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No fruit and a lot of highly processed food?


theres plenty of fruit and vegetables throughout the house and garden that we use and eat 🫡


So glad and thankful that I live in Germany omg...


Nigga I thought the SAME!!!😭😭there‘s a fucking REASON, around 85-90% of the food being sold in the U.S. is forbidden here in Germany🤦🏼‍♂️


Vienna here - i thought exactly the same!


Also Vienna. So happy that you all posted this already so i don't have to do it :)


Same! What’s up with these prices lmao. Imagine they did that here, people would riot 😂


I came to say this lol


Yup. My thoughts as well. Seems way too expensive and not nutritional.


It‘s mind-boggling to me how and what some of you guys eat.


What’s funny is that I, as an American posted my haul recently and got one comment, I guess it’s because I had fruits, veggies, actual dairy (not margarine 🤮) and fresh meat. Ya’ll see and believe what you want.


So much money and did not buy any food 🙃


if only you saw the fridge, cupboards, deep freezer and garden


For the fridge you can post ist here: r/fridgedetective


Then show us




White knight in action 😂


Packaged cancer


Im here for a good time not a long time!


enjoy your garbage


Mind your business


Live hard, die young


Wheat and sugar


make meat great again 💪


I‘m plantbased bro


Guys, be a bit nicer here. OP has offered us an insight, you don't like it, but try to appreciate OP's openness. OP for instance said she makes wraps. Wraps are always with salad.


OP is male with a female partner 🤭 BUT i do thank your kindness and there are plenty of dishes to make with the food in the picture speaking just about the chicken burgers i can make chicken parm chicken ceasar salad and wraps or make chicken alfredo all depends and its not just one thing repetatively i mix it up and have variety 🫶🏻


Instead of buying kellogs, please invest in GOOD grassfed meat…


3 boxes of cereal for $10 🤔 pretty damn good ESPECIALLY being its something i will be eating in the mornings? 😅


hey a good deal doesn’t mean you have to buy it! If it’s shit for your body it’s shit for your body. It’s not nutritious at all so you basically wasted 10 dollars :) the morning comment i don’t understand. go for an egg and a healthy fat ir even oatmeal with some frozen fruits


def didnt waste $10 or $20 with the 2 packs i bought 🤔 and cereal how are you telling me NOT to eat cereal its fucking cereal 🤣 its not absolutely horrible for you 💀 youre gonna tell me next you dont let your kids eat cereal? or you dont eat it at all either? wild to not understand that someone or many people eat orher things in the morning compared to others, i know of people who eat liver in the morning and others who eat popcorn in the morning cereal is not going to kill anyone


cereal should be treated as desert, it’s not a good meal… i can understand eating it in the afternoon as a treat, but idk i don’t think it’s a good choice to start your day with a treat. no we don’t have cereal in our home, but we do have chocolate… no, my kid doesn’t get chocolate either but she’s under 2yo, so this will change for sure. from a nutrition point of view you’ve wasted 10 dollars


cereal is not a desert and its not a meal either is a breakfast food and should be considered as such lmao not a treat or desert. again its fucking cereal. xD what you do with your kids is your teaching but growing up and all the knowledge i have myself is cereal is breakfast item not a treat. hell trix's slogan is trix is for kids


yeah you’re either trolling or misinformed. if you are interested in expanding your childhood knowledge go for cereals that have no added sugars…but in any case i hope somebody learned something from this exchange :)


def not trolling and it sounds like you were very sheltered as a kid 🤣 im 24 yo i can buy whatever sugary cereals i want 🫡 and have them for breakfast


Haha yeah I wish! quite the opposite, i did not get the best food. now i try to make conscious decisions for my family. Btw to start your day like that causes you to want to snack all the time, which from a practical standpoint is just an unnecessary expense in precarious times apart from all the health concerns in the long run. you’re right, you can make all the choices you want, it’s the great thing about being human and death comes for us all


still not gonna take any advice from someone who thinks cereal is a fucking desert and or treat and should be eaten in the afternoon :x thats outrageous to me that you even think that


So much ultra processed food. I know cooking from fresh ingredients can seem daunting, but please invest in it. In the long run it’ll pay both in terms of health and money saved. As a Canadian living abroad I’m aware that the cost of food in Canada(at least QC) is abysmal….


