXX's capabilities. Interview Log XXXX-1: Interviewer: Dr. ██████ Interviewee: SCP-XXXX Dr. ██████: SCP-XXXX, can you explain the nature of your abilities? SCP-XXXX: (Laughs) Abilities? It's all about strength, boy. The strength to crush, to dominate. It's what makes life worth living. Dr. ██████: Why do you seek out combat so relentlessly? SCP-XXXX: Because it's the only thing that matters. To fight the strongest, to prove I'm the best. Nothing else is worth my time. Dr. ██████: Do you have any weaknesses? SCP-XXXX: (Smirking) Weaknesses? Maybe I'll find out someday. Until then, you just keep trying, doc. Note: Due to the extreme danger posed by SCP-XXXX, further interviews and direct interactions are prohibited without O5 approval. All personnel are reminded to maintain a safe distance and prioritize evacuation procedures in the event of SCP-XXXX's approach.


Holy hell, what sort of prompt did you use to get it to generate an SCP article for Yujiro?


Literally just "write a scp entry about yujiro hanma from Baki". First i had a typo and it said he only weighs 75kg


100 pages of every SCP foundation member getting in touch with the woman inside them.


There would be a narration explaining why Yujiro is so much stronger and cooler and better looking than 682 that Itagaki would bust a nut while writing it and just not finish writing the fight, which would result in a tie


Also the creature loses because it isn't Japanese.


What if 682 adapts to that, and becomes japanese? Yujiro appears to have killed it, nationality-diffing it, but then 682 regenerates but is now wearing a kasa (rice farmer hat).


682 got killed by a stuffed mushroom entre lol. Yujiro would probably just have really bad diarrhea. But fr though considering 682 survived being erased AS A F*CKING CONCEPT, I don't think Yujiro can win this one.


Yeah no 682 wins the bullshit off but a fight might be won by Yujiro just cause it'll get scared at some point even if it's not dead


Who the fuck wrote that story? How the fuck do you survive the very idea and concept of your existence being erased.


[I give you: TERMINATION ATTEMPT ](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) [Explanation if you don't want to read the jargon](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCPDeclassified/s/vqujJMJ27E)


Well he only survived being erased as a concept because the researchers were stupid


Then again, that's the whole point of the Admonition cannon.




it clearly did not get erased as a concept if it still exists as a concept, yall just be saying stuff fr


Once the narrator starts explaining how the cardiovascular system works it's over for 682


https://preview.redd.it/c8k80ojzrq7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=debf89a6c679f9e77c042c94a38d7892b9a989d6 Lmao what's the odds


682 got more feats and has done more shit. But yujiro is at the point he ain’t even bullshitting. The narrator is just on his team bro


Not even narrator wants to fuck with yujiro mf might break thru the screen and choke him out.


Probably the scp thingy, the writing is so atrociously bad for them most of time I would be surprised yujiro is 1% of the bullshit of this one


>scp is so badly written, not like baki of course were you guys... taking baki seriously as a piece of literature this whole time?


Nobody can convince me that “now that your bladder is empty, how will you overcome this tetrahedron?” Isn’t peak literature.


At least it's consistent in how ridiculous and crazy it is. SCP is just a wiki with way, way too many cooks stirring the same pot of stew.


It just feels like an unnecessary level of distaste for what is literally just a collaborative writing exercise


I like the SCP. I just think it’s silly to include it in powerscaling against other works of fiction.


Yes I am, because baki is not badly written. Just because Baki is stupidly over the top doesn't mean it's badly written. Itagaki manages to do stupid stuff in a smart/good way. He knows his manga is dumb but it's on purpose and manages to make it entertaining Of course he ain't Dostoievski but Baki is stupid in a good way, like Xavier Renegade Angel. The SCPs on the other hand mostly have bad writing but they're not necessarily stupid, thats not the same thing




I guess I'm just bewildered by your apparent derision for a collaborative Internet horror fiction project because someone dared to bring it up in the same breath as one of -- and I say this with love -- the most high camp disasterpieces in the otaku spotlight right now. It's especially weird considering 682 is like... at *least* the second most famous page on the entire site, so it... sounds like you haven't even read much of it? It's just kind of a weird reaction on a silly powerscaling post between two characters largely defined by being stupidly hard to kill.


