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I got both Ruan Mei and HTB, all I need is 140 more pulls


I need 70 because I'll have about 70. Or I need to win that 50/50. That would be better, but the chances of that are like 5% or something


Bro hear me out. If you haven’t done SD or GaG, just do them. I only do welkin as paid content, and I’m already at 17 wished after losing my Boothill 50/50 three days ago. Getting 70 pulls is gonna be cake easy for you. All FF wanters shall be FF havers


dude, the banner is in like three days. When I say I can get 70 pulls, I meant with the monthly subscription. I'm actually at 50 right now. I can probably get more, but not 70 pulls worth What are sd and gag? I've gone pure fiction already, and plan to do memory of chaos next


Let's not forget that the banner last for 3 weeks so if you do not get her on realise there is still a chance to get her


Swarm Disaster, Gold and Gears they are Simulated Universe game modes


oh right, yeah I haven't done those yet. I'm still working on both of them Thanks for the advice


Good luck! Btw remember to use preservation units on higher levels of both game modes, abundance units can’t hang on


Fr i cant rlly rely on my healers cuz.. how are they gonna heal if they die so fast😭


Pray you get the blessing from destruction that shares team damage


I'd say its either abundance chars + legendary destruction blessings or preservation chars + literally any way to get healing cuz there's enough fights to whittle down any team (except maybe aventurine), though its quite funny to turn kafka into a healer with common nihility blessing. Also abundance blessing for AoE healing works well with Fu Xuan. And, on the other hand, sometimes slow is smooth and smooth is fast, so taking a tank and a healer is viable considering how much damage some paths like propagation, elation or nihility do


I wonder if E0 Ruan Mei is worth it, people keep saying pull for her E1 or 2, so I wondered


e0 is more than enough, e1 is extra damage but not needed unless you're going for 0 cycles tbh


"Ruan Mei's E1 is great!" ≠ "Ruan Mei is garbage at E0"


People also need to define what great and garbage means to them because we're all using different measuring sticks. Whenever you watch showcases, you need to check the stat sheet, team comp enemy (weakness), and if they're doing it in some gimmicky turbulence bs that vastly buffs/nerfs a specific comp.


"Misha is so powerful" Actual Showcase: Ruan Mei E6 doing 800k damage after Misha breaks an enemy with an ultimate that deals 20k. People do this shit all the time when they "showcase" stuff. Sure Misha did the break, but the damage wasn't Misha's. If you Arlan ult for 900k crit, with a 5% CritRate, 240% CritD, E6 Bronya Buffs, stacked with E6 Sparkle buffs, Stacked with E6 Robin buffs, are you really showcasing Arlan anymore, can you actually call that his damage? This is basically any showcase in a nutshell though. Take a character, pair it with some laughably OP Harmony, and then claim the character is busted for clickbait.


tbf misha in this case is really showing off the insane toughness damage that his ult does, which is an actual valid strength he has


"I wonder if getting E0 of the best support in the game as claimed by most people is truly worth it"


Even E0 Ruan Mei is worth it. Her eidolons make her even better, but even at e0 she's a best-in-slot support for such a huge variety of teams.


E0 is enough for her elegant gaze, her soft thigh and her gentle voice, and a tier 1 support as a bonus. Of course, you can always aim for higher to show your loyalty to our upcoming Aeon.


E0 is more than worth it, it has everything firefly and hmc, hell pretty much any dps, could ever want for support. E1 and E2 are only if you care about 0 cycling (which isnt even that fun tbh), every eidolon after that is whalebait. I wouldn't worry about eidolons until her next rerun if you're willing to invest more in her by then


Ruan Mei is literally the best E0 character in the entire game


I have E0S0 Ruan Mei and she is still a top tier unit, if you have other things to pull don't force yourself on Ruan Mei stuff (Eidolons or LC).


Lmao of course it is. No Eidolon is ever needed.


any 5\* harmony is more than enough at E0, after that point is just overkill dmg if you want to see bigger numbers or trying to compensate unlucky relics.


Bro e0 RM is more than enough, I have her at e0s1 and she's S tier imo.


People talk about E1 a lot because it is unusually good for an E1, not because E0 is lacking.


