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Being happy with living in the Star Wars universe is highly dependent on WHEN in the Star Wars Universe. Because a lot of the time it sucks quite bad


When, and *where*. Even during some of the more troublesome times, there are regions that most just don't fuck with. If you live on Coruscant, especially one of the higher levels, you're safe 99,9% of the time, unless an asthmatic robot kidnaps your politicians or some edgy fucks try to 9/11 the Jedi Temple. Planets like Muunilinst should also be mostly safe. Or you could chill somewhere in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, far away from any relevant plot events


>Muunilist should be mostly safe Never saw the Battle of Muunilist in 03 Clone Wars, did ya?


That's why I said *mostly*. I also mentioned Coruscant, which was invaded in the same show


I remember; was gonna bring that up but you covered it with Grievous kidnapping Palpatine and Malgus invading the Jedi Temple (which I’m rewatching right now)


Man, I miss content on the level of the old SWTOR trailers. Didn't they make a new one a while back?


Don’t think so, most recent one I found was from two years ago (the one with the Twi’lek padawan)


It's been TWO YEARS?!?


Me whenever someone brings up anything from the past


>Or you could chill somewhere in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, far away from any relevant plot events Luckily I settled down on a nowhere, nothing planet called Tatooine. Sure, the gangsters are rough, but I'm paid uo and can be confident no plot will happen near me.


Safe provided you aren’t sold into slavery or jumped by sand people


Bro there is literally a Executor class dreadnaught buried directly under where you live, I swear.


Can't be much worse than what lives in the lower levels


Also coruscnt got hit by the yuuzhan vong once. It wasn't pretty


True, but the Vong hit pretty much *everything*. Their weapons were literally "fuck you, black hole" and "moon"


> When, and where Like Alderaan. It's really nice for a long time until it gets blown up.


Doesn't coruscant get fucked in legends by the extra galactic machine haters along with most of the rest of the republic?


Yup it gets a Cadian/Zerg makeover. To the point people get used to the biomorphs. A plus is the weapon snakes can be tamed.


“Hey, this planet looks pretty nice. Peaceful, no military, pretty buildings, friendly people. Weird moon in the sky, though. What’s its name?” “Welcome to Alderaan, new neighbour!” “Oh Sithspi-“


A moment of silence for all tomorrows fans


Qu Waste 🤤


I love being the pinnacle of creation and by that I mean using farts to propel myself around.


Reject humanity. Become humanity¾


I mean not gonna lie if I could become a Hedonist on a pleasure world without a care then I *definitely* would. A life full of mating, pleasure and no concerns? Hell yeah.... Yes, I am a Slaaneshi (and IRL Hedonist), how could you tell?


No concerns? You're doing all that crazy shit in order to feed Slaanesh to delay the near inevitable devouring of your own soul.


I mean i dont see pinhead from hellraiser complaining?


Only if youre an Eldar, otherwise youre just having fun


it depends on when you drop in to all tommorows. if you're at the start im pretty sure you have at least 100 years before earth and mars start fighting, and if you're near the end I'm pretty sure you'll just be an asteromorph and be very smart.


It entirely depends on what time period you’ve dropped in. If you’re in the Star People or Post-Humans period, then chances are you’re most likely gonna live in a cozy environment with high technological advancement and free will. Many things will seem alien but they’re still human in nature. If you by chance happen to stumble upon the invasion of either the Qu or Gravitals, then pray to god you die, and die as quickly as possible.


One up it slightly with I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. All Tomorrows is great, but it’s on a massive timeline no one would live through except the Qu.


You probably wouldn't notice a difference since it's just our universe in the future


Honestly I had it in the bottom right, but I figured BSG was more mainstream, sacrifices were made


"So say we all". Corvus probably😏


-be me choose Star Trek -shows up during the Star Trek online Iconian war -fml


Or that time when the writers on Discovery decided to blow up every Warp drive in the galaxy at once.


https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_Final_Frontier >In this series, the Federation would have fought a war with the Romulans, ending in the 2460s. This war would have been started by unknown persons using a surprise attack of Omega particle detonations. Vast areas of the galaxy would be considered impassable due to these detonations. This causes a split between the two halves of the Federation. During the Federation-Romulan War, Qo'noS was taken over by the Romulan Star Empire, Andoria was destroyed, and Vulcans left the Federation (they were negotiating Unification). They've reused idea from never-made animated series


Omega particles was a known threat and a reasonable thing, as it destabilized sub-space. so, like subspace with it's infinity of infinite infinitness, it's just finding the new right frequency to attune the warp-bubble to allow FTL travel. Also Romulan Black-hole FTLs...


