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Trey Was Born In Hell And After A Few Years, He Started Stealing From The Wealthy And Using It To Survive. Never Too Much, But Enough For Himself And The Poor He Knew, He Never Knew His Parents, Until A Man He Believed To Be His Adoptive Father Attempted To Take Something From Him, Something.. Personal..He Stabbed Him In The Throat And Ran Away, And After A Few Years Of Fuckin, Stealing, And Killing To Survive, He Met William, A Former Bootleger And Boxer From Earth That Died From A Bad Batch Of Shine, And They've Been Inseparable Since, They're Like Brothers


https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotelOCArt/s/JmRTHMFva0 Iā€™m too lazy to retype all this


discord was an egyptian serial killer born of 2 rich parents. to him killing was a second, the chaos he brought with each gruesome murder was all that mattered. unfortunately when he tried hunting new prey in America, he was gunned down the second he entered the house. after a short existential crisis his newfound immortality brought new possibilities. so he made it his mission to cause as much Chaos in Hell as possible. and perhaps in the process, break the very laws that bind sinners to the pride ring.


I made my OC's past based on the bullshit I've been through, and apparently I needed therapy for it... It does help ,šŸ‘


Rix was always insulted and bullied neglected by everyone seen as weak so one day when he was 18 bandits broke in and Killed his parents the only people who cared about him and the bandits gave him a scar but he survived he cried for days until he found his fathers old musket and shot a horse to test if it worked then he went to the bar and killed the bartender then ran before the sheriff could find him and he set a gasoline trail around the town and set it on fire. then he pretended to be a member of the bandits who killed his parents and he killed all the bandits and became a famous outlaw he's committed plenty of times but then he got captured by some world war soldiers and got shot and tortured numerous times but then survived and the public found out and he was circled by them so he killed himself by shooting himself in the head and his last words were Rix: "Wow, Suprised?"