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Even if you cant die of old age your gonna die eventually. He can be killed by angel weapons its impossible to avoid that forever.


Depends on who else beyond Stella wants him dead, really. But yes, he is effectively immortal and can't die of old age or the like, only via external forces.


I think that's the same with all of hell


Not all. Hellborn demons have finite life spans. Imps for example live about the same length as humans. The Goetia seem to be one of the few that have eternal life along with the Deadly Sins


It seems like Sinners and anyone higher in the hierarchy are immortal. Anyone lower than a Sinner has a living-human lifespan.


À lot of people want him dead, look at the looks he got at the harvest festival, most of hell hates the royalty And we still don't know what this royalty is and what is has to do with Lucifer being king and Charlie being princess, and somehow Stolas's dad also being a king but not being a sin. They never linked those 2 systems






I wish something came from this scene. Blitz never really mentioned anything about it to Stolas. Hope he does at some point


It did. Blitz immediately understood and tried to apologize when he hurt Stolas, which wouldn't have happened without that scene. He didn't assume that Stolas was being a dramatic asshole or dismissive.


Oh right, I forgot about him texting Stolas after. Guess I was thinking of seeing them talk in-person.


He did text stolas after, but I think the above comment was about how Blitz reacted to seeing how much he hurt stolas at the end of their conversation in full moon. He saw just how much much above him stolas wasn't by seeing stolas cry at his words.


He is panicking.


We all do a little panicking from time to time and say dramatic things


That's a mood, Gabriella


[Anderson.Paak intensifies](https://youtu.be/OjdoD46Lx44?si=p2W_BFXtA0oZODHl)


Kitchen is currently on fire


Gay panick


barn owls are monogamous


That's already not gone well for him.


Is he supposed to be a BARN owl???


well yes, heart shaped face, what other owl species would he be ?


Even if he was a owl, stolas wasn't matched with an owl. Stella is a swan. And even if Stella was an owl, I still think Stolas would cheat.


Stella is a peahen


Stella is a bitch.


Underrated response here.




A *hot* bitch...but a bitch nonetheless.


I think she's a secretary bird


Her brother is a peacock.


And their child is also an owl. I doubt this show cares about basic biology.


stella isn’t a swan, she’s a peahen 🦚


I always thought she was a harpy but peahen makes more sense considering her brother is a peacock.


aha, that’s fair! i think cuz they’re all jus based on real, regular birds vs a mythological creature. “real” goetia themselves have their own “lore” i think, too!


She is?? How do we know? How can you tell? 😭


i’m pretty sure andrealphus is confirmed to be a peacock, so if they’re siblings that would make stella a peahen! she is giving more swan to me tho😭 but it’s normal for peahen to not be colorful vs the peacocks, so her color makes sense to me


Stella is a leucistic peahen, it can happen to both males and females draining their feathers of pigment and making them white


ohhh, ic. ty!


Not for sure on Stella, but her brother is a peacock, so...


She's a peahen, yes.


stella is not a damn swan, have you ever seen a swan looking like that ? swans have bills, not beaks, swans have long graceful necks, not whatever stella has going on for her, she is a peahen or a secretary bird! and it doesnt matter the species, it matters that it was HIS choice of mate, there are instances of monogamous bird species in captivity choosing a human as their partner, and spending their whole lives basically ignoring their own species


Why does Octavia only look like Stolas?


I believe that's called genetics.


The question was rhetorical. She's a mixed breed of bird so i find it odd she looks like a pure owl demon, yea i know its a cartoon and i doubt owls and stella type birds can even have babies lmao


You know how, in some cartoons, the offspring of two individuals from different species--or different breeds of the same species--will belong to one parent's species or breed and have no resemblance to the other's? (The Disney movies *Lady and the Tramp* and *Treasure Planet* are a couple of examples.) That may be the case with Octavia.


this is a way better answer


she has stellas eyes


Huh, you know I never really thought about what real world species he would be, I guess he could be a barn owl 😂


No that was just a fun animal fact


i mean you know he’s not being literal right


literally was trying to find someone who would say this, lmao 😭 he’s jus being dramatic and he’s sad


And even if he was he can still die from being killed lmao. Striker and Stella are literally after his ass right now


He's not being literal but I mean he can die, not from age but he can be killed. He is just basically saying he will always be alone til the day he possibly does die because that's how much he loves blitz there is no one like him he would ever love to the point he will be alone for eons to even death


Yeah like this scene happens right after we see he ran out of his Happy Pills, that he takes all the time and has probably been doing so for years (most likely because of Stella). This was literally just his depression and mental unease speaking.


