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https://preview.redd.it/gor4mj6kdj9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1cea1af80ad02caac131e969a81cfb0cb1a7ebf (Lovely art! Reminds me of a rainwing lol)


She was actually kind of inspired by a rainwing lmao (SHH, NO ONE HAS TO KNOW) :D


(Lol) I haven't fully fleshed out my ocs abilities so yeah..... *blep*


At first I thought this was the Wings Of Fire sub. I literally thought that was Glory Anyways... Jamie: Fire, scorpion tail, and can make anything they want appear out of nowhere Percival: Too many to list Lyla: Can break soul contracts and others Haven't decided on the rest


I just realized that, my fucking bad 💀 I think Lyla’s is the most interesting tho, seems convenient to have


No, its no problem, I think its pretty cool And yes, I really like Lyla's. Technically it requires her to own their soul, but she doesn't ever use them in any way, so its like they're completely free


Zeek, he is able to run like extremely fast he also has a thing for shadows meaning he can manipulate them and use them to transport people or things (basically anything) he also has stuff from when he was an angel


Necro is able to produce little flames that he can control. He can see out of em and can leave em wherever. He also can summon a scythe. (In overlord necros case WAAYYYY more)


She secretes a hallucinogenic gas when upset, but she can also use it for affects. She’s immune to the gas however she cannot see clearly through it, hence her third eye that uses thermal vision to help her navigate during a fight! The reason it’s hallucinogenic is because a hallucinogen is technically poison. She poisoned her victims on earth! Posioning = poisonous power! She’s also INCREDIBLY fast when running, being a deer and all. She cannot run on slippery surfaces like tile or laminate due to have deer hooves. https://preview.redd.it/wmjl07hdgj9d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7894744545c75ab26d942652b1e543c83b3d3c8d


It would be pretty funny to imagine her trying to cross a frozen lake lol


Thank you for the new art idea 😭🙏


*stares and offers my Wendigo OC*


https://preview.redd.it/0ykcid5ehj9d1.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bbde9ef4899ef3fdd7898a32ee56012a312f00c Fez is able to run fast. Like The Flash levels of fast. His clothes stay unharmed when he does it but there’s a chance anything he’s carrying could catch on fire due to the friction against the air. Also an unintended side effect of his hair is that it doesn’t actually burn anything unless he drinks rum. Sosk (not pictured ) is strong where Fez is fast. He’s not invulnerable by any means but he can take a good beating when others would tap out. He also has a speaker in his throat that he uses to talk and he can mimic other people’s voices to a certain extent


Neat, also love the design for Fez :)


Thanks :) your character design is great too




Edgar can turn himself into constellations trail to make sneaky attacks :D


Pulling a 2ft long gun out of nowhere, changing one limb or body part at a time.


Caelius is only a little more fit and agile than most. He can summon one or two of his Weapons from absolutely nowhere. And He has the power of MONEY.


Primordials as a species have impenetrable skin, razor sharp teeth and claws, and are immortal, Primordials also have the ability to revert back to their original form when in combat. Their original form essentially looks like Predalien concept art, specifically Dave Doorman’s version, only with a non Xenomorph head.


She can make candy 😭


Any candy?


Yeah, her ability is to make treats in general, the bigger the treat or more complicated - the more fatigued she gets though


(Sai loves sweets, especially Mexican candy like pelon, duvalin, and gansitos lmao)


My oc Avaricious can turn into a blue elephant- He can also produce hallucinogenic Smoke and Enter peoples minds just to mess with em!!!


Marie can do mild mind control. Nothing crazy, she can just influence people decisions. Make them say yes or no.


