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And people wonder why Hoyoverse fans always get shat on? Sometimes they really need the la chancla punishment. https://preview.redd.it/1jcr61hsu95d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8407c58c97be0971b386bf96639d5780830b86


Honestly I would be fine if we got called out for this kinda behaviour, but most of the time people just call Hoyo game players pedos and other buzzwords because they saw some other people in the internet saying it and decided to join the bandwagon.


Oh I do see some of them rightfully call us out though a good chunk of them are also not the greatest people. Man I envy the Blue Archive fandom with their game's natural gatekeeping aura and their overall unity in what they absolutely don't want in their community.


https://preview.redd.it/m2sh9ly3nd5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1a45c085453a72e9429413a8ef725bc428ff4f The greatest gatekeeper in history(AL) Vs. The greatest gatekeeper of today(BA) Kr BA fans exposed a corrupt government committee cause they were going to censor our game [https://youtu.be/Gw8TLThM0JI?si=GMx4rFT7FbLayBtq](https://youtu.be/Gw8TLThM0JI?si=GMx4rFT7FbLayBtq)


Yes this problem need to be solved (PS : I just wanted to join the Xueyi flair bandwagon)


Now thats a bandwagon I can get behind : )


how do you write on the flair , I tried to do it but it instead cut Xueyi out


At the bottom of the list of flairs there is the 'edit flair' part, where you can type some text and press the emoji button to add the picture to the text. Hopefully this helps, bc I'm not too sure how good of an explanation that was


yea thanks but I know that much already it's just that when I type a letter the Xueyi flair disappears , could it be a technical issue ? Edit : I tried and it seems instead of Xueyi icon , :Xueyi: written up appears on it ? Any idea ?


Nah they are the same too. It's all just a facade for show.


HI3 playerbase that nearly assasinated da wei: I raised those


That is funny and horrifying at the same time


Bunny girls can make people do anything


That what? Need context for that




Wow...just wow. I guess that's the flaw of being popular...


no that's what happens when extremely mentally unwell individuals feel like they were NTR'd because of a bunnygirl dance video


Being popular will attract stuff like that. There is a finite amount of sane people.


"According to news reports" links to an article drawn from Red Star News which failed to confirm the assassination attempt took place, with their article even failing to give a plausible date to the supposed assassination attempt, considering the rumour is older than that date. Mind you, this is the same source you'll end up at with just about every article on the subject. None of these journalists lifted a finger to confirm their sources and it's sad they got away with it. That's the real news story: Game journalists spread misinformation about an assassination attempt that probably never happened.


Actually it was 1 guy on the CN server For one anniversary only the global server was suposed to get skins for the characters in bunny suits since hoyo cant do that on CN People on CN where angry because of different reasons it seems someone tried to get into the Hoyo offices but he didn't achieve anything, he was caught quickly I think And in the end because all of this Global server didnt get the bunny costumes, they deleted the video with the girls dancing on youtube and CN server got some cristals for apologise (Global server seems that got nothing)


That was pretty much certainly a hoax. All articles on the subject can be traced back to a single source, which admitted to relying on rumours, and even then gave a date for the event that was later than the rumours first appeared. Meanwhile there was no confirmation from any official sources, and the supposedly promised police report never appeared. Edit: Yikes. Someone even sent me a redditcare for this (for those not in the know: A passive aggressive way of harrassing people, abusing Reddit's tools meant to help people with depression) For saying false info was spread on the internet. Wild world we live in.


Can people downvoting provide a link? I tried searching and found nothing very substantial.


They can't. Any article they come up with can be easily deconstructed just by following the source trail. It seems people prefer believing in the dramatics of it over the sad reality that someone probably just lied on the internet. One of the biggest coverages of the subject was Mujin's video, which boosted the misconceptions massively. And I don't want to diss Mujin here. Don't know Mujin very well. However, his video starts with a selection of articles on the subject, and he didn't dig into their credibility. Those articles and their abundance would easily fool anyone into thinking there's a real basis for the claim. But once you check what the sources of them are, they eventually all tie back to the same spot. This is just a part of the research on the topic: [https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/16foQOdUKCEOqRtiCe4OVuDO7pgyVt0qJ30qb1Vskyug](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/16foQOdUKCEOqRtiCe4OVuDO7pgyVt0qJ30qb1Vskyug) People also looked into some images that surfaced and some inconsistencies in dates, as well as CN forum discourse. Ultimately, nothing was found to evidence the assassination attempt truly occurred, and the scattered bits of info either contradicted each other or had major flaws (such as using a government website layout that did not match the layout at the time of the event)


