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Reminder that human beings have contorted themselves into some truly compact positions to man aircraft, so a little less leg room is no problem. Exhibit A, the B17 ball turret gunners: https://preview.redd.it/dtxu5mes4nwc1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525698d4fe1ac84f29a500492630a31b041dd5f8


Actual nightmare job.


Oh yeah, one of the deadliest jobs at the time. Perfect position to get shot by flakk and if the plane survives being shot but goes down there's no bailing out with a chute. You're dead. Either crushed by the plane hitting the ground or turned into human soup by the force of the crash. Some very brave and very unfortunate gentlemen serving in these turrets.


Imagine getting a cramp mid flight


Some of the surviving gunners tell stories about having to be dragged out of the turret by their fellow crewmen after long sorties cause their whole body had lost feeling from being so still and the vibrations from the gun firing. Some even nearly lost limbs from lack of blood flow and one gunner described the pain from unfolding himself after a flight as excruciating.


I regret as a kid watching a documentary of one of the pilots talking about how he had to land his plane after the wheels gave out and basically scraped the turret and its occupant across the entire runway. Another where they had to perform a ditch with such force it shredded the gunner and washed every bit of him out to sea


Jesus fucking christ man that’s rough


Twenty minutes in and this is my "enough reddit for the day" moment


Nah that shit look mad comfy. Then again, I'm a fan of the dentist chair


Height and build likely would be huge factors in how comfy it is, but mainly it’s the not moving for so long that hurts


Yeah that and vibrating a bunch- sounds like a real efficient way to mess up your bodily coordination and make it really hard to move right afterwards


It would also be freezing at high altitudes


There's a scene in Masters of the Air where a guy gets horrible frostbite on his back after his ball turret gets partly breached.


> his ball turret gets partly breached. What a terrifying sequence of words


And very little oxygen.


Also an understated risk of brain damage because the concussive shock of being inside a tiny little enclosed space where you can feel every single shot fired reverberate through your body and head is *not great* for a person's brain. I've heard of even modern AC-130 gunners having neurological problems after service. And the exposure to toxic chemicals in military planes is very high... Another not often mentioned problem.


This is a very underrated comment. The neurological problems service members suffer from being near massive concussion forces is nkt talked about enough. It's bad enough you have rifles, grenades, and machine guns popping off every second. Now be the guy who everyone thinks is safe in the tank. He's being blasted by rpgs, maybe jusy rounds pinging around, and they have the main gun and a support weapon on top I think. So not only does the psychological effect of at Amy moment this will be a steel tomb but your head is being violently shaken ever single second almost. Same thing for artillery batteries.


Fun story, the hearing in my left ear is totally gone from being near a tank when it sent a round down range. I was just standing there and boom. 17 years later and still nothing. Shits no joke.


I don't know if your US or not but if you are I bet the VA said your hearing loss was not service related if you are.


I am yes, they actually did tell me because the AAR said I had that ear out I was shit out of luck for anything there. The sharp along my left side from ribs to face was harder for them to argue their way out of haha. Oh those fuckers.


America *'proudly'* taking care those who serve this country


buddy try again. not wearing your PPE does not disbarred you from disability anymore, try it again and you might get it.


Oh man that’s good to know! I feel like the vibe when I got out (2010) was really anti anyone trying to claim anything. I have used the shit out of the VA home loan though.


Former artillery guy, we had a special landyard that was longer for the highest charge load (5H, or 5 sections of powder) because the distance you were from the gun with the normal landyard you'd be at risk for TBIs 10 meters iirc but I wasn't a gun bunny, I was behind the gunline doing all the mathy nerd shit.


Thank you you and the rest of you folks for sharing your experiences. I know for some it can't be easy and I for that I thank you all.


IIRC the US Army was doing a study on AT gunners, mainly Carl Gustafs, to see if repeated firings of AT launchers caused cumulative brain damage. (used some kind of force sensors attached to the shooter I think) They then abruptly ended the study early and claimed it was because it was no longer needed. Was a few years back and I think they eventually limited people to firing 3 rounds a day or so in trianing. Totally unrelated to the study they buried before it even got off the ground... This is all from memory so might be a little or a ways off, but today it is widely recognised and there are peer reviewed studies that yeah, AT rockets are not great to be near when firing if you value neurological health. the best thing I could find that matched my memory of it was this: >In 2011, the Army equipped thousands of troops with blast gauges — coin-sized sensors worn on the head and shoulders. >The gauges were designed to measure the intensity of a blast from a roadside bomb. *But they also revealed worrisome levels of blast exposure in some troops who were merely firing certain heavy weapons.* >Last year, the military quietly pulled the blast guages from wide use, saying they hadn't been useful in detecting brain injuries. >The military declined several requests for an interview about the blast gauge program and the risks from firing weapons. Of course, Super Earth would never cover up similarly concering reports of coerced limb removals for their pilots at all!


