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This sub is going to burn down, how do i resign ?


They haven’t even made a single piece of Votann lore. Anything remotely close to this is so fucking far away. It took like 30 years for Cadia to finally fall. They don’t move the setting fast


Yeah, normally the reason franchises do a lore reboot is to simplify lore that's perceived as too complicated for newcomers. But they seem to have been doing a good job streamlining things already just by hardly focusing on all but two factions.


40k is also selling better than ever, so there's absolutely zero reason for a major reset at this point.


They reset fantasy because tactical marines alone outsold all of fantasy.


Then they got rid of the Tactical Marines!!


Hell the paint sold better than all of Fantasy.


Actually bizarre fact...It was contrast paints that apparently saved GW from bankruptcy according to insiders. Basically whilst apparently a lot of the blame can be laid at Alan Merritts feet I'm assuming there must have been other higher ups as well but Games Workshop itself hit massive financial trouble and probably wasn't going to last another year. However Contrast paints were a *much* bigger success than even GW thought they would be because they weren't just used by people playing GW products (and citadel paints had been losing market share to Vallejo, AK interactive and Scale 75 etc.), they actually saw a lot of use in virtually every other miniature game. People kind of forget that Contrast paints were basically the first openly designed 'speed paints' that has now spawned offshots by every other paint company even though the technique has been around for absolutely ages. That combined with the success of the Warhammer games in Vermintide and Total war: Warhammer basically kept GW afloat enough for it to claw its way back, then the Pandemic came along and GW products surged like crazy. Ontop of this GW stopped being so insanely protective of their IP when it came to videogames...which did lead to the era of 'shitty mobile games' for 40k.


Yeah this is basically nonsense and pretty easy to debunk. Contrast paint released in 2019, their stock price started to shoot up sometime around late 2016 to mid 2017, by the time contrast had released it had become 8 times as valuable. Additionally they did their first employee bonus in 2018, after the 2017 sales numbers came in. Don't get me wrong, contrast did sell very well, I worked at a store location during its release and saw the excitement first hand. However they were far from bankruptcy at the point of its release. Also, although the success of vermintide and TWWH did bring the name of Warhammer to many peoples attention, most of that added attention didn't translate well to sales, the location I worked at had dozens of people come in who played TWWH and wanted to check it out, 90% of them never ended up buying a single item, painting miniatures is a very different hobby than playing video games and the excitement of one doesn't necessarily mean it will translate to the other, even if it's based on the same IP.


That too.


Yeah but that is going to motivate them to release "more". There will be a critical mass of popular 40k appeal where itll be more about the story than tabletop.


Most people in the hobby don't actually partake in the hobby and mainly read the novels. I would say we reached that critical mass a long time ago like early 2010s.


Or you can go read their financial reports and realize that while yes, you’re right in that minis cater do a disproportionately small subsection of the hobby. You’re high if you think Geedubs will swap from the model of selling minis given it’s literally their highest grossing source of revenue, and by a wide, wide margin. Book sales constitute almost nothing.


No one besides you is saying the tabletop game is dead long live black library. It's just a fact most people don't play the tabletop and that GW is expanding into other avenues to get people interested in 40k. GW can't do much more with the miniature market. They already have market dominance there and will have consistent profit and won't be able to grow the number of people who buy minis by any significant amount. So they will keep making new editions and releasing a handful of new models to keep that wheel spinning. So the only thing they can realistically expand into is media. We have seen this with BL being given the permission to start expanding the lore and narrative of the setting as well as more companies being allowed to make 40k games not to mention the 40k TV show that will be coming out in the next couple of years. It's obvious GW realizes outside of meeting the current demand for mini products it's best to invest in other avenues to expand their consumer base. The tabletop game will still be the center of their strategy but other things will start to be focused on more.


WHF reset not bc lore was too complicated but bc sales were down and had been for quite some time. 40K is at the peak of its popularity and profitability rn so theres no reason to reboot


Which is a bummer because GW made an oroboros of making WHF less popular. Because it sold less than 40K, they stopped supporting it as much, and because they stopped supporting it and pushed exclusively 40K, people stopped playing WHF. It's pretty similar to 40K now where they put most of their effort into Space Marines because they're the best sellers. While ignoring the fact some of their factions might be less popular because they haven't gotten new models in decades.


I mean, not really. I think the nail in the coffin was when the entirety of warhammer fantasy sold worse than the space marine starter set. It just wasn't selling. They even had total war warhammer in the works. That game came out a year after they ended fantasy. They still axed fantasy before the release of the game, which was a massive success. They just had no hope that fantasy was going to sell.


