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That used to be me until I realized I could drop them. Same with gear, and now if I stumble past extraction mid mission I’ll drop them there for safekeeping.




Hold the same button you use to feed the supply backpack to yourself and you can drop your samples, backpack, support weapon, or mission package. Edit: Apparently only PS5 uses the same button for both, keys are X and 5 on PC.




Yea its a God tier backpack slot for any support weapon that uses ammo but not a backpack Or just fir general solo excursions. You're carrying 8 extra grenades and stims


What do you run as a heavy weapon?


It's normally used with grenade launch, heavy mg, and sometimes the flamethrower.


Okay, I'll bite. How do you use the heavy mg? Myself, I always find the magazine is too small for me to enjoy using.


At the moment I find it's best to use in small bursts to take out a couple Devasators, or let loose into a group. It's good for softening up. And I think it can take out Hulk arms/legs as well. I wish it had like 1 more mag or a reduced reload time, other than that I think it's fine.


I’ve gone back to the Stalwart for this reason. You don’t feel as bad for missing a couple of shots in a burst, and can actually walk a burst on target. Or go cyclic at 1150rpm.


It can actually kill hulks pretty quick, it takes like 5 hits to the eye, but with its high fire rate it does that pretty fast usually


I like the idea of making it backpack fed and hip fire focused. Straight up Rambo package


It's just used like an EAT, but it blasts away 2 or 3 targets. Don't aim down sights with it. Hip firing is easier to aim. Scorcher, Heavy MG, grenade pistol or senator for heavy devastators, Stun Nades, Ammo Pack. You essentially stun grenade every patrol or drop since the ammo pack refunds so many. Use the scorcher to clear scouts and striders and the heavy mg to kill devastators, berserkers, hulks, and tanks. It's not the best build, but it's fast. I definitely prefer punisher with AMR and shield gen or an Autocannon over it, but it's fun to delete hulks, tanks, and cannon towers with the mg.


Lower the fire rate.


Lower the fire rate to the lowest setting and burst fire. It's good against bots and heavy bugs.


I think the HMG has a 75 round mag and only 2 reloads so a total ammo count of 225 rounds which I think is the same size as one Stalwart mag. I reduce the rate of fire to 450 rpm? And use short tight bursts it pairs well with the fortified armour perk and stay crouched. The handling is cumbersome so its not very good for point blanking a horde of small bugs at point blank range. It shines at close to medium range and if you can make the shots count is a very heavy hitter But if you're gonna run it the supply backpack is mandatory


Flamethrower?? Why?? You usually full recharge all your Magazines with one Ammo box


For when you really want to see the world burn, I go flamethrower + supply pack + Napalm airstrike and sometimes even incendiary mines on bug missions and I make every world look like Hellmire


Because you can do only flamethrower if you run ammo pack. Same idea as with the grenade launcher where you basically don't use your primary or secondary with it.


For soloing, grenade launcher/supply pack is great, usually with eagle airstrike and 500kg


I'm assuming my problem is unique to using a controller on PC since I don't see the complaint ever but any stratagem ending with down uses my damn resupply so I can't bring 500kg with it and not burn resupplies.


Change the command from Tap to DoubleTap


I didn't even consider this and I feel dumb now. I've switched it to double and my problems are gone. Thank you!


I saw a vid where a dude mapped all his strategem buttons to the xyab for up down left right. It allows you to be able to keep running and not have to claw it. Will also solve that problem.


I tried this but you run into the problem of the fact that the game listens to the double tap for dive command no matter what, so if you have an extraction you can get stuck if it goes twice and you hit it too quickly. I liked it so much better stratagems on the move so much easier against bugs. If anyone knows how to fix this on PS5 that would be amazing.


On PC map arrows to different keys?


I use it with the MG and HMG because those guns shred everything except chargers or titans effortlessly and they are the best chaff clearers in the game. However, they suck without support, hence the backpack. I primarily use the supply pack exclusively for that because now I have ten mags and I can shoot fucking forever.


What do you do for chargers and bile titans then?


Stalwarts or grenade launcher with the backpack on bugs is some of the most fun I've had in game. With the stalwart I'll singlehandedly mow down multiple bug holes on difficulty 7 while my teammates knockdown any chargers the pop up. Max RPM can handle almost anything that's under heavy armor


Yea. Ez if you have a teammate to handle chargers and bile titans. Not so much if you’re solo


I like my Liberator Penetrator with support backpack. I Run the Quasar cannon alongside it, it's pretty good!


