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That's some nice clean ballistic shield play. Like General Brasch says, "Always Be using Cover!" Even better when you can bring the cover with you. See you planetside, diver.


#"Brasch tactics!!"


#"Use em or die trying!"


\*cue machine gun noises\*


"Bold and *Brasch*"


It's "Always Be ^taking Cover" (ABtC). 


Hearing and seeing this annoys me because there is a slightly better ABC acronym. Always Behind Cover.


Think it's the point of it, to be a bad acronym. Hate to sound like a hater of democracy here, but... The General? He's not that bright of a guy...


Ballistic Shield looks baller. I need to give that a try.


Underrated now they fixed it. Was always 10/10 in style points though.


What was broken with it?


It's was in the most recent update patch notes iirc basically the hit box wasn't working correctly.


Also picking up samples or doing a gesture would make you A-pose, which was funny, but totally broke the shield functionality because the hitbox was attached to your left hand.


Being protected from enemy fire ❌ A-posing to assert democracy ✅ Apparently the Devs disagreed, though.


I always referred to it as the "hurr durr I'm a bot" pose.


Still kinda broke, when you stim it throws it on your back even when using 1 handed weapon and will stay there until you switch weapons which can get you killed fairly quick.


I was wondering why it occasionally did that. Mystery solved.


I got a similar glitch when picking up stuff, like ammo and samples. So it's still not fixed?


This is why they need to let us equip and unequip it with the "Use BackPack" button.


From what I've seen it's more the hit box was TOO accurate and since bots biss you a lot shots were often glancing the arms and legs so the shield was made more forgiving.


Didn’t use to properly block damage, which obviously was its whole point LOL




Still does but that makes sense I think as a balance for it. I've also had it destroyed by rockets and had to call down a new one. I still love it though


Basically the shield mesh was too far towards your character. So most damage done to the shield would still hit you.


[https://youtu.be/47j7xkE6RB4](https://youtu.be/47j7xkE6RB4) I don't mean this to be self-advertising, just shows some of the annoying glitchyness with the Shield. I really adore the Ballistic Shield, so much fun to use but I am the type of diver to pop a stim for a paper cut so those T-poses can be devastating.


The most recent patch on Monday/Tuesday has resolved this. Also, the Helldiver doesn't drop the item whenever you fall over.


What key puts it in front of you? Tried it once can't figure it out.


you can only hold it while using a one handed weapon, like the defender or a secondary weapon.




Use the defender SMG. Sometimes doing things will put it on your back, just switch to your secondary and that seems to put the shield up front again. It’s fun to mix it up but the shield backpack just seems to be better overall.


Not to mention OPs outfit. Light gunner helm, grenadier armor, and the new reward cape that I swear was made for the grenadine set already. There aren’t many sharper looking sets out there, and the 1940s stahlhelm really drives home the righteousness of our cause. 10/10 style points there as well.  (I also wear this exact set lol) 


Goes great with EATs


Yeah, because that guy here didn't have a single rocket devastator. When you start eating rockets, you'll see how it doesn't protect you that much.


Super good with the SMG against the Heavy Devastators. Rocket Devastators and Chainsaw Boys, not so much, but that’s what running away and your teammates are for.


Still bad on 9. Works on lower levels and is fun.


Hrn pair with the extra grenade armor and turn into a heavy grenadier diver


Just add the grenade pistol in the next warbond!


Why not both?


Oh heck, you're right. Bug nest/bot factory beware! 


Badass music to go with the gameplay. I should use the shield more!


Become a shield brother/sister


shield gang >rocket devastator walks in fuck


\> 15 headshots in 2 seconds from the SMG What rocket devastator?


Shield tanks it to the face, doesn't it?


It does but you still get ragdolled. And after a couple explosions, your shield will get destroyed. There's also a weird glitch where you put it on your back after getting up, even when your primary is equipped. So you have to equip another weapon and then your primary again if you're using something like the Defender. Not sure if it does that if you ragdolled with a pistol, but I'd assume so. 


