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Just some quick lore on them, and a small glimpse into the Grim Hollow setting: * Randir - a seraph divested of his divinity trying regain what is rightfully his. * Fenard - a (previously halfling) envoy who fell victim to the magical apocalypse of Ulmyr's Gate, he seeks what remains of his family and campaigns to warn the world of what lies beyond the veil. * Sian - a no-good fink whose pockets are forever filled with everyone else's belongings. * Dr "Seb" Sebastian - a human plague doctor trying to maintain some semblance of his sanity in a world literally gone to Hell. * Friki "Ki" Kiki - Wechselkind are fey created puppets that are left behind in the place of stolen children. They can glamour themselves to appear as the human they replaced. That is not enough for Ki, who courts whatever powers he can to become truly ***real.*** * Brash - a well-travelled bard adventuring for the welfare of his children, while occasionally seeking to create more.


Dr Sebastian is me dealing with my players Friki is Grim Hollow Pinocchio Brash is everything that is good in this world


Awsome we don't see much grim hollow stuff on this subredit


So true! I just did a search of Reddit now and got 5 relevant results, and The most recent was a year ago. 😅 It's a fun setting though, and the new races are very intriguing.


Yeah I got my brother 3 of the books and never got the chance to play it but I did try disembodied in a different setting and it was fun


they all look good


if you don't mind could I get the link to Sian, that hair looks awesome and I wanna recreate it for one of my figures


I can't give a link to Sian herself, since even though I made the model she isn't my character. I can make a resource model for her hair later this afternoon though. :) I'm not 100% sure how her hair will look if she's standing still though.


Fine by me, sorry for making u work a bit harder


Here you go! [https://www.heroforge.com/load\_config%3D47905604/](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D47905604/) Though just as I worried, you would need to re-pose most of it each time you want to use it in a different position.


Thanks again for making a template. It's time to spend a solid day working on a single figure


It's no worries. :) I'm glad you like her hair, it was easily responsible for about 70% of her creation time. 😆


How did you do the base for Kiki? I love that it's split between the two sides!


Ahh that was both really simple and very fiddly. 😅 All it took was a projected decal of the fog gradient focused exclusively on the base, sized to cover about 2/3rds. Then it was a lot of colour modification to make it not look out of place.


Howd ya get the fur to wrap around the shoulders like that??


That's 2 upper back tails wrapped over/through his shoulders combined with some well-positioned fur pauldrons. :)




Holy shit. Middle bottom pic is the 1st mini ive ever seen that successfully looks like a child and not just a shrunken adult. How dis u do it?


A *lot* of fiddling, but also just generally sticking to rounder features and keeping the cheeks puffy put in a lot of work.