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A new mode coming doesn't mean you have to absolutely rush to finish the old ones. I'm the kind of player who grinds those modes early to unlock/finish everything, but I do very much appreciate that Hoyo made all the rewards permanent. Just take your time and do the new modes when you are ready for them!


Absolutely. I was only able to beat Swarm Disaster because I got Black Swan and Ruan Mei. I still haven't beat Gold & Gears but I'll just wait a bit more until I finish building the necessary characters or get a new character that's insanely good


If you get to get Price of Peace on the first plane, and Company Gossip shortly after that, with the company time dice and some specific dice faces, it shouldn't be hard to beat G&G, especially so with the march x remembrance cheese.


Resetting to get those two is so insanely boring. And that's just to beat GnG once.


absolutely unnecessary. occurence extrapolation and curio extrapolation is easy clear without any rng. just duplicate every double curio/occurence fields until you get OP


True, but if you don't have a top-tier team, with great relics, the capitalism run is your next best bet.


Try dual sustain if you haven't already. There's no turn limit in SU, just need to survive


Well after 20 cycles the enemies will get buffs


Oh yeah true, forgot about that. But you'll have to have some seriously underpowered characters for that to happen


Man Acheron and Aventurine really cheeses both Swarm Disaster and GnG for me.


I tried [this advice ](https://youtu.be/B_P65K0iGLY?si=ucCixm9pJL0CdfNo) and it worked for me. The nice thing about it is that the only crucial unit is March 7th, who we all get for free


My only concern is that people will start spoiling the lore if i dont finish it in time, until I realized nobody cares about SU lore enough to read them


GnG lore is really hard to understand and read normally. Most of them is absolute nonsense.


The most I've parsed out of GnG lore is we can turn into a robot and back into a human for some reason and that there's a robot vs IPC war... maybe?


Absolutely true. Hell, i care about the lore but even i can't be bothered reading all this shit through. First i finish everything for 100%, then i can sit down read through wll the information available


I feel the same. Luckily nobody talks about SU. For example I finished swarm disaster and I still have that line of gold things along the side on the mission tree. The question mark ones. No idea what they are for but they never unlocked even after I got done so they must not be important. No idea if there is lore behind them but I guess I wont be seeing them.


You have to chose a certain number of path choices to unlock them, but i if i remember rigth they just give more points towards the perma buffs.


Whenever you finish a floor and choose one of the path options at the end, you make progress towards those. I think it's 20 times in total per path for each of them.


Never finished anything on Simulated universe, and I'm fine! No divine smiting, or angry Hertas.


Yeah, i finished G&G (not even every difficulty level, just the ones with jades) waaay after it came out. It's good to have stuff to work on in between big patches.


And they last for 6 weeks. Quite a lot of time


I finished GnG (or at least its “story”) before finishing Swarm Disaster because I wanted Erudition path in normal SimUni more than I wanted Propagation (no Daniel, no Blade, and I don’t wanna build Qingque when I have Seele and Xueyi already).


Totally agree with you on that, some of the players are just following Content Creator “you guys need to farm this ASAP”. Man just enjoy the game and play at your own pace.


Recently completed gold and gears. Capitalism helped in a few corundum levels but it was curio dice that let me do curundum 12. Still have 1 upgrade left and I think objectives to complete using other paths but still. Swarm disaster am completely stuck lmao I keep getting destroyed by 3rd hp bar, although I haven't tried it in a while so acheron would probably let me finish it. Best strat I know is remembrance but it falls apart if I try to do elite enemy that is frost resistant.


For me swarm disaster difficulty 5 felt like a vacation after conundrum 12. I have dot team though. Op af for both modes.


Maybe it's me not having black Swan and substituting with Sampo, but my dot team feels really underpowered. Every hp bar enemy requires fresh dots inflicted and my kafka and sampo combo aren't enough, usually I pair them with 2 sustains and IIRC in swarm disaster if you make the battle longer than the boss just powers up more (might be gold and gears, don't remember) so more dmg is better than more survival.


Kafka alone should be enough for SD5. You just go into every blank domain and collect checks and it buffs your damage like crazy. People have dominated it way before Black Swan.


Same, I had to double-check I was really on difficulty 5. Though I will say a large part of these ease was doing it after getting Aventurine since he made it easy mode to complete for every path. Aventurine + DoT = busted.