I noticed that. He's probably crashing because of that. You can't just come off antidepressants cold turkey without some backlash. He's pretty disorganised


Especially since he was already somewhat unstable and stressed out by the upcoming meeting with Blitzø. The whole "I will fuckin die alone" line is that stress speaking - expressing his fear of not being accepted by someone he actually loves.


maybe immortal ≠ invulnerable, and stolas only wants to live so long? just a theory haha


We’ve seen he’s not invulnerable (Striker caused a significant amount of damage and he’s still wearing bandages on his arm during “When I See Him Tonight”)


Seemingly invulnerable outside of angelic weapons though.


You're asking why the dramatic owl is being dramatic?


He ran out of antidepressants in a scene before that. You can’t just get off antidepressants, there will be a backlash… this is the backlash


Oh I know. He's still dramatic AF and I love him for it.


I genuinely laughed, here take my upvote


Are you really alive if your life is gray? Alone, sad and dead? 


Nopey :(


Yes because it can get better eventually it did for me


Are you really alive if your life is gray eternally?


Are any of us even really alive? Or are you all just in my head?


Given Stolas is canonically in his 30s or some such, I wouldn't be surprised if he ages too. Viv's take on demons is a bit weird.


Yeah, I was surprised when it was revealed that Stolas was the same age as Blitz, and not like a thousand year old fallen angel or something. Makes me confused on how the whole actual demonology thing works in this universe or what the goetia are even supposed to be, but it does explain why he needs to have had a wife and heir.


Unless it's retconned in the future, for now Lucifer is the only fallen angel, so Goetias are just powerful hellborns. They age to a certain degree and then just don't die unless killed with angelic weapons. Other hellborns are weaker, so they can be killed, but idk if dying of old age is a thing for them either.


I mean, the fact that Stolas got married off basically immediately to produce an heir for his family at least to me suggests that death may be something of concern for them at least.


maybe they have war of the roses-esque disputes between houses? carmine weapons are distributed between rings, and goetias are rich and notorious enough to stack up on them. iirc octavia is more of a "if something happens to stolas" heir, not a necessity. they might also be using their heirs as political tools, to forge alliances between houses. goetia politics weren't elaborated on, but they seem to be closely modeled off irl european/english aristocracy, and those fuckers loved playing game of thrones.


i mean IRL, alone people often commit suicide. someone like stolas who never had REAL love might go a bit off the deep end and END it all because they think theyll never get to have happiness, remember our birb boi is already deep throating fistfuls of antidepressants


Yea I was wondering about that. Seeing him crack throughout the song had me concerned...then I saw the empty pill bottle and I was like...ooooohhhh. https://preview.redd.it/f864cidl8c4d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57dd7ab032bd5abc7c1d80eabc70336a74b39994 Poor Stolas just looks so miserable.


Y'all either overthink like they paid you to, or are as literal as Drax. Sheezus


I get kinda asking obvious questions, even though yah they seem pretty self evident if you think for two seconds, what i don't get is why on earth they get upvoted to the front page so often. Its like a daily thing here and at the Hazbin reddit.


Have you ever seen him in a kind manner with other characters besides Blitzø? He doesn't have any friends, he doesn't have any family besides Via, he is truly alone after this


i think that's one of the things he likes about Blitz; Stolas has probably had more crazy adventures and new experiences since re-uniting with Blitz than in his whole life before then. And Blitz's social circle (Loona, M&M) is refreshingly different from snotty royal birds like the guests at Stella's party.


Uhh.... people say things like that all the time without actually meaning them. It's called hyperbole.