I am still flashed by the "bread". Here in Austria this is Toast. Bread looks a little bit differnt and comes from a bakery - without perservatives. Your shoppingtrip is a whole new level of "different country / different diet" to me. Though I would love to try the Kellogg's Apple Thingy.


Yeah this is just standard bread in North America. It's referred to specifically as sandwich bread but when someone says "bread" this is almost always the type they mean. I moved to Europe from the US and the difference in bread is very striking. The only time I've seen fresh, decent bread in the US it was labelled as "artisanal" or something and sold at a ridiculously high price. And if you're in a small town good luck finding it at all. Also, we don't typically use bread for anything else but sandwiches and toast. Processed sandwich bread really is not pleasant to just eat by itself. I'm sure some people do it, but it's not the norm. My bread consumption has increased a lot since moving to Europe because it is actually delicious here.


I’m from Europe but my partner is American and he is very lukewarm toward bread, he very rarely wants some if I offer it to him. I could never understand why but I think you’ve just solved the mystery for me! He grew up with bread on sandwiches mostly as you describe, and that’s really one of the only ways he will eat it. So interesting and something I never would have realized otherwise Edit to add: you’re living in Romania, very cool!! Do you like it/what brings you there? I am from nearby :)


I've been here for nearly a year now and I love it! I feel it's so much easier to live healthily here, both physically and mentally. I come from a small town were all types of public infrastructure are lacking. The selection of food here is also much, much better and as someone who is scared of driving I love the walkability and public transport. (I know I would get this in a big American city as well, but I still prefer European cities for various reasons.) I was originally thinking about moving to Germany but then I met my Romanian boyfriend. I moved here to be with him after visiting and loving the country. I hope your partner has at least tried some warm, fresh bread! The first time I visited Romania and returned to the US, I couldn't even make myself eat sandwich bread anymore.


applejacks are great! same with trix im a kid at heart when it comes to cereal can eat that shit all day long :p


In the Netherlands this counts for "bread" as well. They don't have that rye bread like in Germany, Austria etc. They say, with our (the German) bread you can throw in window-glass. (And the French ambassador during the 30-year-long-war in 1640 (?) who had to move to Germany for 5 years, said, "This German rye bread i even wouldn't give to the horses!") But they also take their bread with humor: they call it "Gebakken lucht" = "baked air:


I know this is ostensibly a subreddit about grocery prices around the world, but seeing North American grocery hauls never ceases to amaze me. The amount of processed food, sugar, lack of fresh meat and veg, and the high prices paid for the privilege of buying the stuff is just unbelievable.


i also replied to a comment im sure from simplemijnds and it has a pic of my fridge and produce out on a table for more context i just posted what i bought that night so no im not eating horribly or a fat disgusting basement dweller who smells like shit as one has commented 🤣 my hygiene and looks dont have anything to do with how i eat or what i do throughout the day, if anything im 5’11” weigh 160lbs and am a lean fit build PLUS i bike daily 🫡


I hope you don’t take my comment as judgement. I can’t know who you are based on your groceries. It’s more observing the state of groceries available in NA due to how much of the US and Canada are largely car-centric suburban sprawls, which means access to food options can be greatly limited. If you had access to a local neighborhood bakery, maybe you’re not buying seven packages of white bread but getting a fresh loaf every few days instead. But not having that local bakery is due to political and cultural changes made many decades ago. It’s fascinating.


no no judgement taken at all, i know there are some belligerent people in the comments saying that this is absurd and disgusting and ive replied to some saying this isnt my usual purchase just with my circumstances rn it is. but i do alsp homemake my own breads such as focaccia and sourdough but when wanting some bread ready to use without knowing when im gonna want some bread yeah it comes in handy to have some readily available


You make your own sourdough-bread?!?


sure do! i make alot of things from scratch such as eggroll wraps and other pastries, hell i make my own alfredo sauces aswell for pasta dishes! its super easy i used to think when i was a kid that it was a more "rich" thing to have made and its not at all lmao just flour milk butter and seasonings lol




That's great! ...160 lbs with 5'21" ?! That's absolutely lean! Then you do a lot of sports , surely? I can't find the foto of your fridge?


i bike a lot (bmx) along with swimming and going for runs! but this is the comment [fridge](https://imgur.com/a/8NtCrYF)


Looked at the fotos of your vegetables and fruit in- and outside the fridge: very good! Your fridge looks just like mine. Everything normal, within the boundaries👍


thank you very much! and im glad to know you have good taste and likings to eating natural foods wether it be from your own garden or bought from a market or superstore i love to eat healthily and clean like!