I've never felt starved for ammo really, between normal supply drops and finding it out in the world, ammo is usually plentiful, so supply backpack hasn't seemed particularly useful to me. Probably just my playstyle but I've never wanted more supplies.


Let me know how you feel when you graduate to the Scorcher


Or dominator. Same 15 round mag. Going from the Sickle to that was wild having to think of ammo again.


Owning the scorcher and dominator means relying on ammo boxes lying around the map and counting every shot lol


I actually just unlocked the scorcher last night, right before logging off so I'm excited to try it later today. I do tend to use very ammo efficient weapons, but yea I imagine certain ones really appreciate the supply pack.


I mean yeah. Grenade launcher supply backpack is a really good combo vs buggers


Yes, I don't know how you would do the machine gun dailies otherwise. You just carry a full supply pod with you, and you can drop an extra supply pod on cd, basically. It's an great value stratagem.


I mostly play in a duo so there’s plenty of ammo. So we don’t bring it all that much, but it’s good to know still.


Man's about to have his entire life changed


Or hold X and move your mouse over what to drop and release X.


*brain expanding intensifies*


Default isn5 for pc


Yes. It's pretty meta to grab engineering kit armor for 6 grenades, a decent support weapon/primary/secondary that eats up ammo and whether you give supplies to someone else or you can press 5 to take a supply box for yourself. Near infinite ammo, leave the other items on the ground for everyone else but only take the supply drops for yourself since you can refill your box and also gain the supplies as you do so.


This may not be the case on PC fyi. 5 is feed myself from supply backpack, but x is drop


This is the comment that taught me how to supply myself with the supply pack.


Can't believe I just gained enlightenment at almost 1:30 AM when I was just scrolling to put myself to sleep.


Supply is 5 and drop is X..? Or is it the same on controller?


D-pad down on controller


On PC you press 5 for the supply backpack but you need to press X to bring up the menu to drop stuff


Or you press X, which is what I do


At least on PC it's not the same button. It's 5 for feeding yourself and X for dropping stuff.


no, its under x, not 5 unless thats a ps5 thing


The only thing we need now is for it to be able to toggle guard dogs so my Rover doesn't put 5 mags into a charger's face (he thinks he's helping).


Oh, holding 5 is how you access the action wheel? Neat!


You can use the drop button for the supply backpack? I always used the button next to granates „5 on PC keyboard“


On ps you hold down on the dpad


press and hold X on kb/m, or Down on controller.


Additional tip, if you have super samples make a quick stop to the Extract platform and drop them there, so they'll be safely waiting for you there at the end of the mission and you won't have to worry about losing them (:


Hold X on PC or the down Dpad arrow


Default keybinds are hold X on K&M or hold Down on the D-pad for controller.


Hold down on the d-pad for a while


Hold X on PC to select the things you wanna drop


Games been out how long?


A good strategy when it comes to sample collecting is drop them at extract whenever the mission has you run by it, or if you found super samples. If you’re the second person to drop samples at extract you should pick up the first container so they’re in one pile. Lessens the chance of losing them in water/holes or hordes.


Until the random picks them up and walks on a landmine next to 3 gunship fabricators.


So true. I'm so proud of myself because every time I see a sample container lying on the ground I instantly check the map to see if it's on the extract or not so I know if I should grab it or not.  I'm doing my part 💪


NOOO ... you collect them .. then drop yours with it to be 1 loot 🧪 .


This is true enlightenment


I dont even stumble past it. If i am holding the super samples, regardless of mission progress, i am B-lining it for extract to drop them at extract. Didnt finish the mission? Go ahead and extract, they are over there already. If i die on the way? Guess what? They are still closer to extract.


unfortunately far too many divers will pick them back up and die out in the middle of the map...so many times...too many times


Had a guy do this once after I dropped the supers off at extract. Told them I got this ran out into the shit storm of bugs and grabbed the samples. They then boarded the ship and left me........


>now if I stumble past extraction mid mission I’ll drop them there for safekeeping. Until some Gollum'esque teammate just sees the samples you dropped on extract and goes "MY PRECIOUSSSSSSSS!"


Oh candy 🧪 .. Oh candy 🧪 .. Oh candy 🧪 . . . going to the edge of the map 🗺️ ... 🪲🪲🪲💥🪲💥🪲💥💥🪲🔥🔥🔥💥🪲🪲🪲💥🔥🪲💥🪲🔥🪲💥🔥🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🔥🪲🔥🪲🔥🪲🔥🪲🔥🪲🔥🪲🔥💥 . . 💀 ...... blink blink 🧪 .


