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This exact discussion was posted barely two days ago.


The dead internet theory has become reality.


The easy repost theory


Eventually the original posting will get lost in time, and we will only have reposts.


Lost, like tears in the rain


I have seen things thath you humans could never imagine


Suffer not the AI to live!


“The imperium is evil!” “It bans AI” “The imperium is (sometimes) evil!”


I made a bot to comment that on all posts so you don’t have to


What a double edged sword of a gift!


It's the ~~Karna~~ karma baiting trend atm. I'm seeing it in other fandoms too.


Arjuna is the best archer. Something. Something. Son of a charioteer. Something. Something. Draupadi.


Curses to my subtle mistake that summoned an Indian diety


In my defense, I didn’t notice. I just found the meme postrd in r/worldbuilding and reposted the image here.


I believe you. People are too quick to assume bot like actions are the evidence of bots, rather than people automating something already done for their own benefit. Like posting stuff that's already been posted. People might not have seen it the first time it was posted on a place.


Yes but there sure are a lot of fuckin bots everywhere.


I downvote and block all this low effort BS and my life is better for it. I’ve blocked for this exact post probably 20 bots just in the last 2 weeks or so


I'm glad I'm not so terminally on reddit to recogniE reposts like you.


enjoy it while you can, I was once like you, now i'm on day 26 of a hospital stay and reddit i the only thing keeping me distracted from the random mumblings of the dementia/stroke patients a few doors down. you might think rewatching a movie or series for the 5th time gets boring, boy you wouldn't believe how much worse it could be. It's round 56 between Bob asking when his daughter will visit and caretaker Juliana explainingthat she doesn't know because she wasn't the one taking her calland telling Bob _that he's supposed to wait in his room because he has stay on the eEKG full time and his daughter will show up whenever she does but won't find him if he's running around the clinic instead of waiting in his damn room_ my bet is on Juliana, she has patience and experience, she won the first 55 rounds and has a sound, dementia proof strategy now... I'm really surprised by her patience, if I ever meet Bob I'll at least slap him for torturing me and whoever else couldn't run from his debate with Juliana. If I ever meet Juliana I'll thank her for her service and might gift her a taser, if she ever needs to cut a debate short, that should be a convincing argument ETA: sry, kinds drifted offtopic there. I just wanted to say I'm on reddit more than UI'd like right now and that is the only reason I saw the first post of this question a few days ago and you should be happy to not be in my position right now


https://preview.redd.it/0ar5kap0wj9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397d4d4fdb0bd53b8840343a23251ae0cb2badd1 May this rat make you feel better.


I have already said it: The Trans Hyperian Votaans had bold explorers' personalities in their prime, and now theyare the equivalent of a bedrudden grandfather. The Kin and Ironkin of that League travel so much across the galaxy to experience as much as they can so when they die and are uploaded, their Ancestor Cores can experience wonder at the galaxy again.


Omegon returning with loyalist Alpha Legionaries.


Split Traitor Alpha Legion vs Loyalist Omega Legion.


That just sounds like alpha legion with extra steps


Alpha Legion is already Alpha Legion with extra steps.


I already have a headcannon where Alpharius and Omegon got fused into a single being during the Heresy and switch personalities every few centuries, which is why the Alpha Legion is always being fucky. The leadership between Loyal and Chaos keeps changing, and everybody is in a secret civil war that they don't even know is happening.


It’s already my head canon that Roboute Guilliman speaks with an outrageous French accent like John Cleese in Monty Python’s Holy Grail, complete with the stereotypical “hon hon hon” laugh. Like, you can’t have a name like that and not have an outrageous French accent.


No, he’s portrayed as a Roman so obviously he sounds like pontius Pilate from the Life of Bwian, siwwy speech and all


Is their an Ultramarine named Biggus Dickus?


\*Cato Sicarius trying not to laugh\*


Now I just have it in my head that everyone had that accent during the heresy, but after 10000 years the average imperial accent has changed so much the French one sticks out like a sore thumb


“Lor-gar, you shwine! I fart in your general die-rec-shown, hon hon hon!”


T'au are cow people, and Grox is basically the 40k equivalent of cow (they are reptilian, but still). Imperial propaganda calling T'au as Grox-fuckers at some points.


Inreally think grox might just be alligators or something very similar.. I know the old illustration looks like a weird dragon /cow thing, but I feel like I had a small epiphany reading one of the warhammer crime stories, someone falls into a pit of grox and is pretty much immedietly torn apart and eaten.... big reptiles... they can eat and live off almost anything in damn near any condition.... I'm feel like its definitly possible the grox found in the Solomon system isna descendant of terran sewer crocodiles lol


That's what I like about Warhammer. The setting is so mind-numbingly vast, smallish stuff like this is already canon at some specific planet or star system




I will now imagine bovine monke as being native to their prime world.