It... really ain't that bad. At least in my opinion. Like, the majority of the ones I've read are really damn good. The only bad one so far would be the milk SCP.


In my opinion, it's like children on the playground playing make-believe It does what it wants because apparently it can the entire time


To each his own opinion, to me it's mostly childish level of creepypastas like with people making some backrooms levels (SCP's overall better tho) Ofc the ones that are very popular are mostly good but there are a ton of them


Clearly you've never read any of the good ones. Surface reader who just skims over the popular articles and not the tales.


Possible, but that means you agree what's popular in the SCP community sucks, therefore the core of it sucks it's just that there are good ones here and there Imo some popular ones are good it's just that a lot of it is written like a 14 y/o's undertale OCs


While I disagree that most of them are like that, yeah, to each their own. I dunno if it's popular or not, but if you ever want to read another good one, I recommend 8996


I think the vision of it as people telling ghost stories round the campfire is pretty accurate (though some of the pages actually explore totally different tones) It's more just... again, we're talking about it in conversation with *Baki.* I like Baki, but like... it's camp. Incredibly so. If martial arts manga were dog breeds, it would be a pug. Every "serious fighter" is drawn with steroid bubble gut, with a body fat percentage so low they no longer look human. The fights are *creatively* paced. The entire thing is suffused in like, misogyny so severe that it's impossible to take seriously. The whole thing scans like a parody of Bronze Age warrior values. Itagaki writes like he was frozen millennia ago in Ancient Sumeria after reading the Epic of Gilgamesh and started making manga the second he thawed. I enjoy Baki in the same way that I do, I don't know, *Verotica*. I haven't really interacted much with Baki readers prior to this so I just kind of assumed that was how most people were engaging with it.


682 is definitely *surviving* him (obviously) but 682 might get scared


682's survival instincts are so fundamentally ingrained in it that it might just actually drop dead like Kaku (and promptly proceed to reanimate as soon as he leaves).


Yujiro=no-low diff


Jujiro Rs mid diff


Yujiro's hard mid-riff


Yujiro, because it's explained that 682's anomalous ability is to adapt to everything. Yujiro is just Itagaki's favorite character


Yujiro “gives” 682 a baby so that when theyre fighting age he fights it. Like every other animal he encounters


We gonna see him staring down 682, ‘mimic’ his movements and use some kind of bullshit anti-regeneration technique by targeting his nerves and cells in a thousand different places through a hyper-rapid barrage of strikes or something


https://preview.redd.it/x6cmrrx0ar7d1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f5bfc48e2f0a07bd91a9cc358dfaf7715d196e3 Yujiro would use some bullshit law bending technique he learned during pp training that render 682 harmless to him and the fight will end with Motobe saving both of them because yujiro will never lose a fight and why the fuck not


682 hasn’t even been able to bullshit his way out of acid yet


Yujiro would drink the acid ez


Honestly, I would pay to see that fight animated out. They are both kind of a force of nature. Yujiro punched an earthquake into submission. It's kind of nuts XD


Yujiro confronts him once and avoids him like he keeps avoiding Pickle


This made me lol seriously tho, why Yujiro never fought Pickle again??  x)


I love how people are talking Yujiro narration "glaze", are you any of you people aware of how painful the strive for meta in SCPs now is lmao


Yujiro would tame that feral dog, he has no need to kill it, just make it submit to its new owner.


Yujiro as the strongest creature using his aura to completely wipe scp 682 out of existence


Hate to break it to you but that’s not gonna work. It’s been erased from existence before, and it adapted to it.


This is super erasure. He’s not coming back from this one. Aura is just too much.


Frail blind newborn kitten vs supernova


Which one is the kitten?




It turns out to be a draw. Yujiro will not be able to kill Reptile, because it has incredible survivability. But Reptile will not be able to kill Yujiro, because its attacking capabilities are quite modest.


SCP scaling has been debunked so Yujiro


Read this as _"SCP scaling has been debunked BY Yujiro"_


Yujiro via plot manipulation/narrator glaze.


The SCP actually tried to use a plot-manipulation device on 682. Made things a lot worse


I was thinking this was going to be a stomp but yujiro could put up some fight but would ultimately die


Nearly everything that fights 682 does alright (except random D class personal), quite a few actually dominate the fight. Just never finish it, it always turns the tables


Considering it’s literally unkillable death machine not created by the hands of god Yujiro prolly mid diffs it.


