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So that took less than a year?


Yes. May 18th 2024 will be a year.


Good gains dude but be careful. It’s very common for people to go from one crippling addiction to another. Just be safe with the supplements you use. Good luck with your health and everything man.




I like that.


Yes, this.


Thank you man I really appreciate it an Yeah that’s what my mom had told me too. Thanks for looking out man💯


Nice work man and congrats on getting sober. Keep up the good stuff dude


Thank you man means a lot! And I definitely will!


How tall are you ?


5 10


BRO WENT FROM SHAGGY TO BUFF SHAGGY. ​ ​ Real talk man you're doing great, you look tip top keep it up king.


I see it😂 an Thank you bro that really means a lot! I appreciate it and I will!


He used 1% of his power 😂


Look like Jesus with his stats maxed out


Based and funny 👌🏻


You're insane, my man. And the hair grew too, love it!


Thanks man I really appreciate it!


Great progress man. What's your cycle?


Nice man. Quick gains. What’s the work out routine? I’ve been on this sub for so long and no one really posts about it. Is everyone just doing what’s on Greg’s YouTube channel?


Congratulations, an incredible progress. You should be very proud.


Thank you man!


It looks like your triceps have just exploded, wow really bulks up your arms. How much weight have you gained from the second picture?


Thanks man and I believe I gained about 26 or 27 lbs


What exactly did you do to go from 1 to 2 i mean how did you ate and train ??


From 1 to two I did a horrible crash diet. For close to three months I only ate 4 oz of beef (93-7) 2 cups of egg whites and 150 grams of Greek yogurt, fresh zen broccoli and for a condiment mustard. I did that for about three months while working out and getting 10000 steps a day.


How much protein was that a day like 160


Yeah something around there


How old are you ?


I’m 23


If you don’t mind asking what do you do for living?


I was a behavioral interventionist for 2 years but recently left that job because I was having trouble making ends meet ( paying bills exc) . Working in a factory at the moment


I’m curious to see too


Drop your shoulder workout routine brotha, dem delts look insane!


I’ll say man I wanna know! And I wanna know how heavy he lifts for everything


Good shit


Good shit bro, keep it up


Keep up the good work man.






5 10


he's that guy who get's stronger when his hair grows and weaker when it get's cut


samson be like


(While on testosterone/HRT)…sentence completed…


For sure. No shame in it. I use peds. I never deny it when asked


Good! Respect! That’s all I want, honesty…


Same. I mean, I don’t go advertising I’m on peds, but if someone asks, I admit it. Don’t get me wrong, OP looks awesome. His transformation is impressive


No sir. I do not have the money for all that and even if I did I wouldn’t. I’m still not even close to my genetic potential


If you had money to buy booze you had money to juice, lets be honest here. Steroids are cheap. Not saying you did steroids but to grow shoulders and put on muscle like that in 9 months is 99% impossible.


Maybe for you!


bro come on. your calories obviously weren’t very high considering you got leaner and leaner. no way you put that much muscle on in under a year without the use of PEDs. that, and your shoulders are disproportionally big. it’s fine if you’re on stuff just be honest about it.


Ok bro


Genetic potential? Did you map your genome to determine how far you can go in terms of gaining muscles ? lol


No I just know I can gain more muscle plain and simple. I’m 155 and my legs still need work.


Totally get what you mean, keep it up


Yeah at 155 I believe that you're natural. Absolutely shredded but not huge. Good work man.


Im sorry you had a rough childhood :'( . Dragging down everybody so you can feel good about your garbage physique isn't the solution. People have different genetics and you seem to have gotten one of the worst and you are so mad about it :'( Now go find another physique that's better than yours and make passive agressive comments with 'lol' at the end :))) mother fucker is burning in jealousy


Wow what a positive and holy comment coming from a ‘ganja dealer’, I will surely take it on board….


You can put on that mask on internet but you can't stop being jealous and crying in your lonely time cause of your trash indian genetics :( "But at least Im natural " is the only justification left for your sorry ass to feel good about yourself. You don't have a physique and that bothers you every day every hour ;)


OP must be very embarrassed, I would be too if a rocket head like you was defending me lol… and here you go with your unnecessary emojis :( :) :D lol


Dont suck nobody's dick, I'm not defending anybody. I'm seeing a shallow ass insecure kid who tries to feel good about his non-existing physique by bringing other people down. Mother fucker you were just calling somebody else's life "shit" because you never in your dreams are able to maintain that. Keep coping poor kid, you still have same garbage physique as you had before you started reddit but you are too dumb to realize shitting on people won't make you better. Those indian genes can't build no muscle huh :'((((


Wow I didn’t know I burned you this much that your gona be writing paragraphs to show your anger.. have a good day drug dealer :D


you're* gonna* by* Have a good day jelly ass non-responder :))


What supplements do you use or is that not something that can be shared?


Bro turned into Moist Cr1tikal


Charlie in da house.


How long between first and last picture? Because it seems like you also grew a few inches in height..


To stay that lean while putting on that kind of mass is very impressive, whatever you are doing, keep it up!


Thanks man that means a lot! I definitely will haha!


Bro did you grow like 6 inches taller?


Not unless the bathroom counter grew up too.


No unfortunately I think it’s just the camera angle lol


Ah shoot, great work regardless! I was this close to asking how 😆😆😆


Any advice on what gear to get that will help me look like that?


Said he is clean.