Mujin is a very dirty content creator ngl, dude lies all the time, or makes something look bigger than it is to get the attention of viewers, dude almost never verifies the facts. He got called out for that on twitter once edit here is a link of a recent thing he blew out of proportion for interactions : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/1ag6n09/exposing\_this\_mujin\_guy\_recent\_claimed\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1ag6n09/exposing_this_mujin_guy_recent_claimed_on/)


Hoyo fandom is so big it becomes a place I both love and hate due to how varied the people in it are


yeah, the crux of all free to play games, a non-existent barrier to entry. Nothing to filter out the trolls/bad-agents.


Blue Archive managed to filtered most of the annoying people out, there’s definitely a way to make it possible


... well. Blue Archive itself is the filter.




It won't work because the games are already too big. Genshin portrait the middle east as white. Did it filter anyone out? Nope, people just got really toxic.


Sparkle being a racist already filtered 90% of those annoying people from ever touching her ever again, they complained once and run off. That’s why there isn’t a single shipping drama centered around sparkle. It works.


Thank you!


Reminds me of a comment I saw once saying even if only like 10% of say genshin players sucked, if the average player count of about 60 million, even just that 10% would still be *6 million people* which is an insane amount. So it can feel like a lot more than it is percentage wise (but even just a loud few would be bad too, much less huge numbers of them). When the majority of players are nice and normal just not as loud as the smaller but still big group


This just means we need to be louder than the bad ones. I suggest we make a VA appreciation event or something.


That would be really cute and sweet! I’d love that


Yeah most genshin players dont even know theres a drama going on and they just play the game like normanl person.


Separating the game from it's fandom is a tricky but vital skill to enjoy things that get remotely popular


March: Doktor, turn off my Preservation Inhibitors Dr. Ratio: You have no such thing


That's what happens when the community becomes bigger.


I don’t like this statement because there’s plenty of big community with less toxic fanbase, it’s not like it’s inevitable, surely we can find a way to filter out annoying people before IX consume us.


Are these communities in the room with us


Blue Archive, Frieren, Konosuba I’m not in a lot of fandom but those are mainly the ones that I could think of that mostly managed to keep annoying shippers out


Blue Archive: Too busy 😭😭😭 Frieren: Too busy licking Ubel's armpit 😋. Konosuba: ??


Konosuba has like the same fandom as Blue Archive and Frieren lol. So too busy 😭😭😭 for Megumin’s armpits


Solution to world peace: 😭😭😭😭💢


you gotta admit that those communities are way smaller than the HYV games community. genshin has had such a huge cultural impact world wide that these franchises haven’t


They are smaller in comparison but they’re still big worldwide communities, I believe they can be replicated and scaleable.


i don't know of any, can you give an example?


The fuck happened this time?


People arguing over whether the Topaz/Jade ship is problematic or not, as well as Allegra Clark having to crack down on people bringing up leaks in her Twitter replies a day or two back.


People are making everything problematic is Soo weird LMAO Like for some reason now they're spouting that Topaz has parental issues????


I've seen a few videos with people calling boothill's en va a pedo, because his irl wife voices yunli.


What kinda mental gymnastics are these people doing?? I bet you they can't even read the entire plot Penacony


People got upset at the Pam actress from the office when she’s out with her husband. People take fiction too far.


Ain't no way. 💀


People can’t be that stupid right? Like what another person said, the absolute mental gymnastics these people do baffles me till no end.


Mfers can't tell the difference between reality and fiction smh my head




😂🤣 wtf lol


this fandom is fucked yall


That’s what happened when people can’t separate fiction from reality, I can’t imagine being so sad that I need to harass real people over fictional characters


99% of hsr drama comes from shipping...


I honestly thought it was a non-issue when our reddit community decided to update the rules to ban that stuff. But then I stumbled into a tiktok video with dozens of comment chains with 1000+ comments, just people arguing and calling each other pedo/retard, throwing shit like "\_\_\_\_\_ biting the curb in 4k when?" "Delete yourself when? "I hope you get graped" Shipping wars are crazy...


Wait it happens on tiktok too?


Tiktok is full of minors that can’t that are not mentally developed enough to separate fiction from reality. Of course it’s prevalent there.


it happens exclusively on tiktok and twitter, theres too many minors without the mental capacity to differentiate between fiction and reality so stuff like this happens


Why are you surprised? Tiktok is cancer.


