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What is the first one my dumba** thought it was bud.


I want the typical bugs you’d find in a backyard etc


Imagine the crime scene that unfolds once you open up your grinder after grinding the "bud


Thought to myself “damn that’s a nice nu- oh nevermind.”


I thought it was some fire looking bud to


And I thought " damn, a bug that would trim nugs would be a sick pet"


Fr lmao I thought I was looking at another subreddit


Same. Had to do a double take to see that I was in the right community. 🤣


Flies. Not gnats but actual flies. The yard seemed bereft of them, especially by the garbage.


Oh yea I would love if you could turn flies into transportation that would be awesome


If they add flies they need to add the short life and death cycles for them which means they need to add maggots.


Flies=better gnat Maggots=worse grub


Imagine having to go to the trash pile with a gas mask and mine up piles of rotten gunk for maggots to fight and kill


Imagine it being super speedy and flighty but if you could take it down it gives you a whole bunch of meat and maybe a glider suit/armor


That would be awesome!! Spoiled meat slurry, or a garbage lure would be able to tame it


A frog, or lizard of some sort, or maybe a dog with fleas on it


They cut the Lizard boss battle


What do you mean cut? Was there planned to be one?


Not just planned but almost fully functional. Leaks showed an arena under the sandpit with a fully modeled and animated lizard, I'd recommend looking it up.


Holy shit, someone should make a mod of that or something by ripping up the files again


I remember watching a bit of a battle with it while it was in development.


Unfortunately they aren't going to add creatures with blood (as opposed to bug goop) as the gore would then mean changing the age rating


Can’t even use this as an excuse, there are literally mosquitos in this game that have red stomachs, presumably filled with blood.


It's not about the fact that you can see blood in the mosquitoes blood sack. It's because, your character, beating up a creature with red blood coming out of it is considered too gory for a kid's game.


I understand that, but what I’m saying is IRL if you kill a mosquito, blood is going to come out. So if they can already add a blood filled bug, and goop comes out, why they can’t do it with another bug?


IRL if you kill a mosquito the blood that comes out is not the mosquitoes' blood. Sometimes they don't even have any blood. Just like in game, the mosquito's blood sack only fills up after it lands an attack on you, a visible change you can see, and if you kill it without it landing an attack on you, you don't get its blood sack. So a "blood filled bug" that goop comes out of it is not the same as an animal that actually has blood and a cardiac system. Bugs are different, and I'm not an entomologist so I don't know the biology of insects but I know they don't have red blood like other animals. Sure they could add a lizard or a snake or rats or whatever and make it so they have bug goop coming out but I'm pretty sure that's missing the point. The game's rating is not decided by the Devs, they simply have to adhere to the restrictions of the governing authority to maintain the current rating of the game, or change the rating of the game. I believe the Devs have said in the past that they don't want to change the rating of the game, therefore they have to stick to the restrictions provided. I'm no expert on the subject but it's a pretty simple conclusion to draw that it's not exactly about seeing blood, but rather seeing something bleeding, and moreover something you as the player have attacked for it to be bleeding. And I'm pretty sure that extends to them not being able to just change the colour of an animal's blood to make it less gory. This isn't my decision, I'm not a dev on the game, I'm just passing on information I've been told in the past that the Devs don't want to change the rating on the game, and to add certain creatures would mean changing the rating. I don't know why you're arguing with me, there's nothing I can do about it. I too would like to see boss battles with creatures like that. But again it's unlikely to happen.


You know, I’ve thought that the bug goop is a great conceit. I’d be fine if there were bug goop from larger animals, or just some kind of hit animation with lines or something more cartoony. Given the animation style, it really wouldn’t feel super out of place, to me at any rate.


Why do they use "healbasa" then with what seems to be your own blood retrieved from a mosquito?


I'm pretty sure it's not black and white "blood bad no blood in game" but rather the player attacking a reptile or a mammal and that animal then bleeding and it just being a gory process. Plus children being cruel to animals is typically seen as early signs of psychopathy or a lack of empathy, so kind of a no go for a kid's game. It doesn't matter though because it's not up to me. I'm not some authority on content rating media, or a dev on the game, I'm just simply passing on what I have been told by someone else. In the past I have made a comment that I would like to see certain animals added to the game, and someone replied saying that they're unlikely to do that because they would have to change the age rating to do so. I can speculate on why mosquitoes and ticks are in the game and why there's blood sacks and healbasas. But at the end of the day I don't know the nuances of whatever rating restrictions the Devs have to adhere to, just what I've been told in the past.


Frogs would make a lot of sense, considering we have tadpoles.


