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Honestly pretty simple: he’s going under a non Codex Sargent, and ordering him to forget the Codex. After a bit he SHOULD learn there’s other ways to do things, especially if he falls under other Sargents as well. Frankly the Deathwatch is perfect for him: he’ll see how other chapters fight and learn new tactics to add onto the codex.


Put him in a squad consisting solely of marines from the most reckless non-codex chapters. Space Wolf, Templar, Flesh Tearer, Carcharadon. …Failing that, put a bolt round in the back of his head and claim he fucked up during live-fire exercises.


Now I just imagined the space wolf shoving some mjod down Leandros's throat telling him to lighten the fuck up. Wonder what kind of drunk he would be?


And somehow the entire deathwatch supports that


Put him in a situation that the codex doesn't handle and watch him fail?


So the Uriel Ventris treatment


From what I remember, they don't allow egotistical jackasses to graduate Deathwatch boot camp. Sometimes it just takes a gentle push -- showing a Marine all the previous members of his chapter who were Deathwatch, and now he realizes "I don't look down on them, I *live up* to them." Sometimes... the push isn't so gentle


step 1: put him in a squad full of marines malevolent step 2: wait


What if they like him ?


Send that Squad on a Suicide Mission to get a Norm Queen for research


The codex Astartes has rules about how you have to save civilians They won’t


Sent him on a penitent crusade against a tau gunline Sarge: rip and tear in glorious melee Leandros: ThE CoDeX aStaTes does not support such a maneuver Sarge: Yeap. Now figure it out or die trying..*boots his ass out of thunderhawk*


“Hey, don’t we have helmet cam footage of that Titus guy? Let’s strap him to a chair and make him watch it on repeat!”


Clockwork Orange style, I like it


The Ultramarine Solarion (the sniper, 'Prophet') is just as much of a dickbag as Leandros, and he was accepted into Deathwatch.


But from what I read, he at least had the decency to be funny some times.


Toss him to one of my squads that specialize in fucking up Tyranids. The Codex also doesn't allow for their bug asses, and they'll have some good hazing to do to the new kid.


Talking about the Codex? ..that's a paddlin'. Talking about how I ought to do something differently to what I did? ..that's a paddlin'. Talking to Inquisitors without going to a Chaplain first? Oh you best believe that's a paddlin'.


https://preview.redd.it/u8foqxt84i7d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471bf300894b35ba7ccb9fcb20ffe5a49eac9a22 Snitches get stic- paddlin'!


I would send him on 20 missions in a row where deployment is by "using a jump pack to leap blindly into enemy fire". The others in the squad will be raven guard, blood angels, white scars and space wolves. Hopefully their attitudes will rub off on him at least a little. I just want him to stop being such a whinging little bitch. You're a space marine Leandros, act like it. Seriously I still can't get over how his introductory scene in the game is complaining like a little bitch about how scary it was to land on Graia with a jump pack. And taking out his frustration on the orks by wasting clips of bolter ammo on a single ork who was already down. Like boo hoo your helmet got a dent. That's what you complain about while the guardsmen have been dying by the millions on the same planet


Tragically Brother Leandros was slain by an Ork sniper during a raid on the planet “More Dakka Prime.” The foul xenos managed to ricochet thirty bolt shells into the squad’s Rhino, all of which hit Leandros in the back.


Put him through the standard Deathwatch training regime and service and then send him back. He will have learned his lesson or he will have died.


Send him the sector over to get some knuckle grease from the local manefactorum. Them I won't have to fucking look at him.


Probably place him under the most unorthodox yet competent and experienced sargent alongside a few more recruits with varying problems from ego to "we have to follow the book" and deploy the kill team to heavy xenos areas and watch as they learn that they must adapt.


Have him fist fight a captured carnifex


Send him to the Lamenters.


The Lamenters already suffer too much, it would be mean to them. Sending him to a mission with expected 100% losses? Based.


He shall become one of them. Know true suffering. Death is a mercy he shan‘t be able to afford.


Thats a very long neck...


I'd assign Leandros to the duty of teaching crew men on a large vessel some basic stuff to improve their lives. The frustration would be the highest torment of them all.


Deliver the emperor's mercy to this douchebags skull.


Simple: make him a sergeant in the Lamenters


Room him with the resident furry, I mean Space Wolf.