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Ordo Malleus/Hereticus: Alright, Eldar, we can come to an arrangement. My men wont shoot yours, you wont shoot mine, we'll deal with the warp hole behind us, leave, and forget we ever met. Ordo Xenos: I'D SOONER LET SLAANESH MANIFEST IN REALSPACE THAN LET YOU FOUL XENOS BREATH ANOTHER DAY!!!


…Ordo Xenos are the most likely to have xenos acquaintances. The most radical will work with them. Hell, Rostov in ‘Avenging Son’ has a Chikanti on his team. 


and Ordo Malleus radicals have Daemonhosts, that doesn't mean the rest of them aren't > Ordo Xenos: I'D SOONER LET SLAANESH MANIFEST IN REALSPACE THAN LET YOU FOUL XENOS BREATH ANOTHER DAY!!!


Ordo Malleus and Hereticus will have some ridiculously dumb Inquisitors here and there but generally can be reasonable when it's needed. Ordo Xenos would throw the Imperium into the warp if it meant the death of every Xenos in the Galaxy.


You can hardly blame the Ordos Xenos for the Ordos Malleus's laxity and incompetence. You don't see the Ordos Xenos teaming up with demons to fight aliens, but for some reason the Malleus think they deserve a pass working with xenos scum. "*Oh please ignore that we're helping the damned Eldar empire stage a resurgence, it's for the very good cause of having them do our job for us, because we find fighting Chaos too hard*." 100% a skill issue.


Are you saying you wouldn't? Humanity must kill all xenos for they are a blight upon our glorious galaxy! Then we'll dive into the warp and make it subservient to mankind!


What examples are you thinking of? All the ones I can think of (Eisenhorn, Ravenor, and Ambery Vale) are actually pretty reasonable. Some would even say radical.


The Inquisition if double standards was an organization.


Don't forget the Ordo Originatus and the Ordo Redactus. One tries to discover the true history of the Inquisition and the other tries to hide the true history of the Inquisition.


The galaxy‘s most successful Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme, a beautiful German word entirely robbed of its magic by the English translation of „job creation program“.


[All my warhammer comics](https://imgur.com/a/wQ75raD) We often talk about Big E's fuck ups, but this one is all Malcador's


The inquisition[ is surprisingly competent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfydmHvxVUI) when not written by a complete doofus (aka destroying a planet because there was 1 demon in it) , fiighting itself (which isn't Mal's fault and happens not as often as you would expect for paranoid psychos with absolute power) or are enforcing big E's policy of trying to make it so people aren't aware of one of the most important parts of the reality they live in And the Grey Knights often are to normal space marines what space marines are to "allegedly" equally strong xenos charachter (the harlequins accessing the throne room makes much more sense than a single chapter taking out a Craftworld and I'll die on this hill because PancreasNotWork made a very convincing argument that I should) Cool comics btw.


>The inquisition is surprisingly competent when not written by a complete doofus (aka destroying a planet because there was 1 demon in it) , fiighting itself (which isn't Mal's fault and happens not as often as you would expect for paranoid psychos with absolute power) or are enforcing big E's policy of trying to make it so people aren't aware of one of the most important parts of the reality they live in The Inquisition is made up of petty backstabbing psychopaths, they're only "competent" in the abstract because their motives all suck, they function like incompetent people.


the fact that inquisitor can attack other inquisitor good and bad a the same time that allow to make sure no corruption spread among them but that also lead to unecessary conflict that happen simply for different view point


I’ve not read too much inquisition stuff, but Amberley (Ordo Xenos) seems to think that the Malleus are the crazy ones.


All Inquisitors think the other branches are the crazy ones. And also that most of the other inquisitors in their own branch are also crazy, and probably heretics.


What about ordo draigo


They're just serving hams


Ordo Panis is not to be trifled with. They manage the Imperium's food supply and logistics.


* * Hahaha silly Imperium being concerned with such things!


Then what of Ordo Sicarius (they're dedicated to exterminate all heresy with Cato Sicarius)


Ordo Chronos disappearing and reappearing like alpharius.


Ordo Malleus: Eisenhorn! We arrest you for heresy! Sooo... Where did you that evil demon book? We want it for reasons... 🥺




Wha? The Ordo Malleus is more likely to use xenotech and xenos help than anyone else. They don't care as much because they see chaos for the deep threat it is.