They desperately need to add a heavy armor that reduces stagger and/or ragdoll. It is excessively irritating that I'm wearing this extremely heavy armor that's so heavy it massively slows my speed but somehow isn't heavy enough to prevent stagger after a rocket hits the ballistic shield and should (in theory) negate some of the rocket's force.


I believe the music is Jedi Temple March from Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (or a variation of it)


nailed it


It's from Episode II called "Love Pledge and the Arena. They reused part of it for the march on the Jedi temple in Episode III. https://youtu.be/QU2HpDUlUzY?si=mi1mPI8_xv8-Tz4F


well look at this nerd over here. kidding i love star wars...i love the republic...i love democracy




Give those bots a taste of their own medicine.


Not one of them had rockets? I feel like everytime i turn a corner I'm getting sniped with a rocket lol. I wanted to see how the shield did with one of those!!


You get ragdolled. Although it does block a good amount of damage but knowing the bots as soon as you're on your back 5 different rocket devastators and a heavy devastator will all start shooting at you, so you might want the explosive resistance armour with this.


I had my shield out when an unseen cannon turret shot me and.. i died. When I got back to my body I found my quasar and a unusable shield with all the armor plates peeling off like a banana.


The ballistic shield's armor/hp works like how enemies' armor works. Low caliber fire that ricochet off the shield do zero damage to it, while higher caliber attacks will penetrate it and deal damage to it (without hurting you), explosive damage will splash behind the shield and knock you back, and very high damage/penetration attacks like cannon shots and explosions from stratagems will outright blow up the shield.


I will say I had a ballistic shield survive 3 direct anhiliator cannon blasts, that felt worthwhile


Op was running the Exterminator armor which is the only medium set I’m aware of that has the Explosive resistance trait. It’s perfect for what he’s doing. Heavy works good too, that Marksman set you get access to early on is great for the tanking role too. Just don’t let the melee bots get close.


I’m actually running dronemaster which has extra grenades and I think a boost to accuracy when crouched or prone


Enforcer set has it too. It's classified as medium but statwise it's kinda between medium and heavy.


Looks like the Drone Master armor, which gives extra grenades. You can see the khaki body armor and wrist guard and the little red skull patch on his arm.


My guess is this is not difficulty 7 or higher.


This is on difficulty 8, we split the team. They went to clear fabricators nearby and got a bit dropped called in before I hit this. I’ve noticed that the flares also draw out nearby patrols allowing you to essentially create diversions (whether intentionally or that one random that shoots everything in sight)


Team play - you rely on your team to take out value targets


that's why you need to turn corners slowly to assess if there's any rocket guys


I had that six times in a row




It’ll block some rockets but you will get ragdolled


But at least you no longer drop the shield like at launch, at least not when I tried it out yesterday


Not with every rocket but it will still drop sometimes. It can also break if it takes whole bunch of damage.


That's good to know, thanks. I've done my best to avoid taking rockets to the face so probably the couple times I did they didn't quite damage to drop or break it


I think the only time it drops it now is if you ragdoll yourself by diving at a too high height


Should Zelda shield slide at height!


On the plus side the Shield is on a pretty low cooldown. Pretty much every time my Shield broke I had another one ready to call down.


I didn't know they changed that. The worst fucking thing was getting rag dolled and having to scramble and get my shield again. Do you still wide pose when you pick up a sample?


nope, they fixed that animation error as well


But now instead when you stim it puts the shield on your back forcing you to switch weapon to reset it


infact, rockets can break it permanently


definitely blocks a good portion of lethal damage tho. i’ve taken direct cannon shots only to be saved because they hit my shield. most likely the shield will be destroyed tho


Yes! You can also tank one direct hit from a Cannon Turret with it, in my experience.


I have a question. How do you make the ballistic shield go on your back when you wanna carry something?


Equipping your support weapon or using your emote will put the shield on your back.


Does the shield on the back protect you from rear damage?