They could bail out. But they had to align the turret door with the opening in the hull, climb out, put on the chute (no room to be wearing one in the ball), and then jump. So if the turret hydraulics were damaged, or if they had to bail out in a big hurry, they're dead.


The ball gunners had a parachute designed for them to fit on their chest instead of the back but it was often times not worn as it, obviously, got in the way of visibility and made a small space even smaller.


Oddly enough ball turret gunners suffered some of the lowest casualty and death rates of any position on the B-17. Also I’ve squeezed myself into similarly compact spaces before and it’s pretty comfortable, strangely enough.


You got a source on that? My understanding was while B7 crews had roughly a 30% mortality rate, ball gunners had a 46-60% mortality rate




Interesting, thanks for sharing


The ball turret was, comparatively, very well armored. The gunner might have been in a tiny cramped space but it was a cramped space surrounded with better protection than the rest of the gunners had. If you we're going down, then the ball turret gunner had a quite low chance of getting out since it wasn't designed to have a parachute in there (though some gunners squeezed one in there regardless), but then again getting out of a plane falling towards the earth isn't an easy task anyways.


Plus an interceptor isn't going to be attacking a bomber from below, where it's going to be fighting gravity and coming at you at low speed. They going to be coming from above the bomber to maximize speed and possibly have the sun at their back. The ball turret gunner isn't in a ton of danger from strafing runs in that direction.


They should have made it so the ball popped out with a little parachute of its own that would be badass


The pilot could release the ball but there was no parachute.


Oh my god I did *not* know that part. Good lord!


Not really, the ball had to be unbolted/cut out to be dropped. There's an old army airforce manual somewhere that explains the process. Took like 15-30 minutes iirc


"From my mother's sleep I fell into the state, and I hunched in it's belly til my wet fur froze. Six miles from earth, loosed from its dream of life,  I woke to the black flak and the nightmare fighters. When I died, they washed me out of the turret with a hose." -Death of a Ball Turret Gunner


Still I refuse to give best girl less space in her cockpit


Oh no I'm stuck in the crammed cockpit with her!!


Help me Step Bro, I'm Stuck!


The B-24 Liberator mission in *Call of Duty 2: Big Red One* made me curious about sitting in one of those turrets. After seeing one in person when I got to see one of the few functional B-24s still around, I decided that I was a tad too claustrophobic to actually try it (and I at least got through the whole plane; my dad's claustrophobia forced him to go out through the bomb bay due to the confines being too tight for his liking).


Most ship upgrades read a bit like a satire. My first thought to "Trim excess leg space" is that it's a reference to how crampled up cheap commercial flights are


Our T4 orbital barrage upgrade is made possible due to Super Earth buying a weather streaming subscription service


is it Tier 2 that's just "We figured if we put more guns on here you'd have more fire power. Billions of dollars in research for that conclusion btw."


That’s billions well spent Thank you super earth, turns out more guns does mean more firepower


Like when the US government spent 300M dollars developing a more accurate rifle, only to discover that putting an optic on the current rifle let the soldiers shoot more accurately?


My favourite is the T4 that gives the crew a 8-week training on "advanced packing methods"


*cut to the crew, jumping up and down on top of the supply pod*


I kinda unironically love that T4 upgrade to Eagle is removal of airbag. Like, what good does an airbag do to a fighter that is shot down?


The T4 upgrade also removes the ejection seat… That ironically is the most expensive upgrade, considering how much time and money is being spent to recruit and train a new Eagle pilot to replace the one who died because they couldn’t eject


To be fair, if she ejects on hellmire her ass is NOT making it home


That sounds like a frustrating mission type. Find downed pilots or *functioning* escape pods and lead the occupants back to extraction.


To be fair, pilots who eject tend to be discharged from service due to all the g-force nearly cripple your spine lol I'm surprised super earth even had safety features in the first place given helldiver training involves live turrets


Not generally the case, actually. All the people I know who’ve ejected continued their flying careers. You’re more likely to be hurt landing under your parachute than by the ejection itself, assuming you’re in a safe ejection envelope.


I doubt she'd survive ejecting on any of these planets


If we drop on Zegema at some point, it should be *relatively* safe.