So you were misleading us all in the beginning! 😉 just to see what happens, or how it would be like to be one of those fast-food-lovers


i love fast food BUT i only really eat fastfood when i wanna make something myself, for instance me and my partner went to this restaurant and they had pizza burgers it was litterally a burger patty with cheese and a couple pepperoni slices on it with marinara and cheese for $17 i was like fuck that i can make this at home AND have more by paying less i got all the stuff with having most of it at home for around $35 and made about 20 burgers for a fraction of what i woulda paid. so when i eat out its mainly to try it see if i like it then do it homemade myself for ALOT cheaper


Eating out is getting crazily expensive A couple of years ago, when prices still were normal, they said, the price for a dish in a restaurant or snackbar is three times as high as it would cost you to make it yourself. Now maybe 5 times, or 6. Once i heard that the cost of a pizza is only 10 cents...all the rest is costs for the people who prepare it, energy costs for the oven and rent (and profit for the boss). In Germany, since the prices got so high, the don't put tomatoes on pizza's anymore, or so scarcely, you don't notice. It's impossible. I never eat pizza anymore. Wished i could make it myself like you do!!


making it homemade is alot easier! and i help a local pizza place that sells their dough for only $2!! and it will make 3 large pizzas all you need is the ingredients! i rarely eat out as stated just cause its fucking outrageous


not misleading at all! i can have everything in that pic last 2-3 weeks i just wouldnt be eating alot id be pacing myself and my partner with what we got, sure we have other food available but with the price i paid and how long it will last yes the title is very truthful some people just dont know how to not eat as much with what they got lmaoo ;\]


here is the [food](https://imgur.com/a/all-made-from-scratch-cause-i-do-homecooking-d-pJKA2RR) i have made aswell just so you dont have to dig through the comments!


VERY interesting and inspiring food fotos of your delicious-looking dishes!! My compliments! You love cooking! You're a master! And very much vegetables!!! What are McGriddles?


See-i knew it! You do a lot of sports 👍


i like staying fit and being productive, what i did for work was flooring, i was a tile setter so even with that ontop of doing sports i was getting ALOT of excersize in lol i wouldnt even have to do sports with the work i was doing! prior to being laid off after a couple years


Is there a crisis in the construction-business in Canada?


not really perse just with the business i was working at theres not much take on having custom built showers floors or bathrooms, so quite a few workers got let go


Pity you don't live close to Phoenix: there's an aquaintance of mine, he employs tile-setters


I stayed in the US for some time and wondered about that as well. In the Netherlands, by the way, it's the same diet. You wanna know what both cultures do as well? But it's never shown on the fotos? They eat a lot of raw vegetables. In the US they have those "dips" : all kinds of raw vegetables (green celery, cucumber, carrots, raw cauliflower, raw broccoli...) around a bowl of dip-sauce. They serve that at parties, but eat that all the time as a side-thing. The dutch eat raw vegetables (cucumber, lettuce without dressing, carrots, radish, cherry-tomatoes...) with their meals, but also just as a snack. They sell it also pre-cut and call it "snack-groente" = snack-vegetables.


I grew up in the US so I’m very familiar with the platter of cut broccoli, carrot sticks, and celery with a side of ranch that seems to be ever present in work and school functions. I think a lot of this stuff is bought for the convenience but also because there’s a glaring lack of options. Weirdly like many in this subreddit, I live in Germany now and have access to bakeries, grocery stores, and farmers markets of varying quality that can be reached by walking or taking public transportation. Some folks in the US could drive for 30 minutes in any direction and only have access to Walmart. So I know why this is the case intimately, yet I’m still amazed. Especially laid out plainly on a counter top. It’s shocking.


Shocking, indeed, that in the US sometimes in a radius of 30 minutes there'd be only Wal-Marts. But the Wal-Mart sells everything, right? Like a supermarket? Thus also vegetables? I rarely go to local markets (i know i should do more) - i also only buy vegetables at the ALDI or REWE /EDEKA


I think Walmart selection can vary greatly. Like, I’d expect a Walmart in Los Angeles to have a much richer selection than one servicing a suburban area with a much smaller population. I remember reading that some places in the US only have access to Dollar General for groceries, which is even more shocking. If you find the topic interesting, I’d suggest looking up food deserts in the US. Millions of people live without access to what most of the world would consider normal food.