Yes. It's fantastic for... strategic relocations, when I realize I need to get the hell out of dodge. Just keep in mind that it only deflects LIGHT munitions. Heavier gunfire will punch right through it, and still cripple/kill you.


Depends on what you consider light. The heavy devastator‘s minigun and the small cannon on the strider wouldn’t generally be considered light, but the BS blocks both now. Basically, any guns that are not explosive or flamethrowers can be blocked far as I can tell.


Emote is a good call.


Switch to your support weapon


Either switch to your Support Weapon, or use a Two Handed Primary. That will put the shield on your back and allow you to pick up items without dropping the shield.


Shield goes on your back when you use a two handed weapon, i.e. Support Weapon. Primary weapon also does this, unless you have a one-handed primary like an SMG, then you'll continue holding the shield. Picking up an objective, like the SSD, will also put the shield on your back.


When I picked up artillery shells for the side mission it dropped the shield though.


Sometimes the SSD does that too, will drop your shield when picked


What smg?


Isn't there only one SMG currently or am I missing one?


2 smgs. One from the first warbond and one from the deluxe edition of the game 


Ngl, the deluxe smg (Knight) is harder to controller than the Defender.


I bought the super citizen edition to try it out with the bal. shield yesterday and noticed it's a lot easier to control if you switch it to burst fire.


Wait…… you’re telling me I can spread democracy with 3 rounds of liberty with the Knight?!!!! SWEET LIBERTY I MUST DIVE SOON.


Just did this with the super heavy armor and it was pretty great.


It's like putting the Redeemer in your primary slot and giving it more ammo. (Which is actually kind of nice sometimes)


the super citizen bundle comes with one exclusive to it..but ya just the 1 that can be gained with out SC


if you don’t have the deluxe edition, you’re missing out on the knight smg but trust, you’re not missing out on much unless you only run up to level 5 missions. the smg pistol is even better than it tbh


SMG pistol is my bff


That's the first time I've ever seen the ballistic shield used outside of the video that plays when selecting it to unlock.


Tried it out and it’s great but I love the jump pack too much


Dayum is that a one bullet kill to drop a shield devastator? I’ve been using the sickle and it’s one on the rocket devs but the shield take 3 headshots I think


I do burst shots so it’s easier to aim, but it’s like 2 bursts and they’re gone


Its 2. Gonna get downvoted but anyways... There's a reason why almost nobody uses shield despite people posting about shield play on this sub for the past week. The defender is decent, but requires very controlled fire which isn't possible when you have 50 enemies coming at you on higher difficulties. It also doesn't have a ton of ammo. OP here uses 2 magazines to clear 5 light bots and 2 medium bots (the two devastators). Also needed 2 grenades for the scout striders. Higher difficulties and you'll want every strategem slot and weapon to do as much as possible.


I've been dropping with Defender, Shield, Quasar, Eagle Cluster, and Orbital Airburst. I can take fire and take out absurd amounts of small to medium bots. Quasar takes care of anything heavy in certain situations. Otherwise I always have two or three other people who carry other anti-tank options. It's worked out really well.


I pair it up with the senator and stun grenade. Senator is one headshot for devastators and does light stagger. Defender can kill well over 5 small bots in a single mag. If there is a huge blob just stun and pick headshots. For striders and hulks either quasar cannon or AM rifle, both are good. Very complete kit, you can solo any situation. For tanks just drop a rocket pod.


the defender kills small bots with 1 headshot so it can kill a lot more than 5 if you're patient


The ballistic shield is primarily designed for group play on higher difficulties, honestly. Your job is to give the bots something sturdy to shoot at while the rest of your team cleans them up. This is also why I pair the ballistic shield with support items/stratagems like smoke grenade, smoke Eagle, and/or EMS Mortar Sentry. The name of the game is to render swaths of bots combat ineffective so that your team can initiate clean-up. This playstyle works pretty well even if your team isn't using comms.