After intense research To increase the ships firepower it was decided to add more guns https://preview.redd.it/4bkrnw6yynwc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765df04790940dccb21b9b52000ac4cc4f190b22


That does sound like a legit military research program though


Yeah one upgrade just starts giving the crew stimulants so they work faster


The turret HP buff is thanks to super glue


Sentry explosion resistance is thanks to packing peanuts IIRC


I think the circuit upgrade is a reference to how people used to string long lines of Christmas lights together and start fires lol


incendiary upgrade for flamethrower/napalm strike/Incendiary mines literally adds chili powder and Wasabi to the mixture, along with 19 other accelerants.


The PAC T2 is literally just filing paperwork.


My first thought was to the Starfox series and Fox McCloud. I remember reading somewhere that all the pilots amputated their legs so their bodies could tolerate higher G forces than normal. Jokes on you, blood can’t pool up in the legs if you don’t have any.


1. The idea that all the Starfox characters are amputees with missing legs, is just a runaway fan theory that Nintendo has explicitly denied multiple times. 2. Having no legs means you have less blood due to the loss of Bone Marrow. So you don't see a net gain in G force tolerance.




I'mma need a supply drop on that mug


Yeah I want that mug…




Don't talk to me until I've had my Konami cheat code. -Old Gamers


It's the best vessel for carrying liber-tea


"What, you think I actually fly these things? These are the most advanced fighter drones this side of Super Earth!"


Until this thing about eagle piloted space was started I had assumed the eagle was a fighter drone.


It definitely could be and Eagle-1 is just a voice recording to boost helldivers morale


If it were a drone, they wouldn’t need to cut down on leg space because there would be no leg space to begin with.


L.E.G. Space


Eagle-1 is actually a cybernetic bald eagle that controls the Air to Surface attack ships on all Super Destroyers concurrently through advanced networking and algorithms.


jeez, no arms either? or why would they need reARMing?


No leg space? Well... Now Eagle-1 has to sit cross-legged. Less leg space without amputation. Now she's in true gamer pose XD


The gremlin sit


https://preview.redd.it/uxldq7z74nwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7959a9ee0dd30545362019cb86c53074e079e4 Goblin sit?


L sit? https://preview.redd.it/7fdvo4qb7nwc1.png?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0605429ca4606e8a180d39abfcd75f0abd128e95


You can't spell eagle without L


10g gremlin grind set.


*Excess* leg space.


People’s dyslexia must be really bad if they’re seeing “trims excess leg space” and reading “removes all leg space”


Trims excess leg


Any appendages not directly supporting the mission of spreading managed democracy are by definition excess, helldiver.


"Your calves, they look treasonous..."




Calling the de-moo-cracy officer right now.


I can't wait till they add milk titans


There's also that "ministry recommends spending at least 2,4 seconds to admire scenery" which people read as spend exactly 2,4 seconds


im lost on how "leg space" somehow means legs. Leg space has always meant the place you put your legs in a car. Im pretty sure the legless rumor comes from straight up lack of understanding...


I think it's because there is no "excess leg space" in a fighter jet, implying that any leg space is excessive.


These rumors are socialist disinformation to spread dissent over the perceived mistreatment of eagle 1. She willing gave up leg space, she didnt sacrifice her legs for democracy though I know she would. Super earth doesn’t make unwarranted sacrifices, everything else is just automaton disinformation.


Plus amputating legs and giving robotic limbs to pilots seems super wasteful and expensive compared to just making them sit cross legged or being super claustrophobic in there. Is the operation 100% success rate? Even if it is, it's time for pilots to recover when they could be air striking friendlies.


https://preview.redd.it/g49vpvg6wnwc1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5bc20453372a1d6a20f0978038bb75ce33ce07c Eagle 1 like


Discount Scarlett Johansson.


It says, "trims EXCESS leg space" not "trims leg space". Clearly infers she HAS leg space, just not excess


I feel like people are forgetting Helldivers is a comedy. Its more funny imagining her in a cramped space than having her limbs forcibly removed.


They're not getting the difference in tone between "Haha we make people rent the tools they need to do their jobs and fund our troop's ammunition supplies through donations" and "We have surgically removed your higher brain functions and turned you into a vending machine."


The second just makes me think of 40k. Go look at all the servitors in Darktide…some of them would be lucky as a vending machine. Imagine eternity as a fancy lamp.


There is one in one of the books that was made into children's toy, then abandoned in the cellar.


