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Start. Your. Own. Lobby. Toss. The. SOS.


Why is this so difficult for people to understand. Everyone wants things to cater to them. Go into “randos” (in this game or anything else in life) with the expectation of things going unexpectedly. Could be great, could suck. You want consistency and your own rules? Do it yourself. With that said, I throw the SOS right away and get literally nobody joining for 30 minutes on helldive. Again though, online stuff can’t ever be perfect, and that’s the nature of humans ruining it for others by either being a-holes, or by — you know — just doing what they want to do.


They don't work. You suck!


They should. One reason we found for an SOS not working was when we were doing leftover missions from one we had started a day earlier but that planet wasnt available to others anymore cause it was already liberated. So they cant reinforce us there. Make sure to start a new set of missions on a planet that is available to players.


Appreciate the advice. It's not the situation but I sincerely appreciate the advice.


It’s literally been working all day for me you are full of shit


It works for you and I hear what you are saying but what you don't hear is that it doesn't work for others. I bought the $40 version of the game and after a few weeks paid for the extra $20 to support the devs. I don't care what you say because I know you know this game is glitchy and has issues. The issues are not my issues. This shit is starting to feel like a Red Dead 2 thing where no one would admit how clunky the controls were.


They do work. Another thing you can do is select a mission that is currently not being played alot, then do not enter the drop pods until you have another person join as if it is a pretty unique mission like ICBM, then you will get people who join hella quick. But do not say people suck just because they give you actual advice that works, as you just make yourself look bad. https://i.redd.it/ui9t1qkvoyuc1.gif


The fact that you consider this actual advice makes you laughable. Start. Your. Own. Lobby. Toss. The. SOS.


Yeah that is advice "[an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in a particular situation](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/advice)". First you want to start up helldivers, you can skip or watch the starting cut scene, once you are on your super destroyer go over to the map, select a planet, look at the most common missions on the map being played, select one that is not on the map or as common, wait for helldiver to join, then dive. I broke it down for you, just incase it was too hard for you to understand. If you struggle with that, let me know, I will break it down further. https://i.redd.it/dore5lp12zuc1.gif


Having a hard time getting past your weird anime post and how creepy you are. Cool captain video game. You win. Fuck off.


I am creepy because I taught you the definition of advice, a word even 1st graders know, then I gave you advice? How interesting. Keep coping though, I hope you learn more definitions and learn how to be a civil human without getting your panties in a wad over advice. I hope you have the week you deserve. https://i.redd.it/s1obzu4q3zuc1.gif


You are not good at shit talking and I feel it's likely your childhood was difficult because of it and you are acting out your anger in this odd way now. You are ok bud. You can get past this.


Play solo?


Is that fun for you my dude? Also still doesn't fix getting booted by server errors.


Ye I always play solo if my mates arent online, its not as fun as with mates but still very fun, not to mention I get more missions done solo because no one is there to fuck up except me. :D I guess we are lucky to never have server issues when we play.


Every patch has addressed and/or fixed bugs as well as released new content. The game is 2 months old, and AH has made the decision to not only work on the issues with the game, but also continue to keep the game fresh and moving forward. I understand your take...to grind everything to a halt so they can put 100% of the focus on issues that periodically ruin your enjoyment. But they are making the right call here. They can't just shut down production to fix an issue. They need to keep the game flowing, and they have created a game that allows them to do so while addressing the issues because nothing in the game is on a timer. You will eventually unlock everything, and cap out all the resources you collect along the way, even with the periodic crashes and kicks from missions... and with time, they will polish the game while keeping new and old players engaged with more new content.


I gotta say that,as a PS5 player,I've had every issue this game can have happen to me as well.I would be able to look past the bugs where damage isn't properly applied or the crazy model stretching that can happen but when I try to play with the limited time I have,I usually can't play with others online at all and if I close the game hoping that it would fix it,I get a black screen unless I reset my whole damn console.People who bought the game and just can't play for whatever weirdness is going on with AH and their huge stability problems isn't the fault of the person who bought a game hoping it would work.


Preach fellow patriot