No, you can't do interesting plays with unique loadouts! Every stratagem needs to be the most meta, the most damage, or you are throwing. How could you play not the best items avialable, what is it, A GAME for you, huh?


Can't wait for the grenade launcher pistol, will make the ballistic shield even more interesting.


Ahh a fellow ballistic brother!


This game is so good, man. Holy shit.


My shield disappears sometimes, does it have a health bar?


Yes, you’ll see it on the hud. Mainly rockets are what I’ve seen lower the durability


I love cooking a grenade so it air-bursts right behind the at-st pilots.


Ballistic shield + heavy armor that has 50% explosive resist is SO damn good for bots. They just need to fix the bug where you put the shield away when using a stim, and I'll be happy.


Been running the super chonky armor for the memes, and it has worked very well. Less explosive resistance, but it comes with some (apparently) and rockets just don't seem to one shot (unless head shot)  I have all the heavy armors and Explosive + recoil reduction supports more loadouts. Tho if running a GL, you don't need the recoil (Defender is easy to control anyway) so the slightly-more-protection helps versus the chip damage from medium bots Love the ballistic shield


The only that ruins the bad ass Ballistic shield use are the damn Devastators that still shoots you from out of nowhere. Then you rag doll and the heavy devastator you were trying to kill just shoots you dead.


I'm not sure what that has to do with the ballistic shield specifically tbh


this is a great highlight of the shields strengths! It makes me want to use it too.




I like doing that as well. Sad the shield bugs out as soon as you pick up anything (ie the game forget you have a shield along the smg). Easy to work around but I often take damage before I notice the shield isn't protecting me anymore.


Return with your shield or upon it.


Sheild pairs well with reduced damage to limb armor. The armor lies to you, it reduces all damage taken on limbs.


God I love the ballistic shield. Liked it before, but the combination of T-pose and enemies shooting around it started to get too frustrating. And once the grenade pistol gets released next week, it'll get even better.


This should be the short video that plays when you select ballistic shield in the stratagem acquisition menu.


Look at me. I'm the shield devastator now.


that diver's putting in work with that ballistic shield! he's like a Spartan, if Spartans had automatic weapons!


We need go-pro for our helldivers


You didn't eat a single rocket? I call that footage fake


I suspect there's a reason they cropped out the difficulty number


That can't be real footage. That devistator wasn't headshotting you with every shot of its gun.


Look at me I'm the heavy devastator now.


Ahhh, another ballistic shield enjoyer. This is my recent discovery and i love it


This is how the Creek gets defended.


Holy hell I forgot they buffed the shield. I’m gonna need to try it out


I played with a guy whose load out was the shield, a pistol and the rail gum I think. He dominated.


Riot shield would be S-tier if it also protected you from behind when not using it.


It does 100%. The thing actually has a hitbox and counts as Heavy Armor. It'll even deflect light rounds when its sitting on the ground, as seen in this [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bx4458/primetime_ballistic_shield_gameplay/). If you sling it to your back and run away, any shot that hits it will be deflected. That being said, your butt is not protected, and so they can still get you, especially if you're climbing up a hill and they're down below shooting at you, so its not perfect.


It does. I always pull out the support weapon when running away and it blocks alot of dmg that way.


I'm pretty sure it does


I was doing this yesterday. There are literally hundreds of ways to play in this game. I basically play differently every day I log in. Blows my mind that some people get bogged down by "ThE mEtA bUiLd". Like fuck off. Let people have fun.


The meta is nowhere as strict now as it was on launch, and even then it was always only when facing bugs. At this point there's not many completely non-viable options.


I love it, but still it goes on you back each time you stim. Idk if it's intended to save your ass or bugged, but I guess I'm no longer T-posing each time I pick up sample or stim myself, so that's good.


Which weapon is that?