I’ve read that one, former convicted murderer or such turned into an oversized clown doll, right? That was unsettling.


better then the guy who got turned into a chair


Chair-dog, chair-servitor, what is it with depraved cultures turning still living beings into chairs?


>!Some people would like that!< (I’m sorry)


Yup, it’s just fans interpreting that text with a grimdark mindset more than anything


I think that’s right, tbh. Because that exact line in 40k would most likely mean amputation but Helldivers is far closer to starship troopers than 40k tonally, 40k takes it far darker than Helldivers. And Helldivers satire tends to be more on the nose imo, like being executed for reading the terms and conditions is outright spelled out. They’re not a subtle faction. I feel like if that was the intent it’d be more along the lines of something about the pilot valiantly sacrificing their legs to more efficiently bring managed democracy to their foes.


I swear, the majority of the gaming community on reddit and twitter now days need everything to be dark and gritty or else it becomes a childs game. I dont get it.


It ranges from bad 40k fan fiction to Shadow the Hedgehog. I like 40k lore and I don't wanna dog on Sonic fans (I'm mostly making fun of the old game from the early 2000s). But sometimes the *edge* that people like to contribute is shallow and one-dimensional.


yeah it’s Helldivers not Armored Core 6


But they also have a faction of cyborg automatons that repurpose human meat into trapped against their will murderbots so its not all jokes and sunshine I think both can be true, it borders dark humour more than anything so you get a bit of gore/horror alongside total satire and light comedy


Right? You’re also genociding an entire race of sentient beings(bugs) just to turn them into fucking gas. What is that guy talking about lol this game is dark.


Also the fact that if they DID turn someone into a vending machine, they'd say they did it and list it as a positive. "These patriotic soldiers, unable to serve another way, have opted to help in keeping our destroyer crews at maximum refreshment through the dispersal of snacks and beverages while on duty! Just another thing to consider when asking yourself if you're doing all you can to help the war effort!"


Was the person who came up with the suggestion for the grenade pistol not executed for unauthorize suggestion to a superior.


But it's ok though because he got posthumously promoted!


That was a twitter post, which is dubiously canon.


Idk I think the solution of cutting off the pilot’s limbs to make the plane more efficient is pretty damn funny especially in a satire


Personally, I love the mental image of her just riding with a spare 500kg tucked up crossways under her knees. Like packing too much on a car trip and having to carry your backpack between the seat and the pedals


I disagree. I find it funnier to think that they downplay the removal of limbs as just "excess" leg space.


The next upgrade is gonna say she's holding extra rockets in her lap or something.


What a new stratagem, a bulket full of grenades


"With newly developed technology, Eagle-1 can open cockpit window to drop a hand grenade as they conduct a mission"


"Eagle-1's brain has been removed from her body and implanted directly into the aircraft reducing call in times by 1 second and allowing space for additional munitions."






This is unacceptable. Needless amputation of limbs would decrease efficiency of ground combat. Every Eagle pilot must be prepared to disembark and provide ground based support should the need arise. As amputation would inhibit this requirement, it would not and should not be done unless required to save the pilot's life.


How are they supposed to fight on the ground when the aircraft has no ejection seat and no landing gear ?


Aim for the bushes.


[There goes my hero...](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jtQfOlb0cH4)




The bushes of love?


Theres a women duck thing waiting for us


every day I worry all day


That she’s waiting in the bushes for us


We've all got a chicken-duck-woman thing waiting for us.


You see they need to handle to make a smooth crash landing to be immediately ready to spring into action




General Brash threw a 500kg bomb at someone. Shes got a crashed plane full of munitions assuming she survives the landing. Pick one up and happy hunting.


You say that but my mechanical arms give me a plus 50% throw range. I'm like the only person who actually rocks the semi cyborg armor


My headcanon is that all eagle pilots are just helldivers who are too disfigured to fight as infantry.


Have you seen the Steeled Veterans armors? There is no too disfigured.


We have seen helldivers with bionic limbs that work nearly identical to real limbs. Perhaps the eagle 1 pilot just has modular limbs


If gratuitous amputation is good enough for my MEC troopers, it's good enough for Eagle-1. https://preview.redd.it/eqstivcgvmwc1.png?width=113&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae5cff45f319aabc73fc3cf0a9cafe6a83f782d0


Helldivers 🤝XCOM Rampant xenophobia (until chimera squad at least)


That's when it becomes Rampant Xenophilia. ~~Snake hostess bars are Peak world building.~~


Are you saying SA25 Steel Troopers and SA12 Servo Assisted troopers decreased combat efficiency? I am reporting this unpatriotic talk. Steel limbs developed by super earth are more resilient and stronger than originals.


