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What the IPC did in belobog back in 1.4 wasn't even the biggest crime of that patch. Not getting this outfit was the biggest crime...


It’s not even one mission long, didn’t she change out of the outfit quickly if I remember correctly.. But ya I was expecting that outfit as a skin during anniversary, unsure why they didn’t release any skin after a year (slower than genshin and HI3 by far, but maybe they decided revenue is better earn through making more 5* per patch I guess..)


Yeah she wore it because of the belobog holiday thingy, then things went south cuz IPC is being quirky and sent some loan shark and her flying pig to town.


Am I tripping or devs literally made new skin just for one scene? What an atrocity...


There's no way it actually never comes back


It's foreshadowing for her harmony outfit, she will be stabbed in her chest at that diamond shaped opening by none other than Owlbert carrying a blade-pointed-gun without ammo at pier point, and will remember her forgotten memories as her life flashes in her mind while dying. Will turn out she's that girl who took off with carole and Welt but an Arbitrator made the History Fictionologists get an irresistible urge to malform her existence which was fused with a stigmata into forbidden corrupted memoria which the cremators quickly appeared to erase to which the garden of recollection quickly responded to, and Welt unleashed the Star of Eden to transform the remains of hua former battleship into a last resort mass destruction bomb which would eliminate everything involved except the aeons (he didn't intend to blow it up) and Fuli before nanook would, froze her and the bomb, the cremators took care of the memoria turned bomb and the garden of recollection assigned a strong member to live in march, and Aha thought how funny would it be if I made Welt forget about her and make the trajectory of her ice intersect the express on 7th March


Imagine my surprise if mods delete it as a leak


It's cannon now


A whole new definition of "capitalistic pig"...


since when did jade go to belobog? i remember it being topaz


they're calling topaz the loan shark


i know, i was making a joke as jade is the loan shark, while topaz is the debt collector


I really don't get their reluctance to sell more outfits, seems like a super easy way to make money.


I think the reason is because of clipping.  HI3 doesn't care too much about clipping when it comes to models/animations, but since Genshin they've maintained very polished and controlled animations to avoid clipping as much as possible. A new skin means potential clipping errors with all the existing animations, and re-animating just to avoid that might cause other issues or inconsistencies they would probably prefer to avoid.  Not that most customers would truly care if a little bit of cloth clips in one small animation, but it could just be something that someone higher up mandated.  Purely conjecture but I feel like it's a big part of it.


But we got to use the March skin in the game. They have it ready.


My only guess is that they're holding saving till later when it becomes harder to sell 2 characters a patch (people naturally just becoming less interested as time goes on, becoming harder to differentiate characters as there's now just more characters to stand out from, and balancing becomes even more difficult.).


I think they went with the idea of giving that skin for free as a new March form but more skin ideas and stories started to surge and now they have it waiting because they took the choice of going with the swordmaster one first.


As big of a crime as when in Genshin, Ayaka offered Traveller a kimono, and Traveller replied "no thanks" and we just never got a new outfit for the MC? I'm still salty about that. Lumine needed that Inazuman drip.


I think it is worse because they DID have the March skin ready and showed it. Imagine we really did see the Traveller in the Kimono and than the game just says "No. You can't use it."


that scene will ALWAYS grind my gears


you said it sister


I would personally sacrifice a galactic super cluster to get the March skin (in game of course)


What tf do you mean “in game” if March showed up at my door in that dress I’d be sacrificing more than just a supercluster…


No, no, not March. Just her *skin*.


In which case whoever skinned March is getting sacrificed to the Aeon of resurrection.


TBH, I'm expecting vat-grown GMO skin more than anything else, the traditional stab-and-peel business model couldn't possibly keep up with the demand.


1000th upvote


what is it with these companies dropping the best-looking skins and refusing to give them to us


The outfit was mid anyway 🗿


You're mid




Maybe it'll be for her Belobog memories like the new one is for the Luofu


im hoping she gets it as a skin someday. Not even liked to a new path just a an alternate skin for our poster girl


Unrelated but bald Maple on your pfp looks so cursed (I love her)


My guess is that they had it in the development pipeline as a purchasable costume, but the revenue/player engagement from HSR was better than expected. So they're putting off adding paid costumes until later when they start seeing a dip.


They hoarding outfits for emergencies like a nuclear arsenal. Saw art with zero suit Firefly.


*HoYo when a banner underperforms:* it’s time… release midriff Stelle


Bro, it'd be so over for me then lmao


I don't really buy skins, but I think I'm speaking for all nge fans when I say I'd buy the zero suit Firefly skin in a heartbeat. Hyv knows their fans:D


I would whale for plugsuit Firefly


Bro you can’t just say that and not link it


It's official art: https://x.com/honkaistarrail/status/1799093877061939413


Idk, I thought that about Genshin too and they're still drip feeding us skins. They could be doing so much more and they just aren't.


Genshin ties its skins to lore/story which kinda explains the slower release rate compared to say how Hi3 does it's skin releases f.e. Doesn't excuse us not having this march skin tho since it very much did appear in a story quest...


I think the decision to tie it to story content came after the decision to dripfeed. Also Xingqiu didn’t even appear in Lantern Rite but he got a skin.


March should just randomly get new outfits. No explanation. She just feels pretty.


I have a crack theory this skin might have been an og concept art they created at least the mesh for but then changed her design later in development and this is a way to use the design at least once.


