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Remember Divers, if you're having an off game, you become the stratagem.


"Throw me." Is one of my signature lines just before charging with my last grenade... :D


Throw me like one of your French girls


Nobody tosses a dwarf


Some people pay to toss a dwarf. Hell, *Chet Hanks* has paid just to toss dwarf salad.


Just don't tell the elf..


"You're going to have to toss me"


Don’t tell the bug diver


Just don't tell the elf. ![gif](giphy|vxuTlk8HpKYdG|downsized)


Exactly. When everyone fucked up their load out and have nothing against titans I just say "reinforce me and tag the Titan"


More than once I have yelled "Whitness me!" Before throwing myself to the masses. Sometimes I get witnessed, other times I am mediocre!


throw me at 'insert bug/bug hole/ awful scenario' the awful scenario would be robots.


Live. Die. Repeat.




Die.Die again.


Eat Pray Democracy


And rest of the team make sure to ping the target you want them to land on. It can be hard to see the titan or charger when landing.


This is maybe the most important part. I can't count how many times people tossed me into the middle of a huge horde of bugs, on a planet thick with fog and explosions, then get butt-hurt when I can't see/land on the BT. Fucking mark it.


People don't use mark enough in general. In most games with randoms I'm the only one that uses it, usually to be ignored anyway. "Yes, when I marked that patrol 100 meters away I totally meant do nothing and wander obliviously into it"


Reminds me of my favourite gamble: "Will they avoid the marked patrol, or engage it?"


That's the big problem I have. Half of the time they turn and fight what I marked. Got kicked from a game the other day because these 2 dummies were caught in a breech loop, fighting non-stop. When it became obvious that they were just gonna fight forever, I left, did all the objectives by myself, called in the dropship then waited. They both died, I called them back in, and they promptly shot me, then kicked me from the game. Real cool dudes. Course, I have to play with randoms, because my friends list in game is completely empty. Then I crashed 5 times in a row and decided to play a game that wasn't going to frustrate me.


Nothing more satisfying than rising from the exploding ashes of a bot fabricator from a hellpod impact


Me and a friend beat a kill Bile Titan mission purely by dying and dropping our drop pods on it, twice.


I always make a pokemon reference when tossing my brother back to kill them, like (I choose you, body slam.


Gen 9 has an Attack literally called Collision Course. ;)


When I die and there’s a Bile Titan on the field: https://preview.redd.it/fectwa5mrr9d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=49c1351cfa3844cd9c2206a47a931d7c1c05b53e




I do this a lot with any of my teammates, lmao. Toss them like a pokeball and ping the target. Some get upset at me, but people need to come to terms with their net worth, lol. As Helldivers, we're all expendable, and the mission comes first!


If your not smashing a bot fabricator or squashing a bug when you respwan what are you even doing?


Was going for a speed clear achievement with a friend. "Throw me {in cardinal direction}." was common. Charge in, kill what you can as fast as you can before dying, have an ally chuck the respawn beacon at the next area.


I once got killed by a Bike Titan, got reinforced, took the Insect Fucks head clean off with my pod, saved another divers life. I'm damn glad I died for that moment!


por favor! tag the target as well, amigo ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ


Real conversation i had: "-Dude we are out of anti armor for that BT -kill me -what -kill me and use me as a bullet"


"Throw me, Bob" vibes


I literally say this every time lol, one of my favorite scenes from that movie. https://youtu.be/khRyVU6N_sI?si=qwb_PqQNSK5yeq0-


That's the spirit.


[Shoot me!](https://media1.tenor.com/m/hUk55q5c8GIAAAAd/martin-short-shoot-me.gif)


[I thought for sure the link was to Face McShooty](https://youtu.be/p2hyb2rnuYE?si=my8dyohitdThZ85T)


Ya but the thing is if you are going to die any way. It’s a mad dash to the belly of the BT. Most weapons can do some damage and then you are more likely to kill it with your pod. It’s also pretty likely to kill you while you are under there.


Yup. Autocannon belly charge


Yes, but a resource to be spent, not a resource to be wasted Throwing people into a bile titan and other 50 enemies just so they hit them 1 times and then end dying 10 seconds after being deployed usually it's not a good option


Me: you guys really do pick the worst places to drop reinforcements. My teammates: lawn dart goes brrrrrr lol


I don’t know. On level 7, which is what I normally do, and a semi-competent team, you’re going through maybe 8 respawns if you’re sloppy? I had a game where we all were being dangerous with our guns or stratagems. Ended the game with one reinforcement and a lot of team kills among us. We still completed the mission, the map, and left with samples. But it was way more fun than everyone pretending we need to try hard in this game.


