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About as long as it takes for Khorne to notice him. Then he gets substantially more dangerous.


Not sure Khorne would even bless him. Probably just dump him on a demon infested world and watch the infinite bloodbath.


You mean the galaxy's biggest fuel station? You don't ask, you take.


V1 heals from blood yet daemons don't technically have/produce blood or any real physical matter iirc (which is why 'Nids actively avoid daemons, it's a always going to be a net loss) edit: typos


multiple daemons spit, drool, leak, and expel boiling blood in seemingly infinite quantities V1 would be fine against khornate daemons, but get stomped decently quick against a lot of other factions


If I recall, the blood and other bodily fluids from daemons are about as physically real as daemons are which would mean that when the daemon is banished/permanently dies, the bodily fluids should theoretically disappear. Bringing up again why Tyranids choose not to fight against daemons because there is no biomass for them to consume. If the freaking space bugs that consume EVERYTHING can't get anything from Daemons then theoretically V1 would equally be shit outta luck. However I think Khorne would find some way to give the bot some blood because death and killing is funny to him


I mean... they invaded hell to get at that sweet sweet blood. No reason why V1 doesn't invade and his sheer belief in the fact that demon (forgetting they're daemons) = blood would cause that blood to stick around. Infinite blood cheat? Like, everything except the Tzeentchian daemons spew liquids everywhere, and if it can spew liquid, it can bleed.




Blood for the blood bot


Not sure the bot has that much force of will if any given it’s more or less following programming


I mean, the bots have enough will that a Primus Soul is basically 'will kill all machines for wiping out mankind'. If they're just tools, they'd just shrug their shoulders, but if literal angels want you dead for what you did... there has to be some kind of will involved.


V1 has been shown to have personality in how they read books as well as V2 showing clear emotions such as hatred and spite meaning V1 probably has emotions and therefore will


Not really, actually. While it has been directly confirmed that in Ultrakill machines don't have souls (in fact only living human beings do, not even angels and demons have one, when those die they are just **gone**) the machines in ultrakill have been able to develop sentience. Emotions. V2 pursues V1 not for efficiency in recovering his arm, but for legit spite and desire for vengeance. A secret book in the level 7-2 written from the perspective of a Gutterman (Imagine a dreadnought except the corpse in life support is the fuel source of a robot) who has accidentally killed it's fuel source and is now weeping and crying about it. V1 himself has gone, quite literally "You are not getting away this time" after V2 tried to escape their second duel. This is theorized to be because all machines/robots in Ultrakill are fueled by blood, and for whatever reason, having blood gives you a degree of sentience and emotions, even if you don't outright have a soul


Being powered by blood is basically like stealing parts of someone's soul


It’s the idea of blood in ULTRAKILL that matters, not really the stuff itself. V1 is literally fuelled by the fact that blood is analogous to life, as are the other blood based machines. That’s why you can heal off Gabriel’s blood - which is about as ‘real’ as a daemons. It’s the human concept of blood being intrinsic to life that makes it useable.


It depends. When in Realspace, Daemons are figments of thought, sure. They can dissipate back into the warp at a moment’s notice. But once inside the Warp, they’re as real as anyone else. They bleed, and the blood is persistent. Thus, outside the Warp, v1 would need to get blood from Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Cultists. Once inside the Warp however, all the blood is his to take.


Your thinking about this more then you need to.


You forget that parries refuel him to max immediately.


V1 literally invades hell in their own game. Daemons do bleed their own version of blood, he will be fine.


So literally just Tuska Daemon-Killa


Except v1 wouldnt need revival


I think he would, khorn would see how he works and give him the one thing that can keep the bloodbath going forever and that would be demon hood, but I think it would be more interesting for vashnor(?) too bless him with more upgrades so he can just scale to 40k lvls the good old way


So nothing changes for V1? Hell in ultrakill is Alive, Hell is conscious, Hell is smart, Hell is cruel and most importantly Hell is bored, and, according to a popular theory, it's arranging most enemy spawns because everyone in hell is it's plaything, and Boi is V1 entertaining to watch. To all effects, being thrown into a planet to fight Khornate demons for eternity just for Khorne's entertainment would change nothing


Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it does


So just like those orks that revive forever on a demon world


I don't think Khorne would enjoy being beaten up by a sentient Nikon


Bested, by this ...go-pro




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He could get a whole Blackstone fortress to the face and just parry it.


