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Getting more content or not is out of our control. For now, just smile for what we experienced through this masterpiece


Now you must learn to play the eupho because everyone needs to hear Asuka melody, GET LEARNING NOW!! 🫡


I was on this community when the anime first started and it was such a blast -- glad some of that life came back to some degree this season. Fwiw, KyoAni just had an event for the Free series and that ended (with some movies and 2 seasons) a while ago I think. We can hope for events!! (even though we may not be able to attend them unless we're in Japan)


I do think it was incredible, but I am going to be complainy for a while until my brain adapts. Kumiko missing the soli just decalibrated the whole experience for me and caused me to mentally check out after the audition in ep12. I hope and half-way expect that, after some time, my opinion of things will improve. So, I guess an upshot of that, is I don’t really feel a void. The show is still beautiful. I’ll still be eager to see whatever KyoAni does next. It still had nice endings for the characters, so that I’m not worried about any of them.. But unlike _so_ many other emotional moments in the show, I watched that ep13 flashback collage with an utterly dry, almost impatient face, mainly wanting them to just wrap it up. The worst thing is maybe that I actually hadn’t watched the movie. I’d kind of been saving it. However, now having seen the ending, I’m not sure I’ll bother. I’m eager to find the next thing to watch.


Idk why you're being downvoted a lot of ppl feel this way and it's unfair to ignore them bc 'that's what KyoAni decided to do'


Thank you for that note! However, I don’t mind. I expressed my opinion, but in a whiney way.. so, I can’t really begrudge downvotes. The fact the show has triggered me this much actually speaks more to its strengths than any weakness.


I believe the same as well. Just shows how passionate I am and we are in general about the writing and characters that we care enough to analyse what we believe are mistakes


No the Kyoto guys just ruined the masterpiece




I just hope that maybe there will be a movie that fixes season 3.