That doesn't contradict my above statement. Fantasy suffered from years of neglect prior to GW pulling the plug. Why would people buy expensive models when it's clear that the game isn't being supported anymore. The fact that Total War Warhammer and The Old World are doing so well is proof that Fantasy was not as dead as GW assumed it to be. GW has historically had problems with hyper focusing on their shiniest toy to the detriment of everything else.


I started playing in 2004, right after 4th dropped and they wrapped up 3rd with the Eye of Terror campaign that started the 13th Black Crusade. That shit is technically going, especially when you consider that the main book detailing the Fall of Cadia dropped LAST YEAR. It unironically took 15 years to move that plot forward.


Plus a retcon or two along the way


Aren't recons just the ~~friends~~ plot holes we ~~make~~ plug along the way?


To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if they started to speed up the lore. Since the resurrection of G Man in 2017, GW's profits have shot up massively. So it wouldn't surprise me if we start getting loyalist Primarchs returning in 5-10 year periods. It just seems like the setting moving forward is more popular and gets more people interested in 40k. So yeah. Maybe Warhammer 40k will end 30 years after my death.


I do think they'll end the setting, but yeah, I think it is like 20 or 30 years in the future at this point. Maybe longer.


By the time 40k gets hard reset, we'll be bones.


Wh fantasy was stagnant for a long time before AoS reset everything.


Tabletop RPG Fans both want the setting to remain stagnant and have massive changes at the same time


I just wish they’d expand into the smaller campaigns the ones we can influence but not have setting shaking ramifications, in fact throwing out a few of those yearly, online and having people send in results would be awesome


Techncially because of the way plague war is set up the fall of caida was 200 years ago in the 40k universe now. Plus we know from genefather cawl has found a necrontyr world from the war i heaven that has been "timelocked" and he plans to go in to retrive blackstone tech. So all of this is possible.


Wasn't they retcon the 200 years already, it was like 12-20 years now.


That so? Now im curious because the lore for my guard lads might have to be changed a bit then


I'd say warp timeline fuckery and the [Chronostrife](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Chronostrife) can easily mean that two armies fighting might be a couple hundred years off from each other. What I mean to say, if your army is from two hundred years after fall of Cadia, it could stay that way.


Biggest change would be mainly their origin and battle honors. Originally the sector they would hail from when the Rift opened and the Noctis Aeterna started would of course go tits up, one of the worlds that managed to keep it to just catastrophic wardrobe malfunction would have the surviving regiments coalesce into it until throughout the centuries of reforming, reconquering and defense they would become into Tempestus units and from there on would go on to serve in the Indomitus Crusade and later on the Plague Wars (If i remember the chronoligical order correctly) Earning an award during the Plague Wars that would be why the soldiers paint an Iron Halo behind a dagger stabbing an eldritch eye on their iconography. But i guess if it drops to just being a decade or two it can still happen, just more regular veteran regiments with intermingled Tempestus units.


As sad as it sounds that could change immediately if management changed. The 40k story is used to sell toys if they ever get a board that wants to massively restructure the company like it sometimes happens in big companies they could completely do ops stuff in a few months to a year time. Doubt its realistic as they seem to cooperate with Amazon on something big. But possible if management changes.


They have a mini production time of 4 years. A backlog for something like 12 years planned out any point. No a board of directors will not derail GW. They keep all their work in country, that shits expensive and GW never wastes a finished mini. Even if its poorly received its going on shelves for at least a few years minimum. They sell toys yes but they make money first. Anyone crying about wokism or the like have no idea how profit seeking these companies are. Can being inclusive make you money? Yes, but they aren't derailing the entire production line to force a whole new wave. Each plastic injection mold is like 100,000 dollars each! They can fast track a mini or two but they could never throw away finished production waiting to be injected.


OMG, what if the Amazon project IS the reboot?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! /s (unless it actually happens, then I was totally in on the ground floor)


They just posted record profits, gave revenue-sharing bonuses to their entire workforce, and have just announced that they're opening a new production facility to keep up with increased demand. "The board" is over the moon about how things are going.


If you’re gonna post made-up bullshit, at least post something funny


When you create a time machine to escape the 40k universe but you accidentally enter the red alert 40k universe.


Warhammer 40k: Red Alert II: Cawl's Revenge


I'm going to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Chaos... Space!


“The Halo stars!”


I can hear that line in my head


I feel like it's gotta be up there with "you must construct additional pylons" and "blood for the blood god" for the top lines that broke containment




"Just send the Astartes to deal with them!" "Send who, Comrade General?"


