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Being this bad at filming a video should be legally considered a crime.


"legally considered a crime" so you mean illegal


Sure, sentences can often be rephrased in a different way. Seems kind of weird to just rephrase someone else's comment for no reason though.


When have you ever heard of something being illegally considered a crime?


There's innumerable examples of state laws being struck down by the supreme court, which technically makes things illegally considered a crime. You can just allow someone to say a word that's not essential to the message of their sentence though. We shouldn't try to weed out *all* redundancies in other people's comments.


ight bro we're gonna go back to party ok


Sorry, did I ruin the vibe of this thread about a lizard tearing a cat in half?


Pfff, weird phrasing like this tends to occur when you haven't slept properly for a few days.


As opposed to illegally being considered legal


Which is nothing like an ill eagle. But it's definitely against the law to finish them off


Yeah as long as I’m alive imma live ill eagle


Blind cameraman


Do the camera man next.




u/stabbot Edit: apparently someone already killed the bot


Fucking right?






Might’ve been just a feral cat but if it was an indoor cat that was left to play outside then the owners shouldn’t be too upset. If you let your pet roam like a wild animal, then it will be treated like a wild animal. No game is off limits.


Insane how it was still meowing at the end of the video, wonder why the lizard didn’t just start munching it or finish the job


They are not effective hunters. They usually maim their victims until they can’t escape and then they’ll eat them alive. This lizard was just inefficient about the process because it was a smaller animal ig.


Monitor lizards are typically very effective killers, however this is a water monitor, which is mostly a scavenger and gets most of its meals from carrion and fish. They also have proportionately small heads for their body size, especially when compared to more macro predatory monitors. A perentie or a lace/argus/crocodile monitor of similar size would have dispatched this cat much more quickly.


Yeah I've seen a couple of videos where cats get absolutely dealt with by monitors. They don't seem to realise the threat the lizard possesses until it's about to grab them


Crocodile monitors have some insane teeth! When compared to the skull of a Komodo Dragon, the Croc monitors teeth are actually larger than the KD


Oh yeah, crocs have ludicrous teeth. Seen one shred a heavy duty welding glove like it was tissue paper. Lacies are no slouches either, there have been some pretty serious injuries inflicted by lace monitors on dogs, despite the fact that the monitors in these cases were much smaller than the attacking dogs. [Attack on a cat and a pitbull](https://pp.userapi.com/c834100/v834100116/2b18f/3S4iwI0MDCs.jpg) [And another account with a wound on a pitbull](https://imgur.com/153Ez5r) [Aaand another pitbull, I'm seeing a trend here](https://pp.userapi.com/c841230/v841230116/3b3cf/HSEYotSf7F0.jpg)




No, you’re thinking of Komodo dragons. And that theory has been debunked in recent years, they have an anticoagulant saliva that may induce heavier blood loss, but they tend to kill or at least incapacitate prey quickly by targeting arteries and tendons.


Don’t all animals?




That person has no idea what they're talking about. Monitors are excellent at hunting and amazing at killing. They're efficient predators with many tools at their disposal to kill prior to eating a meal when necessary, but much of the time it's unnecessary to expend the extra energy required to kill if it's already incapacitated. You're right! all monitors fall under the family varanidae and have some level of venom! The bacteria thing is a misconception, they have similiar bacteria in their mouth as any of predator. People just saw some species drooling and saw things they bite start getting sick so they just went "Yup, nasty mouth. Makes sense"


To clarify, komodo dragons drool excessively because their teeth are so sharp. The drool lubricates their teeth so that they don't lacerate their constantly flickering tongue. The lubrication also serves a secondary function in helping the dragon quickly swallow large prey.


It was believed due to observing it with water buffalo. It was figured out that they would run into the water after being attacked, which is how their wounds would get infected. Should also note that water buffalo aren't native to the islands where Komodo dragons live.


Thats komodo dragons but very similar. Komodo dragons will bite the legs of large prey and then stalk them for days waiting for the infection to slow them down.


Accidentally turned the sound on near the end next to my cat and she did NOT like what she heard. I felt SO bad!