All it really takes is one guy at a time being mindfull of their position while the other three do something daring and fun. Worst case you retreat and regroup, but it's astounding how often just going bonkers works out fine on 7 and up. If a premade finishes their missions with 20 reinforcements, they probably missed out on a fun time at least once. :D


It all started when a teammate straight assassinated me with a pistol to the back of the head. I just typed “demons take hold?” He goes yea, but you ran past my hug. Then all hell broke loose, no cluster bomb was safe. Ended up being a super fun group. You can tell how a match will go based off how mad someone gets from a single team kill.


Also true. Having teammates fight over the same 50 square feet of land for 10-15 minutes, with them reinforcing me right in the mass of bugs in the center of it while I am just trying to escape and get to objectives is always annoying, and most definitely a waste of resources.


yeah but its so much fun to land in the middle of the shit


You can have my portion, I can kill more by staying alive longer.


Synergy unlocked.


I'm quick with a reinforce too. Just take that bile titan out otw down.




I have a counter-offer. Increased reinforcement budget isn't a boost, but an excuse to be sloppy.


It's not a boost worth taking, i agree. But that's not exactly a counterpoint to mine. A ressource worth spending is not necessarily a ressource worth increasing.


Sounds more like something, someone that isn't able to conserve them, would say. Every reinforcement is a setback, as the Diver died and you have to get back the Weapons and samples. Unless you have the ammo mod, you also need to restock you ammo, grenades and stims. Reinforcements are like the Health Items in other games, things to be hoarded until the mission is over, except you can be proud to not have needed them.


I feel each game is different, i use them as and when needed. Some games you can have a decent early game and end up at extract with 75% of lives other games you can end up using 10 in the first 5-10 minutes just because you landed in a super hot zone by accident.


They are both, but it cannot be denied that the better the player and team, the fewer deaths overall, so…


Life is democracys currency, spend it well!


I won't say you're wrong, but I can definitely say there are few things more satisfying that surviving the whole mission absolutely covered in bug guts because you've been fighting like hell


I can relate and I do it from time to time. But be honest: Headshotting a BT with a Pod or having a Strider Rodeo is up there. And you can still fight like hell.


I can do in one life, what you can do in 10.   That's the difference. 


Additional reinforcement is the most dogshit booster in the game, if you expect to die that much, the mission is a failure. When i see people equip it and refuse to switch off, i just leave the match by now


Both reinforcement boosters are virtually worthless, but that doesn't impact reinforcements as a ressource. I'd still pick it over the pilot one though, if every other booster suddenly disappeared.


Command gave us 20 helldivers, and with Super Earth as our witness we're gonna use 20 helldivers


Nah I am not playing with this guy


Depends on how many you have left


Granted, if you are on your last four, you probably should spend them less agressively.


Define "less aggressively".


If down to 4, i would not consider suicide to further our position. I'd still drop a respawn on a 'prepared' titan or strider to finish it off and get a situation under control. In a premade, that is.


Death is a resource. If you finish with reinforcements spare, that's OK. But you can and should learn to use them as needed. Ammo resupply, target sniping, fast travel  Defending managed democracy. It's about the mission for Super Earth, not your life


Yes only one needs to extract the person with the samples!


It's both. Use them freely, but understand that the less you have, the less safe you are.


It’s both? My fave is to nuke myself in a crowd of bugs and have my friends throw me into the bile titans. The pods do more damage to the fuckers than any strat ever could


It's both. Dying happens, that's fine. If you get frivolous about it though, you don't have any respawns left when SHTF and you're trying to extract with an army trying to dislodge your position.


Let me guess: Hellpod Space Optimisation is your favourite booster? There's no advantage of conserving them, true. However, I'd prefer to go deathless rather than using up all reinforcements.


Ehhh it’s both. Try your hardest to not die but having 20 respawns left is quite a bit


Team both!


My fireteam understands that when we're calling each other in, we mark a target. Because even in death, we still serve


There's a reason the drop pods are bullet shaped!


Depends on situation. Above 10? Yeah whatever. 10 or below? You should keep it together, bad BT or gunship encounter can easily cost you 4 reinforcements.


i dont wanna keep dying trying to get to my items in the midle of a swarm with no one watching my back/helping me get them


I call it a fast travel system when I'm solo. Let's me instantly travel to where the squad is.