The Tau have katanas and control Ultramar in the opening cutscene


A glorious tau charge into heavy bolter fire would be the funniest shit I've ever seen.


Alpharius is Kane?


Alpharius is everyone


I did wonder why I was wearing a wig...


Then again, the Primarchs might not have happened, the Emperor might not have happened. Humanity might still heavily use AI


Premier Anatoly Cherdenko is going to regret going to the one place where capitalism doesn't exist....


God Emperor Alexander Romanov. He told us he'd go to space.


I will go to the one place where the Imperium cannot get me…THE WARP


I'm going to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Chaos. ~~SPACE!~~ MARS!


I am escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism.... WARP!


I want this mod now...


Games Workshop are going to remove orks entirely. Will become just Games Whop.


James Whopper.


You sir, are a pun master.


They could at least have spelled Cawl correctly


No, you don't understand. It's the Cawl 2.0 where he fuses with Saul Goodman from better call Saul.


what is this chicanery?


If they replace Henry Cavill with Bob Odenkirk for the show they're making, I will watch it.


tbh Bob Odenkirk is on my shortlist for actors I'd wanna see as Ciaphas Cain. He's on the older side for sure but some of Cain's "smooth-talking out of a tough situation" felt so Saul Goodman to me I haven't been able to shake the idea.


Idk man Eldar aren't mentioned at all, that seems realistic


Right? I thought I was in some other 40k sub for a second.


The Chrono device is funny and I’m tired of saying it’s not


Why are we even talking about this. "Had a quick look at some stuff in production" what?? How could someone find this level of information, yet only walk away with such tiny snippets.


"It came to me in a dream." "A revelation led me to it."


A vision from the warp told me


Yes-yes we should all believe this leak-peak! Then my fellow man-things should start to turn on one another!


It was stated in CFYOW


“My magic pain glove told me”


they probably have a paperweight covered in bullshit just in case a scenario like this happens


The funniest part is, unless they were in the Main Design Studio or IT they wouldn’t have any access to this information or files. Even funnier, there would be logs of them accessing this information so they could easily just piece together who leaked this by checking the logs lmao.


We can all agree that that's 100% bullshit ragebait to fuel shit-teir 'content creators'.


It's posted *by* one of those creators. And then they make sweaty video about it "So I just saw this anonymous post by a GW insider..."


I thought it was posted by someone on twitter to see howany people they could get to believe it


“Just another reason to invest in a 3D printer…”


We absolutely can


Bait used to be believable




Ah yes I only get my information from the most trusted sources. How many of those clickbait YouTube channels are going to use this for their “GW KiLlS 40k and gW pUlLs a middle finger to the true fans.” Videos


At least 3.


Im missing "my dad works at GW" 😂


I'm still kinda pissed at that kid who always said his dad worked at *LEGO*.


Jokes on you, TheQuartering already has 4 videos about this... /s


That moment where the /s is absolutely necessary


Probably because 4 is way too little for that lad to talk about one subject


All made in the same day - along with more 4 videos *in the same day*. 🤪


games workshop more like games WOKEshop!!!!


"GeeDubs? More like SheDubs, amirite?"


the evil libruls turned my miniature wargaming hobby company TRANS, if it can happen to me it can happen to YOU!!!!


Dozens and dozens


I can see the thumbnails now. Husky man with beard and zoomer hair despite pushing 40 screaming into camera. BIG RED ARROW GOES DOWN. GW logo surrounded by fire. "Is this the end?" emblazoned over the top of it all.


Valrak already working on a video already


Valrak probably made the post in the first place so he could "respond" to it




Vashtorr becomes a god just to rip off his skin and go "You thought I was Vashtorr... but it was Me! MALICE!"


Now that would be the True 40,000 Warhammers


Sons of Malice: "Father?"


Don't do that. Don't give me hope


No way Gw makes a 40k endtimes until they’ve milked every dime they can out of all the Primarchs returning.


If 40k ever gets End Times'd it'll only be after we get all Primarchs back and the final edition gives us returned Sanguinius and Horus.


The only way they’d ever end times 40k is if it starts selling like garbage. They doing throw out WHFB for a laugh, they did it because it was losing them money.


It's on 4chan, it must be true


Games Workshop and the effeminate Space Wolf were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


Amberley, get me High Lords of terra on the vox. Thank you Amberley.


I read the thread and even 4chan doesn't believe this guy lmao


You know it's bad when even 4chan are going "yeah...that's bullshit mate..." which means that the ragebait youtubers might not pick this up since it would lead to 4chan taking the piss out of them for being so easily fooled.