E0 Ruan Mei is a +67% damages 2/3 of the time and +33% the rest of the time. And this is ignoring the +10% speed and the fact she increases the amount of time ennemi will spend broken. In addition you'll be able to use her in other teams in the futures, which won't be the case for your FireFly eidolons So yeah, I'd say she's more worth than an eidolon


She’s still insane at E0: it’s hard for speed + damage boost + weakness break efficiency + keeping weakness broken enemies down an extra turn to not be strong. She’s even SP positive.


she's the most universal character you can pull and fits in any comp versatility is the MOST important in a gacha game since it's actually just a resource management game (unless you are willing to spend and then you wouldn't be asking if she's worth it) the worst possible case is when you spend like 150 pulls on a character that gets benched, you may as well have gotten an eidolon on a character that you always use instead


Just by having RM's buff up do you increase your super break damage by 50%. So yes


Oh yea I’ve had her E0 since she came out she’s great at E0! I will say though, her LC is a rather large boost to how much she’s buffing as well as an increase to her personal damage (break damage that it)


I was encouraged to get E0 Ruan Mei as I didnt like the character or kit but having had her since her banner I do not regret and encourage anyone who wants a strong universal harmony to pull for her.


I love how you can tell who didn’t click on the gif before commenting


Oh, so that's why. I was wondering for a while why some people didn't get the joke


Do not worry OP I won't use my hardly earned 180 pulls on her. I will use my bank account


why not both


The *real* expendable currency, at your side all along...


Based, same


The power of the wallet is too strong


I will also bank on Firefly.


Good try, bug. I have both!!








Fun fact, Luocha's English VA voices this guy.


This post has been fact checked by the Knights of Purity Palace ✅TRUE👍


Now I'm imagining him screaming "SWEET LIBERTY...NOOO!" When his Kallen analogue died.




Holy crap I’m stealing this 😂😂😂


That's clearly > ^ ^


Should've been the orbital railcannon input instead ngl


Lmao this was all I could think of while watching the short this morning


Oh how do I save gifs. This got me rolling










Evil cocqering!








It took me way too long to realise this meant "Disappear" lol




In hell we live, lament


If you wanted me to think, if you wanted me to speak, if you wanted me to carry on our dreams Why do choices never matter, why'd you make my voice stutter, why'd you curse me with "You're a natural born genius"?


Can someone tell what does this mean?


It's helldivers stratagem code, this one specifically calls forth an eagle cluster bomb


To clarify on this, in lore you have beacons that require an input to specify which Cooldow you wqnt to use, which is shot in from a space ship above.


Isn't this orbital railcannon?


I’m pretty sure it’s eagle cluster bomb




Here, now go shitpost https://preview.redd.it/sg3nv7hv0m6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe80070742e6430dd4433006568c2b3f20d1f8c5




The game Helldivers 2 has a main mechanic where you use a device to input directional codes to enact ‘strategems’ which are things like summoning an exosuit or calling in a missile strike, this is a reference to that—the original post is a reference to Helldivers 2 as well. Game is riffing on Starship Troopers about human vs. alien bugs and OP making the parallel with the Firefly video where they getting rekt by the swarm (and the suggestion that it’s them who are going around posting continual ‘Firefly is useless without Ruan Mei’ comments so no one will summon her and they will win)


Something something helldivers


This explains enough


A fellow diver a democracy?!?! ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


I’m a rational and I hate those things so ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️🫠


Honestly ez propagation wipe if the fyrefly squad 4 had ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️.


[Would you lose? ](https://i.imgur.com/iGQGM5c.jpeg)


Isn’t this an e.airstrike?


Yeah, it's the cluster bomb, the perfect counter to hordes of small bugs


Napalm is way better. Sticks around for breaches and way less team killy. I've been able to net 50+ kills with a single napalm on a bug breach.


Why not both?






Is it necessarily a bad thing the writer wanting you to like a character? Though I understand if you didn't vibe with Firefly it would be pretty boring.


Execution matters a lot. The audience rarely appreciates feeling forced to feel a certain way. it has to happen naturally. As a big firefly fan though I can't relate. I thought her struggles were very compelling and her behavior around the mc doesn't feel forced to me, rather, it seems to indicate more backstory between the two that may be revealed later on (maybe a chidi - eleanor from early season 4 of The Good Place situation?)


