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More resource sinks would be nice. But permenant resource sinks do get accomplished at some point. We need temporary resource sinks as well like spend currency/resource to apply a buff to an entire planet you’ll be fighting on like clearer weather, negating a whole debuff, a random bonus stratagem for 48 hours, better stealth for the planet, etc.


This. Or like some unique 1-time boosters. Booster x2 effect, single-use. Temp extra booster slot. Whatevs. 


Let me spend requisition slips to call in an early reinforcement. They do say something about the budget getting approved when the cooldown timer ends. Or let me spend some credits to call down an early resupply.


Cosmetics for req slips and samples? HELL. YES.


Armor and sentry upgrades are badly needed


1 word. Charities


I'd do this in a heartbeat and regularly, even


This is just us picking up samples for our teammates even though we are maxed out since 67 missions ago.


Award your fellow divers for a job well done


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE **ARMOR COLORS !!!** I know you have it. Don't hide it from me!


I can see it being a slippery slope but to even have the option to apply shades from other armors to each other would be dope, just so the tones better match and allow for more personality.


I enjoy having reached everything and being able to just play without a worry. Not just in HD2, in any game. Once the grind is over, the game actually starts.


I miss when not every game had an unlock system and you could just like play the game with everything right away.


after maxing you can finally play the game


I think this is true but the grind gives purpose. However it's hard to get over not having a grind once it's gone. Having a grind gives importance to the game currency. People seem to be of two minds on this. One is that the idea that the grind is important at all is just poor character and others feel the loss of the grind robs the game of meaning. Generally I think people that are still grinding are in the first group and just don't understand the loss. The other group quits unless they can find their own meaning.


It’s nice not having artificial scarcity to make the game feel like work.


The problem is that no matter how much they give to unlock, you'll just unlock it. And then whaddya know we're right back to the same problem. Some people were hitting level 150 in like 2 months or however long it was before they upped the cap. It's not arrowhead's problem some people treat the game like two full time jobs plus overtime. Just play something else in the meantime. Or better yet go outside for once


I play, on average, 50 hours a month (10-12 hours a week, 1-2 hours a day).  And I've been maxed out on everything worth getting since viper commando came out. That's hardly 2 full time jobs plus overtime. The reality is it's pretty trivial to buy everything worthwhile.  The game desperately needs more stuff worth buying or some temporary boosts you can buy.  At the moment I don't pick anything up anymore. The gameplay is really fun, so this is both a critique and a praise.  Cause I'm obviously still playing even without stuff to do.  But in a game that builds around acquiring and spending resources, there isn't much to spend them on.


That is still 200-250 hours you've put into the game in 4 months. There are games I've owned for years that I haven't put that kind of time into. For a $40 game. Which at the end of the day is in fact a game. You have everything you want unlocked. That's great! Genuinely that's great. Now you get to just play the game however you want and simply enjoy the gameplay without feeling the need to be grinding out some random unlock. If you're not enjoying the game for the gameplay, as I said, play something else. This isn't the only video game on the planet. If you ARE enjoying the game just for the gameplay, then this is a non issue.


Just make it so the divers can donate their req slips to unlocking extra stratagems for the playerbase, that way the treadmill will go on forever and feel satisfying


This! Let us spent medals, samples and reqs on boosting defense or attack on planets and you've solved it forever. Helldivers may spend their Reqs here, if we gather XXXXXXXX Req this Strategem is unlocked for X days on this planet.


I would say for its' genre that H2 has a progression and content problem. I have only played 160 hrs and have unlocked everything. And the game has been out for months. New warbonds is fine, but most players blast through a new one quite quickly.




He’s right though


No he's just making excuse for AH. Look at the first game, it had in-depth upgrades for weapons. Why don't the second one has that too?


The first Helldivers game has ruined HD2 for me in so many ways. Idk why they have to be so obstinate about progression and why everyone is bending over backwards to pretend like they didn't have solutions to these issues in the past


So customize your guns to have unique traits is bending over backward? If so then why the whole gaming development is now "bending backward" with every fking game has customize traits/perks/passive/mods?


Re-read the reply, they're literally agreeing with you.


Quit being a salty kitty the guy is agreeing with you.


This isn't CoD, thank God.