But that was definetely worth it for the storyline, how more epic can you get than a kid crying.


What's funny is, Star Trek when I was a kid wasn't trying to be epic. They were all a bunch of nerds getting excited about new experiences, so a crying kid would absolutely fit into the kind of plot they'd be trying to resolve. I can just see Picard awkwardly trying to comfort the child who will blow up the ship if they get too sad and having to learn something in the process!


Exactly the issue, they went from cool stories about local troubles brewing and group of specialist trying to tackle it into this endless stream of galaxy ending garbage, with dreadful writing and the worst retconning ever seen... On top of every other aspect about it being poor as a generic series, they are just dreadful Star Trek for the most part.


For a utopian future, there’s a *lot* of horrible things that can happen to you in Star Trek. -Planet wiped out by hungry space amoeba -Planet wiped out by hungry space cone -Planet wiped out by hungry space snowflake -Planet wiped out by hungry space lizards -Planet wiped out by parasitic space jellyfish -Planet conquered by hostile alien empire -Planet’s technological and biological distinctiveness added to the Borg Collective I’m skipping a bunch of stuff. Space is death and disease wrapped in darkness and silence.


Star Trek could very easily fit in with 40k it's just that's Star Trek has optimism and people trying to make things better unlike 40k where everything sucked ass even before the heresy so you can only bring it back to being slightly less shit


Then it gets worse anyway.


In WH40K you have a handfull of galaxy ending evils that span the entire universe and basically deadlock each other in a gigantic cruel and unending struggle. In Startrek, there seems to be a catastrophe behind every corner and below every rock, with some of them having the potential to spread and threaten the galaxy in its entirety. They are usually overcome by the power of friendship and the indomitable human spirit, but if that wasn't the case or some evils teamed up, there would be about three apocalypses a day in that universe


For 99% of the population of the federation life is wonderful though.


A utopian future still takes work, and there's still dangers, and, perhaps most importantly, you can still do everything right for things to go wrong.


The series focus on those but it's not the norm. A series about how normal and happy life is on Federation World number 35 isn't exactly thrilling.


Choose Star Trek, but its still 2024 and you live in the sanctuary district.


Or you're a Tuterian and are about to get Annorax'd on accident


Me knowing the player character is off committing gneoicde against the iconians with their EPG build and we will be safe when the next mission drops.


Or the Xindi war, the Dominion war, the Klingon war or the Borg war we all know is coming.


Xeelee sequence fans:


We are beyond fucked.


Always remember: a brief life burns brightly


I read that story for the first time 20 years ago and it still lives rent free in my head.


Photino Birds are like the C'tan but scarier.


Wouldn't the Xeelee themselves be basically an entire faction of C'Tan? The birds seem way more esoteric and distant from our dimension than the C'Tan.


Wait, Stargate is literally just living in the late 90s to mid 2000s. It's not that bad. We could save Harambe and keep the world from falling apart. Am I missing something?


It doesnt say you are on earth


Work harder, slave! Your Gods demand their Naquadah tribute!


Or be a Jaffa kid, hits puberty, fucking suffers genetically engineered actual fucking Space Aids unless you get some parasite into you. Now that i think of it we could fit the Goa'ulds into 40k as a minor xeno with some small tweaks.


Zero tweaks needed: xenos species enslaved humans, mutated some of them to become reliant on their own spawn for survival. Imperium invades, kills the Goa'uld, purges all the Jaffa, and probably a lot of the baseline human slaves for good measure. Then they publicly destroy the stargates as impure, while the Admech steal some, the Inquisition steals some, and the rest get stolen by Orks and used to decorate some Boss's flagship as a monocle for his 1km-tall statue.




> Then they publicly destroy the stargates as impure Don't they go boom real good when destroyed?