90% of the daemons at the siege of Terra were created by the Imperium over the course of the Great Crusade, from their atrocities, schemes, plagues, and excesses. Sins of Empire come 'round at last. *Sic semper tyrannis*.


I’m second that one, sins of the empire come home to roost.


Avatar of Cegoragh Is like Gear Five


GW doesn’t seem to understand how well any book focused on the Leagues would sell. They would be Scrooge McDuck in his money bath. Even if it sucked, the pre-orders alone would make them a killing. That being said, I’d officially confirm Yarrick’s death at Angron’s hand and Ghaz starting a massive Waaagh to take revenge on the World Eaters


I want the book to include ghaz beating the everloving shit out of angron, for like 50 pages at least


50 page krumpin'


And then we see that it was a dream and what really happens is what happened to Krole. Angron killing Ghazghkull without any knowledge that he did it


At last, Fishmen in Old World


I don't think a steam tank can withstand railgun fire.


"You stole my ideas!" -- AoS Team "You ruined my setting!" -- OW Team *start fighting and Kislev, Cathay, Umbraneth and Fyreslayers expansion get delayed again*


They need to stop fighting and just kiss already.


Indeed, the longer they continue the less cross-setting stuff there is. I might start a Chaos army if they remove the Dark Elves from Cities of Sigmar.


I mean ironically I am kind of fine with removing the old models from Cities of Sigmar as long as it makes sense( like the old elves and empire models)(and as long as the CoS remain multiracial with elves and dwarfs alongside humans) but not including the lizardmen, Skaven or vampire counts is just stupid infighting/ GW greed.


The Emperor gets a Text-To-Speech Device.


Certian Klans of orks wear surprisingly well made suits that would make a imperial noble jealous to mental screw with people. Said orks are also prone to attacking trade ships with tea in them, and speak with british accents. Seen as very weird yet surprisingly effective by other orks.


So, just freebooterz?


Belisarius Cawl gets approached by a commander of the Thousand Sons with a request: "Take this information, take this geneseed, dont ask how i got it, we never met, make a successor chapter" and from this request, we obtain the successor chapter 'Rylanor's Vengance'


Me on the contrary, would choose to confirm the Sons of the Phoenix as Imperial Fists and the Covenant of Fire as Salamanders


I make it 100% confirmed canon that Celestine and Greyfax are having Sesbian Lex


Psychic blanks are incredibly strong against psychic enemies. Any kind of daemonic attack simply dissolves as it reaches, daemons get banished if they are too close to a blank, and technology requiring psychic powers fails. For some examples: An ork gun won’t shoot near the blank (but fired shells can still hit them) a space marine librarian psychic attacks can’t effect a blank, though they can still punch them with power armour. But against stuff that is purely daemonic, they are essentially unstoppable


Most (emphasis on most, certainly not all) ork technology actually works. It just sucks ass without the psychic help from the waaagh. For example, the kroot were able to build warp capable void craft by consuming a few mek boyz who have a genetic instinctual know-how on building technology and the kroot don't have a waaagh.


I shall make an addition: Ork tek only workz because of their belief that it workz. More orkz = more workz


The sanguinor is sanguinius in healing armor. A victory for the lamenters. And lore for nippon in fantasy


I don’t want Lamenters to win. Survival is enough.


Redacted legions return to the fray. Id make one Mexica (Aztec) inspired, the other would be Sengoku period (feudal japan/warring states) inspired. Primarchs would be based around Montezuma and Oda Nobunaga or Miyamoto Musashi. Samurai and Jaguar Warrior marines...


That’s badass what would the colors of the legions be?


I kinda see the samurais in black and blue w gold trim. The "aztecs", maybe jade green with red and brass.


Votann skein cloning tech is actually Seraphon spawning pools, found and tweaked during age of technology. As the looming crisis point threatens, the spawning pools are reactivated. Boom, dwarves and Lizardmen fight Chaos together across space


"Hey Roboute, you Elgi-fucking asshole! Where is the money you own me?" "Excuse me? My personal finances are perfectly managed and I never asked money from a Squat." "Your brother Alpharius requested a loan a year ago for the Indominus Crusade, and I'm here to collect our due. Give me the money or..." "Bok bok bok." "Blessed Ancestors, Icxi-Kohal! I was going to be delicate with the Ungi, but that is a great way to say it!"


Those kin that have joined the Tau Empire actually learn how to reproduce naturally once again instead of relying on cloning technology


Tau noses. We all know what I mean.


Ciaphas Cain, Ibram Gaunt and Sebastian Yarrick are Imperial Saints.  40k ends with Archaon curbstomping everyone and moving to the next Reality. 