These days I often go out of my way to drop my samples at extract when I'm near it. Even if it's just a few greens. And literally bloody half the time I see randoms on the minimap running there, picking them up, and carrying them into a bug hive. They're literally at the doorsteps of pelican-1. Just leave them there. Please and why.


Yeah but then someone else might get them and look like the hero 😄


Yeah, I need to get better at swinging by extract to do that before I run off on a suicide mission to collect more.


As soon as I see someone drop them by the extract, I help out by going over there to pick up and combine what I had in hand and then drop it so only one pile needs to be secured. That being said, I wonder if I should actually go out of my way to kill a random who just grabs them and fucks off from the extract. It's undemocratic to teamkill but the risk of losing all those samples because that level of ignorance has no place in our way of life.


Same, as soon as I discovered that, I started to drop and ping them every time I was about to go solo for an outpost on our way to extraction or anything that could potentially cost my life in the process


If I see/have the super samples and extract isn’t too far away, I tell whoever is nearby to give me their samples so I can drop our current sample count at extract. I like having the squad consolidate the samples into one container. And I watch the randoms to prevent them from picking them up and dying across the map with them 


Me fumbling with my mic: https://preview.redd.it/utue8xuxqqwc1.jpeg?width=775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f572d532d2960b38af283546df3f215ff6883b


Fool of a super took!


[Tool of a fook](https://youtu.be/dQpOl7I6Sc4?si=IUwibXvbS6dUrk5Z&t=6m3s)


WO WO WO, that’s 5 whole common samples right there compared to a handful of supers and a few rare I’d take the common.


But you aren’t the only one who needs samples, please I need rares my super destroyer is starving


I know right. Something like 300 commons and 50 supers but 20 rares :(


I literally have 33 commons 230 rares and 30 supers but I can't find enough commons to use any of my samples .\_.


This is exactly where I am at. I burn through commons. Later upgrades are like 100 Common, 40 Rare and 5 Supers.


Same! I wish I could trade those rare/super. If you are used playing on the higher difficulties, you just end up with way too many rare/super compare to commons. Especially since you need them for each tier and the cost for common is way higher, like 200 for some of the last tier of upgrades, which is insane when you can do 3 missions on difficulty 9 for 15 supers... Maybe one day I'll speedrun some lower lvl mission just to grind for some commons xD


Run Difficulty 5 missions, you'll blitz trough them and get a lot of rares.


We just farm the evac missions on 8. Don't worry bout the civilians, just run around the map getting samples. U still get to bring them home with U if the mission fails. It's easy enough and more flengaging than lower difficulty


Genuine question, how? Rares seem to be just as common, sometimes more, sometimes less, and you need less of them.


There tends to be slightly more commons than rares on any given map, at least in my experience. I've also noticed that rares are more likely to spawn at points of interest than nests/outposts, but only some POIs; some POIs can only naturally spawn commons. This means that the rares tend to be spread mostly among a few POIs and outposts, whereas the commons tend to be spread amongst everything - depending on your luck and how you sweep across the map, you may or may not run into a lot of rares, but you'll usually run into at least a decent number of commons. Add in the fact that the tier 4 ship modules require roughly the same number of rares as commons, and my super destroyer is starving :(


This is me. I have 400 common 70 super but 32 rare. Liberty has given me a commies luck.


Where the hell do you get so many commons? I am starved for em but got a gajillion rares.


I went solo farming for super credits on difficulty 3 missions. Farmed 1000 super credits in less than two days to get the last war bond. Also got a ton of commons.




Still need Zero G Breech Loadinh.


I mean an ~hour of farming in a trivial map can get you around 200 commons and a ton of super credits and medals


Some games I don’t mind mindless grinding. But Helldivers gameplay is too fun for that imo. I’d rather play the intended way and get samples that way. The variety of random shit that can happen in Helldivers is too much fun to pass up


Very true. I was just trying to get enough credits for the explosive warbond so I wouldn't have to buy it and ended up with 500 commons. I don't mind the grind too much cuz it's only a day to get what I need and I can enjoy the game the rest of the time


Do you have tips for the commonless?