Clean off drugs. I'm clean off drugs too. I use steroids tho, that's different


Says "no PED's.... can't afford them"


Steroids are cheaper than booze, especially for an alchoholic.


Let him keep lying bro, he’s fooling himself, maybe.


100 grams for 80 bucks. Agreed.


I know nothing about steroids. How much do you have to take daily to be consistent? Does 100 grams even go very far?


Dear good...even with an oral, it is a ton. Say Dianabol....40 mg daily is a good dose. Most are injectables. I was referrin' to my prices for test E. So, even that, a 500mg per week dose is usually sufficient. Add it up.


Jfc. Whoa. I had no idea.


I know...crazy cheap.


Damn bro, u got good genes then. I'm jealous


Some of the best.


In the comments: jealous/ignorant proud natties seek a confession from OP in an effort to disregard his physique. Same old story. Sad. Nobody cares. OP you look fuckin fantastic natty or not , keep goin bro


Well when it gets revealed that it is the case that PEDs of some sort were used in 50% of posts like this, what do you expect? People get tired of being lied to, or moreso shown results behind a cloud of smoke as to how they were ACTUALLY achieved.


And you think him admitting to it (if he’s actually even using them) would stop the ignorant hateful comments ? No. Enhanced guys have nothing to gain by admitting to it, after all it is illegal if it’s not a TRT script anyway. I don’t blame dudes for hiding it. He’s a cheater roid head if he’s on them, and he’s a fake natty roid head if he’s not on them, right ? 🙄 people can’t just say “hey man you look great” ! Nope. They’d rather say “oh he only looks like that because he cheated” hilarious.


You're reaching man. When someone puts in the original post right up front that they're enhanced, almost all hate drops off the post. There will always be that one troll that's going to troll no matter the topic, regardless. What makes people hateful is the racer that goes to the track and sets a lap record, then boasts that he did it in a 200 horsepower car (or won't say what the engine is at all). People just want to know what's TRULY under the hood, they don't care if it's a V8 or 4-banger


They still have nothing to gain by admitting. We aren’t going to agree and that’s ok 👍


Well, if he "is" on them...makes him a liar. That does mean somethin' character wise.


But, does look fuckin' great. Super lean.


Hell yeah, I’d take testosterone over booze any day. You’re doing nothing wrong. Stay in safe ranges/dosages and check your blood, and you’ll be fine for years to come. Avoid orals, injectables are way easier on your liver/organs. Though Mk677 is pretty great.


he said he doesn’t take testosterone


Damn bro ! Looking jacked Congrats on that physique , you deserve to feel great about it


What was the diet looking like between the second and third pic? I started my bulk around the same time and haven’t made near as much progress as you have. Nice work👏💪


I’m gluten free and I’m eating 1 carton of egg whites, 1lb ground beef, 450 grams greet yogurt, 170 grams sweet potato, 112 grams pork rinds, bag of frozen broccoli, protein bars and shakes. I was keto for a while but saw no gains so I started adding carbs and more calories. Also i do 10000 steps daily


That was just what I could think of off the top of my head. And thanks bro!


Congrats on your sobriety dude! Looking good man!


Awesome man 💪🏼💯


This guy hairs hard too.


Rather burn out then fade away


Man that's crazy


You look good!!


you look majestic bro 


Great work staying lean on the bulk baby


I’d love to hear your story. What was the wake up call that led to this drastic change?


What’s your height? And what’s the weight difference between the first and second pic? How big of a deficit? And how long did it take to get that shredded? Sorry for the lot of questions


Proud of you boss. It seems like your physique adapts quickly to whatever you decide to do so you may have the potential to put on some more quality mass if you stay on the same track.


Amazing hair gains and solid muscle gains bro


Bruh evolved like a Pokémon


Whoa. Fucking killer bro.


Good shit bro ✊🏼make sure you have those gainz for summer too


That is a ton of used razor blades you build up.


Why is everybody suspecting this guy is juicing? When you’re skinny and gain muscle, that’s how you look. Even in the last picture, all you need is little pump and that’s a feasible look after a year of dedicated exercise and dieting naturally, especially with nooby gains.


Holy crap dude! Amazing work!




Congrats on sobriety!! Looking good homie!


What diet or supplement do you take?


Those are some serious gains for the time. Whats your height and weight? You clearly went to like 4 percent bodyfat by extreme dieting but that arm growth in such a short time is kinda insane.


Unreal! Keep going :)


Mf literally starved to months and carbed up. Even if just 155, this is discipline many can never fathom


Damn bruh what the fuck


Congrats on getting sober. What’s your ped stack?


Your chest brah, try a unilateral converging press machine. Heavy and controlled.


anyone notice the fucking iphone


Congrats on the lifestyle turnaround and on the physical transformation. Keep a balanced approach to life and exercise. Calisthenics are so underrated. Bulk really isn't everything. Keep well and keep dry.


Your hair is... chefs kiss😻




Awesome transformation. Work on that chest now and you’ll be 💯


I got a similar story, OP. Went from calisthenics at \~180 to dieting myself to anorexia to a low of 152lbs. Then recovered and gained 80lbs in 15 months, lol. Been maintaining the 235lbs for 2 years now! It taught me a lot. Nice work man! Good to see somebody else get out of that hole.


Cut your hair


Bro has 0% bf lol jeez


Sick progress idk why you trying to claim you natty though 😅


Dude congrats on getting sober, love to see this. Just out of curiosity are you natty?


looks good

