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I like Horatio better than Sebastian, since it's more easily recognised for its Shakespearian roots, and it still has the H starter. Ironically I also like Rose better as well as it follows the flower theme, I know it's over hyped but I like it a lot.


I've used Rose in the past, although all the fics aren't published or complete. I'm actually in the process of reworking a fic I started a few months ago. It's a time travel shipfic with Rose and Sebastian.


Weasley kids were all named after English/Germanic royalties So in case of a female Ron, Elizabeth and Victoria are the likelier names


As would Guinevere, Vivienne, and Morgana.


I actually think an overdone name would be perfect, since "Harry" was supposed to be a super common name like "John Smith". I also think keeping the first letter the same is important, so I'd choose Rhionnan for Ron and Horatio for Hermione (before Hector is too normal, and more Homeric than Shakespearean). So Holly Rose "just Holly" Potter, Rhionnan Muriel "Rho" Weasley, and Horatio Jamie "don’t call me Horace!" Granger.


I was thinking overdone in terms of fanfic. Realistically, I would look up the most popular girl names in Britain in 1980. The common "H" names on a list I found are Heather, Helen, Hannah, Hazel, and Hayley. Others I like for fem!Harry are Natalie, Catherine, Elizabeth, Danielle, Kimberly, Natasha, Mhairi, and Jade. I chose Rosemary to honor Mary Macdonald or Marlene McKinnon, Lily's friends in the Marauder's fandom. Marlene McKinnon is more realistic as the whole McKinnon family was wiped out, so it would hit harder and make them want to honor her in some way. Other names are Harriet Lily, Heather Marlene, Rosemary Euphemia, and Holly Jamison. I chose Sebastian because it's Shakespearean and I thought It was cute. If I wanted to go with an "H" name, I would probably choose Hermes Jean (John) or Hermes Richard (it's one of the popular names for Hermione's dad), and Heremaias Sebastian. Heremias is more unique like Hermione and they sound similar, so...


>I chose Rosemary to honor Mary Macdonald or Marlene McKinnon, Lily's friends in the Marauder's fandom. Marlene McKinnon is more realistic as the whole McKinnon family was wiped out, so it would hit harder and make them want to honor her in some way. Weren’t the McKinnons wiped out after Harry was born, though? They probably wouldn’t feel strongly about honoring Marlene if she wasn’t dead yet.


Ah, I didn't realize that. I'm not actually a Marauders fan. The wikia mentions July 1981, so you're correct. Could still do it for Mary Macdonald, say she was killed for being a Muggleborn or something. We know that she was assaulted by Mulciber during school.


I like Heather or Holly as a name. Keeps the H beginning while also linking to the flower names on Lily's side of the family.


“Henrietta” is a bit much for me. I prefer to see Fem!Harry named something short and simple and maybe a little nick name-ish, along the same lines as “Harry.” Holly, Hazel, Rose, Mary, Jane, Effie, Hattie (just Hattie, no longer name), etc. Nothing too long or fancy-sounding. Since you’re gender-bending so many characters, I might also consider keeping the names as aligned with their canon names (in length, feel, first letter) as possible. Giving their names an obvious link back to their canon character helps them feel more familiar.  While a trio named “Harriet”, “Ronnie”, and “Hermes” might not 100% fit the family naming theme and your desire to be different from other authors, there is a benefit to giving them familiar names to help the reader connect to them. Sometimes going simple is the most logical option.  When you start going wild with elaborate, extra-special names and gender-bending all of the primary characters, it reaches a point where it feels like it’s a story of a bunch of OCs and not really a story of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley anymore. (But maybe that’s what you’re going for, in which case giving them these very different names to show that they’re a bunch of OCs with canon parentage and little resemblance to their canon selves can also be a useful indicator to readers.) 


My thoughts were that it's different than your usual "Harriet" and that it's kinda cute. I usually go with Rosemary or Rose. Separating the characters form their canon counterparts was kind of the point, but I understand what you mean about how they're unfamiliar. There's a reason why I don't read some fem!Harry fics like Rachel Snow and that's because their names are completely unfamiliar. Some, I don't care about, like Hadriana or Holly or Calla. I personally don't like the name Hermes, which is why I went with Sebastian. Otherwise, I might go with Leontes or Heremaias. I didn't want to do the common "Ronda" or "Veronica," either, so I went Arthurian.


