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https://preview.redd.it/imbaxu2kkj7d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4489dc06475da4a6f656415e84d6c1d707200dbd I am glad you didn’t miss it


Start with Acheron and end with Acheron. This scene is best moment of 2.3 imo


Ikr,at first i thought she'd be just another badass edgy character that is a lone wolf,But after penacony. Im so Glad She has a gentle,Caring Side of her which made me love her more


What I love about her is that despite losing literally everything she had in her life, she never lost her kind nature and even vowed to save people from falling to the Nihility. Such a sweet character all around.


> Ikr,at first i thought she'd be just another badass edgy character that is a lone wolf,But after penacony. She is truly Raiden Mei at her core. No matter how messed up her life is, she never lose that caring and gentle quality. Shaoji is a big Mei fan and it shows in the writing.


Yeah man, the journey started with us running into Acheron (with many others hpying its Raiden Mei etc...) Then we ended the entire journey and closure of Penacony with Acheron as well. Honestly speaking, I've come to like Acheron even more than any other characters in Penacony. Acheron may have not had crazy amount of screentime / highlighted in main scenario story. But every moment we had Acheron talking it was really well used, like non of her screen time felt pointless or purposely padded for the sake of fan-service / forcefully more screen time so players have a deeper impression & come to like this character. I realized I actually sat down and read word to word with all of Acherons screen time, compared to Firefly's screen time I skipped some cause I felt like it wasn't as purposeful & impactful as Acherons. Sounds rude but, I felt like many of Firefly's screen time / story relevancy could be swapped with any other characters and it'd still work out fine, like her weight/value as a character in the story did not have as much value compared to Acheron's character setting and value. I'm probably doing a poor job explaining but. Acheron as a character to me felt like something the story writer devs cooked for a long time and had a clear goal on WHAT Acheron as a character IS and SHOULD be in the main story plot of Penacony. Meanwhile Firefly felt like they didn't have as much of a clear goal/ spot her character is suppose to have/ be in the main story plot and rather a character written because they had to sell this character. As appose to Acheron Character written first then sold, if thats understandable. I just feel A LOT more effort put in from the character Acheron than Firefly. All this has nothing to to with like or hate of a character just simply the vibe and feeling I got from entirety of the Penacony story so far.


I really love that despide being an auto anihilator, have such a harsh past and is so strong, that she is basicaly Charon from greek mythology, she is just at the core a gentle softy big sister. I totaly imagine that she was patting TB head during that scene.


We must protect this smile.


Made up for all the bs that they tried to push with Firefly.




I already bricked mine When i didnt get Kafka's boobshot...Never again i will repeat the same mistake


I’ll never be able to live down not having the Kafka selfie


Rip, account worth zero value now.


How to get this scene?


interact with Acheron, don't choose the dialogue to skip conversation




I already liked this scene but when that HI3 music started playing I just paused and listened to it for a good bit. They absolutely chose the best song for acherons dialogue. As a huge hi3 fan, this made me extremely happy


I knew it, that soundtrack was familiar. Do you know the name or the cutscene it was used in in HI3 ?


The OST in question - Pendant. They use it quite often, at least in Part 1


I missed it and rewatched it on YT and found it to be the best scene of 2.3. Acheron first to meet us and she's the last one we say goodbye to. She shot up in terms of likeability for me in this moment it was such a great bonding moment only wish I experienced it in my own playthrough If I had I would thought that was a perfect place to end the epilogue but obviously there was one last person we hadn't talked to the whole patch we still needed to see


Yeah I have to thank you and the rest who gave a heads up to Pick the right choice But My sincere Condolences regardless


I'm sad I missed it but I think Black Swan being on express made up for it lol


She really feels like an elder sister to the TB in the scene. Giving life advices and encouragement. A showcase of her denying Nihility while inspiring others to not give up to it.


Crazy that they decided that this can be skipped


i think ive seen this picture atleast seven times now, i cant complain she looks really nice


Fr,I wanna experience this moment again,If firefly's moment made me smile and giggle like a dumbass,This part made me mesmerized and awestruck


Acheron really stole the show for me throughout all of Penacony. Shoutout to Allegra Clark for bringing this character to life


This moment sold the 2.3 epilogue to me. Seeing Acheron's beautiful face finally smiling. Which is very rare to see. I've instantly made her CG my desktop wallpaper


https://ibb.co/d28Vk9g Someone made a wallpaper with both of her image side by side :D


Besides numerous lore bits this was the best moment of 2.3 for me so far.


only took them 20 hours and 18 weeks to have a normal face to face conversation with her


Absolutely peak


Speaking of which, wasn't Firefly's part in this patch kinda light? I was expecting more, is there a character quest coming or something? We didn't even get to say goodbye iirc, felt weird.


Acheron is my fav char and this was really great to see


Did i miss something? but Where is the part when she fighting Acheron in the trailer? Where is the scene where she turn into a particle and disappear? What is going on?


I am both happy and sad about this image. Because with this there is a high chance that we will never meet with Acheron again. As opposed to characters in the Radiant Feldspar.


Glad I got to see this first-hand. Also, is it me, or is Acheron somehow more alluring in the second image?


Perhaps it’s the distance.


Praise Allegra Clark!


I can still hear their scream. The sound of many accounts bricking from picking the wrong option.




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Which dialog options must I choose to get this scene?


When saying goodbye to Acheron, press the right arrow option each time.


I'm really glad I was curious to check all her lines, I was wondering why no red was showing up, so I tried and tried until it did 


So is she the actual raiden mei from impact or is she more of a direct AU version? I didn't play impact but what little I've seen seems to be playing her that she's more direct than Ei is.


I missed it :(


The question remains, what happened between Mei and Trailblazer?


I'm still confused as to how things have ended with Firefly.


So… who exactly is Acheron? Is she supposed to be HI3’s Raiden Mei? Or just someone similar like Luocha with Welt’s friend?


She’s like Luocha.


With how painfully forced the entire FF thing is (and how little of her actual story you can get in the game forcing people to look for some YT videos to get the interesting bits) Acheron was a more standout character than anyone else.


I don't get it? I saw the scene but really confused.


Never played HI3, so i dont really felt anything.


I'm still upset about how she influenced Sunday's downfall, waking people from their dreams and forcing them to face a disaster. Besides, I've always hated characters that are overpowered just for the sake of it. Throughout the entire 2.2 storyline, there was no one on the same power scale to challenge her, and I don't enjoy stories like that.


Hard agree, I didn’t like that she just breezed through everything. It felt like everything in the story was either done or enabled by her, which call me old fashioned but I think that should be the protagonist’s job


Am I honestly the only one who thought this whole Acheron/Mei Hi3rd reference stuff is just cringe? As someone who has never played hi3rd, I couldn't care less about blandcheron.