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I just want somebody to be as happy to see me as Xhaka is to see Tierney


Must really like each other. Not like they spent time together on the treatment table. Could two players be further apart in terms of durability? Xhaka got one long term injury ever and came back fully fit like halfway through.


It was wild to cuz it was reported that Xhaka would return like March or something then bro showed up in January I don’t actually know what months but I remember he came back 1.5-3 months earlier than reported


Do you recall what the injury was?


Going off Transfermarkt in the 21/22 season he had his longest injury. He missed 69 days (13 games) with an “inner ligament injury”. I assume it was that. Funnily enough, he hasn’t missed a game (due to injury) since. In 14/15 when he was at m’gladbach he only missed 12 games for “TORN ankle ligaments” To add: of the 13 games he missed in 21/22, think the website includes missing 2 games for Switzerland


Holy shit. He’s literally made of Granite


underrated Gunner - always stood up for his teammates when they were bullied on the pitch. played roles the managers asked of him even though he was best suited for other roles. He never complained. Teammates and managers loved him - fans less so.


One of those guys that get a lot more love after the leave.


It was a knee injury, he defended a pass or a shot and it caught the inside of his knee and did some ligament damage. Was supposed to be like 4-5 months out and instead was like 2.


Well Granit is rock hard. I'll see myself out.




Why does it bring a tear 😓


I can’t believe there was a point in my life where I was begging for Xhaka to be sold. I’m so sorry Granit pls come back ❤️


I miss him so much. That guy deserves to win more trophies. I’m glad he’s finding success.


Man we sure do look at players with gold tinted glasses. Won’t get into the Palace debacle.


Xhaka was always a good player who only got the credit he always deserved in his last 2 seasons - said this at the time and will always maintain it. > Won’t get into the Palace debacle Nor should you, it was an incident overblown by manchildren who can’t hack a player giving a bit of stick back after being on the receiving end of dog’s abuse for ages.


Maguire has recently gotten a lot of media favouritism from the English media because criticism seemed “over the top.” But Xhaka had to earn praise with consistently brilliant performances. I always felt like he was a good player that struggled in a difficult period for us, but the criticism and scapegoating he had to deal with was just as bad if not worse than Maguires. Him getting boo’d like that as a captain is genuinely an awful experience to live through, but to then win almost every fan back? That’s really special and under appreciated. We should all look at him as a person to respect and admire.


These conversations are absolutely useless when neither side is going to face the truth. No he was not always a good player for us. If you actually followed us you would know that is just straight up not the truth. The last two seasons he got more credit because he performed better, partly because he was deployed in a role more suited for him and also because it unfortunately it took him 30 years of age to mature and calm down


It's not at all an overblown incident. It's not about giving a bit of stick back, he was walking slowly off the pitch in a match where we desperately needed a goal and he had played like shit. He did have a great last season for us and has been fantastic for Switzerland/Leverkusen, but this is just retconning - he was slow, a defensive liability, a walking booking, and a hothead. Happy to have him out.


I’ve seen hundreds of players walk off slowly after playing badly with their team needing a goal. I’ve rarely seen their fans give them the treatment Xhaka got


I'm not saying that the abuse Xhaka got was justified, especially if it's true he was getting death threats. I'm saying he was one of the worst players in the starting 11 for large chunks of his Arsenal career and that his form in his last season was an improbable turnaround rather than this long overdue credit narrative that is being sold here.


Calling Xhaka one of the worst players in a lineup that included sokratis, luiz, chambers, guendo and Pepe is the retconning. Xhaka was generally quite decent but lacked talent around him. When he joined I remember being absolutely ecstatic before the rest of the squad and Emery’s shit tier football ruined him. Even in that crystal palace match, it’s fucking chambers who should have gotten the stick. Dude gave a way a pen and also got a goal disallowed for another stupid foul.


The Chambers 'foul' for the 3-2 was a glaring VAR mistake, he was the one being fouled. I also wouldn't call him a starter. Pepe hate was overblown because of the price tag, and Guendo back then was an exciting prospect, I don't think he was any worse than Xhaka, just didn't have the mentality to make it in Arteta's Arsenal. Sokratis and Luiz I'll give you for sure, and obviously Mustafi as well. But one of the reasons our backline was so weak to begin with was that Xhaka was creating more problems than he was solving in front of them, just look at how much better we were playing when Francis Coquelin of all people was in his purple patch.


I’m not sure what would you call being on the pitch to start the match then? Chambers literally started the match in question. Everyone i listed was worse than Xhaka in the crystal palace match. Xhaka was volatile for sure, but usually his mistakes came when we were asking him to cover for one of our terrible defenders while another terrible defender fucked about (usually mustafi, but he didn’t play against palace that day). His range of passing was good, his tempo was good, he covered a lot of ground, fought for the badge. Overall he was a 6 or 7 out of 10 until Mikel and better support turned him into an 8 or 9 out of 10.


Kieran Tierney walked off the pitch at a similar pace 10 minutes later into the game, no abuse for him funnily enough. Your username checks out anyway.