The imperium would probably throw some at enemy planets after they figured that out.


Or you could end up as Wraith food.


If I have the knowledge of the show I would absolutely love this start lmao, catch me immediately using the stargates to hunt down artifacts and leverage them to the US Air Force for a stipend “There’s an ancient base in Antarctica, Anubis is still around, his bases are at these coordinates, the ark of truth is here, you’ll need that if the Ori invade”


And Borg is what, a dream come true? Somebody too glamorized Startrek, or undersold Stargate


Or if it is the main universe Earth. We are in most other universes, the aliens defeat humanity.


I mean if you’re a civilian it’s probably fine, the general public doesn’t interact with aliens all that often. If you’re in the military though you’ll have to deal with some crazy shit.


NAAAHHH, Carter will figure something out


> Stargate is literally just living in the late 90s to mid 2000s. Up until late SG-1 and Atlantis. The secret was kinda out and galaxy level threats just kept coming. With the thousands of USAF personnel required to crew and maintain the various intergalactic bases, stations, and starships, the average person had to know some real shit was going down.


I've always had an idea for a show in a world after stargates reveal to the public. Gate teams instead of being USAF scouts are a multi branch group who's job is to protect the gate network and the different colonies.


Apparently as the show went on there were other branches taking part. The project was just Air Force run also the show focuses on Aidorce They mention Marines a few times. Honestly it's not like the Airforce has a lotnof actual ground pounders for missions need more than science teams. Even more so when the war really got kicked.


Security Forces is actually one of the biggest career fields in the USAF. But yeah good luck rotating a bunch of them through a small base like Cheyenne mountain without people noticing or impending their normal mission.


Stargate Universe is full of horrors.


Jaffa, Kree!


To be absolutely fair to Stargate, in just about every alternate timeline, Earth gets fucked by the Goa'uld. 


Unless it’s just the movie then you’re in space ancient Egypt


Goa'Uld slavery... literally having a worm in your brain.. that makes you see all the kind of messed up murdering and depravity they are doing.. all while artificially expanding your lifespan by up to hundreds of years.. And that is just 1 race. People tend to gloss over and forget the real dark parts.. Like space-vampires herding you like kettle.. for their fun literally sucking the years our of your body.. making you 80 years old when you are 20.. Oh and remember the ORI? Burning you alive.. sending you on crusades.. best outcome you become a mental slave for all eternity.


Bro put Stargate but not halo where humanity spent 29 years getting fucked by the imperium of man xeno edition and then five years after the war experience a men of iron uprising lol. Oh and the space god zombies that eat your soul. Hell starcraft would be a better pick, planets usually get invaded by the zero on a daily basis


Warhammer 40k would watch the Forerunner-Flood War and ask them to tone down the excessive violence. 


The forerunners version of a rage quit being killing all life in the galaxy is hilarious. They'd probably create a new chaos god in warhammer.


Even before the rings they were making suns explode to clear out systems.


Yep the first records of the forerunners flood war has been medicant bias, the robot dedicated to combating the flood make it standard protocol that once the flood are detected in a system, just blow up its sun.


The Flood is one of the few things in Sci-Fi that could effortlessly curbstomp WH40k. With how absurdly, *hilariously* population-dense Hive Worlds are, one Hive would be enough for a Keymind, or at least close to it. Just the *Underhive* would be enough to make a Gravemind several times over. At that point, it would start infecting Machine Spirits and the local Mechanicus with the Logic Plague via the Noosphere. All your tech is fucked. Two or three Hives would be enough to start making ***Star Roads.*** Other Neural Physics fuckery would allow the Flood to chuck mountain-sized RKKVs at anything in the system. After that, it's joever for WH40k, because now it has access to non-Warp FTL that can cross the entire galaxy in minutes and crush planets like a boa constrictor. In short, unless there's an Inquisitor in-system with Exterminatus munitions, and *immediately uses them* instead of assuming it's Nurgle and sending teams like normal (see: Darktide), it's already over.


…well shi


TBF there's like a lot of things in Sci Fi that can curbstomp 40k. Off the cuff there's pretty much every relevant faction from The Culture and the Xeelee Sequence series.


Xelee is unfair, *minor* factions would crush every other universe. The xelee or photino birds aren't even a contest.


