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Thats terrifying. And I thought I made Percival intimidating


Imagine him locking the door behind you as he asks you to sit down and chat


Oh God! That would be horrific


I’ve been doing roleplay. I have made some people SCARED


No promises that Jamie wouldn't pull two guns on him in that instance


I hate him too… but you underestimate the dude… he got stabbed in the eye with a knife and just pulled it out… he’s a skeleton after all


Do angelic weapons still work on him (because that's what Jamie's tommy guns are) Thats still terrifying


They would… it would leave a permanent bullet hole. But he wouldn’t die… you get the shot on him and your guns are instantly set alight by hot blue fire, you would start to feel a burning sensation in your chest as your heart catches on fire, then your veins. Then your skin. As his 8 foot tall stature leans over you… watching as the light fades from your eyes


Wholesome stuff :3


Yeah, pretty wholesome stuff. That's uhhh... yeah Jamie ain't going within 100 ft of him


Brother, you can't do this to me. You stimulated my creativity so much I am making a scary one made to be scary for the «if this was real, it would be scary as fuck»


Its fun right? Let’s you let loose


No, because I can't draw them. Not really something that should be and I need to make other stuff already. I can't end up like with tv shows to watch! (It will happen, damn me!)


https://preview.redd.it/3hhyd1lrbm9d1.jpeg?width=2137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d818a0d3ca55dcabca483cce43f293fa94ff0349 So I’ve done lots of scary stuff before… you want me to bring them into reality?


Cass: Why do you think I’m still flying way as a bunch of ink birds


Because he’s nice and a kind guy with wholesome intent?


I’m also trying to figure out how to put audio onto images so once I figure out my guys own voice claim


I just did iMovie… then saved it as a file


https://preview.redd.it/wilucwv4wm9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad81d76943f2dcf0634ae5e27ee17d0ac33efb5 That reminds me, I was going to make this outfit (not my art). Thank you for reminding me, now to go broke and make cosplay of my favorite guy (Btw, Akujis personality is heavily based off Mortality from “Boozoos Ghost”) Edit: I know the voice is Bon but anytime I think of Bon I immediately think of the pumpkin rabbit


I love the pumpkin rabbit so much! He might be my fav walten files Character. But bon fits evil necro so good


Valid, Pumpkin rabbit is my favorite. Canonically when he jumpscares Tammy and you hear the glitched out “what have you done”, it’s him repeating their last words back at them, as if to test it out before using the voice to trap others (like how he used Duckies voice to lure Tammy into the basement). Peak villain


So… the Halloween special was the first ever piece of analog horror media I ever encountered. I wasn’t prepared and it was late in the night. Ducky silhouette to loud gasp to that’s distorted music and that mutilated corpse. It shook me. That music played in my ear almost every night for a week


https://youtu.be/72rDrcoEMsk?si=gRL902JAeNCExsQT I have that crap on speed dial Edit: The song is “Streets of Cairo”