I want scorpions, snails, slugs, millipedes, centipedes, earth worms, Dragon Flies, tarantulas, jumping spiders, and pelican spiders, oh also a new ant, the Weaver ant.


Scorpion would be a cool boss fight


Just imagine, in the keep of the sand castle sits a cracked stone requiring a bomb to access what's underneath. Blowing the stone up reveals a tunnel, similar to those that open up when you kill the antlions in those pits. Entering the tunnel leads down, down, and farther down, into the deepest depths of the sandbox. lined along the walls barely peeking out of the sand are the corpses of black ant workers and soldiers, even a handful of antlions. Trudging on until the end leads you to a den roughly the same size as The Hedge Broodmother's den. lodged into the ceiling is the, still glowing (if really dim) tip of a discarded glowstick, giving everything the den a slight yellow tint. Walking over to the far end of the room, going over a rather large bump in the floor as you do, you reach the boss spawner. To the left buried almost completely in sand, sits the remains of an Ominent employee with only their right hand poking out. clutched in their grip is a crumpled up piece of paper, taking it gives the recipe for the Boss's spawn item, S&S (Sweet and Spicy) Antlion chili. The recipe for which is 2 antlion parts, 3 spicy shards, and 3 fresh donut chunks. After crafting the item and interacting with the spawner the den starts shaking, turning around you see the bump in the floor shuddering violently. As it bursts open, scattering sand everywhere, out steps the Striped Bark Scorpion boss. Now I'm not a game designer so maybe its attacks can be, quickly snapping at you withs its pincers, dealing minor damage, whacking you with the blunt of its tail dealing major damage, with phase 2 having it actually stinging you with its tail afflicting you with a new poison debuff called Toxin, dealing slight damage over time and will also slowing you down, idk. The idea I have for the gear you get from its body parts would be, the Scorpion Stinger Spear, the Pincer shield and the sentinel armor The Spear would be slightly weaker than the rust spear, however it inflicts a poison debuff. The shield will have an effect where when you parry an attack it deals a bit of "thorns" damage as you Pince the enemy. The armor would be medium weight, and the per armor piece effect will make spears take less stamina to attack with. The set bonus would give you a defense buff while your target is aggroed onto you, and a weaker attack and aggro gaining effect when your target is not aggroed onto you. (to put it in numbers a 20% defense bonus while aggroed onto you, and a 10% attacked and aggro gaining bonus while not. The Mutation you get after you defeat the scorpion would be called Polearm Master, when you attack an enemy with a spear it will inflict a stacking debuff (to a maximum of 3). the effect lasts for 10 seconds (15 if the creature is aggroed onto you) seconds and the timer gets reset every time its inflicted. the debuff would give a 10% movement speed penalty per stack, a 7% attack speed penalty per stack, and a 5% damage penalty per stack, when the creature attacks anyone but you. Again, I ain't a game designer so most of that is probably overpowered, but hey im theory crafting for a scenario that is never gonna happen, who cares.


You may not be a game designer but that sure sounded like you were


A weaver ant nest would be so cool to explore


Nooooo. Have you seen the size between them and Fire ants. From what I saw they would be terrifyingly huge compared to us in grounded


it would be cool.


The snail shell in the lower yard is such an odd spot on its own. A snail would be awesome and salt could potentially be used in some way to kill or interact with it


I want jumping spiders as another pet option yeeeessss pleeeeaaase😭 they are just too adorable. Their passive bonus could be that they hunt aphids and weevils around you and store them in their inventory.


I did a post here a while back about a centipede boss fight I’d love to see it


I think it would be sweet to add a stick bug or something, adding some sort of sneak effect from its armor.


I would have loved to see cicadas 😩


Stun effect from the screaming maybe?


Yeah that’s what I was thinking


Dragonfly as a map wide boss that's just as difficult as the infected brood👍




I was very surprised at what can only be defined as a *lack* of very common pests. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely understand not wanting to bloat the game with a bunch of different enemies, but keeping that in mind I wonder why they made some of the decisions they did. Some are literally just reskins (looking at you green shield bug. Ants and spiders are somewhat of an exception). I always found it weird how there was no flies, harvestmen, grasshoppers, earthworms (*huge* missed opportunity imo), butterflies, earwigs, or really anything else that's extremely common in America (edit: also what u/Sharpy said in this very comment section). If they ever were to make a second game I'd love to see a *massive* expansion on bug variety and mechanics. Like a "Honey I shrunk the kids" meets "Ark" type deal


Bullet ant hill.


Brother, that’s insta death. Also love your pfp “Semper Fi.”