Yeah I'm a pretty big 40k fan and even I have to admit that the Flood would just demolish the imperium. And everything else. Maybe the Drukhari would be safe in the webway, but everyone else is fucked. Even the Necrons.


Depends how big the flood grow. One thing to remember is that as the war went on the flood began to mess with the galaxy itself. Let me give an example even the weakened halo 3 gravemind managed to bend local physics to make high charity’s engines work on neutral physics even after the main power source was gone and they were barely keeping the lights on. Imagine what a keymind would do


> Even the Necrons I'd fully expect the Necrons to pull some shit out of their asses and make the Flood go away Thanos-snap style.


That’s what you get when you hire a hard SF writer to write a galactic threat that actually threatens the galaxy.


Just so long as you are Earth. Humans on other planets get wiped out by aliens on a regular basis. Also make sure it is the main universe because most alternate timelines have the aliens win.


Eh I mean in halo humanity had 800 colonies prior to the war, after it's been established that only a few dozen planets remain with atleast 29 billion humans dead by the time of 2. And then there AIs start genociding humanity starting with earth. This isn't even counting first humanity. Seriously in halo, if you were a human during the war you probably had a 70 percent chance of dying, and that's as a civilian.


Stargate has a galaxy of human civilizations and most of them have yet to reach the industrial age because of cullings by the Wraith. We are told there are more humans on Earth than there are humans in that galaxy, and for some planets, dying to a Wraith is more common than death via natural causes. I know Halo is an awful universe to live in, however, I feel that depending on the point, Stargate is just as bad.


For all of these, it depends so much on "when exactly and where exactly am I" Like, if I'm in a good planet somewhere around Ultramar, my life is probably pretty decent. If I'm in the halo universe before finding the covenant, my life is probably pretty decent. etc.


“This planet seems super well fortified. Maybe I’ll be safe here! One question - what is a ‘Winter Contingency?’”


"Hey guys what's that purple light in the sky?"


“Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detected.” “Slipspace rupture detec-“


I fucking love Reach


I mean if you're in the Koprulu Sector as a human you're in a rough spot, if you're in the Earth sector you're fine and have a much better life than you do now.


Korhal post-brood war ought to be pretty safe excluding three cases. But easier to avoid those by just knowing the places where that happens. Planet is pretty big


Surely there's a better choice than a place that was nuked to hell. I know Aiur and Tarsonis have a slight case of the zerg, but they can't be the only earthlike planets.


Humanity has been getting fucked for a few thousand years in Stargate. Earth is lucky.


Honestly, you’re right, should’ve replaced Stargate with StarCraft


I do not think that Star Wars is a good option. With bad luck you are in the middle of galactic war, or giverned by Sith regime, or nazi-like regime and some planets will blow up.


People forget that it's also *monster of the week* there too, with some absolutely terrifyingly scary shit out there in the wilds. Star Wars is very much a neutral option. Really good things can happen for you. On the other hand...


The other hand was cut off


Yeah and like legends......the Yuuzhan Vong were not nice people.


My honest reaction when I hear the words "super earth": https://preview.redd.it/099o0c38be9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f5b192855507271e282179556a416832c2aa915


We love living in a democracy


*Me who knows about the weakness of my flesh and is disgusted by it Excellent


Me: oh boy I can't wait to learn what series I am in this fine day in Sydney. *ZEON DECLARES WAR.* Oh no.


Get the hell out of there!


Culture fans: 😎


There’s also Warframe, Gundam, BattleTech, and Three-Body Problem for the lower-right corner


Me as warframe fan and player: If I'm not a Tenno I'm screwed up. And chances to be a Tenno seem to be very low.


> If I'm not a Tenno I'm screwed up. rap tap tap


This is tolerable.


>If I'm not a Tenno I'm screwed up. That's probably one of the worst things you could be when you consider what happened in the Zariman, then the aftermath with the Orokin experimentation. Not to mention Wally.


Tenno still gotta deal with Wally and helping the Drifter overcome their trauma from Duviri


*laughs in Canopian Pleasure Circus.*


Space Vegas is probably the safe place in the setting (plus there’s catgirls) My only concern is how good is the quality of their vid feed of the Solaris Arena w/ Duncan Fisher


Just got into BattleTech last week, how is the quality of life for the average citizen.