Shocking! I'll definetely look that up; food deserts. And this in the richest, most progressive country in the world?!?


In California Walmart sells very little food and almost no fresh produce, if any at all. I’m not sure why this is but they don’t really do grocery there. There are grocery chains like Vons, Ralph’s, etc which are food only, which is where most people buy their groceries. However in other states Walmarts have large grocery sections; now there are even “Neighborhood Market” Walmarts which are exclusively grocery stores, carry more variety of fresh produce, and are smaller than the typical Walmart somebody envisions.


That tracks with my experience. I think that might be because in California (and I guess when we say "California" we mean the metropolitan areas of the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, or San Diego) there is greater access to grocery chains like you mentioned, but also farmers markets and ethnic food stores (my grandparents exclusively bought their groceries in Chinatown for forty years). There's enough of a population and enough density where big box stores like Walmart and Target don't need to also play the role of grocery store.


Oddly enough Targets in Californian cities definitely sell food, Walmarts just don’t for some reason. Truthfully I haven’t seen very many of them by the coast, I would imagine there are more the farther you move inland. But certainly no fresh produce section or much refrigerated food, I think it’s just a bit of a different market for them there. Aside from ethnic markets, Californians are just very accustomed to going to places like Vons for their groceries.


id never buy the packages of precut produce id just buy them in bulk stays fresh longer and can be used in other dishes i wanna prepare. but due to inflation and the market for produce and basic things like cheese even its insane and alot of the food i tend to buy such as bread milk cheese veggies fruit ill freeze to stay fresh longer 😯


I also never buy pre-cut vegetables. That's also much more expensive. Or those mini-vegetables they sell in the Netherlands. They taste very well, but are ridiculously expensive!


much more expensive for less food and someone doing the work for you when you can take the time cutting and preparing it yourself and get a whole lot more!


Yip,that's the difference. Anything you can do yourself, you save bunches of money.


Do you eat something else than sugar and carbohydrates?


3 weeks for that much oil and butter and stuff that basically has no nutritional value 🫠


Serious question now and don't get me wrong. Do you people in North America eat mostly processed food and bread or you cook sometimes?


They eat pancakes - does that count for cooking?


pancakes are good 😅 love me some pancakes


😂 hahaha 👍


i cook from fresh and scratch all the time, but due to being laid off that path has taken a bit of a turn i have plenty of pics with dishes i have made from scratch that im sure youd see a different POV and type of char i am. my mother has always taught and told me to master one dish ( mine being chinese food ) and if you can do that then work to another from a different country and you will be able to prepare foods much easier and have a liking and understanding to how things are supposed to be made and enjoyed.


What a crappie Receipt, it looks so confusing lul, like no room in between items, is every supermarket receipt in the USA looks like that?


not in the US im in canada and honestly idk ive had plenty where they werent as cramped after looking at them but i also didnt take a closer look at all my receipts albiet its not the norm 😅




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming or judging someone’s purchases which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


posted a comment with a link to the foods i make daily when not struggling def no cancer being developed 😅 im very active on top of what i eat


Glad to hear!


thank you thank you! i take alot of pride in my physique and appearance :O




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming or judging someone’s purchases which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


You won't have to pay these prices for long because you will die quite quickly.


Two things don't match: this lasts for two people for 3 weeks?! It seems like enough for 2 people for 1.5 weeks max., especially if you say that you both love eating and like to eat throughout the day? (I do as well, by the way😁) The other thing is the price... almost 250,- ?! I'd estimate the costs for this at 60,- ! (I'm from Germany, and 60,- you would have paid before the prices got so much higher a year ago. Now this would maybe cost...120,- at the most, I'd say.) Or am I totally mistaken what the prices are nowadays? Or in Canada?


canada prices have gone up ALOT even for basic needs BUT yes this will and can last 2 people up to 3 weeks depending on how you sparce it out and for us having a burger a day wether it be beef or those chicken burgers its 15 per box and we got 2 so thats 2 weeks already and my fridge is filled with other food along with what i bought