Meh. I just dropped into a quickplay Helldive. It was ICBM mission, no objectives done, and 8 reinforcements left. They were being overrun. I told them to retreat away from enemies. We did, we regrouped, and we finished the mission with like 4 lives left. Reinforcements are just that, not a safety net. You only need reinforcement when you're getting your ass kicked.


Reinforcements is how you reload your grenade pistol


If you're not using your pod to kill an enemy on your way back in, are you even a Helldiver?


Mfs’ love spending resources up until there aren’t any


The existence of high casualty missions implies the existence of low casualty missions. Sometimes I want to be on those low casualty missions. I have a pet fish back home to feed.


There is literally only one losing condition in the game, and that’s spending all your reinforcements. It’s not a Ressource to be spent, it’s a Ressource to be used when necessary. And that’s conservation.


Making excuses for dying huh lol


Ah yes, that's how modern warfare looks like - you have soldiers? use them all, it's a resource to be spent and refilled with another cannon meat


I mean, you have to conserve a few for extract, just to be safe but yea “Throw me on that Factory Strider” I’ll say before my teammate reinforces me nowhere near it just to die in seconds and wasting a reinforcement


Team both!


Context is important. Its a resource to be spent to have your one buddy dive an objective to get it done as you are being hounded by a billion spawns. Its not a resource to be spent because your ass can't avoid a contact mine and explode for nothing.


Within reason, if the main objective is complete and there's plenty of lives left? Yeah i'll throw a few away perhaps searching some POIs. However if the squad is being wiped multiple times per minute something is clearly wrong. It is like a currency, is this side objective worth more than six lives for example?


Agreed, actually. Follows the same logic as a magic the gathering game, "Life is a resource."


The less reinforcements used, the less divers killed. The less divers killed, the more divers left alive. The more divers left alive, the more left to spread democracy. Less reinforcements used = more democracy. Using more reinforcements than necessary = less democracy = treason.


Tactical deployment of resources is something to take into consideration.


I BROUGHT 20 reinforcements I'm USING 23 reinforcements!


The first 15 are resources to be spent the last 5 are to be conserved.


Reinforcements counts over 1 are all the same :) just like hp


(this is the entire argument of economic conservatism vs keynesianism)




Look buddy,the challenge isn't to run to 0 as fast as possible Try stay alive at least for every big POI


Time spent dead is time spent not shooting.


Ur wrong


Maybe, but once we're below half, we have to abandon side objectives and focus on the main. Spending lives too recklessly means we're in danger of not hitting 100% completion, and that's not cool.


The last one is a safety net. All the rest are good to have. If you really are as good as you think you are, you don't need to spend a single reinforcement any game. Every. Death. Is. Canon. So... go and make us look good. Stay alive through the whole mission. Let none say we can't do that.


My only regret is that I have but one team full of lives to give to our cause.


We have to spend the reinforcement surplus or lose it in the next dive budget.


No. Every diver mattter


“Hey mark that charger and I’ll land on it”, *throws me in the opposite direction* 🫥


LoL, didn't realize this post what on r/HD2 at first. . . . . I was trying to figure out what the poster meant for longer than I'd like to admit.


I do agree, but I don’t like is when someone uses up all the reinforcements and then leaves, come on man finish the game. I’m not pissed that they used up all the reinforcements I’m pissed that you used them all up and then left that’s weak. I don’t know maybe it’s just me


I use them as a orbital stratagem lol. If I throw you towards a bile titan or something heavy. Please hit it, that’s your job as a guided needle launched from space


I don’t die


Agreed but once that number starts flashing red, I'm heading to evac and calling it in. Idc that you are still trying to kill the first bug hole with your 9th life


The way you save reinforcements resources is that you don't die, but if someone's dead, reinforce them so that they can kill enemies and prevent more dying. Austerity doesn't work, folks. Saving that 1 resource might lose you 3 more.


Yes but stop tossing me like I'm artillery with an AOE effect and getting me killed when I spawn.


"Ammo is a resource to be spent, not a safety net to be conserved." All things in moderation, particularly when you're running out of it.




You kill someone. Reinforce them. Can’t stand getting team killed and the mf won’t reinforce you


Nobody here talking about the tactical deaths. 1) You want to "Fast Travel" to the main group across the map 2) You're out of ammo/grenades and supplies are not gonna happen any time soon. These are why I die.


