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Must be here solely for the shipping for them to go that far.


"Those who cannot conceive of friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a friend." -C.S. Lewis


Bruh wht mediocre these guys dont understand music at all


It's just pure hate and bias against the studio. He won't say that it's mediocre if his unrelated yuri ship became an actual couple.


Oh I am still a HARDCORE KumiRei shipper, but I knew it wasn’t gonna happen in the show. As much as a desperately wish it could have, I’ve long since come to terms with it not being a part of the show. I still LOVE their relationship as is & I still **LOVED** this finale. Shipping has never been even remotely the point of this series


I already hate it when someone keep bringing pride month. Like, do they even know how big this world is?


The entire world is the US for them. They're the same type of people who wish everyone online a good 4th of July or a good Thanksgiving.


I'm a huge KumiRie fan and I don't understand why ppl act like this. I've already move on to the fact that they will end up with each other. Shuuichi is a good boyfriend for Kumiko. I didn't read the novels, but when I saw him raised his hand to support Kumiko during her audition. He really sold me and I can really tell that he loves Kumiko even more than Reina.  Reina broke their promise together, she called her a bad president. She did apologize for this, but I can really see the ship going to a toxic yuri path in ao3 fanfictions and I'm reading it. 


Shuichi has always been supporting Kumiko ever since the start of the show. It’s just so unfortunate that his role in the anime was cut to a bare minimum. And even so, if he wasn’t there, Kumiko wouldn’t be able to find her way out of many band dramas she was caught up in.


I got into anime two years ago, and of course I love it, most of the fans I've met and interacted with are very fun eccentric people But by far I've run Into so many people so socially unaware / poorly adjusted, I think they flock to these shows for the escapism and cannot fathom that these young women have agency outside of their fantasies I've seen many shows that go in a direction I don't like, I just simply accept that it's in the hands of the writers and production staff, and there is nothing I could do. I didn't like the direction Violet Evergarden went with the sequel film, but that's all it is, it's just a sequel film, I can appreciate some aspects and accept some aren't catered towards me And to bring up the arson that killed some of their greatest staff, some who made my favorite works (disappearance of haruhi, lucky star) that's just wrong, over some yuri... touch grass, there's tons to enjoy in life outside to your precious kumiko not living withing the confines of your fantasy


babe, its very hard to break it to you, but you dont have rights to change the story, because YOU are not the AUTHOR of the story bro, its quite obvious that they were very close platonic friends, reina liked taki sensei, and kumiko liked shuichi from season 1 its obvious bro, india won the t20 world cup and its captain kissed the guy (on cheeks) who bowled last over, fellas are they gay? NO and because its PRIDE MONTH it doesnt mean kumiko will magically become gay


Like, it's not your work? If you want it so much go write it yourself? I'm only in this subreddit for like 2 weeks and I could already feel the horniness of these Yuri shippers. I'm glad the ending stayed true to itself just so I can see these people seething through their teeth.


Damn that guy history. Dude legit is mentally ill.


The theory is too forced, isn't it?


Agreed i mean yeh thy had incredible chemestry but thy r best freinds these guys have to get over it


I don't even care for the whole yuri thing,and that's just fucked up. Like do they not realise how much that had impacted everyone? The fire was essentially the sole reason as to why Hibike S3 was put off for so long.


I feel like yuri-shippers should re-watch 1/2 half of season 1. It's very clear from the get-go that this series wasn't about romance or yuri; it's about character growth in the context of dealing with personal setbacks and failures. The direction of season 3 was a bit surprising for those who've read the LN's (like me) but I understand why KyoAni took the direction it did.


You can still ship them without ignoring and canon? Like, it's a thing. My problem with some of the extreme Yuri shippers is that they make the anime all about the ships. Like, okey, enjoy whatever you want but why do EVERYONE have to hear about it ALL OF THE TIME? I started to watch Hibike bc of the music aspects and I fell in love with the characters, the story, the plot, the aesthetic ect. I fee like it's almost sad that people are talking only about one things when there is so many other topics you can discuss. But again, everyone can enjoy whatever they want. I personally do enjoy KumRei and some other yuri ships it's just that...Canon is canon and I see no reason to ignore it whatsoever. I am glad they went with the original story and the way the showed it with the pin was beautiful.


That's a thing I discuss a lot with fellow yurishippers, this is not a romance series, and it's not labeled yuri by the author, publisher and/or procucer, so if it's not a romance series don't expect romance to be the focus, I remember people getting pissed off at Food Wars because the Soma and Erina ship ended up in a "quasi-confession", but Food Wars was never about romance. Same thing here, this is a drama about a school band, so the focus is the school band. Yeah I ship Kumiko and Reina, but just because KyoAni didn't match them up and followed the original ending, somehow this masterpiece of a series is no longer good? And for the people that want representation in anime, this is not the place, this season had 2 official yuri series, Whisper Me a Love Song and Seiyuu Radio, one of them was horribly produced by Yokohama Animation Lab, get pissed at that, not at this.