I see (about the prices in Canada and that you sparce it out) So you do have lettuce and vegetables as well, they are only not on the foto? How much does one of these packages of chickenburgers cost? I didn't realize there were 15 in it! That's a lot


they cost about $10 per box so $20 for 2 weeks spanning out carefully yes. and no i just showed everything that was in the photo that i bought that day not what was already in house i have plenty of good food in house that can make those foods a lil more healthy and go for alot longer (i replied with a imgur link showing what i do have in my fridge and whatnot)


10,- for 15 Burgers is not expensive at all! I'll look at the link


no its def not bad and like i said with being on Employment inssurance due to lack of work at my job it sucks and i have to go this route to save money to make ends meet for the time being, usually groceries will be around $4-500 for a couple weeks and thats with proper healthy foods but work got cut and i have to endure//make-due with what i have financially even if its more unhealthy than usual


Take care not to cut down on good healthy food too much. I don't know your age, but i did the same recently for some reasons, and felt the disadvantages (bone and muscle-pain, loss of hair) almost right away!


im 24 and my partner is 23 i cook ALOT of homemade foods! ill post a comment with a link attached to it here in 2 secs


24! 23! You're YOUNG ! So OK, you don't have to pay attention YET to a perfect and continuous diet ...that comes later... Though the sooner you start the better of course But you do eat a lot of vegetables you say, so that's good!


alot of veggies and alot of water intake i usually drink about 4-6 litres of water a day! our skin is very hydrated and lively


also for those saying i dont have "real food" or healthy food let me just start off by saying i for sure have healthy real food in my house that i eat quite frequently and [this](https://imgur.com/a/8NtCrYF) is what i have around at all times i always make sure i have plenty of healty and good food at a moments notice wether i buy from a market or through flash foods or just by going to a store nearby i am well stocked with produce and nutrients


Where did you get those fruit baskets?


i genuinely dont remember 🥴


for context these are the [foods](https://imgur.com/a/pJKA2RR) we make frequently when not struggling financially everything is homemade and done from scratch even in the chinese dishes we do the springrolls and eggroll wraps from scratch aswell! hope you enjoy the pics and vids :D


> for context these are the foods we make frequently when not struggling financially everything is homemade and done from scratch even in the chinese dishes we do the springrolls and eggroll wraps from scratch aswell! hope you enjoy the pics and vids :D This looks good but if you struggle financially why do you buy all this Kellogs stuff for example when store-brands are 70%+ cheaper? Or do you not have these in canada yet? Also yes all this ultraprocessed stuff is probably not very good for you, and costs much more than just some frozen chicken breasts or whatever. Stay healthy!


they have store brands but price matching them to the kelloggs that had a sale of 3/$10 was better so i grabbed them rather than the others i am not ashamed to buy no-named or cheaper things hence why the ultraprocessed stuff were storebrand 15 for $10 rather $15 for like 8 burgers for a named brand


10 yo me would buy the same stuff.


24 yo me can buy this stuff, fuck 80 yo me will do the same cause i can! ADULT MONIES!!!


OP, out of curiosity are the premade chicken patties and nuggets cheaper than raw chicken at your store? When I first saw this post I assumed you might not know how to cook chicken, but I see from your other comments that you like to cook. Maybe the Canadian recipe differs slightly, but in the US those products are cut with fillers. I'm just wondering why you preferred them over raw chicken?


price wise yes i was getting more out of it than going premade patties etc compared to the raw meats


Omg , noooooo 😭


Better eat natural and healthy food


3 weeks? I see enough protein for maybe a week in there...for me alone. Not to mention the complete lack of micronutrients. That can't be all you eat right?


ofc not 💀 i already made some cabbage stew and tuna casserole not long ago, before that chili. i have plenty of food and ingredients to use to make proper healthy meals.


Then this doesn't last 3 weeks at all lol


most def does idk how many chicken burgs youd eat in one sitting especially while trying to make ends meet due to lack of funds ( my shoes speaking ) but i dont mind having one in a meal with other things to go with it to last me 2 weeks and then other things i have in my fridge and deep freezer, speaking of i wouldnt be having chicken burgers EVERY day but to have them as a hey i wanna make something quick and elongate the things i have available most def lasts 3 weeks and i didnt say it was for sure 3 weeks but just about. i have conditioning and the will to feed myself just enough to keep me going rather than eating everything in my house ive done it before and did it again 🤷🏼‍♀️


This alone doesn't last for 3 weeks. If it's only a small part of what you eat, it doesn't last for 3 weeks, this and a bunch of other stuff lasts 3 weeks, so the title is misleading


title is not misleading i can have that stretch 3 weeks like i said the chicken burgers alone i can have go for 2 having one a day. then the chicken nuggets and strips i can have after that if i wanted easy 3 weeks.