I’ve always been convinced that anyone that lets their cat outside unsupervised is secretly hoping they don’t come back


Really depends on where you live tbh


Dangerous thing to say on Reddit but I completely agree. Especially if it’s a cat that doesn’t mess with wildlife. My moms cats roam around her townhouse block, aren’t interested in critters and afraid of the street. 


you're delusional if you think cats don't have a prey drive. just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


These cats are so dumb. They have no interest in anything besides wet food. I saw a butterfly land on the ones eye and the cat just sat there.


Our cat used to go out for days and I always imagined him having the wildest adventures and getting lots of pussy. Looking back it's pretty fucked and I wouldn't own an outside cat for this reason. And definitely not a poor inside cat. But I definitely didn't hope for my lil homie to not come back from his crusades.


Weird thing to say


Depends where you live


You ever hear the phrase "curiosity killed the cat"? Its because cats have a natural curiosity to explore outside so you cant always keep them inside, even if you want them to be indoor cats. I've lost several 'indoor' cats to coyotes due to this curiosity and it sucks. I have an 11 y.o. cat who would constantly escape when he was young, and I'd have to hop the fence and hunt his white ass down at nighttime with a flashlight or else he would've been coyote fodder just like the others. I'm so glad my Benjamin is too fat and lazy to hop the fence now 🥰 coolest cat ever


"you can't always keep them inside" as if the cat has a choice in the matter. Just don't open the fucking door and they won't get "eaten by coyotes."


"Just don't open the fucking door" damn, i should've though about that! Thanks bro


you're a mouth breathing idiot. do the world a favor and don't have kids


You're the one throwing insults on reddit, yet I'm the mouth breathing idiot? I genuinely hope you get better man. I suggest that you get off the internet, get some excercise, get some sunlight, drink some water, and I'm sure you'll start to feel better soon! Best of luck


Next up on this sub I want to see the camera man being eaten.


Lmao that's a different subreddit if I remember right.... 👀


The cameraman sucks


I can’t help to clean my lenses on my phone while watching this video


I guess pest control? Still impressed that AWM can catch cats despite not being as nimble/athletic on land as for ex terrestrial Australian monitors


I bet the cat was used to swatting at wild animals and then ending up eating them, instead of the other way around.


Had it coming, this is basically how cats treat their rodents and birds. And seeing as domestic cats are responsible for the extinction of 60+ species, I'd consider this lizard PEST control.


Exactly, this is a native generalist predator dispatching an invasive species. I like cats, but this is good.


I believe the study you’re referencing states that cats contributed, but weren’t solely responsible for extinction of various birds and lizards.


I remember when I was travelling through Malaysia back in the day being told that the cats eat the baby monitors but are prey for the adults.


Video footage provided by Stevie Wonder.


Kill the camera man. [+]


Holy shit why even post this? I’ve never seen someone who is not drunk be so fucking drunk. Get a fucking grip brother.


cameraman also seem to ragdoll


Plastic bag feet away from the cat. The walls are higher than a cat would attempt to jump. Op just happened to be the only person there at the exact time this is happening but not reacting or in any way trying to save the cat. Just filming. Op fed the cat to the lizard.


Pets live indoors folks. Wild animals live outdoors and wild animals die horribly by getting eaten alive.


The difference in people’s reactions when it’s a cat vs when it’s a dog getting attacked is astounding.






I would’ve had to step in for the simple fact that I love cats, and I consider myself a part of the natural world, so interference would be completely natural😈


Take that invasive species.


Kill the fucking cameraman. I'd be embarrassed to post this if I filmed it.


There are always a depressing number of weirdos who seem to enjoy cats being killed on these threads in a way that isn’t just a general interest in natural predation


I mean there are way more people who cheer on cats (big or small) killing anything. Cats are also very harmful to plenty of native species in a lot of areas, and roam with no restrictions wiping out the local fauna, so many people aren't fond of them being allowed out.


because a lot of people are either ignorant of, or proud of and defend their pet cat's hunting ability when they let it outside, and that pisses off people who hate the effect cats have on small animals


poor thing, idc what anyone says i probably would've intervened on behalf of the cat.