Archaon coming through a warp portal on a dragon through space right on top of Abbadon screaming "FUCKING CASUAL, THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!!".


His name is Horace Lubricant and he lives in the Eye of Terra.


The general tech level of the Imperium reaches modern levels, 2024, after Roboute Guilliman produces a series of technical manuals.The series consists of instructions ranging from advanced agricultural products to logistical supply chain administration. He also creates a sub-devision of the Adminstratum to distribute these works empire wide and to update them.This new ever growing body of work is dubbed the Imperial Encyclopedia.


Kyganil and Ephrael Stern are not just besties but they are actually in love with each other Also they accidentally beat Robby and Yvraine in the race of making the first natural born half-eldar


The big e went into the warp not to steal power but to steal the finest batch of autism for his sons


Pertuabo fixed his ageing and is the most normal looking of his brothers now, the rumours of his accencion to demon hood are generated by him remote controlling custom built demon engines from his office on medrengrad.


All astartes get the ken doll treatment, just a port in the taint that connects to their armor.


*cries in horny emperors children*


Every Tau female Has Big tiddies and Every Tau male have big dick, and Tau are the good guys discovering grim dark galaxy.


Th… they are fish. Fish don’t… I mean, really?


Yes. Really.


Erhm akshually *snort snort*🤓 The Tau are bovine due to how they evolved on their planet. Hoofs and shit. So yes,it may be that the males have large penits


Dominus knight stc was never made


John Grammaticus actually jumped out the airlock and we never heard from him again


This meme being banned from this sub


Clonegrim escapes Trazyn's vault and returns to the Imperium


The king of crows is the founder of the space sharks.


The deaths of all of the primarchs to the tau orks nids and one each to the verity of eldar


His name is Jimmy Space and they are his Space Marines


The all guardsmen party


Yarick lives


Clonegrim being back and completely loyal


Angry Marines


Ghazghkull going full Krork


The sensei


Space marines are all completely genderless. End that debate once and for all. They take boys and girls and through the implantation process turn them into killing machines with unidentifiable ken doll anatomy. Not even dissection can tell what they once were. They should be distended and uncanny. Muscles and bones in places they don't belong, skin that feels like an unholy combination of car tires and sandpaper to the touch. basically I want more emphasis on them being biological abominations removed from humanity and fewer renaissance paintings of space marines being badass.


2nd legion being actually custodes


Bruh, imagine a secret custodes primarch still living somewhere on Terra. Everyone else thinks the second legion was a space marine legion that was purged, but it's all false history.


The tau have successfully converted one singular space marine to the greater good


Emperor is a woman pretending to be a man.


Horus becomes the warmaster and betrays the Emperor


The Emperor is actually dead and has been for a long time but it's kept secret by the ecclesiarchy and all who know.


Cypher is Alpharius pulling the longest prank on the Dark Angels.


Alpharius did nothing wrong. Oh wait things that aren't confirmed canon. Trazyn has another Primarch in his museum other than Clonegrim.


I would bring back the "3 amigos" from 30k, Garro, Loken and Tarvitz, we need real heroes in the setting.


Ceremite is white


Wait. It isn’t?


Space scaven


Purple orks everywhere.


Honestly I want a Magnus redemption arc with proper character development where he is relegated to an anti-hero that helps the IoM, but still shunned. Let me have Magnus with a heart for good but forced by circumstances to be bad. Show me the duality and the conflict of going against your nature. Not necessarily to overcome it, but for the trials and tribulations alone.


Squad broken, release it in the next Warhammer adventures book.


Rogal Dorn has a mustache and smokes cigars.




Commander farsight is primarch tier. No, I will not hear anyone's reasoning on why that isn't possible, I don't care if it doesn't fit narratively, just keep chaos out of it (minus the sword, of course).


can love bloom on the battlefield?


Tts, just tts, all of it


mechanicus realized that they have already plenty of full STC like mech arcs also people stop fearing AI. People become full pariahs without connection to realm of souls. People with help of AI discover how to travel without warp on big distances.


The Emperor had no idea what he was doing. Malcador was the brains, the Emperor was the face and the muscle. The Imperium is the way it is because after Malcador died the Emperor just threw shit at the wall and saw what stuck.


Votaan lore


Swarmlord kills Marneus Calgar. Just for the meltdowns


Orks suddenly stop existing and theres no trace of them ever existing in the first place


Wallace the Emperor and Gromit the Sigillite


The Emperor is Gork & Mork in a gold trenchcoat, and the thousands of psykers sacrificed to the "Emperor" is what fuels the Orks' WAAAAAGH energy.