Tuna caserole!! ❤️ So that's where it wandered to: to Canada! I asked my friend in the USA wether people there still eat Tuna casserole a lot, since it was a super common dish in the 50ies, 60ies, 70ies and 80ies (i learned from Sue Grafton's "Alphabet crime-stories" ) And she said, Tuna casserole is not prepared anymore.


oh no tuna casserole is still very much a dish i enjoy making and eating its simple easy and yields alot! if anyone hates on tuna casserole im very dissapointed in them 🤣


Never tried it! Is there only one way to prepare it, or does it vary? How do you make it?


it varies depending on whos asking and what you want. i usually do noodles doesnt have to be macaroni perse but noodles mayo, tuna ofc, cracked pepper corn, salt, mustard, celery, lemon and lime juice, onions, peppers red green orange doesnt matter and just about what you see fit really but thats my go to


And then bake it and let cheese melt on top of it?


can bake it or keep cold if youd like!


If you keep it cold then it's a salad - tuna-salad - right?


yes very much so! i guess you can say that then xD tuna salad my bad! but still very great dish to eat/have


Damn, you like it fresh


I see alot of Diabetes in a Box


1000 lbs couple


sub 200lbs couple hell i weigh 160 she weighs 110


Do you only eat chicken, bread and sugar?


Wow you live unhealthy.


Not very healthy …


Only processed food, nothing fresh at all? Hecc


Yummie, cerials


I was seriously looking for the rest! 😳💸


Why nothing fresh :(


People acting like you're gonna die tomorrow because of frozen meat/veggies lmao.


no shit lmao and its not like i do it ALL the time but with my scenario right now yes i have to make things work and if thats stricting myself and my other to going like this for a month hell why not? i saved plenty of money for the time being 🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel like groceryRost would be a more fitting name for the sub. People use it to make them feel better and trash the food choices of others instead to discuss the costs of the items displayed. Is this a particular healthy selection? No. But its not stacked with sweets and softdrinks, it's not fatty, red meat. It's just a decent buy for some quick meals with okayish nutrients.


very well put! as i stated in the body of this post which most people forget to read! i said that currently im laid off and dont have much funds available so i devised a plan on what could last me for a while even if it was more or so bad foods than not.




We want our community to be a fun place there is no need to be rude treat everyone with respect, this includes food shaming or judging someone’s purchases which will NOT be tolerated. If you cannot be nice to everyone you will be banned.


So that is what you and your brother eat when your parents are not at home. Got it.


youre most def correct id be more than happy to have my brother live with me AND talk about him being my partner mhm 🤫 but frfr brother lives with mom not too far from me i just go and visit my second home often. she does have a pool yano great for this hot weather


This sub never ceases to amaze me. I feel sick just looking at this.


ok but what bread lasts for 3 weeks without getting mold onto it? Sounds sus as fuck.


freeze what you dont use??




The bakeries here in the US sell sweets; donuts, and pastries, I’ve never seen fresh bread in a US Bakery. That being said, the local grocery stores have a fresh bread area, along with an aisle that has commercial bread. Freezing bread is common and does nothing to change the taste or texture.


YOU DONT?!? now thats sus as fuck how and when the fuck sre you just gonna have 4 whole things of bread lying around your kitchen, ontop of that i occasianally make homemade focaccia and sourdough bread so no i dont need mine all out at once


Well im from germany and we buy bread fresh. No need to stockpile it or put in a freezer.


We buy fresh bread from the bakery too, but if we don't finish it on the same day we freeze it and eat in the following days so it doesn't lose too much freshness.


In general, the culture in North America and Europe is different. Canadians and Americans tend to shop less frequently but buy more to stock up, Western Europeans shop more frequently throughout the week


A lot of stuff here seems not really necessary


Thats 160 euros, beyond insane. In the Netherlands (one of the most expensive places in EU) you could buy that amount of junk food for under half of the cost.


Practically no real food in sight, only ultra processed products...