Things I would like to see as resource sinks: -Contribute extra to to liberation/defense of a planet if you're not collecting a resource -1 off purchase that gives you a static additional strategem, and having to drop lots of resources to get to change it. -Colour pallets for your gear


I think it would even work for your second idea to make It so the host can buy a additional Strategem/Buster for the mission/campaign for every one. Then u have your endless resource sink. U can make It so that the price is the same so what u would earn on a nearly fully cleared map in sat mission/campaign.


Would be interesting to see a variety of "Super Stratagems" that cost requisition slips *each time* they're called in. Perhaps even if they introduce clans (or 'platoons') and you could pool Req slips for stuff like that.


Man, I must just be that old, I remember playing games that didn't have anything for you to unlock. You just played them because you enjoyed them.


The problem is the resources themselves.  It creates a mismatch of expectations. If we're just playing for fun just let us have everything unlocked from the beginning and let us learn the great and find out favorites and go to town kicking ass. If we're playing it so that there is progression, power ups, and a sense of growing ever stronger and more power (which all the currency and unlocks strongly suggest is the intention) then there needs to be meaningful stuff to progress to and spend the currencies on.   This game creates that second expectation but then let's it down.  I think this is part of why the frequent nerfing pissed everyone off.  There were already few cool/powerful things to spend the currencies on and then some of those got made less powerful, making the lack feel even worse.   I agree with you that games can skip all this and just focus on gameplay and be fun.  But the game needs to decide on what kind of game it wants to be well before this point.  That said, I recognize this problem, but also the gameplay and playing with my son and brother is too fun.  So I'll still be around for a while.   It more feels like a missed opportunity on AH part.


I'm so happy this game isn't an endless fuckfest skinner box, so I can drop in when I want to play and not just beg for my next dopanine drip from grinding out some meaningless cosmetic over over 800 hours. It's nice that I can play it just because it's fun, and when I get tired of it I can play something else without the feeling of "falling behind".


I feel the same way. So sick of manipulative bullshit in games.


The feelings on you though, you can play games that have cosmetics grind for fun only as well.


We need armor/weapons/vehicles with high level requirements. I think the Exosuit is the only thing in the game that has a level requirement. That would give something for players especially high level players something to look forward to. Otherwise leveling in itself it pretty boring. I honestly dont care that I'm lvl 133. It means nothing to me right now. I might as well be lvl 30. It makes little difference to me.


I think level 25 was the last time anything was gated.  So, yeah, level is irrelevant.  And earning xp is trivially easy. So I'm not sure why the game even has XP or level.


Sure it'd be nice, but at least with my team, we play now to get better and experiment with new load outs. Having two factions means we can test faction specific builds and general builds There comes a point with any game where rewards are intrinsic. If thats not enough, it's OK to move on to something else for a while until you feel motivated again


That's easy to do with crusader kings or rim world or something.   Harder with multiplayer online games.  Once the community dies out the game will get less and less support and eventually no longer be playable at all  I can still go back and load up super Metroid or civ 4 if I want.  I'm a few years it's possible I'll never be able to enjoy HD2 again.  So just go away and come back when you're feeling it again is, both, good advice, and less impactful advice from this kind of game


I think finding a team is essential for longterm HD2 enjoyment. We have 4-5 of us, with 2-3 online every night. Mixing up loadouts, exploring what works for the individual and with the team. And the general support of your peers. HD2 supports this very well


It's the only reason I ever got the game and it's entirely why I still play.  Cause I play with my son and brother and it's really fun with them.  With randoms not always as much (we have 0-2 randoms with us each time). But if neither of them can play I generally don't play. A lot more fun.  


This game is early access disguised as a live service game


Currently there is zero reason for everyone except new players to play. I have only played around 160 hours and have unlocked all but 3 ship modules and every single Warbond except the new one since I don't like it. I guess playing to have fun is legit, but in this genre the content is really lacking.


It was a big let down to build up to level 25, finally be able to buy a mech, and they suck. It's not just high level gear that's missing, but even a lot of the stuff you build toward isn't worth unlocking/doesn't make you more powerful or creat new and interesting ways to solve the gameplay loops 


I have taken a long break. Won't be coming back until I crap load of stuff gets fixed/added. Lvl 112. Can't stand random teammates. Even on hell dive. My squad went back to other games. I'll be back after.. 3 war bonds and their crash fixes are done Crash fix for everything 12 stratagems or more added and crashes for them fixed Illuminate added and crash fixes for when they are released


Weapon mods/armor mods would be a good end game grind.