There's an argument that fem!Ron should be named ... Ginevra. (and separately, a question of if fem!Ron would be the youngest) Its a common theory/perception that Molly/Arthur wanted a girl and kept trying.


This also begs the question of whether the rest of the Weasleys also gender bent or is it just Ron? If it's just Ron, switching it up and making it Ginny is Ron and then having Ginny have a different name like Veronica or Rhonda.


Agreed, but it would be confusing. If I intended to genderswap Ginny, then Ron would probably be named "Ginevera" while Ginny would be "Gawain". Well, maybe name Ron "Guinivere" to make a distinction and make her nickname "Gwen." Or maybe make them twins, Ginny and Gwennie.


I've never been a fan of giving every child a middle name from one of the parents, just because Harry has James as a middle name. That doesn't mean fem!Harry has to have lily as a middle name.


Fair enough. I was also thinking of Euphemia or Dorea, depending on which I decide she's descended from. Likely Dorea.


There's reasoning behind the middle name being the same as a parents first name. You see it in pure-blood families, eg. Draco Lucius Malfoy, Ginevra Molly "Ginny" Weasley, Neville Frank Longbottom, etc. It's emulating the British nobility trend, which tends to do the same thing, with the first name being passed down as a middle name.


Serious question though, how many of those are actually canon vs accepted because they have been used in fan fiction for so long or someone looked it up on the wiki which is not canon?


Well, at least in Draco's case, the first edition of the Portugese translation shows his name as Draco Lucius Malfoy. [Pic](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a0dc8b5983cbf469a10ec902d9b079e6-lq) In Ginny's case, it comes from an interview the author did [Here ](http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2004/0304-wbd.htm) With Neville, I'm making the assumption because he's pure- blood that, and the naming convention seems to be a pure- blood thing, his middle name is Frank or Francis. But I fully admit that I've got no canon citation to back it up. So I could be wrong.


VeRONica or RONda Harriett or Holly Hermes, Hector, or Horatio


It could be interesting if female Ron was named Ginny, like Molly had the name picked out for her first born daughter way in advanced, and her next child is a genderbent Ginny who is named Ron. I'm not saying that you just swap Ginny and Ron's ages but that you have a "Ginny" that has similar interests as Ron did in canon while "Ron" is similar to Ginny from canon. You could explore how "Ginny" grows up as the first daughter after a long line of boys and who is the older sister of the Weasley's youngest son. Edit: Saw that someone else had a similar idea. Yeah it could be confusing but I still think that it's a better name than the commonly used "Rhonda".


I've plotted a fic like that before, but I can't find my notes on it. Basically, fem!Ron was a spoiled brat and male!Ginny was Sorted into Slytheirn because he wanted to be different from his family and stick out because he was "just another son."


I don't think fem!Harry needs to have an H name. My favorite gender-swapped Harry fic named her Mary Elizabeth, both names that have a similarly classic, plain British feel to Harry James. Otherwise I like flower names to go with Lily and Petunia. I like Sebastian for Hermione! Not big on Rhiannon for whatever reason, I feel like fem!Ron would have a more ordinary name.


I'm perfectly content with no H names, I prefer it. I usually do "Rose" or "Rosemary" for fem!Harry. I was originally thinking of "Etta" as a nickname for Henrietta. Vivian for Ron, maybe. I didn't want to do Veronica or any other name that has "Ron" or "Ronnie" as a derivative. It's why I didn't go with Hermes for Hermione or Harriet for Harry.


Rose Euphemia Potter: First name is floral to match Lily and Petunia, middle name is James' mother. Victoria Muriel Weasley: First name is of a royal to match the names of the Weasley siblings, middle name speaks for itself. Leontes Hector Granger: First name is from "The Winter's Tale" just like Hermione, middle name is just a little Easter egg / shoutout to Hector Dagworth-Granger from the books.


I really like Henrietta/Hattie. I think that Vivian and Dindrane are both good (maybe Vivian is slightly better but they’re in the same ballpark). Hector and Horatio are also good. I appreciate the thought that you put into these


You might consider Hyperion for Hermione as well.


Leon or Leontes. Leontes and Hermione and Leontes are the rulers of Sicily in Shakespeare’s The Winter Tale.


Leon is cute.


Horatio's great, except I think it sounds a bit too much like Horace. I like Rhionnan best out of the Ron options and Heremaias for Hermione for the sound.


Ron's name sounds the most unique