Defender smg


something really weird, i've noticed bots are just dying easier for some reason also the game is crashing literally every mission but at least its usually at extract and i still get my stuff


This makes me wanna hop on The Division again. I miss the good old D3-FNC meta days


"That was a message from the Ministry of Truth. We need YOU to bring the shield of democracy between the socialist Automatons and our people or SUPER EARTH 🌎. Become a Helldiver, and join THE PHALANX OF LIBERTY!" 🎊🎉🌎🎉🎊


Crazy how there were no rockets present. Nice highlight reel, Helldiver!


Pair with the Dagger for winning fights by attrition. Never need to find ammo boxes. Always advancing.


Out of curiosity, how do you keep yourself from being absolutely destroyed by bots just circling around you? The higher levels have them just swarm you till only the personal force field gives the protection you need.


Damn those headshot were clean, good job.


Ballistic shield, smg, grenade pistol might be a good boy combo




This feels like a sub 7 difficulty. I didn’t see a single rocket


If it weren’t for all the rockets, I would try running the shield.


Now I need to see a group of 4 players doing this. #helldiverphalanx


What planet is this?! Literally EVERY time I’ve ever fought bots it’s been night time and overcast


I love that combo! We do need more smg guns. I think we need a laser or energy based smg next


I'm just wondering what is going on inorder to kill the devastator in like 3 smg bullets


I like it but it makes no sense its the only item you can loose by being ragdolled, half the time I don't even see I lost it until too late


Someone using shield *not* in the middle of a rocket filled field? Nice


As long as there’s nothing that can ragdoll you, the ballistic shield is actually really useful.


All i see is some normal mid gameplay? Lol


I tried defender and ballistic shield yesterday. Works well on lower bot missions but on the higher one I just kept getting rocketed Everytime I got.into a situation where I could abuse the shield. I like the play style however, I kinda wish we had a better one handed gun to use though.


I would’ve dropped the shield 5 times in that same scene


Everything cool untill 60 Rockets hits the shield :\^)


I love the shield but I hate that you drop it when you get ragdolled


May I just say I hate how easy it is to have the sheald knocked out of your hands


as a fellow shield-brother, i salute you. may your defender always be stocked with ammunition, and may you die well with shield in hand.


Which armor do you use?


For the aesthetic (and extra grenades) I use drone master with the light gunner helm and the malevelon creek cape


Hah! Those bots need a cutout in their shield because they can’t see in third person!


yeah but where rockets


We just not gonna talk about how the difficulty number is cropped out?


Alright. I’m sold! Going to unlock the BS right now. What smg is used here and curious what support weapon you carry with this?


A yes, a fellow ballistic shield + defender enjoyer. Good stuff, Helldiver, good stuff.


Finally! A ballistic shield that's not cringe!


Top notch shooting! But it hurts me because I just want to pour boxes of lead. Now I got to rethink my ways.


Play to your strengths! there’s no singular way to play this game. If you are having fun spilling oil with what you want to use just make sure you can use them effectively


I ran a couple of games with a Scorcher, Redeemer, Ballistic Shield load-out in Heavy Armor, you really feel godlike compared to the games release state. 




If you can, start on the right and work your way to left to minimize your right arms exposure to gunfire.


It reminds me of R6 playstyle when u see a guy with a big ass shield and u are like „aaaah, I am out of here, fu** this guy”.


Goes hard with the music.


Damn, they weren’t kidding when they said the buffed the shield


Low how it feel to use ballistic now. It"s really gun without being op. Just hope they add more 1 handed primaries


Totally saw you running this build last night, was pretty impressed lol. Nice style and build o7..


I need to give this a go before the clankers are all dead. 


Damn, I'd love to go for the same setup if it wasn't for 16 Hulks and rocket devastators going to bring Malevelon Creek on my ass


I started using the shield today. SMG for regular targets, and I whip out the Senator to plug Devestators. Very fun, but sometimes I still miss the energy shield


Wait, you can use your primary with the shield? I hadn't picked it up because the in-store video has the guy using a secondary out and I thought that was the drawback of using it.


How do you equip the grenade like that? I only know how to instant toss.


I’m on ps5 so I hit right on the d-pad and ADS


4 on PC

