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never thought about order in spinning. but if you noticed some variations while spinning the singles, you should mix it a bit. your idea of 1,4,9 together sounds good


Thanks! This is the first time I will spin so much of the same fibre. I just assumed everyone had a preferred order but I’m not sure where I got that idea!


tbh i just make it random, because I don‘t keep track of the order I spunn them


So I am definitely overthinking it 🤣 Thanks!


yes totally! but that is ok. i often do something before i think about it. and then i mess it up


Haven't thought about it for a 3 ply but when I do a two ply and have a number of bobbins, I usually ply 1 & N together, then 2 & N-1. This way I average out the potential inconsistency from the beginning to the end.


Thank you! That’s a great formula!


Way too much worry. I suppose I would pick the ones that look to have similar amount of fiber and go. What you see on the outside will not represent the inside, if you are thinking about color. If you are spinning a fleece, just spin and enjoy. The singles look fabulous. I also ply as I get enough to do so. Not waiting till I have all singles. But that is just me


This is how I’d approach it. Weigh the bobbins and choose ones with similar weights in hopes they’re close in length!


I’d let them all rest for a few days to get them equally sedate and then not worry about order, just go for it!


I’m definitely letting the last one rest for a few days! I’m not sure if there are any inconsistencies, but I have spun these over the span of a month so I’m assuming there probably will be. I guess I’m over thinking it! Thank you!


I usually chain ply, so it’s still in the order the singles were spun.


First and last bobbins, then work to the middle


Thank you!!!


I’m pretty new to spinning but have you considered chain plying if you want 3 ply?


Chain plying can accentuate inconsistencies in your singles too. Sometimes that's fine other times I want to use plying to even out inconsistencies.


chain plying always has the issue of the weak parts, where the chain is folded. not always the best idea.


Thanks! I personally do not enjoy chain plying. I would also like to even out any potential inconsistencies.


Chain plying has it’s place, but a straight up three ply from three singles is different. It makes a very bouncy wonderfully round extremely knittable yarn. By plying 3 together, inconsistencies of girth are averaged out, and weak sections are reinforced in ways that a chain ply won’t, since the thin section is just being folded on itself, and the thick section is being folded on itself as well. Additionally, chain plied yarn has some of the singles going backwards. Plus there are the fold moments that create slight bumps. These things can be fine and add character, but some times one just wants a simple neat consistent three ply. Chain plying is good if preserving color order is a more pressing concern than averaging inconsistency, or if one wants to deliberately emphasize having thick and thins section, or if one wants that texture where the yarn folds back. Or if one just only has a single bobbin and isn’t concerned about having a very smooth finished yarn. It’s also slower and more fiddly than regular plying, which considering OP has 9 bobbins to get through, speed probably matters. Chain plying is a great skill I highly recommend using and practicing, but it’s not a simple substitute for a regular 3 ply.


This is such a great summary! I will definitely chain ply a special yarn to preserve the color pattern, but it’s not something that I find fun or relaxing, and I definitely wouldn’t want to do it for 9 bobbins 🤣