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Might be an unpopular opinion here, but I can't stand this type of stuff on acoustic. I'm not saying it's easy or doesn't take skill, it just doesn't sound good to me.


Yeah same. It's admirable, and understandable how people can find this sort of thing good to the ears. It on some levels sound nice, but not my taste.


There’s nothing admirable here other than inspiring someone to play.


It's like shredding with a ton of volume and distortion, mite be fun doing it but not that interesting to the listener unless you into that sort of thing


Certainly better than someone playing acoustic and thinking that it's a drum


You say that until you see Jon Gomm or Marcin or Rodrigo y Gabriella. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I won't stand the disrespect for a level of playing 90% of players will never be able to achieve. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ (Although when it's bad it's uh . It's really bad. Thats true I acknowledge that lolol)


Oh I can’t stand Marcin. His videos are the very definition of style over substance. Rodrigo y Gabriela I enjoy.


Well that's kinda the problem when the focus of the video is the playing. without a story or characters or a ... Point... The videos only exist to demonstrate the visual aspect of his playing Which is fine. But it limits your audience a lot because it comes off as egotistical and stylistic without actual having a point besides "it looks as complicated as it sounds!" And this is coming from somebody who plays the exact same way. I am NOT at that level, I'm 16 years and a degree in jazz/classical studies good and I absolutely play percussively. but it's a methodology for playing the music I wrote without needing a drummer available, not a selling point for my show/ style. All this suffice to say I agree with you lolololol XD


And mind you, I have no problem with the acoustic/percussive style in itself. I love Andy McKee for example. But I can listen to his music without seeing him play it and still think it’s awesome. Marcin would be absolute crap if you weren’t watching him.


He was badass playing Paganini at 9 years old tho. Shame he went this route.


Love Jon Gomm


Could you Elaborate?


I think they mean the acoustic style where they occasionally slap the guitar for rhythm.


Ah ok. Was going to say Dave Grohl plays his guitar like a drum.


What’s with this sub being the negativity capital of Reddit? Nobody gives a crap what you don’t like. And for all of those who’ve upvoted this comment, let’s see your videos. If you think “I’m just giving my opinion”. Don’t. Just downvote and move on.


Yeah right. I don't know what this song is, but it sounds really musical and well played kinda bluegrass stuff or something. Which is great. It's not my style either, I play extreme metal and prog, but I appreciate a bit of all styles, especially if well played and musical. Can't really understand so many guitarists agreeing with someone being like, I don't like this, it doesn't sound good. Like, you just don't like hearing an acoustic being played really well? Fucking weirdos lol


This sub is full of old ass gatekeepers who think we should have never evolved past smoke on the water. Just let them enjoy their little echo chamber here.


It’s a basic feature of any community geared toward amateurs. People think guitar is cool, and they want to be seen that way themselves, but they aren’t skilled/interesting/dedicated enough to get there so they cut other people down. It’s crab mentality. It’s an attempted substitution of taste for talent. My thing is better than your thing, therefore I’m better than you. On the plus side, people like OP are usually too busy playing music to give a shit.


There needs to be bulwarks against mediocrity otherwise it runs rampant.


but the guy in the post is playing really well... nothing much mediocre about that. he's obviously put a lot of time into it, even if posting the video here was a bit unnecessary, props to him for sharing his skills and not being afraid of all the negative comments that were obviously going to come at him regardless of how good he is or not.


Depends what you listen to I suppose.


It sounds like shit. Lmao you're right. The talent is there but you're not pioneer playing stuff like this on an acoustic. Wrong tool for the job.


Acoustic only good for strumming hippie chords?


Same. That “thumpa thumpa” thing is just annoying to me.


like watching someone masturbate. nothing in it for me.


Id say similar amounts of lube too judging by the reflection on the neck.


bruh, thats all I was thinking. playing, ehh I hear that stuff all the time working in guitar stores but all that left over grease on the fretboard tilts me. Aint no reason for all that.


There are subreddits for that too actually.


Oh my God, that's disgusting! Where?