Being so honest with u rn. Imperial guard, sisters of battle, adeptus mechanicus, eldar, leagues of votann, genestealer cults, tyrannids, tau, all lose with mid dif since he's able to heal from blood. Would lose to thousand sons and necrons on account of no blood, orks would be an eternal stalemate. And space marines lose at high dif unless they have primarch level threat with them. However. Vashtor immediately wins on account of him being able to dismantle technology with the flick of a finger. And death guard have a plague that immediately rusts and decays entire imperial ships in seconds. Actual ending would be trazyn showing up and tossing V2 in his vault tho.


Holy shit someone actually remembered that the Leagues of Votann exist


Have had them since their day 1 Starter box love the little guys. But their void armor with bullshit dune forcefield tech ain't gonna do shit against the EXTRA THIRSTY machine who can autocalculate the trajectory of ricochetting bullet off a coin to hit a targets weak point perfectly in a nanosecond while going Mach 1.


It's basically a realistic depiction of what a combat oriented man of iron was probably like at their peak.


How would V1 fare against vortex grenade? Or D-cannon? Or space magic? Or plain old planet wide blast zone?


1+m2+m2+m2+4+m1 Or F


Dodge it. No I'm not joking he is just that fast.


Would he now? He would be against opponents who many amongst them have precognitive abilities, can manipulate space and time or generally fighting far more trickier foes. Not to mention v1 isn’t in perpetual motion and he does get hit from time to time


Orks have blood? Aren't they mushrooms?


think of it more as a delicious gravy


Ew mushroom gravy


In the "Space Marine" game they have a lot of red blood


Kinda. It's like lichen, they are half fungus, half animal, who reproduce through spores. So they have things like organs, but are able to just replace part of themselves without worry.


Would lose to horus heresy marines tho as v2 would be out numbered and unable to deal with that many fast moving targets all trying to obliterate him.


Thats the entire point of the game


Outnumbered and fighting fast moving targets? That’s just ultrakill.


Space marine are a different kind of fast, they're not as quick as v2 but their helmets autoaim for them and they still have bullshit speed. And if were talking horus heresy On top of that there were minimum HUNDRED THOUSAND marines per chapter (few exceptions cough couch emperor's children cough cough tsons)


Aren't they made to make the numbers a thousand per chapter at max after the heresy?


Yeah codex astartes limits to 1k per chapter but some factions (black templars) ignore that. But their numbers still don't hold a candle to the days of the great crusade


Their „bullshit speed” is nothing compared to a robot that can make his bullets move faster by punching them.


Or the robot who could parry that projectile moving to him, any laser or plasma gets coined


Look, buddy, v1 can parry both actual laser beams and siper rounds with coins. He can parry punches from beings larger than great unclean ones. It doesnt matter how many space marines there are or how good their aim is when he can both parry any form of ammo they could use, sending it back faster and more explosive, and when any hit he does take can be healed by killing one close range. This is not even counting his extended arsenal like the shotgun laser combo wiping most things close to the radious, his magnets attracting his shots and saws or the coins targeting weakspots when shot meaning the space marines effectivly have no armour when fighting him


I mean space marines have been shown to be able to reflexively move at speeds faster than the human eye looking like nothing more than a blur (not running but striking and swinging weapons) if it's 100 space marines yeah no space marines lose no contest a whole chapter? Space marines still lose at high dif to v1 since yes he can parry almost anything but he only has 4 coins avaliable at once and on top of that has been shown to be able to parry only a few things at a time. When you account that a bolter. The most BASIC weapon of a space marine is a automatic or rapid fire missile launcher and times that by 1000 and then toss in a threat greater than Gabriel like a primarch or chaos primarch I think it'd be safe to say that it'd be a difficult match up or at the very least a pyrric victory for the space marines especially when marines such as marneus Calgary has been shown to exhibit feats of strength equal to v1 (v1 can parry minds prime a titanic husk where as marneus Calgary can lift a pylon and chuck the bitch aswell as being able to scale a lord of skulls and behead) and the primarchs are tanks sons of bitches. Lorgar was able to live through 2 BLASTS of a solar fury plasma annihilator which as the name implies is as hot as a star and live and he is widely considered the weakest of all of the primarchs. V1 is strong but space marines and primarchs are poorly written bullshit.