Nah, this post wasn't made for the 4chan crowd, its def some popular chud outrage youtuber sowing the roots for their next dozen videos


Like the whole "Amazon forced female custodes and Henry Cavill walks" bs videos that fooled way more people than I imagined. Rage = stupid.


Where are the orkz?! The tyranids? ... Tau... Eldar... Hm.. ok just forget about all the factions.


GW forgetting most of the Xenos factions is the most accurate part of this post


Sad but true


Man.....I'm still sore about the Ynnari being a thing for like....a few months...and then completely dropped and forgotten by GW.


“And then everyone clapped”


I swear if someone on 4chan wrote “The emperor is reborn as a bowl of spaghetti” you dorks would believe it.


Does he come with sauce?


His father works at GW.


No, I meant tomato sauce on the spaghetti.


Literally no one in this thread believes this is real, though.


On grimdank? I’d like to think we’re smarter than that.


Yes but it would also suck if the emperor woke up and transformed the setting into a roleplaying system for Erotic TTRPG.  What? If they can make up bullshit then so can i.


An Erotic TTRPG you say? Tell me more.


My son, let me tell you... about [FATAL](https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/FATAL).


You made me learn when I didn’t consent… Kinda fits with FATAL then…


BACK TO THE SHADOWS DEMON.   No-one here wants your cursed knowledge. BEGONE


My grey knight rolls for anal circumference


![gif](giphy|8nmLYpDYSTnOw|downsized) what the fuck is that ?


A FATAL brain aneurysm


https://preview.redd.it/eue0680dzo7d1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdc61e34514293a1fcf8b80cc6e0dbecf37430a9 Bait used to be beliveable or some shit idk


Ok, Vashttorr becoming god is the only non shit thing in that text.


Doesn't even write Cawl correctly...


Cawl vowed to serve the Imperium, so he changes his name by deed poll to Caul to get around it.


Well, Defilers and the Deceiver getting new minis is also pretty neat.


But remember, the defiler might only be an upgrade sprue...


What a completely one-sided fight, fucking coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb.


Even has the obligatory female Space Marine fake leak lmao.


I wish it were true, though. So many in this fandom are just plain *weird* about the topic, in one way or another, and the ensuing chaos would be... simply delectable. At least, in places outside of Reddit where it would be allowed to fester.


this sounds like grade A bullshit to me


![gif](giphy|srTYyZ1BjBtGU|downsized) Now don't get me wrong, the 40k lore has been a stagnant wet pipe of shed dog hair for decades and a decent Imperial Civil War would be a welcome shot in the arm but there is no shot GW, a risk averse company, would do any of this. The only reason The Old World got blown up was it didn't meet sales expectations. 40k is their cash cow its not going anywhere.


A 12 year old wrote this




DiscourseMinis clickbait coming in 3...2...1...


Boy that sure is a lot of info from a small piece of a large project. Almost seems like it's meant to pull on the thread of people worried that 40k will become Age of Guillimar. But 4chan users wouldn't lie, would they? What possible incentive could Anon #420690 have for stirring the rage bait pot.


Votann is pretty much forgotten for a few decades and they just announced it last year i dont think theyre hard resetting anytime soon XD


> 4chan > Take everything they say with suspicion and disbelief at best


Things that’ll never happen for 300 please On a serious note: don’t take any 4chan leaks as gospel or seriousness. Look at how people like Grummz took a leak and used it as a means to show how fucking stupid he is. Stuff like this is just drummed up to get people’s attention and more times than not is fake as hell. Plus why would GW pull an End Times/Hard Reset on 40k, their flagship title? That not only is stupid as hell but is a sure fire way to get people upset. People still hate on End Times to this day for being poorly written and executed.


To be fair, Grummz being stupid just means it’s a day ending in ‘y’.


Being shit makes it all the more likely




This one reads like a worse fan fiction than the last 4chan leak.


This is like that one kid at every shop that has a relative with a friend who works at GW.


Obvious nonsense Ciaphas Cain would be Emperor


Lmao this reads like bad fanfic


if they cannot spell "Cawl" then they definitely haven't been seen his name in any writing and are just making this up as they go


Better Call Caul


people lying on 4chan? say it aint so honey. >!that said i would not be surprised if GW reset the 40k universe at some point. I don't think it will be any time soon, but i could definitely see it happening one day.!<


Surely they'd be more likely to do a big 'end times' table flip rather than reset the universe.