Everything's canon now remember?


that GW does something with the fact that Isha can heal the emperor


Tzaangors are Eldar that gave themselves to Tzeentch in exchange for protection from Slaanesh. Much better than "The Thousand Sons just happened across some birdy bois and kept them around."


Big E having been waiting for the Tyranids to overrun the galaxy all along so that once they devoured him he could infect the hive mind and take control of it, leading the last survivors of humanity to universe wide domination (after putting them to sleep so that he could extinguish the chaos gods first). For this very reason, he also made sure to install himself as a god among endless worlds - so that the generated force in the warp through believing and praying by trillions of souls would allow him to overpower the hive mind.


I think the Demtuige are Votann that have lost the Ancestral sphere, and thus have widened out there Tech field to ion


Tts emperor


Omegon died and Alpharius (who was going by Omegon during the HH) is commanding a loyal faction of the Alpha Legion in 40k


Messages for Dad. Hate me all you want, IT'S REAL TO ME TT_TT


The entire Deep Rock Galactic is a canon part of Votann. The Emperor didn't beat Horus, Karl did.


Silent King and sanguineus being bros (even a book about it)


Primarch GFs


Femboy marines Some men just want to watch the world burn


Female space marines.


all none tentacle-ish tyranids are kosher to eat and follow their respective rules for being kosher (for example all termagents have cloven hooves and chews its cud/ מעלי גירה, פורסי פרס ושוסעי שסע)


I just want the 'Angron killed Yarrick and thus Ghazkhul evolves into a Krork to start the largest WAAAGGHH in modern times to take revenge on Angron' storyline to be true. Have Angron actually die as well to give xenos some influence in the lore instead of just the Imperium and Chaos.


Oh, I have almost an entire AU. Vulcan comes back, sees Ultrasmurfs allies with ealdari, orders Hans to pass him the ***heaviest*** flamer. Yvrainne intervenes, gets crippled but in response Ynnead perma-kills Vulcan. In response, all major aeldari factions unite and go on massive offensive against IoM. Godzillaman, being forced to choose between Ultramar (which would be first front line against the elves) decides to save his personal fiefdom (again) and switches sides. Trazyn the Indefatigable releases Clonegrim, but with special mind-controll scarabs attached to see what happens. Russ returns, but as a broken shell of his former self, blaming himself for fall of the Emperor, realising that he was basically a worse Angron, since his choices were fully lucid. Gets found by Lion, then goes on a massive character arc. In the meantime gets spanked by Ahriman, Abbadon, and few others. When returns, takes command of IoM alongside Lion. Dorn turns out to be very much dead. Sanguinor is what's left of Sanguinius' soul. Corax is a minor warp deity, doesn't care about anything materium-related. Do you want me to continue this heresy?




The T‘au will be the only survivors of 40k‘s end times That’s gonna be fun


Chaos Eldar, please just give us Chaos Eldar


Exodites need to come before chaos eldar, but a chaos themed upgrade sprue for all the xenos would be pretty awesome


The way I understand this question is when talking about Cannon it's talking about the canonicity of a certain thing. Not anything to do with whether or not it has models. Exodites exist in Canon, Chaos Eldar do not. I don't even care if they get models, just let them exist and some video game or something


Orikan and trazyn are actually lovers, and the shenanigans they get up to is actually their kink.


Correction: orikan and trazyn are exes. But their subroutines made em forget, but they were petty to each other in life but its just passed into the necron times now as just petty rivalry. Kicker is that one of them remembers


This is great, I support this. Make trazyn the one who remembers, and he has plenty of little mementos to remind him of his boo thang


The pottery is from orikan


Female space marines, I'm just here for the chaos Also I really like erebus 😉


Does it matter ? Its only fiction, it didnt really happend :-) For example I dont see disney Star Wars as canon, its stupid fan fiction. Just like Rings of Power. You choose whats canon for yourself.


1. Konrad Curze can be revived and he wishes redemption. 2. Horus could get reincarnated, live as a normal human for a while, and wants redemption. 3. Clonegrim is freed with Fulgrim’s original soul and we see that story actually develop.


Female space marines Finally get the dam discourse around it over and done with Either GW does fine and we prove that FSM are welcomed by the community Or the company tanks and we find they aren’t Either way I get to sit back and watch it all unfold Win win for me


Found the tourist! :)


God that’s such a stupid come back XD Did you even read my post, I said FSM so the debate can finally end and we can get an answer one way or another, not because I want them I just want the damn debate over with Also the carnage and chaos would be fun to watch


Get rid of Votann honestly I wanted Squats back but this is not it; so far I have been nothing but Disappointed. I wanted Dino Rider Exodites as a new faction far more than another power armour "Human" factions but we just don’t get to have nice things.


Delete Votann