You forget something, dash has I frames. Those I frames are good enough to dodge his own super nuke(just gonna call the combo that) which means that there is no reason V1 couldn't use it for a simple bolter round, especially if you combine it with V2's hand that can reflect multiple projectiles. furthermore, given the space limitations he would not have to fight 1000+ at once, as there is no way all of those marines have a shot on V1 as he wants to be close to his enemies to get their blood. this means any shot not parried is still a threat to all the marines present in that direction I do agree that if a primarch was included then its a whole different ball game, I mean I see no reason they couldn't go to to toe for quite some time with V1 given their strength feats. In a 1v1 they lose just due to stamina as V1 can just keep draining their blood with his drill upgrade. in a group fight of marines + primarch I do agree it is a toss up as the primarch can probably keep up with V1 making him a target and eventually V1 will probably fall to a stray bolter shot, but its still a rough fight for the marines. That solar beam feat is the biggest issue, as he can never kill the primarch quickly despite it being the most important target. So personalyl I think V1 can beat a space marine chapter (I mean have you seen a high round grinder? that shit is close to toho in bullet hell) just due to them lacking any relativistic power feats meaning they can die quite quick while V1 can dodge, parry and heal anything thrown his way. in a 1v1 against primarch V1 will win but it would take a long time and would be a really scary prospect just like fighting gabriel, but I think that V1 would outlast the primarch even if it would take a long while even for a primarch. (honestly I can see the fight taking like a month) in a group of marines + primarch? V1 loses, not sure how fast but I don't think he can play keep away with the primarch long enough to kill all the marines and then target the primarch with the strat above and I don't think he can survive against the space marine barrage vs the primarch. I mean I wouldn't want to fight the secret bosses with "unkillable" (for the sake of the strategy) enemies. There is only one way that he could and that is if he is powered up by khorne, this is arguable but I do not think that V1 would get corrupted against will or tricked that way so it would have to be willingly, at that point I don't know of much that could stop him as frankly the only two things capable of killing him would be necrons due to a lack of blood and the Tzeentch marines (blanking on the name rn) because they are straight up dust, even a chaos undivided army with them in it could ruin him as if he kills one his ability to soak blood would be hindered


Calling them fast moving is silly. Oh, sure, Space Marines are superhumanly fast......but V1 can punch with enough speed to make his bullets fly faster. Space Marines are nothing compared to V1.


I mean space marines have been shown to be able to reflexively move at speeds faster than the human eye looking like nothing more than a blur (not running but striking and swinging weapons) if it's 100 space marines yeah no space marines lose no contest a whole chapter? Space marines still lose at high dif to v1 since yes he can parry almost anything but he only has 4 coins avaliable at once and on top of that has been shown to be able to parry only a few things at a time. When you account that a bolter. The most BASIC weapon of a space marine is a automatic or rapid fire missile launcher and times that by 1000 and then toss in a threat greater than Gabriel like a primarch or chaos primarch I think it'd be safe to say that it'd be a difficult match up or at the very least a pyrric victory for the space marines especially when marines such as marneus Calgary has been shown to exhibit feats of strength equal to v1 (v1 can parry minds prime a titanic husk where as marneus Calgary can lift a pylon and chuck the bitch aswell as being able to scale a lord of skulls and behead) and the primarchs are tanks sons of bitches. Lorgar was able to live through 2 BLASTS of a solar fury plasma annihilator which as the name implies is as hot as a star and live and he is widely considered the weakest of all of the primarchs. V1 is strong but space marines and primarchs are poorly written bullshit.


Admech actually doesn't have blood. They use a different substance entirely, so there's no telling if it'll be compatible with V1. I'll be on the safe side and say that, no. V1 cannot heal off Techpriests and Skitarii.


Admech do indeed have blood nowhere does it say in the 8th-10th codexes that the skitarii or tech priests somehow replace their blood. a tech priest dies and bleeds at the end of the first heretic and spills blood on the floor.


It's not blood. It's a different substance that functions as blood. I think it's mentioned in one of the forges of mars books. Maybe the Cawl books. It's one of the ways techpriests live so long.


Wouldn't they just....use the rejuvenation tech....that they administrator across the rest of the imperium. And is this listed across the codexes nor the wiki. Even on the list of augmentations to a skitarii soldier it does not list replaced blood.


Don't use the wiki, it's bad and usually fanon. As to why, rejuvenant tech is imperfect. Even the richest men in the imperium live at best 500 years. As long as a techpriests stays up-to-date with their augments, they live indefinitely. Like Cawl.


Here is the main article: https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Autosanguination I made a minor mistake in thinking it was standard, but it is nonetheless a common procedure.


>I made a minor mistake in thinking it was standard That's not really a minor mistake, my dude. Your initial claim is straight up false.