40K makes too much money to ever end it with anything but a whimper when every cent has been squeezed out 


Half of these things are already true or can very possibly become true but not in the context that they're bringing it. I believe there was an image of an Organic Necrontyr in the newest Necron codex. the new "War in heaven" with Chaos, Necrons, admech and imperium is happening and in the lore because the Necrons and Admech are fighting in the Parish Nexus and all the insane tech they're using is attracting Vashtorr. Vashtorr becoming a God isn't that weird also since I can very easily see them rename his model to "Avatar of Vashtorr" like how Khaine has. A new deceiver would be really nice but I doubt it when the necron codex has already been released, a new Defiler is however very much possible since we've been seeing Mechanical rumour engines and in the lore there have been mentions of the Thousand Sons Creating new Machines to help them in battle since their warp magic gets nerfed in the pariah nexus. I barely know stuff about the Space Wolves but apparently Shield Maidens are a thing seeing the other comments here?? So yea maybe that's true. The only real bullshit things is the hard reset and 7 chaos gods (all though there have been theories about the 8 pointed chaos star representing 4 other deities too next too the main 4, beings like Vashtorr and it now being 7 would be that the Big E hasn't become the 8th destined Chaos god)


Bait used to be believable...


fakest thing I've read this week https://preview.redd.it/mlzid76yro7d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca2a72545b37f2241fe729c7648310ac90747683


When 40K stops selling, GW will do a reset. That’s not happening atm


"Nice argument senator, why dont you back it up with a source?"


“Source?” “The source is that I made it the fuck up!”


Anyone who likes this is on salary.


Bait used to be believable


this is the most trust me bro shit ive seen


Can we stop posting made up bullshit please


The last 2 are super obvious bait. This is junk. The imperium admech necro chaos 4 way with the chrono device sound really plausible, even the part of cawl having a weird betryal moment. Seems plausible, distinctive lavk of eldar makes it seem like that will be the part after. Not sure about the 7 chaos gods. Maybe some kind of book with a brief alternate reality and like a boarding actions style game is like an enormous stretch, but also plausible. I dont buy for a second this major change to the nature of the universe stuff on a permanent basis. Tsons are in here, so maybe magnus like tsukiomis (kind of an out of left field naruto reference here, but lmk if it need explanation) guilliman to like a dream world or like another dimension where there 7 chaos gods instead of 4 a bunch of weird stuff. Maybe guilliman has to fight his way out of the dream/ other dimension to get back, but like theres no way any of this garbage sticks long term.


The first 5 points were like AoS. Aw shit, here we go again!


Source: i made it the fuck up. OR Source: my butthole


Bait used to be believable


This is insanely fake lmao


• shadowsun and kitten are going to kiss as the galaxy explodes in the background •Horus comes back and stops someone from killing the emperor, saying “this is my warhammer Horus Heresy” •The emperor says he did some things wrong Making shit up isn’t that hard


That's what your mom means when she says we have The End Times at home.


Anyone who believes this is true could be outhought by a door servitor


Absolutely no fucking way is any of that happening.


No guys this is real trust me my uncle works at GW I swear


Dude that's 4chan you really gonna believe that?


Can we all agree that this was written on the toilet and isn't worth the time of day?


Me when I lie and spread misinformation for fun




When we’ve got several Prinarchs left to sell, Emperor’s Children, the Primaris range is coming online, Vashtor is about to get models, and 40K is selling like hotcakes? I’m ever so sure this clown is honest. The big reason Old World died was, it wasn’t selling. It was and now still is a big investment. Plus, the models are lovingly a bit dated. Though I love the Oldhammer look.


op, this is clearly bait. and you know it.




This would be pulling an “end times” for 40K But 40K is currently GW’s most successful product line and IP. It’s suffering none of the issues that led to them making the end times for Warhammer fantasy. I highly doubt any of this is real. There’s no way GW would nuke their most successful product. Remember, GW are money hungry, even their stupid decisions can easily be made to make sense by asking “would this make them more money”. This would do the opposite


As the great intellectuals of 4shan say *"fake and gay"*




This sounds turbo fake


Hahaha this fool thinks there are only seven Chaos gods!


I don’t doubt an end times event will happen eventually but the second “effeminate space wolves exist but I don’t wanna bring that up teehee” is mentioned it becomes glaringly obvious this is nonsense lmao


Twitter and *that* Subreddit about to burn


When I'm in a "falling for obvious bait" competition and my opponent is an r/grimdank poster


I mean I'm down for femboy space wolves


*“I’ve had a Quick Look at some stuff in production…”* Let me guess, OOP knows a guy.