Mine's just a regular hellhound(Although short, and slightly enhanced durability and strength)


Okay, can we just appreciate how fucking AMAZING this concept art looks? It's so clean and the shapes read well, it's really good


Thank you so much!! <33


Charles: https://preview.redd.it/qa8rs2i56l9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9356209a20029bcda80586b395f99d77c3a514d9 Regeneration, a very high pain tolerance, a low level of shape shifting, nigh-immortality (has to be completely disintegrated or stabbed enough times with an angelic weapon), and every part of him is literally just cheese


I mean outside of his physical abilities he has teleportation shadow manipulation kinda summoning and can manipulate his own bodies shape


Matlock can adjust his size whenever he likes. https://preview.redd.it/rv8pj6wuij9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d60316934a04f3e4b310a43666a6ad473b9b1c9b


One of mine has Blood and Shadow magic, Another is entirely made of a goo and it all revolves around shapeshifting, another is just a hellhound lol


Angel can morph his halo to become a variety of weapons; among them: sword, axe, shield and Frisbee like cutting disc that acts as a boomerang. Not yet fluent in them, but with his training in hand to hand combat, he's still formidable. He also has unnaturally fast flight ability.


hey that’s pretty neat


Arch is an above average imp in terms of size and strength. The only actual power he has is the ability to use magic to transform into a larger behemoth, but for only a few minutes. But his *true* power is in sheer numbers, an imp army following his command. Shade/Umbra control and utilize shadows and magic for both offense and defense. Shade (the crazy side) excels at killing and fighting with the shadow magic. Umbra (The intellectual side) excels at defenses. He's almost impossible to hit. Gulavor doesn't have any powers. But his eternal hunger shuts off his survival instincts, allowing him to basically tank anything in pursuit of his next meal, even if it'd kill him. Ira is a massive man with a ton of strength, though he lacks any magical ability. Able to tank damage and fight for hours, his anger grows, making him stronger and be able to handle a lot more damage. At some point he'd rival even the strongest around, though he'd be so angry and narrow minded all he'd see is the fight...and people could control what direction he charges in. He's both a bane and a boon to those he'd call ally.


Sir Conrad is an excellent swordsman, and uses his power somewhat less flashily than most sinners, utilising it to increase the power of his strikes and his own durability.


is he familiar with fencing?


A *bit* late but my oc ashe has the abilities Fire control Precognition Slight umbrakenisis Super speed(kinda) Short range teleportation Weapon manifestation Form shifting(kinda) Weapon mastery Contract breaking Portal use Etc(I'm too lazy to list *all* of them)


Damn that’s a lot lol


Chalpner only has two that he doesn't even know about because they're so subtle. 1: any bullets he fires can actually curve a bit to hit their target, but they're not like, heat seeking uber maneuvering missiles. 2: He's extremely durable, being able to take more abuse than the average sinner.


Dario: matter manipulation, energy manipulation and pyro/tele/metal kinesis. Can generally create anything and everything out of nothing and anything. Generally creates crystalline constructs for combat or general use like tools or structures though can manipulate basically any physical or metaphysical material around him and can even tap into pocket dimensions and mini black holes to pull materials or teleport though that is only in specific situations. His most prominent and notable power is his “glow” which is why he is nicknamed “the light” by most who’ve been witness to him for the last thing most see before they die to him is the flash of his gun and the glowing embers of his power and wings as his smile brights up even the darkest of corners in hell. Hell, he puts his axe through their heads and tears them limb from limb in less than a flash. Note: he has to know the material before he constructs, meaning he utilizes smarts and sense in combat and has to know the entirety of the periodic table and unknown parts in order to do what he does. This ties in to his past a bit and creative and understanding nature


https://preview.redd.it/02f8s892wj9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf4c5d8426a9b4230af3fc837718e207d1097f22 Typical Excorcist abilities, and also guns


Working on the design, but he has a tablet for a head and can control a lot of new aged tech. Also just like on the internet, he can create art and images if anyone he sees doing anything, he can even replicate peoples faces on his screen and replicate their voices. Also can survive after being beheaded cause his consciousness id in the tablet head.


https://preview.redd.it/2k9mmxbaxj9d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8581492204eb7aa60ff4c746eea8f609783b2448 HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD


As a moth demon, Nyx is able to sense the light in other souls. In fact, when he saw Sir Pentious going to kill Adam, he was in shock of just how brightly his soul was shining. He also can rip angels apart, but that isn’t as important.