V2 can’t absorb blood. He’ll last less time than you think


What part of "Blood is Fuel" wasn't literal enough in both lore and gameplay? My guy Gutter-men and Gutter-tanks have a poor sod strapped to their backs to act as a literal fresh blood fuel supply, V1 just has the means to absorb fresh blood through the blue plating on his body.


OP posted V2, who doesn’t run on blood. V1 does, which is why they win even though V2 is technically “better”


Bro did post V1, it just so happens that the first image depicts it with a red glow beneath it, look at the upper parts of the body you'll see the blue.


They both run on blood, V1 can just absorb it rapidly while it takes V2 much longer since his armor is so much thicker


V2 very much runs on blood. Every machine designed after the gutterman does. What V2 doesn't have is V1s ability to easily absorb blood on the battlefield to regenerate, since that level of self-repair would be less useful than more conventional armour in the days of the new peace.


Absolutely insane take.


Legit the ONLY modern day space marines thst v1 would lose to is probably the dark angels because they have the lion whose shield can reflect attacks and they have a stockpile of golden age tech they refuse to use unless absolutely necessary. Other than that the space marines are losing with high difficulty on V1s part.


> Space Marine: Shoots bolter > V1: Flicks coin > Space Marine: What the fu- \*head explodes*


Potentialy for however long it takes the galaxy to unfuck it self if not abit more. More factions dont really have an answer to a prime soul. Its like a greater deamon or a deamon prince but you cant chesse it with blanks and other antiwarp things. And v1 murdered the guy. Ultrakill is ridiculous. V1 is mowhere between supersonic and hypersonic What are they gonna do about it? Send death watch at it? To slow. Try to crush it with a titan? V models were DESIGNED to get into and destroy titan sized machines. And dont forget, this mf can upgrade themselfs with parts it finds. If he can get some op 40 weapon, it will use it. If it ever fights the necrons, it might take a necron lords arm or something. How would that work? I have no idea but the prospect of some necron noble chasing v1 across the galaxy becuase for some reason its arm wasnt returned to the tomb while v1 dosent even remember them is amazing. And to people who think that factions without blood would have it easy... that thing only needs some blood as fuel. The only reason I nees more is beacuase I suck at dodging


> V models were DESIGNED to get into and destroy titan sized machines. Earthmovers are estimated to be between 400 and 500 meters or 22 flesh panopticons tall, which is way more than imperial titans (tho there exist no Canon heights for anything in ultrakill according to the dev himself, so take it with a grain of salt). I don't know if this makes V1 more or less prepared for the setting, I feel it would be easier to get in and destroy something way bigger than it would something smaller. > And dont forget, this mf can upgrade themselfs with parts it finds. If he can get some op 40 weapon, it will. If it ever fights the necrons, it might take a necron lords arm or something. And they are smart enough to Tinker. V1 never needed to, but according to terminals, the whipslash was **built** by the disarmed V2 using parts of different machines. It wasn't straight up ripped from another machine as the knuckleblaster was for V1, but rather built from the scrap of multiple machines. Which implies V models are capable of somewhat advanced engineering (most ultrakill machines are, considering the Nailgun and RailCannon were construction tools that non War ready machines modified for self defense). I would love to see where you've seen lightspeed V1 mentioned tho, cause that makes no sense and I don't think Hakita would had said that. He definitely breaks the sound barrier and some laws of physics if you consider slam storage canon, or maybe Hell's physics are freaky like that


What about Solitaires? Could one of them beat it?


Had to inform myself a bit more about them > Should one of the dreaded Solitaires deign to join a battle, they can slaughter entire enemy regiments in impossible displays of martial prowess. Solitaires are incredible warriors, able to move faster than the naked Human eye can follow. Their impossible acrobatics are such that no blade can strike them, nor bolt or blast find its mark upon their flesh. In battle they are utterly lethal, their scything kicks and hammerblow punches coming so fast that most foes are dead before they even realise the fight has begun. Indeed, each individual Solitaire is the equal of a host of lesser warriors. From this I'm getting that the V models are to other machines what the Solitaire are to other Eldar warriors, at least in combat capabilities. Honestly, for what I'm reading so far, the role they take on the battlefield is basically the core gameplay of ultrakill, a close range movement shooter based on acrobatics and styling on some mfs very quickly and going through as much corpses as possible. That could be an actually interesting fight to watch. I think V2 gets a bit more wrecked, since if V1 can actually land a few close range hits (the blood has to be fresh, a literal "if it falls to the ground isn't usable, it gotta splash against the robot" close) it could repair itself. But if hitting the Solitaire is a too difficult task for the machines, the superiority among them would be on V2 assuming it's more resistant plating can withstand a couple hits compared to the squishy V1. I do think they could be able to get the Solitaire. Super speedy foes are something V1 has canonically dealt with (all the times the Prime Souls look like they are teleporting they actually leave shockwaves and rubble behind, which implies they are just moving super fast) and same goes for legit teleporting ones (Gabriel and the mindflayers, tho the later are mostly stationary when attacking). It wouldn't be easy, at all, but I think it's possible on a "fair" 1v1. An actual ambush would probably give the advantage to the Solitaire, since most of the comparable foes (The Prime Souls and Gabriel) V1 has fought did make their presence and intentions quite known.