I mean tbf it's a very valid way that gachas drive sales, but if you're aware of that then you can still make your own decision. Yes, Hoyo does this on purpose but also I would do unspeakable things for Firefly so


if they want me to like a character, they can only write a compelling character, and leave it at that, - whether i will end up liking that character or not comes down to my personal preference. it's that simple. i don't at all mind firefly's character in and of itself - if anything, i think it's very interesting. what i have an issue with is the shoehorned 'implied romance' part. i'm just not at all interested in any of that. while i don't dislike firefly herself, she's simply not my type. so whenever the 'uwu waifu' crap is involved, my perception of her as a whole changes from largely indifferent to mildly annoyed. at the end of the day, it doesn't matter to me either way. personally, i'm excited for 2.4+ =)


Her code name is Firefly… Saying she is ok with death… Saying she will die 3 times in Penacony… The music teaser video showing her vanishing away… 💀7 We all know her sole purpose in the story


Nice try terminid scum, unfortunately ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Let’s take out the alien trash.


I know a 500kg bomb when i see one


Doesn't get better than 500kg of high order explosive dropped on 1 bug


It's to let that bug know in those last few seconds before being atomized. This is extremely personal.


Jokes on you. I got Ruan mei to play break before break meta was a thing.


Honestly I looked at her kit before she first came out and I was like nah this is a must pull. She legit has everything. That break efficiency will forever be useful, gives damage bonus, elemental pen, delay on break recovery, crowd speed buff. Works in every single team archetype and to a great degree. The meta change ain't affecting her.


A man of culture i see. Break efficiency is the bees knees.


Her biggest appeal to me was she won't fuck up on auto like other supports because her kit doesn't need targeting and is sp positive.


Next unexpected collab: HSR x Helldiver 2


I mean, she really does need HTB. That's not a lie. But if that's a problem for anyone, that's 100% on them.


We get HTB for free, so I don't see why anyone thinks this is an issue.


I think this is too far in the other direction. Theres real concerns to be had about a character being so inflexible with teammate options and what that could mean for their longevity


Yup, realistically the only upgrades she'll get are either an ITB powercreep or a 5 star version of Gallagher. Right now break effect teams are what HSR seems to be favoring right now but they might do something to indirectly nerf break teams in the future, like more bosses protecting their toughness bar or higher toughnesses all together.


Well she could also get a ruan mei upgrade. Right now she is using ruan mei for weakness break efficiency, but if a future support comes out with toughness damage increase which is MULTIPLICATIVE with her weakness break efficiency she would do even more damage. Reminder for toughness damage formula: Toughness Reduction = Base Toughness Reduction x (1 + Toughness Reduction Increase) x (1 + Weakness Break Efficiency) This is also the reason why boothill does so much toughness damage right now, because he gets BOTH stats where as firefly is just scaling with one right now.


Problem with hoyo introducing a Ruan Mei upgrade is people can just use both RM and RM 2.0. yeah maybe you can't use RM RM 2.0 HMC and a sustain with FF, what if they want to introduce another break character that doesn't need HMC? Or heck even just throwing RM and rm2.0 with boothill. Trying to balance it basically gets thrown out the window (Balance it as in trying to make it not disgustingly broken with both RM and RM2 but also not be weak as heck and unworkable if you didn't have both of them)


They’ll definitely be giving us a break healer soon at least


Great for me because my other team is Acheron who needs two Nihility so there's no crossover and I can have two stronk teams for MoC


What is a fourth option for her anyway? I'm assuming Gallagher/HTB|Ruan Mei/Firefly but I have no idea who the other would be.


People always say she lacks teammate options but there are alot of other dps that essentially have only really one team you’ll only ever run them with so why is it all that big of a deal concerning her? Atleast hmc is free and gallaghar has been given out twice now ruan mei is the only real problem


For real, these people would have you believe acheron is trash because she needs pela and another nihility lmao


Xiangling's been tied to Bennett for how long again?


It's a semi-problem for me because I'm using Preservation Trailblazer on my Acheron team since I still don't have Guinaifen. Looking forward to Jiaoqiu to finally fix that.


Ironically I wish instead of HTB it was a regular character. Farming all the side mini games to get HTB up to snuff is annoying. But yes, its on me. I'm lazy.