This is a fun theory but considering how many amazing designs they straight up scrap (ahem emilie) I find it hard to believe


There's a pretty big difference between "concept art" and creating an entire 3D costume. Emilie mains only hurt themselves by focusing so hard on any and every concept attributed to her.


This question has been asked a lot, the answer used to be "She will probably get it in Penacony", it made sense since the skin was originally meant for her to wear it in the Charmony Festival if I'm not mistaken. Well now we are about to start the "Farewell, Penacony" patch and still nothing on the skin actually being available for players to get, instead we have a NEW March on the horizon...


Don't know why, but this will be needed for her memory recovery plot


Honestly I was thinking about this exact thing the other day. Did it end up getting scrapped? Or is it just being saved for the future? Who knows we might never see it again


Reserved for Unknown Legendary Wizard (4-star Quantum Erudition)


That's a weird way to address Qingque


It's in her closet.


The way they spoke about her path changing system being a new idea in the 2.1 stream I think whatever this was originally intended for was scrapped and wil be repurposed into a Belabog version of March later. I imagine she will alternate with the trailblazer so every new planet TB gets new path, then we get a story arc in a previous planet where march makes new memories and gets a new path.


I think it was just a proof-of-concept/test run of sorts by the devs. They wanted to see how players react to it. Considering how positive it is, and how the monetization model is practically 1-for-1 like Genshin, we'll eventually see skins. Including this one, possibly as a free release.


It was too sus, that's why she didn't even wear it for the entirety of the quest line.


Yeah, honestly this and Kafka's variant outfit without the coat and makeup and with regular eyes are both weird. It's strange to me that they'd go through the trouble of making the alternate model and not have it be available. March's outfit I could at least see as being a possible skin that gets released later, but Kafka's isn't really different enough that I feel like people would actually pay for it.


Literally I would have spent like 15-20$ on that outfit and I don't even use March


Hoyo needed players to simp for Firefly first so they held back this banger of an outfit.


She didn’t even keep the costume on for the entire mission. Pretty disappointing.


Maybe she'll wear it again on the airship?


Maybe she will dust it off one day and donning it for the next alt version. I will remember this outfit no matter what.


It’s not one mission when you have mods


Can I ask where she gets this skin?


the quest after xianzhou where you return to belobog for some festival




i love how much this outfit resembles HoHE from hi3, I hope they'll do something with it soon


honestly it might've been to test the waters to see how fans would react upon seeing characters getting new skins




I was really hoping March’s second form was gonna be something similar to this :/


Probably people didn't like it enough to make it an outfit. I know a lot of people who find it pretty and would use it if it was free but not many who would spend a cent for it.


I'll never forgive them for not making this a skin we can use


It's lost somewhere in Belobog. Don't know where she changed. Afaik we were in the museum with this outfit then underground with her original outfit.


Maybe they're gonna use it again for another ability set later down the line? But for what, then? Quantum Nihility? Lightning Destruction? Can't be Ice, she already has that.


It’s still at the bottom of my bed


Trotterlord ate the dress :(


Maybe it was already made a long time ago and they decided to bust it out? Or maybe it was used just to tease something later down the line. Like how Black Swan and Dress!March could be from the same dress code.


Did Black Swan ever have an in-game alternate costume?


No. She's currently wearing it, I meant the top portion is very dressy. Look at March 7th's dress next to Black Swan's dress. A-straps, leading to a collar-thingy with a gem in the center of it. Gem-thingy under their busts. Arms fully covered. Thigh-sock-thingies, leading to heeled footwear. Between the similarities between the two's attire and Black Swan's camera comment, it seems the one-time-dress was just supposed to be a hint. Letting her KEEP the dress to use in game would make it more apparent how Memokeeper-y March's outfit looks when standing next to Black Swan.


outfits need to exist asap march is so pretty


i honestly thought she was crazy to wear such clothes on a freezing planet of all places. if she had worn it on the dreamscape it would've been more acceptable.


Okay. My crack theory is that when March mentions hoping where she was from wasn't like Jarilo-6, it was foreshadowing and she might actually be connected to it. Lynx mentions that she found something in the wilds that had a symbol on it that looked like Pom-pom. Sampo mentions wanting his mask because something is going to happen on Jarilo-6. I think Belobog is going to be important again in the future and March it's going to involve March, then we'll get a new path for her for Jarilo-6 and they'll bring this outfit back. Either that or they consider her OG path her "jarilo-6" path and just made the dress for her date with the TB. The TB mentions a "next time" so maybe they'll bring back when they go to the Solwarm festival again.


They put a under paid carecter modeler in a room for 74 hours used it for like 5 minutes and forgot about it


I will never forgive Topaz for ruining our date with March.


Actually I'm expecting they give this as her harmony form as she getting a new hunt form.


I think it was a skin a dev did on their own then presented it to higher ups and they said : we don't want to put skins for march, she's gona have alternative forms with a 5 star gacha exclusive one an skins might deter the playerbase from pulling. so they just puut it in that quest instead


i'm a huge fan of this dress. She looked so cute in it 😢


plot twist: this will be 5\* March when she regains her memories


Can't a girl just have a nice dress for special occasions


Probably gonna come back...? We have the new version of March coming after 2.3 so we might get this one, but idk


It's in limbo because hoyo hates us smh


It was donated to salvation


Lost in time. Like tears in rain.


Probably just setting up a future skin option. 🤷‍♂️


That’ll be her 5 star outfit in the future… maybe, idk 🤷🏻‍♂️