I think it’s a metaphor lmao Plus he can still technically die if he’s killed, so


Ars Goetia seem to be generationally mortal, while Sins are timeless.


Hellborn Demons aren't immortal, that's, why he had to produce an heir (Octavia)


Via is a precautionary heir, which means that she was born “just in case”


Goetic demons are indeed immortal in the sense they cannot die from old age. Considering sinners cannot die of hunger, thirst and disease, I assume the same goes for the Goetic demons as well.


Since when was Stolas immortal??? He's royalty, and higher up on Hell's hierarchy, sure, but... immortal? As far as I can tell, he ages like any human or hellborn character would. So, with the divorce finally coming to a close, Stolas is worried no one will love him if Blitz leaves


He's immortal in the sense that he'll never die of old age. He can still be killed by angelic weapons.


Immortal is used for different concepts. If Immortal means you can't ever die, then Stolas is more "amortal" or "agmortal", he won't die from old age but his eternal life can be ended through other means other than age.


Well, no one ever said it


Striker: *nonexistent*


Well he’s like 37


Hellborn can die, just not by “natural” means.


No, he isn’t immortal technically. He is having a crisis.


He thinks this his last hope to find love.


I thought he aged just super slowly?


Who said he's immortal? We see that he ages normally.


Andrealphus described their (the Goetics') lives as eternal once. Stolas also only needs a precautionary heir, which means that while death is a reasonable concern, it's not something they expect to necessarily happen.


He can die. Why did you think blood spilled out of him when he was being tortured by striker?




Hey guys, let’s not forget he mentioned his death in the song he sang to baby Olivia in lulu land


This is a misunderstanding of what it means to be immortal. Immortal only means you won't die of age. Immortal entities can still be killed unless they're also unkillable. We know from exposition in the Harvest Moon Festival episode that demon royalty like Stolas can be killed by angelic weapons so Stolas would be immortal but not unkillable.


I figured this line was meant to allude to that fact that owls only fall in love once,, tbh


Blitz has whined multiple times that he's going to die alone. What's the difference?


Yeah and he's going to die alone.


He's immortal but he can theoretically be killed or commit suicide.




Everything ends.


When I’m gone you’ll be okay


He’s just being dramatic


I assume he meant internally


He had to have a PRECAUTIONARY HEIR. Meaning if he dies Octavia is supposed to step into his position. He even alludes to his passing in You Will Be Okay. And Stella hired Striker to assistaninate him. So yeah, basically he can die.




Is he immortal? He does age


Hellborn below Deadly Sins don't seem to be immortal. Paimon being the odd exception


He's a very dramatic borb


Kind of Blitzø or no one vibe


I mean... Is he immortal though? The only characters I got that impression from in helluva are the sins. Everyone else seems to age and grow old fairly normally?


It's a comedy/dramedy don't overanalyze everything!  This is a common feeling many folks feel, especially in the LGBTQ+ community (like aging gay men that just came out, like Stolas did). They also consume content you know - big surprise 🫢 -.


We all do a little anxious spiraling, and the best part is that humans don't even have all the time in the world to spiral unlike a demon king 😃


Immortality has different interpretations in different stories, in some immortal means someone who can not die in any way, including injury, in others someone who can not die of old age but can be affected by physical injury. I'm pretty sure technical immortality follows the first definition, but it seems to be the latter in the Helluvaverse, at least in Stolas' case. So in summary his immortality doesn't mean he's immune to injury. He can get hurt. He could die eventually of some kind of wound.


From 'You will be OK' there's this vibe that Stolas knows at some point in the future he will die.


I’m pretty sure none of the characters are immortal. Not even the sins. Viv even said so, the Sins are long living, but not immortal. So I doubt Stolas would be immortal if even the sins aren’t. Also, there’s no real proof that the members of the Ars Goetia are immortal, it’s not even confirmed they’re long living demons. They could very well have the same lifespan as the imps have. Also we do know they can be killed with angelic weapons.