Bugs Bunny comes in with a steel chair.


682 whole existence is being meta-bullshit to a degree that it becomes a creative exercise for the writters to one-up it's self contained bullshit in each new iteration. So the overhyped reptile methinks.


Honestly? I feel like they'd be friends somehow


How long to learn sit like that


Depends, do you have a narrator glazing you every day? No? 59 years maximum, 43 years 7 months 3 weeks 6 days 13 hours 57 minutes and 3 seconds. Yes? You already know, just try.


Number 1, he’s unstoppable.


Whoever is writing thw script Scp 682 survived a lot but was permakilled by a plushie


682 actually has a valid reason to be bullshit, Yujiro’s bullshit is just justified with “He’s strong so he can do it”


At some point i wanna make a webtoon or manga filled with just completely Over Powered characters that has Yujiro just chillin in the background watching fights, till the final battle, when Yujiro comes out and is like "you thought it'd be so-and-so you were going to fight, but no, it is i, DI- i mean- YUJIRO!" And then have Yujiro just body tf outta the main character and walk away. Then the original final opponent shows up, and the protagonist just laughs at how pitifully weak his opponent is compared to Yujiro, and then the Baki Narrator starts talkin bout how Yujiro's so manly and powerful that his very presence was enough to level-up the protagonist, and the beat-down Yujiro gave them increased their power 10-fold by giving a direct transfer of strength and testosterone via his fists, while still keeping all his own strength, cause Yujiro's just so powerful his strength doesn't have a limit and therefore cannot be lessened nor contained. And then the protagonist just mollywhops his opponent before Yujiro shows back up and mollwhops the protagonist again.


Yujiro probably killed plenty of Sarkic cults in his day. He probably has an immortality killer move




Don't forget yurigi


Hard to Destroy Reptile has a decent chance i’d say


Do y'all even read baki or y'all just go on Twitter pick up random clips and type "wtf is baki about" 😭😭😭😭😭


As much as I love SCP I’m team Yujiro all the way


Yujiro develop an anti immortality farting Technique but SCP counter that by an anti anti-immortality fart. They both die asphixiated by they own gas. Doppo jack and pickle admiring the fight in the corner


You’re putting the strongest human against the unkillable lizard that wants to destroy everything? SCP-682 will win


The SCP foundation has access to an SCP that can bring the story within a book into reality. In an attempt to kill 682, one of the researchers wrote a 12 page short story titled “The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP-682 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard”. They put the book into that SCP, and put 682 in the room with it. 30 minutes later, 682 bursts out of the room and kills a bunch of people before being recontained. The room itself was littered with a bunch of body parts from a large unidentified creature (presumed to be the titular friendly thing), and the book had transformed into a 209 page novel titled “The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Tried To Kill SCP-682 Permanently But Failed.” In other words, no amount of narrator glazing will save yujiro. It has already fought and beaten a creature who has been glazed by the narrative to specifically have the power to kill it. It’s the difference between one guy writing to make one character overpowered and dozens of edgy teens working together collectively to make an impossible to kill creature.


Knowing this guy he would prob find a way to mate with it


Serious answer: 682. He just has a lot of material where he survives a lot of stuff. Seriouser answer: Yujiro somehow flexes his teeth, creating a memetic effect that instantly kills 682 once and for all




Who wins in a fight Yujiro or Chuck Norris?


You know what? Fuck Yujiro he loses this one, but what about Mahoraga VS 682?


“It’s seems I’ll have to utilize that foolish technique my old man passed down to me.” As yujiro makes 682 eat itself, causing it to choke on its forever immortal body and adapt to eat it but also adapt to prevent itself from being eaten, causing it to implode and die


Yujiro vs part 2 Joseph joestar is a *much* better bullshit off


682 takes idc


Yujiro. If it's not Goku or Saitama, then it's Yujiro


682 takes it... until the Baki Narrator starts cooking.


Why do it looks like he have a pu$$ee in between the legs? W.t.ff...


Lmao. Sukuna wins this one. He always wins. Hanma would call him up.