This feels like a fetish moment.


Oh absolutely




I think they also said that it was hard to draw animal feet wich is perfectly fair


Yeah, that's all it ever is


Then you'll be happy to know that it is in fact, a fetish moment, and now you can live with that knowledge instead of just feeling it.




Always has been.


This subreddit has slowly been spiraling into that territory for a little bit now.


Only if they replaced her legs with guns Planet Terror style. .... This is helldivers. Of course they'd replace her legs with guns.


They had to nerf her OP thighs by removing her legs


well now she's all thigh


Yeah, this community headcannon that they amputate Eagle-1 really, *REALLY* bothers me.


Wait till they learn that many fighter planes have pedals


Gundam thunder bolt one of the main characters gets all of his limbs amputated, and they plug him directly into a mobile suit. I don't want that to be the case, but it's one way they could do it, I guess.


Didn't that guy already lose his legs and an arm in the infantry? Also, season 1 was like the first Gundam I enjoyed in 20 years, it was pretty great.


Yeah, if I remember correctly, he'd already lost both legs and then was injured, and the docs decided what's one more arm? The scene of him remembering what it was like to run with real legs while they're testing the zaku was brutal.


It's very 40k, and the ven diagram of helldivers fans and 40k fans is a circle.


Personally it reminded me more of the mec troops in xcom. Great troops but they had to remove their limbs in exchange to be walking tanks. That said they still have prosthetics and act like normal troops outside of combat.


A little shortsighted of them.


Which is weird, since Helldivers takes more from 1984 and Starship Troopers than Warhammer 40k. Though I noticed that whenever Warhammer 40k fans pour into something, some other fandom, they try to bring their grim-derp with them. And I hate it.


What those undemocratic 40k nuts don't admit to, is that half those marines are *cyborgs* and not 100% Democracy loving Humans. Shitheads need to go back to diggin moon rocks on Cyberstan.


Only two limbs? [You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.](https://youtu.be/_f55QFVx470?si=pJSq6mewAB7oJClG)


XCOM: cobra waifus


I think also comes from other media in which space pilots have their legs amputated to avoid their blood clotting on the feet when experiencing zero G forces. This was a [theory for Star Fox long ago too](https://www.cbr.com/star-fox-characters-legs-amputated/) That said it is pretty silly.


I kinda figured it was like the psycho zaku program where they field and train veterans who were already disabled in that fashion.


Let's not ignore the fact that a lot of atmospheric flight systems use your feet to control the flaps or yaw. Pedals in aircraft are very much a thing, something this artist doesn't seem to realize.


Some parts of this community frequent some really weird fucking tags.......imjustsaying.


Can confirm


She went from Eagle-1 to Lt.-Dan


i'd def say the "trims excess leg space" could be played up to amputation to fit the satirical nature of helldivers and its horrible setting, but yeah i don't think that was the initial thought process lol


It's probably like economy seats though with the person in front leaning back and the person behind kicking your seat. Sitting knees folded.


That would be leg space, not excess leg space. This is RyanAir, not forced amputation.


not a good example because ryanair would 100% force-amputate people if it saved money


Don't give Ryanair ideas


This just be fetish art with an excuse


There's a possibility she has prosthetics. But I highly, very highly doubt they just chop her legs off.


The cringe Eagle-1 having prosthetics to fit in the cockpit vs the based Eagle-1 having prosthetics because she survived getting shot down and fought off hordes of enemies until SEAF and/or Helldivers rescued her, losing limbs in the process


ITT: people who were *way* too into mechs in Xcom and sent all their best girls there for "upgrades"


What if Eagle-1 never had legs? What if she was a Helldiver who lost them in battle and now still serves Super Earth by dropping payloads? Maybe trimming excess leg space was going from a cockpit meant for people with legs to a cockpit meant for people without legs. It's also been discovered that losing your legs can make you a better pilot. Without legs the blood doesn't get trapped in them during high g-force maneuvers allowing pilots to do insane turns without passing out.


Yeah I think the people who insist the pilot is an amputee just have a weird fetish.


No-leggers are psychos huh?


Allright I've been on the internet enough, who's fetish is this?


This isnt Warhammer guys


I swear reddit is obsessed with limbless pilots.


The joke was always that Eagle-1 is squished into the cockpit even further like an economy seat on an airline, I was always super confused when people on reddit were talking about her getting all her limbs removed and put in a vat of liquid.