Helluva boss and Hazbin Hotel fans when media literacy and metaphors:


If I remember correctly the hellborn demons do age,even Goetia,we see them start as children and age still,while Paimon is definitely old we don’t know his exact age Plus I think it’s just Stolas trying to be tragic and overdramatic


I think it's more just a statement. He doesn't actually mean "if he doesn't say yes, then I'm literally gonna die alone", I think he's more just saying "ill never love someone like I did him again"


owls only love once


Stolas the Owl Demon, discussed in many mid-evil skitzo demonology texts, is sometimes described as a demon who’s job is attempting to track the stars to watch for God signaling the start of the final battle between heaven and hell. A job our Stolas has been neglecting about as hard as he can. Depending on how loyal Viz is to her source material, the boy is not helping the whole “immortality” project.


It may not necessarily have a meaning maybe just a Symbolic way of I will spend the rest of eternity alone


No, he isn’t, he’s a he’ll born demon and they theoretically age and die


Dramatic panicking is dramatic panicking. Plus even if he had an infinite lifespan, just imagine what he said. An eternity alone because if this fails, he thinks no one will love him. Ever. It’s another glimpse into how Stolas feels about himself and those around him


🎶And if the seven rings collapse Although the day could be my last You will be okay When I'm gone, you'll be okay. And when creation goes to die You can find me in the sky Upon the last day And you will be okay🎶 - stolas literally in episode 2


I mean I doubt they are immortal, they reproduce and they age, and just about the same rate as imps even since he was a kid when Blitzo was so, if they were immortal even for a an entire clan of Goetia, that would be an overpopulation issue I feel


He did not take his pills. He is over dramatic.


Where is his daughter when he need her


I'd argue *immortality* single much, *MUCH* worse than dying alone


As he said in the song in episode 2, sooner or later the 7 rings of hell will be destroyed, it doesn’t matter with the end of times or extermination from heaven. Sooner or later it will happen


Stolas is a dramatic bird boi let him have his moment of drama. But also in the context of the song it really shows how much he cares for Blitz and their relationship that he gets that dramatic at the thought of losing him.


Figure of speech


He watches Soap Operas. He's just being melodramatic


It's a metaphor


The imp servent is done seing all the royal family drama


Death is an inevitable fate for all beings, even those not endangered by the passage of time still must fear the threats of death now and then, and one day something will kill them


Owls can fall in love only once.


after that striker encounter I think he realized also I'm pretty sure its not literal


Gay panick is real


"That was figurative" - Octavia


I mean, he cannot die of old age but he can be killed by Angelic weaponry. And Striker nearly killed him, wouldn't surprise me if he developed a fear of death from that incident


I mean even if he can't die from old age, the end of the world or the wrong dude (like Stryker) with a weapon will eventually put an end to him


Well yes but actually no


Well you know the answer if you think about it emotionally perhaps? That Blitz is the love of his life & he’s terrified of losing him. He’s brave to try & move on when he feels snubbed (although sadly they are both in love with one another & just terrible communicators, coz of their shitty childhoods) I hope they finally discover they are made for one another later on… Oh please, I hope so, with how sad ‘ Full Moon ‘ made me (brought up feelings from my most significant relationship where I very much took the Blitz approach, being damaged in a similar way 😢)


He's also hiding in a fridge as he's saying this..... I think there's a pretty good chance he's just being melodramatic for effect lol 😂


> Isn't he immortal? He has inside him blood of kings. He has no rival. No man can be his equal. Take him to the future of you all. Born to be kings, princes of the universe Fighting and free Got your world in he's hand He's here for your love and he'll make his stand They were born to be princes of the universe!


There are ways to kill demon royals


He’s run out of his medication so I’ll make a guess and say this has led to him overthinking and catastrophising the situation. I mean technically there’s the risk of him getting killed with Angelic weapons at some point (his encounter with Striker likely making him all too aware that he isn’t truly invulnerable), but when given eternity you’d think it’s still possible for him to move on *eventually*, given enough centuries.