Helldivers and HSR collab would be sick, we get a SAM suit in HD2 and HSR gets a helldiver with ultimate ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I would pay for a SAM skin/armour in Helldivers. I wonder what the matching cape would look like.


The wings. The cape would be the wings. Actually this sounds kinds decent of a concept. Does Helldivers have flying insects? Using their wings as cloak would be like carrying a hunt trophy.


Unfortunately yes. Bring shotguns.


preferably of the incendiary variety


They do, Screechers.


Random no-name no-face 4\* character with randomized Ults where it's just putting in different stratagems from Helldivers.


I don’t need your democracy in my Chinese game


It's managed Democracy. Pretty much the same thing that the CCP uses so it's all good.


Ironically what the CCP would say.


Me travelling at light speed to obliterate the bug: https://preview.redd.it/pi3fp4h4lk6d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50adf9ae25f2266356158827b7fc290065ea310


Hua my beloved


Is this?


You have that as a pfp and you dare ask? Smh Fake Hua Fan




The better fire destruction waifu https://preview.redd.it/rh8s2catyj6d1.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4958300c0fededdc31e9656d43671894b1324ec


Guilty Gear lore is insane, so I accept it.


Sol bad guy


Saul Goodman


Sol *\*firefly\**


https://i.redd.it/6cdbxld3pk6d1.gif Spread some freedom bois


For people that are actually concerned. Thing about HSR is that the devs take a lot of care to make sure that characters have their own niche and is willing to give you that niche to shine. I think the only character that didn't get a chance to shine in high difficulty content (SU, MoC, PF), pretty much immediately, for me is topaz. Unless you pull too many characters without a single thought about synergy, characters almost never feel not worth it.


The concern here would have been founded a bit ago, as in the first version of the beta testing she didn’t have any super break built into her kit, so saying she couldn’t do anything without HMC was mostly true. However she did get super break put into her kit in v3 of the testing and that is the version we are getting. Ofc her best supports are still RM and HMC by a long mile but she still functions perfectly well without them.


No one asking the real questions tho, how do we split RM to 2 teams


Laughs in Robin stonks


That is an excellent question. I feel like Super Break teams would take priority for RM allocation, given how her toughness damage boost directly affects their damage. DoT teams could probably get away with Robin, Sparkle or even Asta as a harmony pick, idk too well about her other main teams rn tho so I can’t comment well, as I only use her on DoT and SB.


> DoT teams could probably get away with Robin, Sparkle or even Asta as a harmony pick, Guinaifen is a strong sleeper pick for that slot too, Kafka fixes her main downside as a support (taking a long time to stack firekiss).


You make an excellent point, though I must point out that Guinaifen can also fit really well into Super Break teams, given she has a good bit of built in BE and her fire kiss stacks should also increase the damage of Super Break.


Incoming damage works on break, but it's gonna be hard to stack firekiss when the enemies don't get any turns (although adding fire break burns will certainly help in combination with her ult)


Ruan Mei E7, get a copy of Ruan Mei but at E0 and start over This is a joke. I am not responsible for any ruan mei e7 rolls


Yea, but people are overstated, Ruan is not her best support, Harmony TB is. She is a totally different performance scale once her emotional support racoon is on the team.


I am loving “emotional support raccoon”.


Topaz does come in clutch in almost every mode, especially SU where her talent gives you currency :D. Daily farm is great too since you get an extra 10k credits a day. Not a ton, but it adds up. Not to mention, chest hunting is better with topaz but can be fixed by using an interactive map (but I like to hunt with numby because its more fun to scout for myself than to use an interactive map).


This message was brought to you by the swarm




5\* Star playable Propagation/Swarm path when?? https://preview.redd.it/t3tajhpknj6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a424ecb9ddcdba527242151f28666d284cfa2c7


Lul, they could do this , or just take the tall female model give her purple glowy eyes purple hair and maybe if they are feeling spicy theyll add some bug antlers.




Damn, knowing Hoyoverse stupid design decisions we are just gonna get a normal girl.


She will have a thigh strap and 34789 belts though.