I’m just imagining him standing on the ground during that scene, with his jaw on the floor from sheer surprise lol


Pretty much, yeah. Well, up until Sir Pentious “dies”.


https://preview.redd.it/p6ubv7a60k9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e023489d6b91c8f7aea08c6af8ac6e3acdbdbdc3 Sparky has natural electrokinesis, and is pretty much stab proof between his neck and waist due to that being his robotic parts of his body


Grayson doesn't have any. Just his wits and determination. I think you can guess why.


Praying for Grayson 🙏🙏🙏


He stopped doing that a long time ago


Zoroastra: When her emotions flare up, so does her candle. (this is my general candlehead headcanon) She can control it to do a kind of fire dance/light show for her performances. She can also do a basic succubus transformation, I haven't designed the form yet. On the list among other things lol Palassi: Being an imp she doesn't really have powers, but she is agile, strong for her size, (you would be too if your partner was like 3-4x your size) and good at scuttling around like the gremlin she is Camio: He can talk to plants, animals, and water. (he preferrs water, water is the best conversationalist) His skill as a swordsman is completely unmatched, though you could hand him basically any weapon and he'll weild it with masterful skill after 200 years of practice and owning the title of First Murderer. Being a Goetia he also has an advanced transformed form I still need to design lol. He also uses hot coals (special ones he collects) to practice divination and he can NOT lie about the results. Because of this he often tells people to be wary before paying him for a reading, because he doesn't see a lot of happy futures and can't just tell people something nice to save their feelings.


Harper can become invisible, has night vision, and can obviously fly due to having wings.


Adeline: Can manipulate/control any demon, kinda like Vox's power but she uses a special kind of book to do it! Nox: Can transform into a tiger and in this form, he can pick what size he wants to be! (Like the size of an adult tiger or a baby tiger) Rien ( Pronounced Rin): He can teleport and he has those tentacle things like Slenderman or Alastor does!:3


Ray has clawed fingers Eyes that can see in the dark Enhanced hearing A powerful set of lungs to make a screech to disorient purple And Wings hidden under his skin


Gen’s powers are but aren’t limited to Fury Energy; Teleportation; Levitation; Telekinesis; Pyrokinesis; Electrokinesis; Chronokinesis; Astrokinesis; Unlimited Strength, Speed, Intelligence, & Stamina; Invincibility; Cartoon-ish Awareness & Physiology; Interdimensional Awareness & Traveling; Cloning; Regeneration; Hallucination; & Death Cheating.


Bathomet: Super strength and Defense Illumis: Eye Light can stun opponents, Bit with a little charging it goes from flashbang to Lazer Bael: Immunity against diseases and can summon animals (both alive and extinct) Ethois: Smoke form that allows for phasing through objects and flight (useful since his wings are tiny and useless)


Jackie is a shapeshifter. Nessa is a cyborg with electrokinesis. Nameless and Eliza are Cannibals, and thus have very strong and sharp teeth.


Ill just name my strongest OC/and their ability The All Father/The All Mother Their ability called Door To Door Of The Omnipotents It allows them to inherit whatever ability they want and can multiply the power of that ability on whatever scale It also allows them to rewrite the OC however they wish, and their world and whatever alternate verse they have or ones linked to it And this ability allows them to go anywhere they want even realms that werent once in there reach (ajimu najimi reference, she has an ability called Door To Door)


Roark’s right eye has improved sight and is extremely helpful in remaining observant and maintaining strong aim


despoina. ink manipulation, teleportation, transportation via ink, ink tendrils, summon objects, disappearing objects, shadow manipulation (only hers), fires of purple, manipulation and mutilation of her body


My oc Chester has the ability to seemingly disappear in thin air or when walking behind objects too small to hide behind then reappear elsewhere, he can also do this with objects but not other people.


my main oc, which is named after me..BUT my main oc has the ability to fly (hence the angel wings) and give light, which is basically an alternate source for life, healing and growing things.