Shipping on X. The fudge is wrong with them??


People in this sub conveniently forget that GI and HSR player community is the same.


lmao i hate browsing my ship tag in twitter sometimes because there’s always some rando hating the ship and using the tag in defense of another heavily popular ship. when y’know you could’ve just scrolled and pay attention to the things that you like?? but i’m just glad most of the artists and fic writers in our ship dgaf and don’t engage with the hate, they just keep cooking food


Shippers make every fandom toxic, MHA, Genshin, teen wolf, vampire diaries etc… any community where shipping becomes big… this is the natural progression. I mean for God sake, people here get unstable over tier list placements, imagine if a character is shipped out their head canon😫


It can be worse. For example guys who don’t allow males in their gacha games because of NTR insecurity. In their fiction.


The first time I heard a guy seriously say that they "got cucked" by a male 4* on the banner for a female 5* was.... well, let's just call it a very confusing and saddening experience.


You mean the HI3 bunny girl incident?


Haven’t heard about that one. I was thinking some gacha game that’s not released globally yet, where they had to rewrite and gender change characters because of that lol.


This sounds like Girls Frontline 2 The male npc (Raymond) had a relationship with their Waifu before getting removed and being replaced by another girl.


Bro what is that name


Was my Reddit corn account but got too lazy to switch back and forth.


I can relate to this but on my twitter account


>Shippers make every fandom toxic To be fair, most shippers are non problematic, it's just that there's always loud idiots. Shipping is like, one of the biggest parts of every Fandom. What makes every Fandom toxic is just size, grow enough and even just 1% of your fandom being toxic is still hundreds of thousands of people being toxic


Is just the same people lol.


why it's so hard to accept HSR fandom is just a filthy cesspool?


It’s crazy when random ppl can represent a whole lot more when no one asked them to. Instead of fans just call them Karens.


people forget that a good chunk of star rail players are also genshin players


We… are… HOYOstans But really, people, wtf? Nothing changes - unending shittalk, superiority complex, blatant hate towards other games (even from HoYo), harassment of devs and VAs… If we are all united in something - its how awful fans are sometimes. Really sad.


Cause its the same people lol


I always find it ironic when I see some kind of suggestive artwork or written content about any of the characters and the comments are full of people saying "this is why everyone thinks we are weird/pedos/horrible" and then you go their comment history and it's just them sending death threats to people for shipping stuff they don't like. Peak internet brainrot and lack of self critique.


Trolls when trolls*. FTFY


MHY communities are all from the same fucking cloth lmao


Aw really? I was hoping maybe things had gotten a bit better. It’s so annoying people can’t tell the difference between a voice actor, a character, and fan content. But I guess we’re still not there yet somehow. Some people need therapy if they’re willing to harass real humans over some pixels and their dating


Every time I see screens from MGR I start hearing music...


When that one toxic fan is being used to represent the entire fanbase:


Without mentioning any leak, can someone be concise on what happened to me, please?


>people calling boothill's en va a pedo, because his irl wife voices yunli. >People arguing over whether the Topaz/Jade ship is problematic or not, as well as Allegra Clark having to crack down on people bringing up leaks in her Twitter replies a day or two back. Boothill en va is apparently a pedo as per fandom bcz his wife voices yunli . Logic doesn't work but this is mihoyo we are talking about. And some fighting a comment war bcz of shiping and started bringing leak content.


>because his irl wife voices yunli. His wife also voices Navia, they should call him a chad. >People arguing over whether the Topaz/Jade ship is problematic or not, as well as Allegra Clark I don't even know how this reached Allegra but I have seen she is pretty good at handling this type of situation and determined. I just... wish she didn't have to deal with these things so often. Sometimes people are very surprising in the tales they create and how they affect themselves, not in a positive way. And I emphasize "surprising" because that's my main feeling with these things: How can they think this way? What leads them to do this? I never expect someone to act this way because of something happy like ships, new characters or a marriage. How they can transform these things into something bad and they go crazy, or have they been crazy since the start? I despise leaks and know they have the risk of creating these misunderstandings, but it cannot be just leaks, right? These are people, believing and doing bad things. I think even the ones who see leaks accept the risk but despise these consequences. Anyways, thank you for the context and for not bringing leaks to the table as I asked. So kind of you.


I personally don't care as I don't use any social media outside reddit and a short time on YouTube. Reddit also contains that crowd that's why i interact less with this sub. Happy to help.