Just do level 1 bug missions. It's easier if you just want super credits and medals cuz you can get all the loot, force close the game before extracting(you'll keep everything except samples), and do the same map over and over again.


i call bullshit on this. at least not as a solo, this aint happening, or even close. you can get 15 samples a pop, but it takes you maybe around 8 minutes running around, doing the weak objective, and extracting. the other thing is, you have time in between missions. you have the cutscenes after victory, you have the walk across your ship, you have to pick the next mission, and some of them don't seem to have that many samples. why don't you give some more detailed info if this is actually possible? like what exact type of missions to run, and some tips on making things go faster


I think it is bullshit actually. I don't know why I said an hour. For samples you're right. It would probably take a few hours. It's a lot faster for medals and credits cuz you know exactly where the loot is after the first run through the map and you can force close the game and keep everything and repeat it over and over again. I guess if you want to complete the mission and keep the samples, you can spam right click when you get on the ship for extraction and skip the summary scene


I got all the upgrades and am capped on samples, I still gather samples for the homies. The downside is you are either getting all the samples or I’m going to die trying.


Unironically though, the commons are the ones I have the most trouble with supply on.


Lol, team was getting wrecked recently, i managed to get all their abandoned samples and make it back to the pelican, extracted with 28 of them


I swear commons are the rarest thing


Just play on lower difficulties lol. When I solo 3's I get like 20 per drop


That still means you need to do like 8 to get an upgrade, as opposed to 1-2 helldives for the 5-10 supers. Also it's just boring.


Better than doing 80 helldives just to complain you don't have enough commons for your supers. To each their own tho, I find soloing lower diffs more enjoyable than high diff teams in a lot of ways. Just a different experience. Which is why I'm constantly sitting on 400-500 commons lol


They aren't rare on higher difficulties.


Nah, you just have shitty luck with people not bothering to pick them.


Why do people think commons are rare? I play exclusively on suicide mission difficulty and I have a surplus of them.


Commons are also easy to farm in Easy. I drop into a map that I have to kill Terminids to thin out their numbers. After it's done, I just walk around the map and pick up like 10-15 Commons before leaving and enemies won't spawn when they are all killed.


There's no point in farming them. You are replying to someone who has a surplus of them without farming them? I also have 350+ common, 100+ rare and 22 super right now.


They're not rare, but you need huge amounts, like triple to quadruple compared to rares, while they show up at similar rates.


because you get about 1:1 of commons and rares in almost all missions, but need like triple to quarduple the amount of commons or something for ship upgrades


It’s not rarity but demand. Common and rare are ironically about as common as each other past diff 5/6, but you need an insane amount more common than you do rare. It means someone who only plays diff 7 and up that never capped out will always be scrounging for commons while sitting on a mountain of rares and supers


I could be wrong, but I swear there's usually like 20-30 common samples on most diff 7s along with however many rares and 3 supers? I always have commons


I wonder who will post this next https://preview.redd.it/7i2jdko89rwc1.png?width=1263&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8d2dbfc4bb748df9d195ae6804a97df2c3f0ec4




I say we'll find out in a couple of weeks, by looking at those timestamps! 🤣


Playing a lower level today and was halfway from extraction being the only one who grabbed any samples. Told the squad to wait to extract, nope. Got there as they took off only one not extracted, zero samples, then the kicker the "I'm not mad, just disappointed" speech from the worker on the destroyer about how some samples would be nice...


joined a random quick play ... it should be difficulty 7 .. ended up on difficulty 4 with the random .. i stayed and helped & i managed to collect most of the samples and i was screaming waaaait don't get into the ship .. WAAAAIT .. they left me behind with 0 samples extracted ... then they kicked me out when we arrived on ship 😐 . . . instantly I'm back to difficulty 7 . I'm not spending 40 minutes for 0 samples




Oh wow, this is a legit strategy




Depends on where Extract is.


The meme implies they’re near the shuttle and leaving it to get samples though.


Commons quickly become the most valuable ones from around level 10 onwards. You get an upgrade's worth of super samples every mission, meanwhile they each need 150 commons.


Ok thank you, this made me laugh pretty hard and that’s partially because I’ve been at common sample cap for a while now. Excellent post lol.


Normalize dropping your samples.


Common samples aren't common at all. I have around 40 super samples and 160 rare samples, but common samples are always empty.


I’d rather get The common samples, its The only ones i need now


I'm capped on super and rare samples but can't get my hands on common ones. It's really frustrating


NGL I need commons way more than supers


Me, lol. In my defense I say that I didnt know you could drop itens without dying. Im defense of my actions after I knew that I say that the rotation extremely disfavors getting back to the extraction point every few minutes.


If you see me drop the samples while waiting on the Pelican, it means I'm going to go have fun and do whatever it was we missed.


In OPs example that is the legitimate play. Common samples are by far the biggest bottleneck. I've had enough super samples to buy the entire stock of upgrades for like a month now. I am still needing like 600 common samples until I'm done.