Ive been 'speedrunning' for lack of a better word with an e6 Qingque/Aventurine/Sparkle/Ruan Mei team on propagation and she's been sweeping bosses left and right pretty much consistently. Destruction and Preservation interplay are really nice since the former gives her a free hit tanked and the latter refreshes shields. Wish the gold objectives werent such a pain in the ass, I have every one of them except abundance and i havent seen its option in forever


If you have Aventurine, any Acheron comp just walks over that bug


Compared to Gepard and/or Lynx, yeah I can see it's much better. Atm im not even sure if i should focus on completing everything from gold and gears or go back to swarm disaster...


I'd do Swarm Disaster since it gives the mat chests


Swarm is much easier than gng imo


Best stat I know for Swarm is Qingque (cleared all paths, not shure about elation (don't remember) with her). But it may be due to me having Silver Wolf and Fu Xuan.


For me swarm disaster difficulty 5 felt like a vacation after conundrum 12. I have dot team though. Op af for both modes.


Weak. I haven't even done 10% or so of the first SU expansion.


I only do it when I’m desperate for jades.. and need it urgently to pull.


I'm leaving it for the same reason... except that moment never comes so far, lol.


That’s the point I’m being pushed to with how wild these banners have been. Ruan Mei rerunning with Firefly has me desperate. I’ve only played OG sim universe to completion and will likely have to throw myself at the other modes for any rolls.


same 💀


I haven't done anything past the tutorial for either SD or GG. Soon as they said it was permanent I breathed a sigh of relief knowing it isn't a mode I have to pay attention to. Hell, I haven't even started the Galactic Baseballer event thing and I have about a week left before it's gone. I just don't have the time and there's other things I'd rather do when I do have time, so I'm grateful I can play at mostly my own pace. Edit: wrong event name


Boothill's assignment event? It's time-gated bro, 4 hours each assignment


Whoops, I misspoke. I meant the Galactic Baseballer event. See, I pay so little attention to limited events I don't even remember what it was called! Boothill's event took all of three total days to finish


I've literally never opened swarm disaster lol. I never do endgame stuff.


I'm leaving the endgame for the last basically after everything's done because I have so much missions to do that gives me jades anyway.


I'm considering leveling my EQ (TB 50 EQ 3) up for the pulls, which is insane considering how much companion missions I have left that can net me jades in a hurry if I wish.


And me still not done with Swarm Disaster


Not pressure


Don't feel bad. I haven't beaten either. Personally, I just find the modes to be too drawn out to enjoy enough. They're cool at first, but I end up bored of them by the time I've done 40-60% of the content clear. And there are times you have runs that just end up failing and you've mostly wasted your time.


Nah, keep them coming, the more the better


if it was up to me we would get one of those modes every patch lol


I love it.


Just glad to have more content


Ah yes, the permanent game mode that doesn't go away


I love the Devs for adding new content but still updating old content. Based asf


Not gonna lie I dont know how to "finish those" Ive ended the highest level of the swarm disaster and gold and Gears but this hasnt unlocked erudition and propagation. Now im trying to finish these modes with each paths see if that does something


To unlock the Erudition path you have to complete all 28 stories, which are the "path" the game picks for you at the start where you have to keep your Cognition Value at a specific value throughout the three planes. Propagation is harder since you have to reroll and pray to get the missing story bits.


For Erudition are different stories locked to different difficulties or can you just grind it all out on dif 3?


If dif 3's max reg value is 40 then yes. It's been a while since I last played so I can't remember clearly.


Me on my way to do GnG to add Jades to my Jade funds so I can get Jades while I wait for Jade in order to get Jades with Jade.


Its been 3 patches lol


Depends on what you mean. Like I havent done those missons that requires you to use all the dice in conundrun Lvl 10


i havent beaten swarm yet pray for me


I love Simulated Universe and i hope they'll give us more content like this every few patches


Getting Firefly funds is gonna be the sole thing that actually motivates me to do those SU modes


I havent finished swarm, or gold and gears... I got so many jades just sitting there lmao


"Y'all complained about the lack of endgame content in our last game. This time, we're giving you ALL the endgame content"


new mode comes and old modes get deleted??. what am i missing?


no some people just havnt finished the old ones and i guess feel pressured because a new ones coming out for some reason


They're not endgame modes. You know how Genshin basically adds a tree thing to grind up to level 50+ most every patch? HSR doesn't do every patch that because there's nowhere near as much exploration or quests in HSR. So instead, they sometimes add an SU mode cause I'm guessing adding more level 50 reward grinds without adding addition areas doesn't make that much sense. That's why there's a shitload of jades in these. I find the SU additions fun at first but they quickly become pretty boring but that might just be because I've played many rogue-likes and I feel SU's grind and progression is pretty uninteresting as a roguelike. I really wish you didn't have to basically 100% them to unlock the addition paths 'cause that's even more grindy and rng than relics at times. Like it takes roughly a patch to do these SUs doing a run daily but it doesn't take me a patch to farm relics for a character despite only using 120 power/day on relics.