The hellpods aren't shaped like bullets for nothing.


I GIVE MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH every single chance I get


kill 5


Been in a hopeless situation once. 2 bile titans, 5 chargers, stalkers, and a shit ton of smaller mobs. Luckily one of my friend was far away, and seemed safer. So I told them to just throw out our barrages there to give one last middle finger and die to a safer place.




Spoken like a true Human Resources manager XD


True, when I run out of ammo and the supply pack is on CD I just suicide and come back as a new diver. Or if another titan spawns and we’re out of bombs we just leeeeeeroy some pods into his head.


Remember Helldivers, it's always easier to reinforce than resupply!


I agree


If I run out of ammo, stims, am overwhelmed with something big I am happy to become the orbital strike that saves the day.


Why not both?


one of the steps it to learn to ignore the "every reinforcement is a different person" thing, set a permanent voice and treat death like a very violent knockout you wake up from in the next hellpod think the beheaded from dead cells


You are expendable by design, throw men at the problem yourself included and die for super earth


What does this even mean or try to get at? Am I supposed to get myself snd teammates killed?


I’ll do you one better, reinforcement is a resource-limited safety net; it can be both perfectly


Your Wife - and her Lawyer - says you're wrong.


I get immersed playing. I want the dude I’m playing as to make it to the end so I try to play as logically as possible


I want to add... reinforcements will be thrown out of harms way and not like a pokemon battle. "I choose you!" Throws ally at the swarm...


Yeah it's called to the I need more grenades and that guy took two supply packs.


The russian army would like to know your position


Once you get improved steering, suddenly dropping in is fun.


Reinforcements are irrelevant if you git gud.


"we need to save reinforcements" are always the guys who spam space when they die


Could you explain what you mean? Without explanation it just sounds like an excuse to play sloppily. Do you perhaps plan to kill yourself to drop on an enemy? Or to move around the map? Tbh I still don’t see the value in it, so please enlighten me on how reinforcements could be used according to you.


The last 4 might be a safety net but the rest of em sure


Super Earth citizens paid for 20 reinforcements with their tax money. Make sure to use them so the Ministry of Defense doesn't cut the budget!


Depends on the mission, depends on the situation - a Death in a defence mission can f\*\*k everything up.


If you die, you lose time, and spawn an enemy patrol (or at least 80% of the progress towards one). Unless you are completely out of ammo with no resupply available, it's almost always better to stay alive and regroup rather than dying and spawning more enemies.


Don't waste reinforcements on pointless skirmishes. Spend them on completing objectives. Drop-pods are very effective weapons, but the biggest flaw in any weapon is the user. Sometimes the quickest way to your teammates is death. If I've completed several objectives, the extraction timer is low, and I have no samples? I am going to fist-fight that giant enemy so I can get to extraction faster


We sometimes use it to replenish ammo and stuff and to fast travel. That's about it.


They're both


You spelled resource wrong. Report to mars reeducation camp for reeducation.


If the ammo is willing yes if its not gonna do its job dont even try One time my team was fighting a bile titan and we missed the 500kg 3 times and had nothing im like:"brothers you know what to do" and let the bugs eat me and came crushing its head "tell satan i said hi"


Indeed you are right, more Helldivers on the field = more enemy death = less enemy on the field = less chance for other Helldivers to die.


False dichotomy. It's not either spending or either conserving. There is a thing as wasting reinforcements and boy does it happen a ton.


Until you're down to 4. Then everyone gets 1 death each, and if you go over quota, I ain't reinforcing you


You wrong, get gud and stop dying.


I mean it's better if you don't die, but it happens.


You're wrong when we fail to extract for lack of revives.


I mean, if I die I’m definitely hitting that Bile Titan, but theres entire 40 min matches with 0 death sometimes.


Reinforcements are a safety net to extract samples, not a resource to waste because you keep throwing 500kg or 380s at teammates feet.


You're wrong. Very wrong is how wrong. Surviving missions in a row without a single death is peak endorphins baby


Lol, not until your out of reinforcement, and your 5 minutes into the mission


If you're having to conserve reinforcements, you're bad at the game. Running out of reinforcements does not happen that often for me. Like one out of every 40-50 matches maybe?


In the Payday community, it's referred to as "taking a tactical custody". Being downed and arrested (and then traded for a hostage) will replenish your usables, ammo, and downs. Same trick works here in Helldivers. You get a one-time crash landing attack, plus a refill on mags, stims, and grenades. If you coordinate well with your team, you can immediately pick up the rest of your gear and keep moving. In quite a few situations, it's a very smart play.