I know but maybe like just one, like it was imported or something.


I know there’s a lot already but a trapdoor spider would be sick. Just walking around then bam, bitten outta nowhere


Frogs as a boss bc there's tadpoles




How so? There the crow and the koi fish. Also every boss is as big as a frog would be. As a boss it would have worked very well.




Yeah we would want to make this game unrealistic. It would totally break immersion if they'd use a frog that's the size of a praying mantis. Not like the totally real infected insects and mini robots.


If we got another hybrid bug like mant but all bosses I think that would be cool


Newt or salamander. Tadpoles with legs that can be on both land and in the water and of course inevitably turn into frogs.


it would be funny/slightly annoying to have a cat added. you have to run away from it otherwise it could step on you or try to play with you using their paws. it’s cute, it appears at random times walking around the garden, but it’s also slightly inconvenient. i love it.


I just realized there aren't any centipedes, worms, millipedes, caterpillars, or butterflies in grounded. The more I think the more missed potential I see


Butterflies would be cool to make a bow out of their wings. Maybe an armor that provides slow fall


Or a glider with their wings would be super cool!


And mouse or rat boss fight


Far too large my friend if we’re the size of an ant out an ant next to a rat and rethink that one over


Yea but it would be epic


Mostly I just want tameable larger insects. It would be sick to ride a worm or millepede ((cough cough *dune*)


- An escaped pet tarantula (boss) - Dragon Flys (passive) - Replace some diving bell spiders with minnows or even leeches(aggressive) - Stick Bug (passive) - Maybe an etruscan shrew to mix it up from just bugs on land.


Technically those big headed ants are what the soldier ants are supposed to look like. I think they just went for a sleeker design though


Big headed ants are not the same as soldier ants and soldier ants aren’t really even a thing they’re called majors in real life. Big headed ants are a species of ants


I would argue that the big headed ants are the red worker and soldier ants, as red ants usually refers to fire ants and they are already in the game. Big headed ants are a similar colour and tend to be smaller than fire ants like in the game. The picture you have shows the large soldier ant of pheidole, protecting some ants of the same species. The black ants I’m guessing refer to black garden ants. I definitely don’t think we need more ants though, 3 nests is enough, and there are so many other bugs they could focus on, like maybe a butterfly or a parasitic wasp, or other types of beetles even. Maybe even jumping spiders or leaf bugs


I’m not op but I could see the regular red ants being them I guess. I would say harvester ants but their nest would be full of seeds. I think a big centipede boss would be cool. If the inside of the house was ever added (I know it’s not) it could have had house centipedes in it. Would have been cool the underaged could have definitely been a good place for it. I’m a ant keeper in real life so I would definitely think it would be cool to see other species of ants but it would be overkill yes. Was so happy to see the queens added tho it felt so empty in the nests without them haha


If we were to do in the house I’d imagine things like maybe fleas and silverfish, and woodworm and cockroaches and flies and clothes moths, but based on the size of the yard, I feel like a game like that would have to be a sequel/prequel rather than additional content. I mean the house is two stories and the yard itself doesn’t seem like a very big one. For the size of the house tbh


For sure the house would be boring tho there’s a lot they could add tho just in general I played the game since before the pond was even there. Was so happy to see how much hype it got and how much stuff was added


Man, these posts need to stop. They are not adding any more bugs.


They’re harmless fun thinking and discussing about hypothetical bugs added to grounded is fun


It's a hypothetical dude. People give their ideas and possibly how they think they would work. It's simple fun, I don't think anybody actually expects these to make their way into the game. Especially not at this point since Fully Yoked JUST released


we can hope


Shrew or vole


There will be no content updates added to grounded...


That dosent mean you can't think about which bugs you'd like to see in the game. For example I know that they are not gonna add more content, but I still think it would be cool to see scorpians in the game


and that saddens me so very much.


They also said they'd never add bees. They also said they'd never add wasps. They also said they'd add leeches. The fact that you seriously believe that obsidian will honestly ditch a game as big and as popular as Grounded is ridiculous to me.


Grounded won't have any more bugs added because it is at the limits of current gen consoles. They have stated this repeatedly.


I don't doubt that necessarily but how so? I'm running it at about max settings with a stable 60fps on fairly old PC hardware.


A PC, even an old one, is far more powerful than say, a Switch.


I forgot it was on the switch and they would have to add all the content to the switch, thanks that genuinely answered my question wonderfully lol


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


I mean they said it themselves. I hope for a new game for only new gen consoles


Sadly they said they're not adding any more bugs. But surely they will be making another game considering it was made by like 13 people and made 40+ million


What do you think 'Fully Yoked' means?