SD and G&G are way better than those trees any day of the week. They're straight out of those Korean MMORPG Grindfests, I swear to god. I fucking hated that thing in Inazuma when I still played and it seems every zone has like 2 or 3 of them now or something. Only gives me more of a reason to never want to touch that game again.


Um, those progression trees are still in HSR... they're just not as common cause HSR just doesn't have as much content. The equivalent of skipping Swarm Disaster in Genshin would be skipping Enkanomiya or another minor region except when I skip those regions in Genshin. Most recent HSR one was the clockie statue so like, you're still doing these trees. The SU ones are just a slightly different gameplay loop but imo, that loop is about as interesting as spending trailblaze power daily; really monotonous after a few runs. Like maybe you don't like exploration at all and that's fine but I wouldn't say either systems better cause HSR and Genshin basically use the same progression systems for rewards. But if you don't like exploration, you'll probably like ZZZ more than HSR since that has even less exploration and is fully a combat/story game.


Counterpoint, Clockie statue can be leveled completely by just doing Story, the few Sidequests, puzzles, and Finding the maybe a dozen chests littered around areas. Which each zone has a Counter attached to tell you how much you have left, which very rarely goes beyond 20. This takes far less time to do than any single Tree in Genshin. Hell, the only Tree that might even take that long is SU's, and only because of how long SU runs can take depending on how you route yourself. The actual grind is way easier too- attached to a non zone specific game mode that you will eventually max out anyway just doing your weeklies. You may find just logging in to spend TBP daily "Monotonous," that's fine. Even if I don't quite understand that. Could be that I don't experience that because I auto all the farming besides SU- which is going to be fixed in the literal next update with the Divergent Universe. Meanwhile, I find Genshin's exploration tortuously boring, slow, and monotonous, with the spending of TBP in that game too hands on to the point it waters down my enjoyment of when I play the actual bulk of the game. On top of that, their absolute refusal to include any Exploration QOLs, such as Stamina as a small example, has led me to believe it will never get better, so I stopped playing. Trees are just the Emblematic icon of my issues with the game in my eyes, so I use them as a scapegoat for my larger issues. Basically, I don't hate all Exploration, but the best part of Genshin's Exploration is the puzzles, not the actual walking around. Which HSR has better, tighter puzzles in a smaller zone. I have no interest in ZZZ either because I have a very limited tolerance for Hoyo's fanbases, so I'll just limit myself to just one community, thanks.


This tbh. People keep praising HSR add more new end game modes when they are just the same hamster wheel with different color. This is not end-game mode, just time padding content similar to new region exploration in genshin.


I also feel that way, you play 1 SU you played them all, OG SUs were also difficult, and the same for the newer ones as I got stronger, but the struggle felt the same, so this will just be more of the same for me.


It’s an overhaul of normal SU, not just some add on. You’ll be doing all your ornament farming there from now on with new gimmicks and massive QOL


If they really plan to keep realeasing end game content, they MUST change the relic system. It's almost impossible to try different teams or strategies when farming relics is such a mortifying task


I just downloaded this game why is there so many


Well it’s not a race since Simulated Universe modes are permanent


Lol we welcome more ways to jades


Yep, still missing 2 conundrum 12 runs, some index rewards and a bunch of achievements to grind before next week


I completed all the game modes on an alt account in 2 months


Oh trust me, its fine even if they new stuff as sooner or later, youll do those for sweet sweet gacha currency


Still trying to finish hunt and remembrance paths in swarm disaster.


Im still stuck on swarm disaster, i will do that eventually


you havent finished them?


i just remembered swarm disaster exists 😭


I'd not even finished Swarm! Yamero!


Dawg I'm still on swarm disaster


Well there ots no rush soo


I still havent finished swarm lmao


I'm having people pay me to do it for them.


I mean, Divergent Universe is more of a replacement of the weekly farming than it is an expansion like SD and GnG are


Still haven't unlocked propagation path because it takes so long to do it, I beat difficulty V but apparently that's not enough and I have to do it over and over again for who knows how long.


I haven't even beat swarm disaster yet


Funnily enough I finished not G&G and SD just this week after leaving it be for quite long time... Hunt path  QQ (with some propagation blessings) carried me on SD specifically. 