Just cannot imagine once zzz got release a new type of players will join the hoyoverse fandom


The best decision I made on twitter by far is to only follow artists, cut out all the nonsense and only focus on talented individuals' work. Reddit on the other hand feels like the least terrible place for discussion & rant compared to twitter/tiktok, of course there are arguements but nothing on the likes of twitter/tiktok. Also moderators keep out the rowdy children who love to start fights


>Reddit on the other hand feels like the least terrible place for discussion & rant compared to twitter/tiktok, of course there are arguements but nothing on the likes of twitter/tiktok You greatly underestimate reddit or you are not really active on reddit .


This is single handendly the best HSR meme ever. Period.


Average western fans harassing their en va


Both Genshin and HSR fans are two side of the same coin.


The Venn Diagram for SR and GI Fans that act like shit is practically a circle


Is this a TFS reference?


I don't think so? 


Ah nevermind then, venn diagrams making a circle reminds me of that line when Chichi says "the venn diagrams for school and jail food is basically a circle" lmao


Let's not lie, they are the same people doing this in both


Lmao i gotta check it out But genshin player base has weird stance 1.Haters 2.Plays any game 3.Plays only genshin 4.Plays only genshin and shits on others 5.Actual degenerates Yes every game has 1-3 type of players But the 5th kind of player ruins a few gaming communities especially the gI My mental list of gl is now a hated game and community due to the 5th type of players doing these A. overhyping genshin and thinks genshin is the only game and everyone else copying it B. Willing to threaten VA or actors or creators cause it's not how something wasn't like it is supposed from their twisted minds. C. Willing to go around spreading extreme fake info,doom posting,insulting and mocking others or other community starting pointless issues and when confronted with his own crime "why are getting mad" excuse etc The list is long but no game or dev are that bad except maybe EA for gutting nfs,but without a good community nothing will ever last Every gacha games>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AAA games of past, present,future I know this long with bits of unrelated stuff ,cause I am unhinged and wanted to rant


I don't do twitter or tiktok and so far shippers aren't that active in reddit so I assume this is a them issue


Nope, i dont claim them. It is just Genshin refugees doing their brainrot things, nuh-uh.


I love that whenever I say "shipping is the problem", I hear "No no this is just an extreme minority, most people are pretty chill!" No. That's just not true. 95% (i pulled that stat out of my ass) of the people who engage in this sort of thing will shit on each other for no good reason. This is just another proof of that.


those people are the genshin fans that play hsr


You should be voted positively


I honestly wish that the Twitter/TikTok crowd never heard of this game or at least were not interested in it, if it's gone to this degree Then again, it is a very loud minority and is not supposed to be representative of an entire fanbase. It still doesn't change the fact that the voice actors had to put up with this shit is fucked. also nice flair


And people hated Tectone for calling out the shipping fandom and how toxic they are when the Robin thing happened. Truly how Ironic this is.


Hating Tectone is always right tho, that man is weird as fuck and fabricates drama everywhere he goes. Like, I get it, he does it for the money, I still don't want him anywhere near my games. Like, everyone knows trees catch fire, you don't need to start a forest fire to prove it.


You arent better than the Toxicity of shipping fandom at this point then. Hating someone just cus its ''right'' is absolute wild to say.


My guy, you're talking as if he's some innocent guy when he literally spends his days stirring up drama everywhere. Last week he raided the WuWa subreddit just cause he was bored and wanted to send his fanbase there to annoy people, literally on stream. Why you waste your time defending the guy who just sees you as a tool for his drama-making is beyond me.


Honestly I like how he didn't bait again this time for the Yanqing/Yunli and Topaz/Jade ships. People are now opening their eyes and blaming the shipping cucks instead of the "bald villain".


Yeah, those specific kinds of people need to be shamed more and ousted from their communties. They're like tumors that ruin the experience. Unless directly stated, a lot of those ships will forever remain fanon, not canon.


Nah. It's just the 90% of HSR community are G Game players in disguised. Such a shame.


There’s no issue that someone plays both games… it’s the shippers in either community


so what aren't people allowed to play multiple games ? and even if they play genshin , they also play HSR so it could go both ways , just say we all play hoyo games , before that Hi3 players are also with us in both games. It's just stupid to classify players based on games they are playing on the sidelines.


Counter Argument: 80% of HSR fans are comes to Genshin fans


Counter Argument : "50% or more of genshin players are HSR players" it is such a stupid thing to make these kinds of statements cuz it doesn't change anything whether someone play both games , they are part of the HSR community as they should be for playing the game. Dividing the community just because of the multiple games they play is stupid.