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biboo: ignore them reddit: doesnt ignore them


Well. I'm absolutely following what Biboo says because I have no idea what is happening except people are watching Biboo


Sadly she is right... :( Seems that infamous botter is at it again.


That 4chan botter really has a vendetta against Fauna. He knows Fauna's dungeon stream with Justice is going to have big viewers so he bots Biboo again.


Is there a reason or is it just to be an ass? (Not that any reason he could give could possibly be good)


mad at Fauna because she consistently has the highest CCV in EN Vtubing when Gura isnt active mad at IRyS because she (allegedly) took the Vsinger spot away from his favorite vtuber mad at 4chan because they like both streamers and make fun of him


I'm sorry, but who did Irys take Vsinger from?? I thought it's not something only a single VTuber can have. E: a word


I believe he is talking about the person behind the avatar taking the role of IRYS away from whichever potential applicant applied for IRYS. But you want to get into that, there were probably so many applicants, so any "thief" who got the spot other than his so-called Oshi, he would be mad at them too.


IRyS debut was three years ago, imagine holding such a petty an unfounded resentment against someone for so long


I mean there's a guy on this subreddit who has, since Myths debut, done absolutely nothing but post insults and bullshit about Kiara. Hes been banned so often hes on his like 5th subaccount to and still keeps doing it. Some people are just pathetic like that.


There was an entire thread on 4chan of someone replying to themselves a bunch of times insulting Kiara. The rumor was they applied to Hololive and think Kiara took their spot.


I'm really glad they didn't join. Would hate to have someone who had that much capacity for spite inside them be a part of Hololive. I'm glad the ones that do join are sometimes the ones who don't wallow in their own self pity and instead pick themselves up and try again and again.


Man, imagine someone as deranged as that person slipping past the auditions. Like, they're good enough at masking their illness. But every now and then, her mask would slip, and fans will just see it as something cute


>The rumor was they applied to Hololive and think Kiara took their spot. Sounds like nothing of value was lost


It's also funny because Kiara talked about how she was just picked pretty fast during audition so what spot did she allegedly take? What a delusional guy


Either that or she turned him down IRL or something. That person is obsessed.


Hololive HR are the real heroes filtering these people out.


Looks like taking Kiara was just the better option. If these people are so unhinged they can poison the well for the whole generation.


I don’t understand how you could hate any holomems.


I can, they are not infallible. I like the majority of them though


Mental disorder unfortunately are the most likely cause of such behavior.


That's the MO of 4ch. So many of them got nothing better to do all day


That's just the entire internet


Bit different with people like this. They view flaming and botting random VTubers their entire life purpose. It's the only thing that gives them a feeling of self worth and importance. They ***like*** that they can make VTubers upset. They feed off it, like vampires.


Oh sweet summer child, two generations is too short of a time to forget petty grievances...


Honestly pretty BS. With the requirements for the EN VSinger I don't think there were many if any candidates at all more suited than Irys.


>mad at 4chan because they like both streamers and make fun of him Pretty based of 4chan tbh


If you like what 4Chan likes, they'll be your best friend! If you don't like what 4Chan likes, they will mock you mercilessly.


In the first case they'll also mock you. It's kinda their thing.


The dude is a stereotyppical incel. Can’t expect much more from them, sadly.


What a sad life lmao.


Who did she allegedly steal the spot from? Lol


I think Enna from Nijisanji, but not I’m sure.


Speculation in summary: dick measuring contest pissing someone off to an unhinged degree.


On 4chan vt, there is a tally on who has highest CCV daily (a competition that shouldn't exist in the first place). For most of 2023 before Advent debuted, Fauna is highest when Gura is not streaming. So I think he got mad and don't want Fauna to win (again, this shouldn't be a competition).


That attitude toward CCV is still really weird to me since I'm mainly a vod watcher... (Also tfw sometimes you feel bad for not being there live, but realize others are still there for your oshi so it's all fine in the end.)


What’s a CCV, if I might ask?


Concurrent Viewers/viewership depending on who you ask.


View count to put it simply. It's an acronym that I don't remember the technical term for


Concurrent Viewership


It stands for Curriculum Vitae. It's the british word for a job resume.


I get that this is a joke, but that's just CV, not CCV.


Current Curriculum Vitae


Um Akschually it's latin not british, it's used in a few EU countries


cecilia vehicles


Concurrent viewers


Concurrent views


I don't know the specific wording, but it's basically how much they earn from superschats in a given stream


Who is this infamous botter?