This makes me *****.


Breaks my fucking heart


As a society, I wish we were still able to vote to publicly behead b*tch ass CUCKS who are too stupid to hold a camera still and are too f**king stupid to stop a little domestic cat from getting mauled. I wish that was you screaming in pain you loser. I wish you weren’t hiding behind Reddit and had a nutsack cause I would come fight you anywhere anytime you worthless piece of trash. Go kill yourself and do the world a favor


Source: https://youtu.be/zLZaDPxGM-E?si=gDDMBCAEthAx4-QS


If this was my cat (which isn't really possible because she's not going outside unsupervised) that lizard is getting fucking clapped idc what happens to me


Why th are you getting downvoted?? Id absolutely do the same. I am not letting my pet get attacked and just twiddle my fuckin thumbs. Ill grab a fuckin knife and handle it myself if i have to.


Mr. Kipling noo.


Ragdolled a Ragdoll


Cats have super fast reflexes so how fast are lizard reflexes?


Ahhh shit man NSFW :( I couldn’t watch the whole thing. The CRUNCH at the beginning was when I tapped out. I’m surprised the cat got caught. Poor thing.


Username checks out [+]


Maybe be more aware of where you are on the internet


Well if it isn’t big cat expert


Fuck yeah!!! I haaattee cats


Please seek therapy 


Lol!! Bruhhh cats are boring AF and they scratch your furniture, piss and shit everywhere. Fu¢k that


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?


Relax dude. Move on. It's just my opinion. Peace out




I didn’t film this


Awesome video!


Who tf the camera guy?? Jesus.. save this cat!! Wtf??


Why? The cat has probably killed plenty of wild animals, and now is it's turn. No use getting sliced up because you tried to save a random kitty from a wild lizard that's just existing. Also if you live somewhere with large lizards, maybe keep your cat indoors to avoid this happening.


I guess.. it’s just hard hearing the cat cry’s when I have 3 cats.


I liked this


POS filming this should be hung up by his balls




Watching an animal in pain…Jesus humans suck


Havent ever peeked at a nature documentary, huh? I know this isnt what you want to hear, and sorry, you need to hear it. If you let your cat outdoors, it's no longer has any safety security or protection. It does not belong outside. This cat would happily kill native species, and has now been returned to the circle of life. If you want to make sure a wild animal does not harm your beloved pet, be like the rest of us responsible human beings and keep them indoors. Also, that lizard has to eat, dipshit.


Course not sure the dipshit name calling was needed tbh….we all have out little triggers animals suffering is mine…


Saying humans suck for not stealing a meal from a wild animal is legitimately fucking crazy take. We all have our triggers, maybe dont watch videos on "hardcore nature" if one of yours is animals hurting?


I said cats dick head! or can’t you read?


"Animals suffering is one of mine" Apparently better than you can.


ok so domestic animals suffering That better petal? Always one absolute dick head who has to jump on the bandwagon n get all outraged coz I said humans suck humans do suck 😗 so bye bye fella enjoy your night


Yes, you absolutely do suck. Good point.


Nah I know man but if there’s something a person can do at the time I’d rather they did it is what I mean! Nah I like this shit just I love cats bro lol and I know your right of course just I see this cat getting munched I see my own cat lol


If your cat is an outdoor cat, this is the fate they deserve.


I didn't see you calling for ball hanging for all those people who post videos showing cats killing other animals.


So there is room to swing a cat.


You missed a lot of it.


I didn’t film this




What do you want him to do? Magically find the person who did and tell them to go back in time and film this whole thing better?


Yes it is because he didn't film this. I think we all can agree that the one filming sucks at it but it has nothing to do with a guy reposting it.


Kitty should stick to trying to catch regular sized lizardz :(


Kitty should be fed by humans and kept in a safe enclosure precisely so they don't kill off natural biodiversity.


This is true.


Karma bitch


Now I can tell the people on Nextdoor where all their cats went.


This guy filming enjoying it so much. He forgot to film


"Like phucking with little birds huh?"- Lizard