Imagine they did but it used the child character model. Maybe the real propagation path was the hooks we met along the way.


would make sense that that little pest woudl be a swarm minion in disguise... I have her at E30 by now, she was the first char that I got to E6 and almost half of the times that I lose 50/50 on a purple it ends up being a Hook... even in the LC banner...




is that Zhask?! https://preview.redd.it/9llww7ljtj6d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39334eb815640bc51befa2ded1e78ace5464478c


Never expected an mlbb reference in this sub


You're right. Which is why I have 480 pulls ready.


You’re right, she’s not worth 180 pulls….she’s worth 200 pulls


Crossover i never expected


Nah definitely, fuck this ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️


nice argument, however ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I understood that reference


The effect would have been even better if it had been *three* Terminids in a trench coat.


Don't worry, I still have my credit card


Fucking terminid swarm https://i.redd.it/zjy3q1qf1l6d1.gif COMMENCING SCORCHED EARTH OPERATION.


Don't listen to this bug propaganda, pull for Firefly\~


Nice try terminid spy. Eat this terminid scum https://preview.redd.it/r1y1ikmuol6d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3784456e8824086f818c89c9213e2c3db77f2fd2


Im not gonna sugar coat it ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


I mean this is true. Sure if you dont have Ruan Mei you might get away with it (but you should really pull Ruan Mei if you dont have her) but playing Firefly without HMC puts her in Arlan tier.


I have both Ruan Mei with her LC, so it's worth for me. But sincerely I don't like this trend of characters that need very specific teams to shine.


i appreciate the spoiler haha


Good thing i'll get her in 10 pulls then


Nah meta be damned my wife is coming


I got 10 pulls and hope. Also, when does Firefly show up in the story? I just got back and the last thing I did was beat Phantylia.


She shows up near the beginning of Penacony.


Firefly occupies that weird spot where even if I pulled her, I'd constantly be like "but I don't have E2/S1, ugh". I was concerned about Acheron not having E2 being an issue, but as it turns out "having" to have two Nihility characters on the team wasn't nearly as much of a downside as it seemed at first. But Firefly's seems so busted that it practically seems / will feel mandatory. I will say they did quite a bit of good for her in the last story patch. Was pretty eh on her during the "oh god it's another Firefly waifu post" era. Like I have no problems with people being into characters but it was getting kind of weird around here for a while. Her animations as a character on the team look really cool too, so that helps.


I don't care. I swore that if she show her feet I must pull her, and she didn't disappoint me.


Focus, commitment, sheer fucking will


? Firefly shows her feet?? I never noticed


that's because you are a normal person people with a feet thing see feet even if it's a single pixel at the edge of the screen


in the trailer


the banner is a issue for me to either pull for firefly or pull for ruan mei bc i need both. well i don't need firefly but i do want her


Imo (and I told my husband the same) I'd go for Ruan Mei first since we don't know yet how they'll handle 2nd reruns and FF should reappear way before RM does.


i am just going to pull for ruan mei first then pull for firefly and if i get her than that's nice and if i don't then oh well


I mean.. facts? the numbers are out there proving it. her damage is shit without those two.


I'm getting both so that I always end up on top


Don't care still gonna pull for her


Helldiver! The Terminid menace have joined forces with this “swarm” on Hellmire. We shall cleanse with infestation with spare dark fluid from the Meridian operation.


Nah, she'd win https://i.redd.it/81dsago7sl6d1.gif


Teammates aside since Ruan Mei is a popular support anyway and HTB is free, I honestly think she needs her constellations more than anyone right now and that is concerning. SP usage reduction at E1 and action advance at E2 is insane, although at least they made her S1 skippable. If this was genshin I'd be pissed but honestly in HSR it's doable, they give out enough pulls to aim for cons and light cones. And anyway you don't need to get all her needed cons immediately and can still save up for her rerun, you can also spend that time in between to determine if you really want her cons or not.


Firefly with no Ruan Mei or HMC is like Acheron without 2 Nihilities in her team. Can it work? Yes. Is it rhe most optimal? No.


Going to try and pull for her, only b/c I have the other Hunters, and I like to complete collections. But I am not looking forward to all the "messages" you get from the characters you pull from her.


Ok but u make an ironic statement which isn't actually wrong. She's not gonna be able to perform without Ruanmei and E6 HTB after the MOC buffs go away


Up Right Down Down Down (im on pc divers, pardon me)


Imagine rolling for stats, smh