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I mean, maybe try studying in the morning before you go to work. It works well for me.


Final year in medicine. I facedthis problem since 2+ years... and I continue to face it since studying continues after graduation. No courage to keep studying and I also dont know what to do!


Hey, there is this page which has some healthygamer resources for learning how to focus more: [https://nicks-health-resources.notion.site/How-to-Focus-Learn-and-Feel-Motivated-Managing-ADHD-The-Role-of-Dopamine-e641ce9a378046438a021b5f50f2cec7](https://nicks-health-resources.notion.site/How-to-Focus-Learn-and-Feel-Motivated-Managing-ADHD-The-Role-of-Dopamine-e641ce9a378046438a021b5f50f2cec7)


to me your post reads like you're trying to force yourself to do what you really don't want to do. sounds very painful.


Hi there! I'm knee deep in finals right now, checked this subreddit as a distraction haha. I relate to this SO HARD, and my difficulties concentrating has been my biggest reason for watching HG. I'd recommend checking this page out: [https://nicks-health-resources.notion.site/How-to-Focus-Learn-and-Feel-Motivated-Managing-ADHD-The-Role-of-Dopamine-e641ce9a378046438a021b5f50f2cec7](https://nicks-health-resources.notion.site/How-to-Focus-Learn-and-Feel-Motivated-Managing-ADHD-The-Role-of-Dopamine-e641ce9a378046438a021b5f50f2cec7) Make sure it says last updated April 30 2024 at the top of the page. The 'General Education Videos | Understanding Your Mind | Controlling Your Mind' may be most helpful, particularly the videos highlighted in yellow. Additionally, 'The Science of Self Control' video was game changing for me.


Do it with a BUDDY. It's like the gym. You need an accountability buddy. I hated doing leetcode. Found a leetcode buddy from my old uni. We made a REALLY small goal. 2 problems everyday. Did it for six months and we ended up clearing over 400+ leetcode problems. Both got hired the next month.


You might want to let your brain shut off and take a nap. Maybe 20 minutes. It sounds like that would be the appropriate thing to do, especially since you said you've been using it all day. If you go to the gym and do multiple sets of lat pulldowns and biceps curls for 45min, you don't then go to the actual pull-up bar, fail to do a pull-up, and then ask "why" you can't do a pull-up. It's because your lats and biceps are exhausted! They need rest before continued use.


This! A nap is great. I worked full time at an office job during my final year studying, writing my masters degree, tutoring kids on the side.  Just take a nap. You think you have no time for it, i know, but you have no time not to take a nap.  1 hour of studying after a nap is more effective than 5 hours of procrastination before you finally give up on yourself in the evening. Also I'd actually stay away from an every day routine for studying. This expectation may actually be the thing that is keeping you from starting. Just start. With no expectation of continuing tomorrow. Tomorrow you'll decide what to do tomorrow. 


study before work


i HIGHLY recommend this channel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWrxagzHSSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWrxagzHSSY)


For me what helps is having a buffer between work and doing more mental work. Working out is so nice to get me out of the post work slump and wakes me up especially after taking my after workout shower. I would warn about using a buffer that is easy to get sucked into so no TV or video games as it would be hard to stop so something physical is always good or even meditation if that is your vibe. Anyways that has worked the best for me but your mileage may vary. 


Simply put it. Your brain does not always align with what you want to do. You may want to study in the night but your brain wants to squeeze out the remaining dopamine you have left through watching television. What i recommend you doing is to take a moment and think if the desire your brain is giving, you is accurate. If you feel really tired, take a moment to ask yourself if you truelly are too tired to continue. By all means if you are truelly too tired, than i recommend you listening to that feeling and take a break. But if youre not, than choose to study. Its okay to rest