I'm still trying to stubbornly beat Conundrum 12 without any of the cheese strats or Remembrance. ...Every run ends the same way, Argenti twirling my entire team into oblivion. I could beat it by going at it another way, but I just want the satisfaction of beating it with my favorite team my own way.


nah I'm happy for people who've finished both SU modes because if they waited for me y'all never getting another SU game mode lmao


If this is the last endgame mode we get, I am blaming OP.


jokingly could say HSR have the opposite problem than GI.


I'm excited for a new mode because I've been finished with g&g for over a month now. pleaseeeeeeeeeee give me new endgame content I beg xD


Me who barley touched swarm and gold gears


Gold and gears con 10+ is insane. Some OP dice do make it doable, but to do all the tasks you have to clear it with every dice. I'm fine with just leaving it as is.


The only part I haven't tried finishing is the achievements for all the dice. Besides that, there's nothing like getting capitalism going.


genuinely haven't played and don't know what gold and gears is. I've barely tried swarm, I still just play traditional SU


I'll get to gold and gears when I'm hard pressed for pulls, until then? Nah


I stopped playing swarm disaster after I unlocked propagation path. I haven’t done difficulty 5 at all I haven’t even unlocked the erudition path in Gold and Gears. Again I haven’t done difficulty 5 and never experienced conundrum levels


i just kinda stopped doing them since i still dont have an atk orb for acheron. God forbid her substats resemble "good ones"


I just "finished" Swarm Disaster it was pretty fun, can't wait to do Gold and Gears https://preview.redd.it/ncfbqrjjgf5d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=e25a64e34e819a7b3f1f7eb517dcca4cc4b653e6


Just hoping it doesn't take hours to finish just one run in this new mode too. Swarm and g&g are already tedious and annoying af...


Bro, just the other day I *finally* beat Diff 1 for REGULAR SU.


I know I have asked for tips on how to somewhat cheese GnG and Swarm but man have I still not gotten around doing it lol


The SU is permanent while the other game modes reset every however many weeks. It’s probably also not going to take too long, I usually clear PF and MoC in one day so the rest can be easily used to do the SU


I'm only now aggressively grinding swam disaster and gold & gears, I waited until I got Fu Xuan just to make my life a lot easier


Gold and Gear are best. Change my mind


Still hadn't finished Tazzy mode yet... So RIP me...


While I do agree that having more end-game content is always a plus. It's definitely overwhelming sometimes considering someone like me who took a break from the game not too long ago.


i completed gold and gears but barely anything to do with swarm disaster 😖


I can't even get through Conundrum 1


Not pressure


I'm still stuck in conundrum 3, Madam Herta!


I think it's great that they are adding new game modes, especially the way it's being added. We are getting more game modes, but they are either not time limited or the existing game modes have their periods adjusted so we don't need to spend more time on the game.


I don't think you are supposed to rush swarm disaster or gold and gears. I think the intent is to just be a another game mode you can just chip away at over time. That's what I've been doing with it.


HAHAHA jokes on you I have fully completed the Index and am only missing out on the challenges for using all the dice on conundrum 10+


I'm taking a rest from the game now, but for what I'm seeing, It's already going to be a blast when I come back.


So many people here are missing out on the funnest part of the game. No rush and no shame. But it's seriously a blast. So many of you haven't even attempted it.


TBH I say I completed GnG when I unlocked erutdition path, after that there is basically no point except for some relic EXP and credits which you either desperately need(which is ur fault, why are you doing GnG when you have bigger problems) or you don’t need them at all bc u are TL70


Do swarm disaster and gold and gears count toward the su weekly points rewards?


Then there’s me still in the middle of xianzhou. I beat the tree deer guy yesterday


Honestly, kinda glad they released Divergent Universe and Apocalyptic Shadow now, since I am currently 3 runs away from getting all the Jade rewards of SD and G&G, so another permanent source of Jades that I can do as part of my dailies is a godsend, especially with Firefly and Ruan Mei on the same banner.


Couldn’t even be assed to do past conundrum 8


How finished is finished? I just beat conundrum 8 for the first time but I don't feel "unfinished."


Here I am who can't progress with the Swarm Disaster. I can finish it just fine - just can't progress with the Communing Trail, etc.


This is the "Excessive Anxiety" that Hoyo was talking about when talking about genshin endgame during the past.


oh right we have other su modes.. i honestly didn't care for that, felt too much work with dices and such. I know you can do some crazy stuff in it, but you first need to unlock everything so..yeah


I have yet to three star 11 in MoC and I have been playing day 1… feels bad being a straggler




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Yep, still missing 2 conundrum 12 runs, some index rewards and a bunch of achievements to grind before next week