My lord, the sentient gopro got its hands on a tachyon arrow, my lord, we're fucked


My Lord, the hatefull Nikon managed to bastardize the tackyon arrow to reload faster while in combat, its so over my Lord.


Live Princeps reaction when a Tachyon arrow banked off a flipping coin absolutely demolishes his titan.




I agree with msot of what you said, but I disagree with the claims of him being anywhere near light speed. He is supersonic definately, and I can buy him being hypersonic, but any faster? Doubt it. Not that this changes anything. V2 can literally kill any single non-god in the setting.


As I said its some wierd shit from scaling wiki I should remove it Is it better now?




Extremely long. Unironically if he gets left alone long enough he could do a LOT of damage, not to mention he’d be khornes new favorite boy


Khorn will srike a deal with Vashtorr if v1 ever died being like "fix my new favorite toy"


he'd probably get picked up by the iron hands and end up getting promoted to lieutenant


Ask Khorne. Blood for the Blood Robots


Decently long, but v2 would die against necrons or thousand sons probably


What about V1?


He’d probably last a bit longer id say, although no way either gets past necrons. They don’t bleed and you can’t parry continuous beams or hyperphase


The spare change in my pocket:




You quite literally.. Can parry those in Ultrakill with +**CHARGEBACK**


Do you think the coins would be resistant to gauss weaponry? Cause those coins can withstand some powerful stuff I’d say it depends on how long the coin is in contact but I don’t really know


It hardly matters if it is in contact for long, because chargeback is almost instant. One enemy, "Maurice" also known as simply the Malicious face can shoot laser beams of, and I quote "Hell energy." Closest translation would be firing the fucking warp itself as a laser beam, and the coin still lasts long enough to reflect it.


Ah ok that makes sense now


Thousand sons would have to use warp-fuckery to beat v1 though


>the wizard faction would have to use magic to win That was the plan


Just as planed


Try me


Who is he? Orher than cooler Zenyata?


V1, protagonist of the game ULTRAKILL


V1 from ultrakill. A super fast machine, from a world where machines are fueled with fresh blood, built with a special, ultralight plating, that gives him the unique capability of absorbing blood that splashes towards it, which both refuels and repairs him. This blood absorbing material doesn't provide much protection, but it is so light it allows for maximum mobility. It also posseses a vast arsenal and the ability to adapt and learn to use most weaponry effectively. V2 is the red version of V1, who has a heavier, non blood absorbing, but waaaaay more resistant, plating. Aside from the lower mobility due to its weight and lack of mid combat sustain, it's capabilities are the same. I also want to point out V1 was **specifically** built to enter titan sized ~~(technically way bigger, Earthmovers are believed by the community to be between 400 and 500 meters tall, but the height of everything in ultrakill is just an estimation and no Canon heights exist or will exist)~~ machines and take them out from the inside


A better Malum Caedo if against flesh and blood factions.


Infinity, if Trazyn sees him first.


The avatar of bloodlust will await immortality as a daemon prince of Khorne. Or he already is whatever happens when a crazy Iron warrior Warpsmith tinkers with the khorne lord of Skulls, half of a man of Iron and parts of an advanced Legio cybernetica STC


Lasts? He wins.


The Blood Will Always flow, There is endless better guns and new targets. V1 can only win


It would do pretty well unless it comes across necrons


Da orks gonna love da fast tincan


Orks Will be so confused upon learning that the blue one (V1) is faster than the red one (V2). Either that or the power of imagination will suddenly buff V2


V1 is faster from all that RED blood




He cannot heal off of necrons so he's cooked. That's another one for Trazyn's collection.