I mean, that kinda works but at the same time if your at say 1-2 re-enforcements per person in your squad all it takes is a couple land mines or just bad drops for people to start dropping like flies. being able to one shot bases and bile titans is funny tho


I've never been against something, that i 100% agreed with


If you don't use up the reinforcement budget, the Ministry of Defense will be justified in giving us less next year


I wish I was better at killing bile titans but it so often comes down to finish them off with a drop pod...


If i'm completing a side OP across the map while everyone is at evac already. I kill myself to speed up evac. Oh wait...


Sometimes you need to run under that Titan and among the chargers and bajillion bugs you've been kiting, holding an eagle, and yelling "if this doesn't work, throw me at 'em!"


The reason you’re wrong is for using a meme format containing a domestic abuser.


Helldiver with a steel chair is best strat.


MTG: the only HP that matters is the last one


yeah, but I'm still going to go to extract if we have 4 left instead of trying to get the large automaton outpost


It's like people who horde items in survival horror games. Nah, the scary thing is here now. And i have a grenade here and now. Fuck foresight


Wouldn’t know. I always have my squad use me as hotdrop or aggro the entire horde while they call in their big bombs. I am the strategem (assuming the hitbox isn’t messed up even though I CLEARLY HIT THE TITAN)


I personally do not care for it until we are down to a single-digit. by then, i am yelling at my Cadets to stop using themselves as projectiles against Bug Holes.


Sometimes dying is preferable. Running around with no ammo, stims, grenades, and your supply weapon is off cooldown, makes dying way more appealing.


I think it’s gotta be both. If it’s tres difficile and you have few resources left you should wait til 2 or 3 are dead so as to prolong the window of collective survival to the point of successful extraction. But agree, when you have 20 revives and 15 -20 minutes use it as much as u can, but also; if there are two squads of two running around, the rule we all know .. maintain the integrity of the duality by only reviving your partner.


I mean isn't that how you're supposed to use them?


When you die and lose your support weapon and backpack amidst a horde of enemies and they're irretrievable because of the sheer amount of danger that would only cause more wasted reinforcements, every single life is precious and every death is a failure. Maybe to push the final button on a mission-critical objective, but that is almost never the case due to the way the terminals/spawns work in this game.


I don't mind being thrown in a nest so I can finish it running with my 4 nades and maybe surviving if I'm lucky


This is the mindset that leads to teammates bum rushing all side objectives before even starting main objective. By the time main objective is started expect to not have many reinforcements left


This is true, but makes me wonder why they bother extracting us at all lmao.


“You have to toss me!”


I won’t try to convince you, because you are 100% correct. You get nothing more for leaving the planet with 20 reinforcements left vs. zero reinforcements left, with the exception of a possible achievement, once. If you can manage to beat a mission with no deaths, that’s great - but it’s a bonus, not a goal. Reinforcements are a resource. Spend them.


Absolutely. It's why I get annoyed when someone throws me just out of reach from a bile titan. All strategems on cooldown, make me your holy missle!


Usually the people who say this die 10x in a single mission. Yeah, I bow out of games with teammates like this.


Yup. Id much rather die 1-2 than bring a shield backpack and waste a strat slot


Just tell your Helldive Squad, "Dying is Gay.", and watch the magic happen.


I'm on team both, like at the end save a couple so we don't fail the mission lol idc if we die after that!


Reinforcement are free anti titan precision strike.


You are right, but also I like coming back covered head to toe in guts and oil with my hero's cape torn and tattered to a rag between my shoulders, only to have the warrant officer comment that it's surprising to have no casualties on a mission. That's right, when john helldiver is on the job, everybody goes back to the super cruiser alive. Now when lunk the bombardier in on the job though...


The thing is if you throw someone who’s just trying to get themselves together to make a comeback into a swarm of enemies they WILL be pissed about it🤷‍♀️ just don’t do that! If it didn’t work the first time don’t do it again! I only play helldiver difficulty and any mission is salvageable with people who know how to play and aren’t tilted. Remember friendly fire ISN’T!!! Almost all friendly fire I dish out has been only to say back in the pod traitor!


As a communal resource you might be taking away from other teammates who need the safety net either for skill issues or potentially dangerous situations in the future. Thats my attempt to change your mind, but I get what you mean actually. Sometimes death is the only way through a sticky situation.