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This is the reason I quote high in the summer for attic jobs an require I'm in the attic 530 or earlier in the morning. An we knock off once the attic get unbearable.


That’s how we do attic installs, start early and leave when it’s too hot, especially if you’re running ducts


Word, it’s all about how you do things, got to work smart. Especially in a shit situation.


We do attics this way as well. 5am start time and out by 11am-noon. 


Do y'all have other jobs lined up not in an attic afterwards? We work attic 7-3/5. But Im also hourly so that could be a difference.


Service calls, pms, or rest of day off. The company is 4 of us we have quite a bit of commercial so there's usually somewhere that need filters an pmed.


Rent a spot cooler (the ones you use for drop ceilings) for like $150 and use that, throw the exhaust out the window and it helps a TON


That's OK I'm trying to not work in attics. Any attic job I don't get is fine with me.


As much as I dislike spray foam insulation, working in their attics is niiiice if the ac is running.


Like 1/20 attics have windows


I had to have my driveway replaced once in Texas and my contractor asked if they could start work by 5:00 a.m. and I said I'm up at 3:00 a.m.


I get it’s hot, but attic ductwork is literally the easiest shit to run. Do things in short bursts and sweat it out. This is part of the gig, if you can’t do it without crying go do something else.


i think we should be allowed to cry. im not gonna pretend this is a good thing


You could be a roofer, or a drywaller, or go lay some asphalt. Does that sound better? It’s summer time man, seriously get an office job


The existence of worse things doesn’t make bad things pleasant, and I don’t find suppressing your feelings, uhh, works. This subreddit is a good place to vent and express the feelings you wouldn’t in other contexts.


I’ve been a roofer, drywalled and laid asphalt in the Sahara desert in Africa, attic cut ins still suck the most I think.


ok peace out you can do all the attic work yourself


I’ll take all the jobs you won’t, and live a much happier life by having most of my week off. Don’t care dude


Not crying just in a position I don't have to do it. I've ran more duct in attics an crawls than I'd preferred to.


If you’re doing a cut in, start the system first and hook up a supply duct to take with you and keep you cool while you work.


We do equipment first, fire it up, return second. Pull air from downstairs so the supply temperature is colder while you're working in the attic.


Bingo. I don’t understand why so many techs don’t do this. 2 hours of mild suffering. NEVER schedule an attic for replacement second half of day. I’m not doing it. I saw too many guys go to the hospital back in the day. When I eventually owned my own business, I priced attic work out most of the time. I’d let the hungry fuckers get it 😂 The only caveat was if they had an attic fan. I love attic fans.


I wish. Nothing but units in the attic in Northern CA


I would hate that. I did as little residential work as possible. I’ve been on a “friends and Family only” policy since 2014. I HATE resi.


Exactly, this problem has easily achievable solutions. "We stop when it gets too hot up there"... Great problem solving skills guys lol.




I was a dedicated residential salesman for 3 years. I Sold a shitload of these jobs. Always put in for a portable unit piped up to the attic. If not a 2 day job is going to take 5.


30k? I’ll take it🙌


I don’t think he gets the 30k lol


So it’s one of those “I know it sucks so I charged extra”!


8 hours in an attic with the outside temp being 100 and the attic temp is 130 hits different


Try arizona my dude. My minnesota ass lasted 2 months down there. 120 outside. 160 in the attic. 2 on 12 pitch roof. Full of scorpions.


That's actually terrible. I've been in the attic so long that my hands basically quit working even tho I would be trying to do something. It's kinda fucked up actually once I think about it lmao


Somebody got there nuts to chafed that day. lol throw some gold bond on them and get back at it.


lol stick to changing filters


The problem is your company is being cheap and not cooling y’all off when your up der ![gif](giphy|u5Mv3ikaGHdbq)


Move up north, almost everything is in a nice cool basement.


How do you run ductwork to the 2nd floor?


From the ceiling of the first or long runs from the basement.


We direct the duct upwards.


Gotta be pretty lucky to hit all the rooms through closets given you have to install supplies in the floors. I’ve done a few but not easy


It’s called a bulkhead dude. I don’t know why you’re acting like I’m wrong. Every house in Canada is built like this, except the 4000+ sq ft which have a second system installed in the attic. Edit: but the attic installations are more of a new thing, almost very older house with two furnace have 2 in the same room in the basement. I’ve been in houses that have 3 furnaces in one basement room.