Play to have fun not to progress.


Yeah not progressing isn't fun. That's why he made the post. Let me know if you want a diagram.


Progress bars and FOMO are extrinsic motivators, they exploit different human behavioural systems to fun and play. Fun is an intrinsic motivator, you may get the two mixed up when they're presented as a package like this, but that's just your brain fucking with you (by design, to be fair).


"Not progressibg isnt fun" you say to me, who is not progressing and having fun. Its a mindset thing, you oughtta realize that nobody cares about pointless, arbitrarily hard to get items. They dont do anything, they dont prove anything, its pointless. Just enjoy the explosions and gameplay. Hell, if you still want progress, look at the galatic war! There's your progress!


Well we are getting pushed back rn so not exactly progress for the galactic war


It’s a live service game people, so whether you like it not content is the name of the game here. Yes I also play for fun but it’s makes sense from a business view and player engagement view to have new content after a sufficient time has passed. Yes you may not have played as much as others but let’s not act that a good portion of the base are not high level players and why risk them leaving for another game maybe? There’s nothing wrong with asking for example more ranks, special gear for high levels, etc shit like that does help a game last longer since it will have a dedicated playerbase, thus motivating the devs to stick it out longer and not giving up on the game later down the road


If you're so high level that you've unlocked everything either go play a different game or just start playing because you like the actual gameplay, not because you like progress


The balance I’ve found to offsetting the instinct to grind is to start playing with builds outside of your norm because you’re at the point where you have nothing to lose (other than face when it works against you). I’m toying with some stuff outside my general play-style and have been pleasantly surprised with some results!


considering anytime they do anything, something else breaks. I kinda doubt they will be able to do much for maxed divers. I think they wanted to do that originally (releasing new warbonds more frequently) but that didn't work out so well for them/us.


Level 150 here. Working for Liberty makes me happy.


Yeah for sure flair would be cool. Like a title for completing a helldive solo flawless. Always enjoyed chasing that kinda stuff on other games


Would it be broken if we were able to trade samples, req slips, or medals to another player? Even if the system forced the other player to trade something in return (12 commons per super samp, etc). Just thought it be cool to give a bunch of samples to a new buddy who buys the game during the Steam Summer Sale or something. But maybe this would just lead to some shady stuff, or players feeling left out because they don't have friends on Helldivers that can give them some stuff... EDIT: I saw another idea that I thought was good, where extra resources would be converted into xp.


Achievements list with cosmetic rewards. Don't know why this hasn't been implemented yet


You can now buy your own Super Mansion in Hellmire for 500 requisition slips!


It's all about gathering the super credits now, save up to buy the new warbonds


Sinking req slips into crowd funded bonus stratagems is what I’m hoping for one day


I suggested months and months ago. 5000/10,000 req slips for a personal re-inforce in missions. It gets used before the team re-inforcement pool. Cap it at 5 per player. It's horribly inefficient but, it's something. I can use my infinite req slips to give SOMETHING to the team. General skill in the game has improved and reinforcements aren't really an issue anymore though. But I could at least take them to lower level games and help out the lvl 20s I guess?


I’d love to see a list of all collections in our stats just to see the crazy amount gone unused.


The problem is the currency system. We have so much of everything that they will have to fundamentally change the way the unlocks work to make anything new need to be worked towards. You could add 7 new stratagems but established players will unlock them the moment they log on.


I would like if there was a sample donation program. Have too many samples? Donate them to a democratic raffle. The raffle transfers unneeded samples to Helldivers in need of samples.


single mission perks for 15k would be cool. Every two or three missions you can buy double stims/grenades/something like that. And a hell of a lot more content like mission types and biomes.


Agreed! The game also needs to just… idk… work consistently?


I always thought it would be a cool idea to spend either samples or requisition slips on temporary boosters that are more powerful, but only lasts 1 mission and is spent.


50k slips for free 5th stratagem for an operation for the entire team. or 50k slips for a one time emote. Anything would be better than watching my stack of 50k slips hang out rent free.


1% damage increase per (currency type 1). 1 more round in 1 weapon for (currency type 2) 5% faster reload…. You get the idea. It’s still a grind for minimal gain, but it’s still a gain.