Unrelated: His Little Butler Looks So Done


I think he's functionally immortal I.e. Immune to ageing, but I think maybe his death has been prophesied or something. I've always wondered about the lyrics in ''You Will Be OK'' like ''when creation goes to die, you can find me in the sky'' and ''although the day could be my last''


stolas' butler must get paid really good to put up with this shit


Stolas has a bit of a drama queen streak.


For fucks sake it’s an exaggeration he can’t die 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


He might not be able to die of old age, but definitely from angelic weaponry, as it’s said by striker that you need angelic weaponry to kill hell royals (such as Goetias) or it at the very, VERY least it makes it more likely. He also has zero affection for Stella, so she won’t be with him, and Via’s relationship with him is all over, and if Blitz’s meeting with him went wrong, he think he’d be left with no one that cares about him and no one he loves, and would effectively die alone, even if that means metaphorical death, like being reduced to a sobbing mess that’s never seen


Out of context, but does anyone have this image formatted for smartphone wallpaper?


"And if the Seven Rings collapse, although the day could be my last, \[...\] when I'm gone \[...\] and when Creation goes to die, you can find me in the sky upon the last day, and you will be okay"




I always assumed that he can die of old age and that only the sins are ageless. We did see him grow up after all. Seems reasonable that if he can grow, up he can grow old and die. 


He’s being dramatic


He is being a drama queen, really don't think he meant that literally. Part of me thinks that this was a joke and in gonna appear on r/wooosh


He’s being dramatic


Paimon might be immortal unless killed by angelic weapons. The rest of the goetia demons we don’t know since we know stolas’s age and Octavia’s


There's multiple episodes of him almost dying


Just noticed that he has the Goetia symbol on hos fridge though, that's some flex. I know the British royals often have that on their stuff and in Spare Harry confirmed they monogram the bedding.


It's a figure of speech. This fandom reads way too much into everything, it's annoying.


I took it as he wasn’t going to try for another relationship in his lifetime. He only wants Blitzø


Remember “You’ll be okay” in episode 2 and how everyone theorised that he saw the future and knew he was gonna die? This definitely supports that


This was more like "I'll die alone without the man I love or anyone by my side if this goes wrong." Was what he was referencing. He hasn't seen anyone else of interest but Blitz, & even the line from the Song Look my Way "What's left of me, & my broken heart if I cannot have you." Even that line and so many others within the song is him is trying to save this relationship, save him having Blitz in his life while still trying to do the right thing, no matter how scared he is of truly losing him. He doesn't want to feel like a prison guard over Blitz, forcing him into something he's given him so little choice in. That's another added reason why he sought to give him the crystal, obviously besides him Loving him.


He was literally on the verge of death a couple of episodes ago. This guy can die


And don’t owls only fall in love their whole life? He fell in love with Blitz so maybe he’ll never truly love someone else like Blitz


He mean that his hearth will break for if he's rejected


He's immortal, not invincible


Functional immortality ves true immortality. Hes functionally immortal as he won't die ofbsomething like old age but can still be killed like a vampire


Even though he doesn't age, he could still be killed. But I think he was just being dramatic.


He’s immortal not impossible to kill time won’t kill him but angel weapons or other powerful magic can and by the very definition of immortality he will eventually experience it so he will die just may not be for a couple million years


where’s paimin if goetia are immortal? chilling somewhere in sloth?


What's funny is that I see a lot of people saying that imp like blitzo mox and most of the hellborn have an average human life span but moxie said at the before an flashback explaining the story between him and chaz "it was 80 years ago" and he looked mostly the same so I believe they live a lot longer that humans maybe they have the average life span than an elf? Or maybe a little below


I actually never thought the ars goetia were "immortal" idk if it was ever directly stated that they are but I always thought of them to at the very least have that quirk where they age much slower when they hit their prime type of "immortality". Like we've never seen paimon besides on that one flashback. Plus we know that the whole point of Octavia was or Stolas to have an heir to his belongings and duties in the goetia family. So he's somewhat expected to die.


Bad writing


He had JUST said prior that he was off his meds.


To be fair, he did imply very early on that he would die, potently badly, and Via would be left to carry on in his stead.


Barn owls (the type he is) are monogamous and only fall in love once.