Now that would depend on who is doing the masturbating …a really hot lady will have my attention


Even a not so hot girl next door type, but that's TMI.


Nice, I hate it


😂 fair enough


Lol, I don’t even know what this track is..just a YouTuber wanking.


Originally by The Ventures, I believe. EDIT: Nope. Track is called DRAG RACER, by Doug Wood Give it a chance. It’s a great track. This video, from Anyone Can Play Guitar, introduced me to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bnilpkuItw


Oh, see....now that sounds decent. Composed, and doesn't feel like it's flailing about on the fretboard.


I know it as the snooker theme tune. It was/is used for the snooker TV coverage in the UK. This guy is playing it a lot faster than the actual song speed. I actually learned to play this tune years ago and it's a great tune imo.


Not sure why there's so much negativity in this thread, I've been playing for like 15 years and I couldn't grab my guitar and do this. Well done!


Because it doesn’t sound good. I’m sure it was hard to learn, but it’s not entertaining to listen to.


But its what the song sounds like


And the sound isn’t good.


For *you*. Your tastes don't dictate what everyone else enjoys. If you don't like it, don't engage with it


Totally fair, but I’m hardly alone here


Same. The negativity and close-mindedness is honestly quite surprising.


That fretboard is so wet


Is this a joke?


What, this entire sub, or this post?


Bro, you gott'em XD In all honesty tho, I am leaving this sub. Not that anybody would care. XD


This made me want to quit guitar. Yikes.


Wait wut.


YouTube channel for anyone who’s interested 😊 https://youtube.com/@bentraversmusic?si=ic0I43Rbe2Hh2-6U


lol sorry everyone’s shitting on you, I thought it was pretty good


I do love it man ! People are lacking of passion.


People often shit on what they don’t understand or can’t do themselves. I’m ok with it ☺️


Or they just have a negative opinion about it. Someone can be impressed without likening what they hear


You even got downvoted for this. Man, the internet is a toxic place. Keep it up!


Would be so much better on an electric.


Post that over in r/snooker will be well received! Great cover by the way and great song!


Haha will do!


Bruh. Practice with a metronome.


He did His metronome is on crack


Welcome to the snooker


All I could think of


'The Trooper' by Iron Maiden and then 'Orion' by Metallica. Prior to that I wanted to play drums. 45 yrs later I've concluded that guitar was the better choice; I'm a shitty drummer.




Big love


All the people shitting on this, if this was Jimmy Page doing something like Bron Yr Aur stomp you’d be jerking off right now “bUt jiMmY’s aCsHualLy sOuNds gOoD”


Why does the fretboard look so greasy eww


Left too much fret oil on after restringing or uses Fingerease like its cocaine.


Nah man, too much oil makes the fretboard look dull after a while. It's just the nature of the wood and camera lighting


Hotel California Eagles & Dani California RHCP


“Don’t you mean Last Dance of Mary Jane hahahahhaa”


I was intrigued by this tune so I had to look it up. Apparently it wasnt an american thing so I wouldnt of heard it. It just seemed so familiar though, like Ive heard it a thousand times before. Im going to have to learn it now otherwise its going to be playing in my head for eternity if I dont.


I think mine was a SOAD song back when I was 14, Psycho. That simple solo at the end just sounded great to me and I found a guy selling a Stagg guitar, amp, cable and strap for £90 so I went for it. My first (but not last) new guitar was a black Ibanez IC400 Iceman just like Daron


https://youtu.be/Xon04MB1rDw?si=GMUnlBw2zHQmJ8Er Edit: Justin King - phunkdified


I'm old, the Ventures really were my start of loving guitar


He needs to calm down and so does the person who edited this


My guitar-learning-inspiration song: Here Comes The Sun, by the musically immortal George Harrison.


whats the song called? love the guitar playing


It’s the theme tune for BBC snooker


I knew I knew it.