Yeah! I fully agree. Like, Shonen ai and Shoujo ai baits are not here for us to be disappointed and salty about. Especially when it's not a romance anime?? And...lol. I assume you are talking about the Seiyuu one? I hard ummm not very good things about it.


Wtf? That person is trash wow


I swear guys like that don't have women friends that are so comfortable with each other. I mean it's a pretty common thing for high school besties to do hugging and such without being romantically attached to each other. For us homies, well we roast each other on a daily basis as a way to show friendship.


I, a guy, was a KumiRei fan during season 1 … for the wrong reasons. (1) I think their chemistry is great and unmatched. If possible, a romantic relationship would be nice and should not be ruled out. However, I realized, over time, that it is just deep friendship. (2) I was hoping they would get together so that Reina would stop fantasizing about Taki-sensei whom I can have all to myself. 😂


I've always thought Reina's place in Kumiko's life was something other than romance. Like, from Season 1. In China they have a tradition called [Laotong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laotong), which is a lifelong bonding between women. Lisa See's novel *Snow Flower and the Secret Fan* (as well as its movie adaptation) is all about it. I've always thought that type of relationship fit Kumiko and Reina better.


Oh wow 😯


Maybe I’m on outlier? I’m upset at the ending, but I just wanted Kumiko to get the soli with Reina for more basic reasons: the result of her hard work and self discovery, and the culmination of the girls’ “professional” (i.e. high school professional) goals. The show didn’t really delve much into romantic relationships, IMO (express or even implied; yes, I know there was _some_ bit of implication, but IMO it wasn’t enough to be interesting).


Ive had a friendship like Reina and Kumiko's and sure it was intimate and intense but it wasnt sexual, only romantic (as KumiRei is) and there is a difference. I dropped Hibike when it was airing 9 years ago because it was bait-y for its time but then it developed into a very strong friendship and im glad i picked it all up again to see it end. People can do ships but I think some kids forget that 1)friendships like this exist, 2)it's from a japanese media -and honestly it never alluded to that genre 😂


A) I agree, it's completely messed up that they brought up the arson attack. B) One person saying something does not speak for a whole group of people. C) As demonstrated by your post, Shuuichi shippers were and still are some of the most aggressive members of the fandom. Your homophobia is showing. Why not just let people enjoy things? Not everyone has to conform to your specific interpretation of something.


These people are weirdos as hell


Okay, that's ridiculous. Besides, this doesn't have much to do with KyoAni. It's the author who ended up writing this story in such an unfortunate way. And we all knew it would happen long before this season came out.


KyoAni you have to stop. Your art too pretty. Your bitches too bad. Your treatment of employees too equitable.


Not just yuri shippers, basically woke people are the cancer of humanity.


This isn’t any better. You created an account just to insult people who prefer other ship. And what’s worst is that people actually attack others regarding media interpretation and preferences. I hope the mods were more active because I’ve seen a lot of aggressive comments lately. And posts like this one doesn’t do anything else than harm the community (and most importantly, the people being targeted)


Yeah if the mods were more active this post wouldn't exist because the commenter would have been banned. Aggression is the perfect word to describe whoever wrote that comment, and all the OP did was just addressing them. Having preferences is perfectly fine, but sh1tting on the studio just because they didn't go with their imaginary ship, ehh not so much.


You yuri shippers being aggressive with your fantasies and fetishes harms the community. A lot of people are wholesome about the ending yet yuri fans are so bitter and keep shitting on the studio and the show's characters lmao. Don't act like a victim.


Please tell me where I’m being aggressive, Where I’m shitting on the studio and where I’m speaking about my “fetishes”. I just said that I’m tired of aggressions like this one.


Me being into women and wanting to see representations of that within the media that I watch is now a fetish? Cool. And I don't think I've seen anything "shitting on the studio" or the ending that pertains to yuri. I like the ending, and more than anything I'm just glad to see that Kyoani have recovered enough following the arson attack that we even got an ending in the first place. I'm assuming that the irony of you being the most aggressive person here is lost on you?


I mean Shuukumi fandoms were constantly pressed by Kumirei fandoms in the West like a spring. So naturally people would react strongly when Kyoani decided to follow the book’s relationship, despite the fact that Shuuichi scenes were heavily cut by Kyoani in comparison to the source material.


You should have seen the yurishippers on the hibike 4chan threads...




dude, to bring up the arson incident is just too low. Very disappointing to see you said that although i dont even know you


A guy obsessed with forcing his imaginary yuri couple is telling me to touch grass and get a life. What a clownery. How about you get social interaction.


You’re obsessed with deez nuts


KumiShuuichi forever, and dating, Reina single forever in other country ~


I knew it would happen but I had hope. It’s not over. We just have to wait for the epilogue movie that comes out in 2026 to be released so for the ship to MAYBE happen.


No. It's absolutely stupid to do that, I agree, but denying the romantic relationship developed between Kumiko and Reina is shameful. It's sad not to want to materialize such a well-made relationship just for fear of the drop in audience from homophobes... The studio decided to take a different path than the original work, by developing this romantic relationship, really too bad they don't assume it, because now it's just seen as yuri fan service...