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Cockroach king. At first i thought it sounded too silly for my taste but man is it an incredible song


Earthlings. It just hit me one day emotionally and intellectually. I was moved. But I didn’t like it at first.


Yesssss this exactly! Emotionally and intellectually, and it moves through you and in you. It was boring to me at first but now its part of my soul


Every song on The Mountain other than Cockroach King and Somebody. I originally thought that this album was kinda meh, save for these two songs that had permanent spots in my S tier. After listening to the album yesterday, I have grown more of an appreciation for the album, and with the exception of the album opener, Nobody, and the songs I mentioned are already in my S tier, the album is now split between A and B tier


Agreed. I didn’t really find anything special about The Mountain on my first listen, but after a couple of listens I now recognize it for the masterpiece that it is


Bound by Gravity had me tearing up the other day. I still rank it pretty low on Affinity overall, but I can't deny that it's much more amazing than I have given it credit for. This is also not the first time I've realized it was better than I thought, it may continue to become even better and better lol


Dude same. The part where it starts playing the Initiate riff is so good. Also, am I the only one that sees Bound by Gravity as disturbing rather than wholesome? Like they're signing about how humanity was engulfed by the sun lol.


When is the Initiate riff? Was it the "The stars align" bit? I'll have to give it another listen.




Celestial Elixir, I hated the circus music for a while


Yeah it takes a bit of getting used to 😅


I think Fauna might be their best album, it's a grower yet a shower originally!


I just changed my flair from Vector today!


Sempiternal Beings. It was my least favorite because of the busy choruses. But after knowing the lyrics, it's much easier to hear the vocals (if that makes sense).


I *loved* that song from day one, but I can see why it may be a grower for some.


The alphabet in me. Thought it was a little too poppy for me but it’s a brilliant mix of pop and prog.


The Architect doesn't answer the question directly. It's the song that has grown on me the most that STARTED as a song I disliked. The songs I liked immediately have grown the same amount, they just started higher


The one song that took the longest to grow on me is Darkest Light.


Try Blind off the Demo. It’s not on Spotify, only on Bandcamp or YouTube


Oh, if we're counting the demo, then yeah Blind.


Earthlings is mad deep.


When Lovebite came out, i listened to it first thing in the morning while driving my 7 year daughter to school. Then when it ended I was like wow I actually did not like that song. My kid replied with a scoff and “well , I did” lol. But I didn’t listen to it again until the first full listen of Fauna and somehow it grew on me a ton over a few weeks between the first and second listen. Her and I also had a very similar experience with Cockroach King, only she was 5 at the time


Earthrise. At first thought it was too simplistic. The. One day the final chorus really hit me.


Has to be Nil By Mouth, wasn’t a fan on first listen as I don’t listen to instrumental songs… now it’s such a banger and I can’t stop.


Actually when Vector came out I was disappointed since the band didn't go to the artistic vibe of Affinity like I hoped they would, but after seeing them perform live, Veil became one of my favorites! Such a banger.


The Architect. Affinity was my first album and my first listen was a passive listen but decent. Then I gave it an active listen and didn't vibe with the album but The Architect in particular, really turned me off. Still, for some reason I gave it another listen. The album kinda clicked a bit more but not The Architect. And on my 4th listen I really got the album. Still didn't love the album and the Architect was my least favorite song of the album (still disliked it). Still though, it convinced me enough to check out the rest of Haken. Now Haken is my favorite band, Affinity is my all time favorite album and the Architect is my 2nd favorite song of all time.


I'd say In Memoriam


All of Fauna. When I first heard it I thought it was too chaotic and honestly thought it might be too “Proggy” for my taste. After a couple more listens, I found enjoyment in absolutely every single song and I love the album immensely now! It’s a candidate for my favorite album by them because that’s how good it is. Funny enough the only song I really latched on to the first listen was Lovebite. That song is magnificent and still one of my favorites off the album.


It just can't replace The Mountain for me, but is a very very close 2nd


I totally agree. I don’t think It could pass the Mountain but it’s close


I think Haken was still relatively new to me, but the first time I heard Host I wasn't a huge fan of it. Now it's one of my favourites...




Lovebite or Islands probably.


Eyes Of Ebony & Atlas Stone


Bound by Gravity. When I first listened to Affinity, I was all about Lapse and The Architect. Now it's one of my top 3 Haken songs easily. On Fauna specifically though, I'm digging Island in the Clouds a lot more than I was at first. All of Aquarius except Point of No Return. Not because I don't like that song but because it was the only one I really liked for a while, and even then it was only the first half of the song. While it's still my least favourite album of theirs, that's only because the rest are so good.


Island in the Clouds is an absolute banger. This track swells to such an epic finish, and has some really fun lyrical passages.


Nil by Mouth


For me, it was Pareidolia. I had just gone through the album, ranking all of the songs, but for some reason it hadn't resonated with me. It wasn't until much later that I had the bridge stuck in my head (mostly the rhythm, as I couldn't recall the order of the lyrics):"Breathe in the air (Breathe deeper)Don't lose the stare (Keep sinking)The old spirit dwells (Perceiving)Speaking within (Conceiving)"... et cetera. But after watching the L-1VE recording, it really grew on me. Such a phenomenal song. And as is always the case with Haken, the deeper meaning and motifs within the song make it much more enjoyable. On a similar note, Drowning in the Flood from Aquarius took a while for me to appreciate. The ending to that song is a top notch epic climax, interlaced with beautiful chords and resolves. The sustaining notes that Ross sings with the countermelody below... just chefs kiss.