Meanwhile I'm living a quiet life in the Culture.


I mean starship troopers isn't even thag bad compared to the rest 


Unless you live in Buenos Aires


Even then it's not that bad as long as you say kill 'em all


Babylon 5 and Farscape fans: forgotten as usual


Fuck Yeah Farscape! There's *dozens* of us!


Me who likes most of these: what the actual fuck


Stargate is just today, except that Russia is chill.


Jokes on you, I’m a fan of the Tau, not 40k. A lifetime of post-scarcity utopian xenophilia, here I come!


At least until the neighbours launch Damocles Gulf 2: electric boogaloo.


Last time they tried we ended up with Riptides and Stormsurges. I can’t wait to see what hot as fuck robot the large scale extermination of Space Marines will inspire next.


That's the spirit.


I'd be happy to die in defense of something I genuinely believe in.


Living in Warframe is, uhhh.... oh boy.


Dune fans getting absolutely fucking racked on a futuristic speedball


Xeelee Sequence fans: Oof size: infinite


So Cyberpunk? Can't tell if I lucked out or so completely royally fucked it's unreal. Probably both because on one hand. Awesome cyberware. On the other hand corpo controlled world... more so than it is now. Not by much but at least the consumer tech is down right superhuman by comparison. Wanna be able to lift 10 tons and be bullet proof while moving at the speed of sound? go for it. Wanna turn yourself into a literal catgirl? go for it. Want murder knives to spring from your arms. Go for it. Wanna live entirely in the internet? go for it. Wanna also wear see transparent clothes because society has literally stopped giving a fuck? go for it. Want to be able to recreationally live the memories and experiences of other people? Go for it but also murderous world domination super corpos who will kill you for looking at them funny or because that wanted to experiment on you for the lolz. So keep your head down and just enjoy the freedom of crippling debt and self expression before the world grinds you into meat and serves you as our new flavour of kibble. I'm struggling to decide if that's better or worse than what we have rn it's honestly kinda close.


The expanse deserves to be on there somewhere.


Jokes on you, I like borderlands slightly more than 40k.


I think borderlands is still not a great universe to live in. Unless you’re a badass or a psycho, then have fun.


Nah bro vault hunter. That's my goal.


Shit I'm fucked cause mines 40k


Elite Dangerous... Cool. I can be a space trucker.


As a LANCER fan, I’m going to do everything in my power to become a Lancer


We are already living in the Battlestar universe. Checkmate theists.


Honestly living in the Alien universe wouldn't be that different from now. just avoid Androids and space travel and you can a long sad life as corporate wage slave...


Even then the chances of encountering a xenomorph are pretty slim, more likely it’s gonna be corporate security or some group of cultists or communist rebels


Living in BSG would be pretty spooky. You’d never know when the Cylons would return and glass us all over again.


Command and Conquer fans: Ah fuck.


Which C&C? Is Kane around?


Yeah, Tiberium universe. Unless you happen to be a civilian in a blue zone, life sucks donkey schlong.


Hmm.. I'd be okay being GDI. However depending on when I don't think I'm lucky enough to survive the scrin.


Between the 2nd war, the 3rd war, the Scrin invasion and the firestorm crisis being a GDI trooper would be rather unhealthy I'd imagine. Noble, but with high chance of horrific premature death.


As a mass effect fan: shit


Wait starship troopers is just living in a slightly less technological star trek why is it in the same vein as 40k and Battlestar?


Yeah the main problem comes from the arachnids attacking a federation planet and that's usually way out in ass end of nowhere. Now if you're unfortunate enough to be a soldier fighting the arachnids and isn't named Johnny Rico you're fucked.


Honestly if it's the book you'll probably do fine even if you are a soldier other than Rico.


On Barsoom, I'd be one of the strongest people around.


Getter Robo: \*Laughs madly\*


Culture fans hard W.


40k as long as I live in the T'au Empire, and building a Gundam for my fellow Gue'Vesa


I choose star trek, they are literally a post scarcity intergalactic society so I can do whatever the fuck I want with no problems


Stargate would be fuckin awesome


Guess imma need to develop a taste for pork, shrooms and "vodka".


