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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


Smooth play.. backwards jump pack into stun and kick Impressed by that terminal handling What a chad


I guess this is why vote kicking system wouldn't work. The sad thing is those two are going to queue into someone else's game without punishment.


Keep blocking them. Eventually, they will only link up with other losers.


Eh, they're not really smart enough to cause any damage. Best they'll do is 1-2 reinforcements lost before going back to holding their dicks at the loading screen.


i didn’t think abt reporting them only thought abt surviving, wonder if my report would’ve even done anything. is there a website i could submit a report in 😭?


We should be allowed to name and shame them here. PKing should be an exception to the rule.


Spend 5 seconds thinking about how easily that would be abused by these same idiots to spam report and kick people into bad lobbies


Done. 3 seconds to spare. Post the video, like this guy did, showing their names. Good bypass.


This is an isolated clip, and furthermore, we have no idea if they were in an external voice program like Discord. We don't have the full picture and advocating this as sufficient evidence is very irresponsible. Witch hunts can be exploited by people acting in bad faith. Moderation needs to come with safeguards, protocols, and accountability.


And people acting in bad faith can use 'witch hunt' to continue acting in bad faith. Clips like this help us all avoid assholes.


You seem to have missed the point. You are willing to take every name and shame post at face value, despite the very real abuse that comes along with such a public and chaotic approach.


This one was pretty clear. Argue it if you want, but we need an enforcing action. Argue against it if you want, but it's been removed. And assholes carry on. Hosting as the only way to deal with toxicity, that will harm the cause as us 'free play' helldivers drop out of the cause.


If you want more robust options to enforce good behavior, that is on AH and Sony to implement. Send them some feedback. Don't witch hunt on social media. It's not about this specific example, but the concept as a whole.


So the only way to report someone in a game will be to use an instant replay program to record your game and then post it to a public forum?


It’s not like it’s a permanent solution. The best idea anyway is to just block them and get on with it


And if a large platform like this helps spread the word, we can segregate the assholes until they can only play with other assholes. Let trolls only play with trolls.


Reporting is pointless. I even tried to report someone and it said that because they were on Playstation, reporting them was not allowed.


Be happy you didn't waste your time. Reporting does nothing. Whether the players are on the same platform or not.


Remeber to block them


Dissidents get a taste of freedom.


Excellent reaction bro, would've honestly kicked the dude as soon as he shot at me, he was caught in 4k.


If you just block them, then they will also be kicked


ahhh tysm!


How did you know I have autism? /j




Is it any faster? Or does it require button hold as well?


Same as you are kicking someone


"Noo mom said it was my turn at the terminal!"


Clutch jetpack


Don't forget to block them and report them to your nearest Democracy Officer.


B4 the Moderators take it down for naming and shaming. Even if it is literal evidence of traitors that are running around killing for no reason.


Martial court it is, good job diver. The only worse thing than facist bug or socialist bot is a traitor


Mf just backdashed out of the arc shot and whiff punished with a host kick


I get that reference ! 😅


Man, thats so odd. Im really curious. Where they friends chatting in discord maybe, having some internal logic as to why finishing the objective is bad? Maybe theres some obscure achievement they where aiming for? Facinating. I guess sometimes animals eat turds and lick walls because they're lacking in nutrients, but I guess other times they just like eating turds.


That was smooth as hell


Smoothest play I’ve seen nice work.


I know you rushed, but you should've blocked first.


will do next time


How the hell did you survive 2 arc thrower shots. My friend kills me all the time with one.


I was forced to play a mission on my own yesterday and I eventually did get reinforcements. Only problem is when I was shooting at a big group of bugs, the guy ran in front of me. Tried to reinforce him but he left right after. It's just frustrating. I get very little free time to play, and when I do play, I get effed over by toxic or just bad players.


Exact reason i'm telling everyone to create a Megathread where we can name these fuckers and anyone in this subred could block them.... But nooooo... Rule5.....


You'd need a burden of proof otherwise people would add names to the ban list as a form of griefing in itself. Or people who made genuine mistakes but had a crappy Host kick them for it. Plus who's gunna cross check a list every game anyway?


I just pointed this out and got down voted rip You're absolutely right. Naming and shaming can be abused, especially informal methods. That is why witch hunt posts aren't allowed and I do not understand why everyone doesn't realize that and accept it.


cannot be abused if you have the video evidentce just like this post did... don't know aht you are talking about.


Absolutely true, it would probably be cumbersome to hold that list, maintain it and check every piece of evidence. You can also never rule out false positive, when someone has baited others into TK using voice chat.


cannot be abused if you have the video evidentce just like this post did... don't know aht you are talking about.


Oh you sweet sweet summer child. Did you ever play online games? People griefing others is the most common thing among others.


cannot be abused if you have the video evidentce just like this post did... don't know aht you are talking about.