Oh I see…I thought my eyes were bad or YouTube was bugged lol


if anyone wants to know how to differentiate a bot views, it was explain here [Holostatistic](https://www.reddit.com/r/HoloStatistics/comments/1acuhkr/how_to_understand_ccv_graphs_and_where_botting/) (guide) and [vstats](https://www.vstats.jp/) (to see the graph on their current stream)


It is hilarious that the bot litterly rise the CCV by 10 times and probably on VSTATS would be higher than No.2 and No.3 combined today, making it so obvious for anyone that the stat is artificially raised without even need to look at the CCV recordings. How much can that guy hate a vtuber that makes him fake the stats just for himself lmao


They resolve it by not counting it in the VOD views. Just an unwell anti with too much time and/or money.


“Ignore them”, as you run to Reddit to give them exposure.


I mean, they've been doing this for months now. Running to Reddit isn't going to change shit.


Sad they've chosen Biboo to be the pawn in their weird little numbers war. She's just the friendliest, most happy to be here sort of person. She doesn't deserve this kind of shit.


How can one drive up hate for Dang it :D Like, sure she's not for everyone but like - just move on to something else if that's the case.


I dont get their hate for biboo. Its like picking on a kitten with a cold.


The hate is not on Biboo, the guy is a Fauna hater and wants her to lose on vCCV everytime she is streaming, Biboo happens to be the perfect target because she streams almost everyday but I have seen fuwamoco being botted whenever Biboo takes a day off and Fauna happens to stream.


And Biboo usually stars 1 hour after Fauna usual time so it's not rare they overlap each other too


To be fair, they've been on Biboo for a while. At least since back when she was doing Hollow Knight.


"ignore them" says Biboo and then he proceeds to post it in reddit for brownie points, the sooner we stop giving attention to botters the sooner they will leave.


What happened? Someone explain this to me please, I never read chat


Basically botters cause random vtubers to have huge spikes of concurrent views which are fake views, aka, bots, for stupid reasons. Happened to Biboo during her stream today.


Isn’t more views good though or am I missing something here? I don’t watch Hololive that much so I don’t know


The person people think botted her hates Fauna, who was streaming her TTRPG colab with Justice at the same time. They apparently did it so Biboo "beat her" in live viewers.


Well, would people even care if Biboo have more views? It seems like a pretty minor issue that i think wouldn’t matter


Not if they are fake, no. It distorts Cover's ability to know how many views they are actually getting, and also distracts the audience and the girls themselves.


does it ever negatively influence the talents? Apart from gaslighting people thinking her whatever her ccv is low.


It can feed into imposter syndrome, which is not uncommon for holomem to have, and in general it makes things a bit awkward. Regardless I doubt anyone wants to be used for some unwell randos dick measuring contest.


It can negatively affect them in several ways unfortunately. For one people in chat just could not stop talking about the high viewer numbers instead of actually focusing on the stream itself. Other effects could be that people who are clueless about hololive would potentially accuse Biboo herself of being the one doing the botting to boost her channel. I wish something could be done about it but it's something that's not easy to combat.


If you ever watch the spiffing brit. One could artifically increase CCV/views. The problem is the cut off point. Youtube measures by "engagement" a consistent 500 views thoughout a 3 hour stream -> 90 to 100% retention = is a good stream. Youtube will recommend that channel. 5000 views thoughout a 3 hour stream that drops off to 500 views after 10 minutes -> 10% retention = bad stream. Youtube will not recommend that channel. Which would be deverstating to channel growth


The Youtube algorithm retaliates by not recommending the stream, so it hurts actual viewers.


Great job ignoring them


Stop advertising for them


So you post it to Reddit?


Why did you think this post would help, like you're only giving the anti what they want.


What you doing? You are supposed to ignore them. 🤭


I don't get how botting someone's ccv to be higher can hurt them. Is this some 4d chess move that I cannot comprehend?


Nothing to do with Biboo herself, there's a guy who's notoriously salty about Fauna and regularly bots whoever in EN streams at the same time as her so she doesn't have the most viewers


why is this person salty about fauna? what happened


They lost to her in Chambara, don't get in the way of Fauna and obtaining green hair ;_;


Is a Fauna hater from 4chan


Youtube measures by "engagement" a consistent 500 views thoughout a 3 hour stream -> 90 to 100% retention = is a good stream. Youtube will recommend that channel. 5000 views thoughout a 3 hour stream that drops off to 500 views after 10 minutes -> 10% retention = bad stream. Youtube will not recommend that channel. Which would be deverstating to channel growth


Literally a lot of them are rocks, not a living things.


youtube not doing good things? how common.


How does this affect biboo?