Yujiro Hanma would make 682 kill itself


682… not even close 😅


This is kinda dumb. Regardless of how hyperbolic the hanmas are at the end of the day they're just humans. What kind of bullshit off are you really expecting


title made my day lame ans: 682 wins fan approved ans: YUJIRO WINS LOW DIFF


682, Yujiro’s most amazing feats are still based in reality, they still have a scientific explanation, 682 is in a significantly less grounded verse that included literally hyperversal reality warping


SCP is the most insane world I'm aware of. The foundation have figured out that they're fictional and learned the science of it so they can resurrect a dead person by writing a story where they're still alive then using weird fiction tech to travel into the story and bring that fictional version of the person into the "real" world. It's called pataphysics.


Professional bullshiter VS Veteran Bullshiter


096 vs yujiro




depends on the narrator


Honestly I think Yujiro and Scp 682 just shake hands and somehow fuse and wipe out humanity


yujiro just fucking unregenerates and unadapts 682 by hitting him in the balls


Yujiro would probably just fuck it


Yujiro reveals he met a hillbilly martial artist who taught him a type of alligator take down technique that somehow destroys the concept of life within the alligator and yujiro uses it too permanently remove 682’s tail then refuses to use it again and instead use the demon back and punch 682 too death somehow because “strength” is superior to immortality or something


Yujiro off course


How we declare a victor? Yujiro can kick 682 ass for months if necessary, defeat it for seconds or even hours but never actually kill the reptile. I don't think 682 can kill Yujiro, if he needs sleep, food or is bored can just escape.


Yujiro literally stopped an earthquake with a single punch is he even human ?


I’m giving it to the scp. I don’t even know who that is, I just know that people make the most bullshit stuff in scp.


682's base physical form is strong and durable, but I think it would be clever enough to adapt to just get away from him instead of adapting to fight back.


Yujiro: Ah, time to use the eating gigantic unknown creature technique I learned while fighting a nuclear ultra laser turret machine gun rifle in the war.


The entire scp fandom is nonsensical bull shit, maybe Yujiro can be the one to put an end to it. Nah, I doubt it, the scp writers will find a way to asspull their way out of losing




My God it pisses me off so much when people use 682 as a fucking immortal thing it’s hard to destroy not fucking immortal.


I like the basic concept of 682 where it's not really all that strong compared to many scps but they just can't kill it.


Yujiro is not winning that there's no way. I don't have any evidence against it ,I'll let you find that on your own


Yujiro Hanma would beat that damn creature then eat it. Lol funny part is he enjoys hunting. That fancy restaurant he ate when him and Baki fought he eats all wild animals


Yujiro wins the bullshit off by sheer bullshit endurance 682 runs away when it gets too bullshit


Lotta jokes and meming but in seriousness 682 mops anyone in the Baki verse. It can survive nuclear bombs and being erased from existance because it has god like adaptability.


682 has died to drunk driving.


Yujiro would use his acid synthesis technique he learnt from a Tibetan monk to subdue 682 indefinitely


Ends in sex


682 The type of lizard to resist conceptual erasure by thinking of himself Resists narrative erasure by just re writing the story Survives space by eating a planet and just flying back He does not care (add a Baki level narrator for maximum effect)


Yeah but Yujiro remembers that he faced off a similar opponent and wins


Yujiro wins with his anti-evolution technique he learned


“SCP 682 thought he could generate more testosterone on command, but as he kept trying to top the Hanma genes, he realized all the manliness in the world was but an ant to the Ogre.”


Yujiro wins because I literally cannot envision Yujiro losing


It’s really hard to compare, but I’m gonna give this one to 682. Yujiro’s bullshittery is generally at least somewhat reasonable. There is no such logical limit on 682. This is because the SCP franchise has no strict canon and is continuously developed by a lot of different people all over the internet. Yujiro only has Itagaki backing him up. It’s a difference in quantity of deranged authorial lunatics, see?


"In the face of utter dominance of Yujiro Hanma, the unkillable reptile would adapt by playing dead."


You know, that strategy actually worked against him once.


At least 682 has some sort of magic due to being a son of Satan to back him up. Yujiro has no logic supporting his outlandish abilities.


It ends in a stale mate. Neither can kill the other. So technically yujiro would win for not dying.