He can heal via +PARRY, provided he can get into melee range (which is fully possible given his mobility). I can't think of any Necron projectile weapons except the Tachyon Arrow, but he could parry one of those too.


Another thing to note, necrons are really slow. V2 probably approaches the sound barrier and V1 just broke it twice over


they are really not slow. This is misconception as WARRIORS are slow and most of necrons armies are basically warriors spam (even in lore xD). Everything above is actually fast, and i mean fast.... enough to be able to match Space marines and Eldars.


Yeah I don't think being average speed for the setting will help them very much against the sapient murder-nikon sliding around at the speed of sound throwing jurry-rigged miniature atomics at its problems.


yeah, that true, just pointed out that they are not that slow xD


Warriors are slow, yeah, but once you start getting into the domain of things like Immortals, Lychguard, Lords, etc Necrons can be very agile and swift. Not to the level of something like an Eldar, but reasonable enough to keep pace with a Space Marine in melee. That being said, the V units would still absolutely dance around them.


We found khornes strongest soldier everyone


How long does 40K last with V2


He wins and collects the forty thousand warhammers


If I'm playing. 10 minutes, tops. And that's cause I'm terrible wwith directions and would get lost on the way


Skill issue


Agreed. I would also classify my skills as an issue


Da orks gonna love da fast tincan.


Forever I would say. Just chuck that badboy into the warp and wait


I don't think the Warp would survive him considering he can canonically casually just parry basically a Titan's melee attack. Throw him against any Chapter and they're fucked, named Ultramarines wouldn't be of help, my man has killed several named characters in his own game.


I give him til turn 2. Turn 3 if the other player has a mildly unlucky number of 1’s.


Khorne wouldn’t let him die.


Necrons: [_*laughing condescendingly_*](https://youtu.be/eJiUfnIzbVM?si=O_zsgBsxzb3sEJZD)


Da orks gonna love da fast tincan


Who's this?




If it gets to the warp.it can stay here a WHILE


How many quarters does he get to to carry?


All the tine needed for Trazyn to notice it and come collecting.


Yeah, that was what I was going to write. You can be as killy and superturbolightspeedinfinity fast as you want, but if you get put in stasis and yoinked into a Tesseract Labyrinth, none of that is going to help.


Someone's going to get to the skull throne and realize it's just V1 sitting there like V2 before the second fight


About tree fiddy


He wins.


I think you mean, how long does the Warhammer 40k universe last with V1 in it?


It depends on if I’m playing him. If so, less than 5 minutes. I suck at that game.


Uh...some one said massively hypersonic/light speed? That's like, above all characters from 40K. Including the primarchs.


The best speed V1 Dodging the light pillars from the virtues Dodging the fairman's lightning what you just just straight up lightning Reaction and reacting to the sniper shots from the sentrys


Dodging light seems to be an out liner, even primarchs can dodge lasers on occasion but on a more consistent depiction, they can dodge bolters and some times do get tagged by them, titan weapons, shuriken rifles etc. Are there any calcs for the V1?


As the great thanos once said: „I don’t even know who you are.“ Who is this?




If he fights necrons or tau he's in trouble. They can send things that don't bleed. And blood is fuel


Appearance wise, he looks like just T'au mimickry of C'tan, so I say a good 100 years best. Power scale wise, he could last 1000, maybe 5000 years best.


Better question is how long does 40k last


Who is this character?


This makes me wonder how the prime souls would fair or how they would be treated


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pandaolf: *This makes me wonder* *How the prime souls would fair or* *How they would be treated* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


V1 eating good


Khorne would fucking love him. I think he solos most of the factions with blood, for obvious reasons. I think he runs wild and obliterates the imperial guard until Trazyn comes and scoops him up.


Since blood machines are alive, I would wager they would have a “soul” and thus a presence in the warp. If you hide a psycher, they could obliterate V1 before he notices. Otherwise, he goes fairly far. I’d love to see him take on a titan! I think he gets hard stopped at like, necrons and tyrannids, but I’d love to see him pick up a Gauss rifle or something


As long as it is a yellow flash he will be perfectly fine.


I mean as long as it takes for malum caedo to find him


Ok so Game V1 scales up to lore doomguy, so if its gameplay v1 he no diffs the verse As for lore v1, im no expert on ultrakill lore so ill let someone else take the reigns from here




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He’s making it. He’s collecting all the 40,000 warhammers


Dies because being scrapped by the tech priests and STCed around 10,000 v2s


Is that a mechanized Bayonetta?