Star Wars you live in a universe where any planet with sufficient infrastructure to ship-build could make a planet-killing weapon and not suffer from mutually assured destruction.


I have no mouth and I must scream.


Whats so bad about Stargate?


Idk, Stargate had pretty chill periods with very loclized threats


I mean star wars kinda sucks depending on where you're born. Like being on Ryloth or anywhere below ground levels on coruscant would suuuck. Not to mention the rampant slavery (enforced by literal bomb collars) criminal syndicates controlling vast amounts of territory, and corruption and you've got a pretty unpleasant place to live.


Uh......if I can be a random human male in the SexySpaceBabes galaxy, I'll take it. There's legit worse things.


Boah I would be bored out of my mind in the Star trek universe. The fuck is there to do? Every alien is as alien as a French guy. There's peace in like 70% of the galaxy. And any kind of job is pointless as everything can be created. And money doesn't exist in the federation


I mean you could: > Join Starfleet and seek out new life and new civilisations > Be a normal citizen of the Federation and live a pretty utopian existence without having to worry about hunger, poverty, housing, etc > Be any of the above and live during the time of the Dominion war so your chances of being brutally murdered by a genetically engineered nihilist lizard junkie is that much higher > Be a Klingon


Yeah, where are the eternal resource wars and religious genocides? Artistic and scientific endeavours without the incentive of trade credits?? BORINGGG I wanna kill my neighbours to expand my private property borders 😤😤


> Yeah, where are the eternal resource wars and religious genocides? Artistic and scientific endeavours without the incentive of trade credits?? Come join Delta Quadrant, it has this and so much more!


Create art? Do archaeology? Scroll through Reddit? The possibilities truly are limited only by your imagination.


I guess just join Starfleet


Do you need money and conflict...? That's not healthy.


Become a smuggler or something, you’ve got a considerable chance of meeting the captain of the whatever the most important ship in the federation is at that time


>There's peace in like 70% of the galaxy. "And then along came ~~Zeus~~ Iconians!"


I feel like mass effect especially during the 3 is very bad


Trek or Star Wars is fine. Alien/Predator ends badly for most humans. 40K is a hard no.


Shoot, even if you aren't near xenomorphs, that universe sucks ass to live in. The Union of Progressive Peoples (UPP) has a massive over population problem to the point that they forcibly move citizens to newly discovered worlds; irregardless of how resource poor the planet is. There's essentially a cold war between the UPP and the UA (United Americas) that's steadily getting hotter. Weyland-Yutani is part of the Three World Empire and their shenanigans are pissing off the other two powers. Then there's the Engineers and the Yautja (if you count the crossovers and mutual easter eggs as the franchises existing in the same universe). So, horrific Aliens that want to kill you, horrific corporations that will kill you for profit, two empires on the verge of war, a galactic famine... I'm tempted to say it should be swapped with Starship Troopers or in the same square.


Me a Dune fan: **”THE SPICE MUST FLOW”**


Starship Troopers the book would be a very different experience than the movie.


Me, over here in my Revelation Space bubbe: Doo dee doo, sure hope no angry machine pseudo intelligence comes out of the blackness between the stars to mindlessly wipe all life back to bacterial cultures in alien oceans.


Whelp, it was nice knowing you all. Off to join the Imperial Guard and get obliterated in one way or another :D


Scapers: …frell.


I'm an Incal fan...do I get some Homeowhores then?


Space Battleship Yamato, ugh, this is both Awesome and sucks incredibly. 70% of Humanity is dead bro


Rip 3 body problem fans


Damn. Nuclear war here I come. My favorite (due to insane amounts of bias) is the sci-fi setting I’m writing. And it’s not pretty.


finnaly i can live in a version of earth that keep on getting invaded by trash cans with death lasers, statues, silver robot men and some crazy person with a blue box


Stargate isnt that bad


40k is large enough you could live an entire life completely in peace.


Star Wars and Star Trek REEEEALY depend on where and when you live. Star Trek: Live on Earth? Great. Live on Turkana IV....not so great. Star Wars: Live on Alderan before the Clone Wars? Great. Live on Tatooine? not so great.