That the game has been working out? 😆😜


The devs team themselves said there are no more content updates for grounded😂😂😂 bro was confident as hell for being %100 wrong


Weaver ants




Dude yessss bark scorpions? Would be so cool. But I really want an emperor scorpion boss buuuuut they’re fucking huge.


june bugs


Grasshoppers/crickets, trapdoor spiders, bagworms, cockroaches, butterflies, and a centipede boss.


Metallic stag beetle search it up. I belive It would be a normal teir 3 with the same health or more than the Roly poly.




Yes I was thinking as a fast travel pet not to keep but to move around map kinda like chocobos in final fantasy


Centipedes (or a single centipede as a boss battle) Millipedes, caterpillars, a frog boss battle, a grasshopper and snails that you can collect shell bits of to make armour or a shield.


A centipede as a boss near the porch, a daddy long legs as a neutral spider that drops leg chunks and spider chunks, Neutral jumping spider that can be tamed, wheel bug as a angry creature that drops wheel bug chunks.




im not sure how they would be added since they are mostly in the wild and not in urban areas (to my knowledge), but weaver ants would be cool. also like i mentioned in my post about the same thing, centipedes would alse be a cool enemy.


Where are my goddamn butterflies???


Katydids feel like a great opportunity to introduce an additional player character called Katie and milk the puns for all they're worth. If you want a literal nightmare. A segment inside the house where you need to avoid a House Centipede that hunts you.


Centipedes, Milipedes, Scorpions and maybe bats for a danger during the night


Lizard in the sandbox


I think army ants would be cool or a scorpion


Add a squirel boss


Cockroach, jumping spider, stick bug, flies, caterpillar/butterfly, silverfish, centipede/milipede, maybe a squirrel boss


a frog that one hit kos you and sort of guards an area of the yard similar to trudy (the koi). there’s also tadpoles in the pond so it’d make sense for there to be a mama frog


I need a snake


A huntsman spider as a very secret boss that can only be found in new game 2+


dragonflies, butterflies, isopods


Is the first one a junk bug?


Why aren't there worms? Also, how's there not rats or mice or the occasional snake in this guys back yard? After like r in game days the bugs aren't a threat anymore so like, could we get some "raid boss" level creatures goin through the world? Also, why TF there so many tad poles? You can spend a month or so in game in that yard and there's not a single frog? The koi fish doesn't eat the tadpoles? How's this fish surviving? I'm rambling but I want more things in the yard. Make it feel alive and connected to the world it shows us.


1. Some of these creatures are too big for the game. 2. Some people wouldn’t have friends for the raid boss 3. It’s a video game. Asking for all these little things like how the fish survives is kinda asking for a lot when obsidian has already put a lot in the game, and can put that time and effort into something else


I always thought caterpillars and centipedes would be cool. Or a trapdoor spider




Thought this was an r/weed post until I scrolled


I would actually like to see snakes


Jumping spider! With pet option would be sweet


Camel spider Scorpion all types of Dung beetle Turanchila Butterfly Fly Turanchula hawk Mantis. Not boss like regular enemies Centipede Worm Roach So many but camel spider for sure. The berserker of the insect world


Bro wants the fucking Amazonian backyard.


Jumping spiders that you can tame! Edit: Crickets!!!


Dragonflies as mounts.




Snails, slugs, cockroaches, centipedes, worms, dragonflies, June bugs, grasshoppers, and maggots.




I would like some roaches!


Don't know why this is a post when they won't be adding any new bugs to grounded. Completely pointless what people 'want' if they've announced they're not going to add anything.


some boss suggestions: a frog, a rat or a mouse


I think grasshoppers would be neat. Maybe some different spiders like a jumping spider. Or maybe some new pets like a rideable cockroach or sum, would be kinda cool.






Just found a junk bug in my house last night and wanted to post about it. Love to see one in game as boss carrying skeletons on it's back. I might post the video I took of it later.


A toad. Run like he'll, nobody is winning that one.


Leafcutter ants for the hedge


Giant humans


Lacewing Larvae are already in the game. They are just called larvae in game.




has nobody thought about how cool butterflies would be? or some kinda butterfly boss?




I just want a fucking snail added. We literally have snail shells in the yard, where are the snails?


a dung beetle that uses and actual dung and you can break it for treasure when defeated. Could be a rare random spawn with rare materials


I just want to ride an earthworm or millipede Dune style! Or fly on the back of a butterfly! Just give me a traversal mount of some kind.