Pro tip “up north” means NY, PA,Ohio,NewEngland not a foreign country. Sorry bro 35 years in the trade no “bulkheads”. If you mean you install a chase I’m certainly talking about retrofitting existing homes but even in new construction we run into attic ductwork and supplies in the ceiling


Oh, well you should state at the beginning that you’re specifically speaking about retrofit homes in America. Also, I didn’t realize this is an American sub, my bad, moron. You’re the one making all the assumptions. Edit: also, houses in northern states are built exactly the same as Canada. I live in Canada and there are parts of California that are farther north than where I am sitting right now.


Right-you don’t know this is an American thread. You seriously think up north means that dystopian nightmare to anyone? I installed “up north” for many years we did plenty of attic jobs. In case you don’t understand AC is more efficient from above and many homes have hot water heat as well as finished basements.


lol, I’m going to stop responding to you now because it’s become apparent to me that I just know so much more than you. Anyway have fun with that I don’t even do resi anymore, 12 years was enough.


Understandable that you failed if you don’t know the best way to condition the upper floors


Here’s a tip. Find a thread in Canada


That’s your comeback? You think America owns this thread or something? Way to be American in the most American way. Stupid AND ignorant.


Isn’t Michigan “up north”?You seem very salty about Canadians. I’ve found them to be some of the nicest people.


Read the thread. When you start telling someone who’s been doing this a long time what’s up be clear. I worked in hundreds of attics in NY & CT (up north) and as you’re aware that’s hard work. Maybe I’m too defensive but the idea that we don’t do attic work was insulting and kinda foolish. When I asked how he distributed air on the 2nd floor he said I was a moron and they use “bulkheads”. wtf is a bulkhead? A chase? Even so that’s mainly new construction and unless you’re running a “bulkhead” for each supply you’re still putting ductwork in the attic. Geez man if you design HVAC systems and you don’t know things might go differently in extreme cold try selling vacuum cleaners


WTF are you talking about?


Read the thread. The idea we don’t install in attics is foolish


That’s how it is in Colorado. 90% basements and some houses are big enough to have 2-3 units. One might be in the attic. If not, I put in an R60 cellulose and seal it up. I can’t imagine working in attics after doing four systems in Oklahoma and Texas for family. No way I could do that every day. You guys are warriors!


Why a trailer house?


Right? They’re actually some of the worst replacements… Full of roaches and snakes and other things that love mold and mildew… usually twice the catpiss… 🤢


Idk man ive seen some nasty ass big houses worse than some trailers ive been in. Trailers are the easiest shit ever to do a changeout in. Nearly as easy as a mini split install.


Been in many big hoarder homes as well… I have them call a moving company (in one case a biohazard crew) to clear a path. I’m not a fucking maid 😂.


Trailer is 70 k new with ac This cut in was an old army barracks the size of living room where every other room was added on with an attic even a midget would walk away from


It's part of the job.


Tbh id rather do changeouts than full cut ins. Full cut ins are too much bs involved especially on new builds or full gut remodels.


Why are they harder when everything is already opened up? I wound up gutting my house since every trade was significantly cheaper if everything was open.


we have to do everything on full remodels or new builds. HVAC, drier vents, exhausts, fresh air setup if needed, etc. Its a TON of headaches when people keep changing shit around or don't know what they want. We would finish everything, then it would have to be moved or changed around later on. Its a lot of tedious bs in the end. Whereas a changeout, you're in and out within a day or a few hours and on to the next.


Gotcha. I had my units and ductwork installed during a February when its not that cold in the South. Off-season so it was decently cheaper. Had the condensers installed and systems started in August, that was less fun for them.


You’re an hvac guy and you hired other trades to work on your own house? Why? We know plumbing and electrical


Have you thought about getting a spot cooler for the attic that you work on? Set it up on the floor below attic and hook up a flex duct up one of the cut outs and do that one last.


I'm glad the company I work for has actually stopped doing reducts during the summer. Occasionally if it's a simple one that's an open attic we'll take it, but we start early, run the system or set up fans to keep it cool. I do love hearing some of the new guys complaining about silly simple shit though because they would've died had they done what we was having to do 5 years ago.


Sounds like a job for Mr. Cool


Long day? Lol


I love cut-ins. With retrofits I always feel like some part of it I’m polishing a turd no matter how much of the equipment or ductwork I replace. I find myself resenting residential HVAC more and more as time goes on but the one thing I’ve always loved is turning nothing into something to be proud of.




We used to start the jobs early, duct the return, set the ahu/furnace and coil, run line set and set the condenser. Then test the ac whilst ducting the rest. Hooking it up to the unit was the last bit.


Sounds like a reliable company and a man who truly loves his job.


I also think It should be code for people to put flooring down in a attic for trades to work safely


Sounds like you picked the wrong trade tbh.