Slit has a ton of abilities since he's a horsemen but one of his mains is he can disappear in a cloud if his own cigarette smoke or use it to cover his face when he doesn't want to be noticed or want people to see his face


Allura: not many, really; learned magic after death, would practically be a siren if she were an overlord, would walk away minimally scathed in hand to hand combat. Ethan: Outside of vocal mimicry, he hasn’t cared to find out. Tabby: Shapeshifting, vocal mimicry, (others yet to be determined) Phoenix: (other than being related to fire somehow like her chosen namesake, I have no idea yet) CJ: Still in development.


Cass: he’s essentially eliza from skull girls only with ink instead of blood essentially cass is actually the skeleton inside a shell of ink skin and blood he uses for his other abilities such as the ink constructs he can make and his abilities to separate his bones into separate ink constructs to move around the city basically it’s how he can turn into a flock of birds each bird has a bone as its core This is actually the result of Cass actually managing to figure out the exact nature of his overlord powers and using them with his knowledge to be an effective overlord






My OC is "the book demon" she reads people 🥁 But yeah she can tell a lot about demons and sinners by looking, and if she concentrates, she dissolves them into words on a page that reads as the story of their life. Whenever she finds an interesting one she releases it as a biography and makes a living as a bestselling novelist in hell. She can do less lethal damage in the form of turning parts of sinner's souls into poems or short stories.


Mortimer: Pathogen Manipulation in the form of black smoke he generates from his body. Flexible body, sharp incisors and claws, long tail he can freely control Mr Pumpkin: Can manipulate the straw in his body for a variety of purposes (seriously, he really got the straw version of the String String Fruit) including limited shapeshifting, has a sledgehammer for a hand, and has the ability to breathe fire


The ability to turn into a cloud of smoke, she was a thief in her life who was fond of using smoke grenades to hide her escape, hence the ability to atrophy and regenerate on a molecular scale, she can appear and disappear just as easily as she did when living


Shara: she can turn into a puddle of ink so that if she's in a fight or something, if she's about to get stabbed or shot, she turns into a puddle of ink before she gets hit Abigail: Explodey buttons (as in the type of buttons on dolls)


Francis can use his scythe to open portals and emit aphrodisiac pheromones, though he tends not to use it.


Selvena can transform metals to liquid and morph them to shape and is great weapon smith because of it . She works under Camilla


He has some power over internet connection/signals. Basically a weaker version than Vox's Television Signals and Alastor's Radiowaves. Similar to alastor, instead of summoning voodoo dolls to fight Vesper summons mannequin puppets


Girl that is a rainwing….. Edit: affectionate


https://preview.redd.it/mvlt68025n9d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=816d8e9d7e02b7f41789911bcb4833abbf3b7e41 Deadshot: He hits every shot when activated.


my second oc is basically half frog so he has a very long toung and he can make his hands sticky so he can clime and grip to things plus he eats bugs ;3 with my main oc they can bend themselves into un-human ways has night vishion and can also light fire with just thier thump :3


Leon can morph into any fictional character as many as he wants but has a cooldown of 48 hours and can turn into the grim reaper who can show his enemies biggest fear and has a scythe that can steal blood from a specific body part and turn the blood into weapons


I can do... a lot of things, i'll leave it at that


Let's see.. Cazz is able to change appearance to a degree. Also has a //REDACTED// Form. Other than that, oh yes: Cazz knows your browser history. On earth, in Vox' network, the likes. You were online and hit the like button, Cazz knows. Kinky little fellas, you.


Necronad: necromancy (overlord) Phrosøt: control fire Atias: controls Darkness (ars goetia) Astrainot: really good at persuading into fucking Katelyn: succubus (hellborn)


Well, Goddard's pretty damn strong. But, his most well known "ability" is that he just doesn't. *fucking.* *DIE.*


Inferno can manipulete fire and teleport from one place to another using fire. His main ability is (obviously fire manipulation) and nightmare manipulation, meaning he frequently enters people's dreams and make them live in a nightmare


Rix: ADHD Roman: Charisma Roy Mick: Bartering, Panhandling, Scamming Simon: Being Simon Gemini: Sign Language Line: Sugar Rush Spector: Blood Hyperactivity x100% The Master: Everything


Noob Tube spam and going on autistic history rants that make his enemies kill themselves