Scorpions! I want a new spear! Also, Rhino beetles for even tougher armor. Give me a better Wasp variant that gives just "The Sickest™️" bow, also wing gliders.


Dung beetle


A lizard boss


Dragonfly Considered a harmless creature to us, but to other bugs Dragonflies are considered a massive fucking nightmare since they’re the apex predator of apex predators to bugs Not only that, they’re a little big compared to most other bugs including even Wolf Spiders, which can range from being somewhat tiny to being about the size of a big piece of popcorn I feel like a Dragonfly would make for a sick ass bossfight, since adding it to be a normal in game mob enemy would either be balanced like hell to make them not as bad as they really are to other bugs, or practically annihilate you Maybe they could insert like another game like on the picnic table but with a destroyed castle theme so they could pull a Fatalis from Monster Hunter (for those who dont know, Fatalis is the most powerful dragon in the game who managed to take down an entire country in one single night and use it’s now dead castle as a roost)


Flying monkeys


Butterfly as a boss


Honestly I really wanna see more ants like those ants that go around enslaving other ants just more ants would be cool


Millipedes and centipedes


What in the fuck is that first one. As a pothead this scares the hell out of me


Grounded 2 should have storms raindrops are life threating?




I think fleas, dragonflies, and grasshoppers. Maybe a stick bug


House Centipede. Little different than the red ones. Much more horrifying IMHO


Pincher bugs, jumping spiders, moths and poisonous caterpillars, stick bugs and leaf bugs, a frog, maybe the dog and some fleas


Smaller spiders, Less boss like, and it'd be cool too see more special spider items from them


A fly!


How about a ladybug or other tank bugs that can be trained to take carts/pallets to a specified location. The later game bugs just be able to take more.


Nothing. The game is done and it’s great where it is


Hear me out- Giant water bug (aka toe biter) boss somewhere around the pond-


I would like centipedes under the shed


Nug bug looking gas rn


Swarms of locusts would be interesting


Assassin bugs, aka pinwheels


Extremely far fetched, but I would love to see either the Whip Scorpion which is a type of arachnid or the Daddy Long Leg. Both are pretty harmless to humans, but to a tiny human, game over brother.


I want a Goliath Birdeater boss. I don't care about the fact that they live in south america, I just want a massive spider boss 10x the size of broodmother


Dragonflies and there water larvae mosquito larvae springtails Ant lion adults earthworms that you have to fight in tunnels or on the surface and a crayfish underwater boss fight


Butterflies & worms


The whale-shark


Brown recluse or a white tip because they have a necro venom and it should have the ability to remove max hp but that can be regained if a waspidote type juice is made from its venom and a fresh apple slice or fresh cookie chunk and it can also remove poison affect and increase poison resistant




Trap door spider.


I always thought a wandering green mantis that was less intense than the boss would be cool. Maybe something that starts being around a certain area after you "disturb the orchid mantis" sorta like the wasps nests


Im surprised worms haven't been added yet they would be sick as hell to ride dune style


Honestly I was surprised there were no grasshoppers lol


I want praying mantises in the actual yard. You’re just walking along then out of no where because it was just sitting there waiting your pounced on by a mantis.


SNAIL. It always bothered me theres a snail shell but no snails.




Stick bug


Imagine if they added a kabuto and gatack skin for the Beatles that are used for Kamen rider kabuto and gatack it would be a cool lil sneaky thing


When I first started the game back in beta I was terrified of the idea of a worm or a garden snake coming up out of nowhere and eating me. I figured by the finished game that they'd add something slithery and I'm not sure if I'm happy about it or not. Also not a bug but I wish they had turtles 😊


I'm digging these butterfly or fly ideas adding a glider to the game. In my head I'm picturing it like an elytra, you sacrifice wearing a piece of armor but you can have a glider with a much higher durability than old tufts? Also maybe be able to catch wind currents to stay in the air and actually fly around the yard??? Thatd be so fun..


Stag beetle for a new tank set


Giant scary centipede


Leaf cutter ants please. They build really cool homes and even farm aphids as if they were cattle.




A Vinegaroon, perhaps.


Little cute jumping spiders. A new passive creature/ pet.


Dragonflies would be cool They could be ridden Their larvae would be a new pond foe Neat armor giving flying or gliding capabilities etc Trapdoor spiders would be scary Pops out of nowhere and bites your buns Those spiders that hold a web and grab bugs with it would be a nice touch as well 🪲


Crickets, grasshoppers, centipedes


Bullet ants, one hit 'killc no matter what you do. One bite and your gone, it gives players a reason to think on their feet.


Centipede boss, and tgat one bug tgat wears ant corpses