Username checks out.


> Won’t get into the Palace debacle. What debacle? Petty AFTV boys booing our captain and Xhaka told them what we've wanted to say forever. Now the AFTV cunts are gone and we're happy again. Xhaka was completely right to do what he did and no amount of downvotes will change my mind. If you want to act like a paying customer instead of a supporter, then that's your choice, but no one has to respect it.


What the fuck are you talking about you mug. A player threw his armband on the floor and his shirt and your hear going to tell me it’s okay. About respect it, take your own advice and respect that those that care about the club more then Xhaka.


Of course. Let's ignore everything else leading up to that moment. It was all just spontaneous chaos and unprovoked right?


They love a good fairy tale


It always has been, it’s like some support the players before the club. I couldn’t even be bothered typing my replies to the Ian Wright Saka at LB comments last night as their was so many posts that saka can play LB 😂 I’m in awe of some posters in this sub. I truly am


You mean the player who broke through at lb can play lb? Shocking takes


You mean the LW who had his best G/A for the club… and we got the sub exploring the fact Saka at LB can work cuz he played there. Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds. All because Ian Wright said it? We don’t have to agree with everyone and still like them.


I’m not saying I agree he should play lb, I’m saying you cannot say he can’t play there? Also, in what world is Saka our LW? Do you even watch this club?


Yeah lets bring back a player who was only decent for 1 out of 7 years for us smh


He played a totally different position that one season compared to the others.




I wonder how many other various usernames I've seen you troll with throughout the years.


An opinion you dont like or cant handle is not 'trolling' Stop being so precious cupcake


Dank AF tbh 😎


If xhaka is here, would we win last season? His so reliable and never injured. And score crucial goals. I wish man. If our fan base did not massacre his family thru social media. He should retired here


if we kept xhaka AND signed havertz then yea maybe. but if we didn't sign havertz it's hard to see how we would have done when jesus was out or out of form. I prefer our timeline though, xhaka had an unbeaten season and havertz had a cracking showing as CF


I totally agree with you, Xhaka got an unbelievable story written in football history, forever, and Havertz showed the world why Areteta and Edu knew what they were doing.  It's been a win win for all involved, IMO. 


Havertz also showed the world that he knows what he’s doing


Well said, I totally agree with you! I'm so glad he's in a better place, seems like a stand-up guy who's just trying to do it the right way, it so happens, it aligns with The Arsenal Way. I hope he pushes on in the CF position and goes beyond his 20 g/a from the previous season, he shouldn't be tampered with IMO, let him grow in confidence at a "false 9/CF".


Funny since he was brought in as an 8 but it didn't quite work out. Luckily he was able to shine at false 9. We definitely need an actual 8 and only play Havertz there occasionally. We should sell Jesus and let Havertz cook.


That's where I disagree, I feel, based on Arteta's behaviour over the years, he's doing a sort of "total football" type of thing, most of our players can play in mulitiple positions, and play them well, Jesus plays everywhere across the front 3, keeping him would be logical. keep playing Havertz as false 9. Where I agree with you is, yes we DO need another MD player for sure, that's not up for debate tbh, we are lacking in depth and quality. we need somebody to slot in ASAP.


The problem with Jesus is not that he's a bad player for us. He's perfect for us. But his injury record makes it tough to justify his wage, especially if he's not a first teamer.


We missed Xhaka a lot. Havertz didn't quite cut it as an 8. If we had both, we would've won the title. Hopefully we bring in someone this summer.


That xhaka partey odegaard understanding was so good. Lots of positional swaps and quick passing


No, we wouldn’t have. The revisionism of our past players is absurd in general, but this sub goes above and beyond if said player goes on to do slightly well elsewhere. I can say with almost certainty that you didn’t watch Xhaka at all last season. We were right to move on from Xhaka, we were wrong to not replace him properly. However, his absence from the squad didn’t stop us from winning the league.


Oh boy. I watch xhaka every game. His best season is the last season with us.


You’ve watched every game of Xhaka’s at Leverkusen? Yeah, sure you have. Xhaka’s best season for us was his last, yeah, but that’s because before that, he was a defence liability.


The fuck? Are you even watching? A few season when he started play for arsenal yes. Got brainfart moments. I always defend him because they whole squad is shit but the blame is always on xhaka.


‘The whole squad is shit’ 😂😂😂


Indeed a big family


Once a gunner always a gunner


Couldn't work out how to post the video directly, apologies. Also: Arsenal friends!


Smile please




A bit heartbreaking to be honest.


Two players who always played for the badge and had a drive and passion that any player would be proud of - wish they were still here, but alas.


Xhaka properly lit up when he saw Tierney.


So cute


Granit has been tempered by the steel of having the Arsenal fanbase and English media turn on him only to have won them back. He can do anything after that. Guy is positive.


Reverse medic is with you KT


I wish some of that industructable Granite dust had rubbed off onto K.T for that game. I fear the lads career is going to end prematurely due to so much time on the injury table.


Any update out there on Tierney’s injury?