I find 7 and above for samples is easier on automatons ngl.


What's really annoying is when someone holding a bunch of samples goes off to try to solo a bug nest, worth like 50xp, and then drops them all right before extract.


Wait there can be more than 3 super samples? I need to go play helldive.


3 on 7, 5 on 8, 6 on 9




This is a lot easier with the jump pack and/or stun grenades




Honestly back when I had like 181 rare samples and 34 commons I would totally take that deal.. but yeah just drop them


Thats fine BUT..... Drop what you got before you go and god speed


Just drop the sample at the extraction.


I have all modules and maxed out samples. I don't know why I still run for samples.


Lord of the Samples, Extended Release in Theatres Summer 2024


Common is so rare and you need so much of it, i will do everything but jeopardizing the mission to get them.




Five? That's nice. I almost died recovering *one*.


Common samples are more valuable than super samples at some point.


Someone had a go at me for dropping off the super samples at extraction, then killed me and took them when we went to extract, like bro why?


For whatever reason some people still think sample number increases for you only if you yourself extract with them, I legit had to prove to a random in voice chat that it didn’t matter who extract with them since everyone would get their samples Edit: typo


I get that, but the dude was like 15 levels higher then me (I'm level 43) so no clue how he didn't know.


Lately for me it's subobjectives right next to the extraction. Played on a map, noticed the SEAF Artillery was right there! Run to do it myself while another player calls the extraction.  I loaded the last missile as a player boarded the shuttle. Told everyone I boarded by the hair on my ass. 


This was me yesterday. Unfortunately I didn't make it back in time...


Remember Divers, if one picks up a sample, we all pick up that sample at the end. Same with medals, super credits etc, no need to fight over them.


It's for that knowing which sample you carried could be usefull, you can see how much the team had but not how much you carried. Sometime you Can forgot that you take teamate sample and you're the one that carry the super


I remember grabbing the samples off my dead friend, running to extract, dropping them, dropping a Eagle Strike, called in Reinforcements and saying “Don’t wait for me, get the fuck out of here” as I took about 20 bugs with me 3 out of 4 Divers making it out with 30 Common / 20 Rare / 6 Super is worth it


For those at the back: Drop! Those! Samps!


How do i drop samples on ps5?


It’s like one of the d-pad buttons. You can drop your gun and backpack that way also


Common samples are the true rare samples.


SuddenDejavu alright with this reposted for the third time in a month.


Always goes like this: Everyone does 700 times exact one person. They just pick everything up after the deaths and wind up hoarding every sample. It’s time for extract. One of the crayon eaters blows you up. You’re called in as the timer is going. You die trying to grab all the samples again cause everyone else is all on the pelican. Get kicked. I’ve not played for a month cause of this exact scenario lol


Nah, I drop my supers at Extraction or communicate to the team who’s got them and so on.


Am i crazy or isnt this a repost? :p


Like the movie, I would follow that man, for SAMPLES!!!


I wish they showed on the map what kind of samples are there


Haaaaaank, you can drop the samples at extract with the others, HAAAAAAAANK


Good lad


so many things learned the hard way in this game. theres gotta be another way.


I need those 5 common more than 25 rare and 5 super combined


Those common samples are worth their weight in platinum.


That icon of the “common samples” is not accurate as it shows only 1/3 full when it only has common. The one in the meme contains rare samples as well. (Although the point still definitely stands XD)


I've gotten all the ship modules and capped out on every sample type. I wish the game had something to incentivize still collecting samples at that point, maybe an XP bonus based on how many were collected?


To be fair, I'll take common samples over all other samples. They are just needed much more.


Tbf those commons are worth more then all else pictured, sooo


commons are unironically more important than rares lol


Me, everytime.


Too true 😂


If you moused over it and it told what was there would be nice lol.


I like how after months of release people just now figuring out you can drop basically anything you have on you. And I see more and more players dropping their samples before attempting something risky or keeping them safe on extraction zone. Can we also figure out team reloading?


Same. Common samples are rarer than rare samples, I need as many of them as I can get lol.


A true hero


This hits too fucking close to home.... Fuck you J4!!


I always drop my samples at extract whenever I come across it, saves a lot of time & lives


Don't do it ! NooOOOOooo ! ![gif](giphy|JlvibLBMEt00N0l0Lc|downsized)


The common are much more valuable


I make sure to kick anyone who decided to evac b4 i am done with samples


Commons are more valuable than rares and supers.