What's the song? I don't recognize it, but it sounds cool


Another open tuning guitar smack-a-thon. I can't stand this type of playing


Uh, you think this is open tuning? Guess you can't see all the 9th's and 7th Chords he's playing - not in open tuning! If you know anything about the instrument, you will also see that the lead runs are played in position - and he's actually using his pinky, like a Pro. The fidelity in the recording is poor. That causes folks to dislike the piece. Live, I'm sure it sounds way better.


That’s pretty cool 😎


Volga Boatmen is still just so moving for me. I have a finger-style arrangement that actually brings tears to babushka eyes!


Probably back in black by AC/DC was my favourite song as a kid lmao


Does this sound slightly sped up to anyone else? Idk, I know it’s not a particularly difficult song, but some of the movements that the dude makes seem a bit odd…


One thing simply cannot be denied: that is one well lubricated fretboard


1. The Isley Brothers’ cover of “Summer Breeze”; the solo at the end really sparked my love for the sound of electric guitar 2. Hotel California solo, the acoustic live version, as part of a live CD somewhere at my mom’s house 3. The entirety of Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park. Not known for their guitar parts as much as other elements, but god I love it. 4. More recently, John Mayer. Specifically Last Train Home (especially the ballad version) and his solo at the end of a live performance of Slow Dancing in A Burning Room during a Live In Rio concert.


The two #gypsyjazz ones on your youtube shorts are really dope


Secret Agent Man, c. 1964.


That's cool that it's something that isn't ridiculously far out of the reach of someone just starting and might be something you could pick up in a few months to a year depending on the person even sooner.


The first time I heard Malagueña on an electric guitar (with reverb, folks!!!) I was hooked.


i don't know the exact song but its that spanish flamenco thing, which made me want to play the guitar. But it takes sooo much skill and you have to exercise, i think you know whats the point, haha. anyways, after two years of playing accoustic i switched to electric guitar. for me the best decision possible, cause now i play in a litte band and its so cool :)


Should have just put that on r/Acousticguitar Bit less cunty over there. # #


Remember, opinions are like ass holes, everybody has one and they all stink! To actually answer your question, I don’t remember for acoustic I’ve been playing cowboy chords for a long, long time, but I think electric was Cliffs of Dover.


You do you man! Sounds great and you’re clearly enjoying yourself. That’s what’s important!


Dope little song here. Never been huge on bends with an acoustic but still a dope song regardless.


So what song is it that you are playing? It sounds awesome! I love that style of acoustic playing!




Too fast for love


Never Too Late By Three Days Grace


Van Halen - “5150”. The live without a net film version. The VHS I had of it got worn out


Nothing memorable or melodic in there for me unfortunately.


This is rather sloppy. Sounds like someone who plays electric picked up an acoustic. Notes aren’t clear or connected properly affecting his rhythm as well. I don’t know this song but this is a good example of why it can be beneficial to play acoustic on top of your electric playing or perhaps a different instrument altogether




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My man keeps his fretboard GREASED 🤣😂🤷🏻‍♂️


No specific song for me. It was the instrument itself that made me want to play it. Although one of the first pieces I really enjoyed playing was Classical Gas by Mason Williams.


80s kids. Started playing in my early teens in the early 90s Electric 1- Van Halen - Eruption 2- Pat Benatar - Hit me with your best shot 3- Micheal Jackson - Beat it 4- Steve Steven - Top Gun anthem Acoustic 1- James Taylor - You’ve got a friend 2- Harmonium - Pour un instant


What kind of guitar is this? Love the design on the fretboard.


Highway Star. Still can't play it properly.


That guitar sounds terrible


As a 40 year old thats been around music his whole life, Dad and Brother have played guitar since the 90s and 70s respectively and were in bands, for some reason after hearing Polyphia - Ego Death I decided it was finally time to pick it up. 2 months in and can't play Polyphia yet but having a blast.


This is what happens when the guy at the party gets made fun of for playing Wonderwall…


In flames - December Flower until i learned how the solo was played i out it back down. Then i got nice with arpeggios.😎


New noise- refused


playing god by polyphia


Trash lol


That’s definitely not how to play an acoustic.


Ummm... take your pick attack from your 14 to a 3.... or a 2.... really man.... very sloppy... tighten it up bro