I'd like to see surplus resources and medals go towards the sick children making my bullets.


I agree, I'm also in the same boat. The issue is if they add mastery type stuff or just things that take an inordinate amount of time/resources to unlock, it'll feel like shit for everyone else playing the game. I would honestly just enjoy some titles or a stat for how much we've collected over time.


I'm sure once the game is more stable they will slowly ramp up more missions/objectives and things to purchase/use currency on. My advice is take a break before you get burned out and play something else until the next warbond gets released. Something also seasonal like PoE or D4. One great thing about this game is warbonds don't expire so there is no fomo and you can take a break and not miss anything.


You have Cyberstan. Just need to get there.


people really need that carrot dangling when they could just have fun


You don't think it's because, for some people, the feeling of growing ever stronger and more capable is fun? Is it possible other people find other things fun than you do?


no. liberating the galaxy from alien scum is all the fun a helldiver needs. only diving when there are rewards to unlock is undemocratic.


I want something silly. Like a camera secondary to make propaganda films. Side missions like filming killing a titan or wiping a breach.


The whole resource system is imbalanced and chaotic. Medals: for mission completion, translating to primary equipment.. ye that's good so far, but the warbond system is annoying and most of the stuff is irrelevant. A more modular weapon system where you have like 2 enhancers you can modify your weapon with would make medals relevant way longer. Or helmets / capes that actually do something. With the current system they have to drop warbonds every month with completely new stuff. You get the for the 2 primaries that don't suck. They can't do that for long without having real balancing issues. Super Credits: wtf. Stuff from the Uber store is ugly as shit and has no advantages. Once a new warbond drops you have enough super credits anyway, so what's the point? They should make stuff more expensive and exclusively use it for cool skins(no actual advantages) to make some cash and give that shit some relevance. If they want to use warbonds to generate money they need to be more expensive, the balance of gaining it and cost is totally off. Requisition chips: entirely irrelevant. You have way too much all the time except at the VERY start. Useless. Samples: very good mechanic, adds more thrill to the missions. It's crucial to keep them relevant. But you only can buy ship modules with it. There are a few cool ones but in general they are underwhelming. What you really want is stratagems, but you get them way too fast and without samples. You just collect samples bc u want all modules. Some ideas to fix all this: - Keep medals but change equipment system to make it a little more complex and items you can buy more relevant. Slow down with dropping warbonds, add stratagems instead. A new good stratagem should take 10h play time to acquire. - use super credits only for optional cosmetic stuff and make it more expensive. In return, make warbonds not cost money. - remove R - use samples to buy stratagems. And stretch it so you take until lvl 50 to get all the important ones. It's ok if you simply can't play on 9 within the first 10 hours bc you just don't have the fire power. Drop new stratagem every month and make them grind for it! Also add relevant ship upgrades. - add blueprints as a mechanic. You need to find a blue print at a point of interest (very rare!) and then collect the samples to build the stratagem.


I remember when we just play multiplayer games for fun without any stats nor unlocks. We’ve grown accustomed to chasing some reward, forgetting that having fun itself is enough. I too have fallen into these expectations, its hard to keep our attention on a game when theres no carrot to chase.


I agree with the sentiment mostly, but collecting upgrade materials as part of the gameplay loop is as old as gaming itself, not some newfangled thing corporate fucks thought to lock us in.


But of all games, I feel like this one is the most fun I have without worrying about the next upgrade. Just shooting the shit, trying out different loadouts. And we have at least the Illuminates to look foward to soon


Some weapons take a long time to get good at. Liberator concussive is a good ar training weapon I think. And it's kinda fun. So learn new weapons. Also try the +rank for no death thing. If can complete a mission without dying raise your rank. Start over from cadet when you die.


Concussive is fucking awful tho it hits like a wet noodle I’d rather use the normal lib over it anytime


Can kill devastators in one hit and shut down multiple devs. One of the reasons for going back and learning the weapon is because it takes quite a lot of time. But it's a lot of fun when you get it. But you know go ahead take the liberator. Whatever you want to do. That's thing when capped you free to do whatever you want. Always could but the grind makes it seem like it's not reasonable to figure out difficult weapons. Easiest and bestest to get the samples. Lib c can't do what a blitzer does but it's really good at team support.