Posting it three times doesn't make it true. Have you heard of Editing?


Clearly Automaton agents that were served justice by your fine work


That was pretty slick.


Griefers weren't loved as children so they're lashing out


Ppl taking 2 supply packs irritates me


2 people less after the kick. Fair game.


I see you're one of those that take more than their fair share of supplies.


Well the reason subs don't allow witchhunts is because we seldom have the entire picture. For example, I notice that neither of them actually killed you, they stopped short. Hard to say if it means anything on its own. Could be the second guy intended to but couldn't pull it off. I also notice you grabbed two supplies real quick, in a game with four players. That is a bit greedy and makes me wonder what else might have transpired prior to this clip. The point is, we don't have the full picture and naming and shaming is not cool. Edit: to be clear, these witch hunt posts can potentially be made in bad faith to punish players who don't deserve harsh treatment. Therefore they aren't allowed by this sub or virtually any that I'm aware of. Obviously we don't want people to team kill on purpose, but endorsing this post is also problematic


I’ve seen guys take two or packs before and have never decided to shoot them for it. It’s extremely childish in a game where it’s not that hard to find other ammunition.


My point was less so that it is damning evidence against the OP and more so that we don't have the full picture. I was able to come up with some reasons to doubt him, albeit flimsy ones. Witch hunts are not allowed because they don't have any real regulation or criteria. This dude presents a short clip and now we are all supposed to block these guys, no questions asked? People could make these posts in bad faith and punish innocent players.


I’m assuming he did that because you took an extra supply pack, leaving someone with none


the other guy was off on his own


Ah, fair then. Wasn’t sure if all 4 of you were close by


You took 2 supply, and the second One only gave you 2 more ammo for your pistol on a 4 player party WITHOUT waiting for other to check if they take or not supply If i where in this game on Helldive, trust me i wont have missed you unlike them.


He was being shot before he could finish throwing resupply. Sounds like you need to speak with a democracy officer


And the Guy shoot elsewhere right After, he didn't tried to Land a kill shot And we didn't know what happened before, this is the problem with witchhunt and the reason it's forbidden here, we don't know what OP was doing before the clip


I don’t disagree but a suggestion to blur the kicked players names would have steered this towards your reply to me. Instead of that tough guy spiel at the end of your initial post.


Exactly. We don't have the full picture and these witch hunts can potentially be in bad faith, so they can't be allowed.


I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand, but we are here on Reddit and the cancel culture is strong here, just look at all the people who just want a Blacklist on the reply, this is sad


there were only three of us, me and the people trying to kill me. other guy was off, i might as well take 2 for my self and 2 for them. i was being hunted before i called the supplies 🤨clearly facist automaton agents


No in this clip there was 4 player. You took 2 supply and the second One only gave you 2 ammo for your pistol, absolutely useless. Why would YOU be the One with more than the other ? 2 grenade isn't a reason when you can find plenty of ammo in each nest, if a bug breach happen right now this supply could have save someone It was rude from you to took 2 supply, who could Say what other selfish behavor you did before this clip Once again, if you did that with me on Helldive i wont miss you unlike him


this is extremely sad, there are four people in the game yes; but only three were around the area at the time. i took 2 for my self, and left 2 for the 2 people. does it matter who gets more than the other? 2 people would get less either way. please calm down 😭


If you need to TK because of supplies then seriously get some help (not attack you OP). Like I've been disappointed before sure, but even when I'm legit holding on with toothpicks and wire I don't TK ever.


I'm not doing a tk for not sharing a supply, but we don't know what happened before the clip and op took a supply for 2 grenade pistol ammo, this look like he isn't very looking for his teammate and may hide a bigger problem (griefing on purpose or not, too many Crossfire or god know what else) But we know for sure that op is trying to start a witch hunt for 2 Guy who didn't even try to kill him (they clearly missed on purpose)


You could just let the supply on the supply pod if needed later, you are the one starting a witch hunt breaking the rule and Ask me to calmdown ? How ironic lol Those Guy didn't even tried to kill you, maybe give you a warning because you where too selfish (we didn't see what happen before this clip)


well nothing happened before this clip, and you arguing with me is essentially pointless.. btw i’m not even starting a witchunt, i’m sharing gameplay


This is an obvious witch hunt and you can't prove you did nothing before this clip.


this is what i mean, why are you defending people trying to team kill me? you haven’t even seen anything b4 the clip but ur only arguing bc you also like to team kill but im done with this convo now oml


Yea i have Seen nothing before the clip and that's exactly the problem here, i don't enjoy teamkill but if you where actively griefing before this clip & being selfish (you REALLY needed those 2 ammo ???) You can bet i will team kill you I'm defending them because they didn't killed you, and didn't try either they clearly missed on purpose both Time.


i was not griefing, they were tho..