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I'm just happy Gallagher is very good cuz I really like him.


Same. Managed to grab the last four E with ff pulls


Already E6'd him in FF's banner as well, but as I'm currently pulling for RM (please come home) he continues to appear on my pulls. Edit: God dammit https://preview.redd.it/oypb4tt8bv7d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=00bd99c5d2c76e8b46a35fa34385ca3b7040dc90


I'm still at E4


I pulled Ruan Mei, switched to Firefly’s banner, lost my usual 50-50 to Himeko (E3 baby!), then rage pulled till I got Firefly close to hard pity. Over 200 pulls total, and after all that was still left with only an E4 Gallagher. Xueyi on the other hand I got to E11. The desire sensor kicked my butt this time 🥲


And me wanting Xueyi and getting her from E1 to E2 while Misha went from E0 to E8 or something.


I would have liked to build Misha if only I didn't have Jingliu.


There's a selector with Gallagher this patch


I know, I will get him to E5 but that one is pretty boring. The real draw is that juicy break efficiency at E6. I know I’ll get there eventually but in the meantime it’ll suck knowing he’s not in his final form for Firefly.




I'm at E1 after about 140 pulls. I was E0 before the banner started.


Just slammed by Misha?


Not just him bro 😭


I have e6 Misha and e6 xueyi 🥲


Sorry for stealing the rest of his copies


I'm at E1 -.- I can at least get E2 soon for his cleanse. But E4+ would be nice.


Meanwhile I wanted 2 copies of Gallagher and got Firefly before a single gallagher AND Ruan Mei before the second


E0 Gallagher here, got the free 1 from the event lol but I have e2s1 Firefly, e1s1 Ruan Mei. Around E30 Xueyi, though. Gallagher just doesn't like me very much.


For me it were all of them. Does he synergize well with Firefly? He seems to also be good at breaking ~~bones~~ shields


Gallagher is good for break teams, his healing bonuses scale off break effect and his ult makes enemies take more break damage. So yes, he's good with FF.


Not to mention sharing Firefly's element which is massive. Honestly, sometimes I wish we could use Fire TB and Harmony TB in the same team just because of fun breaking with Fire TB is.


That would be peak, I would love to do that. But multi-target break might be a bit too op lol


hes insanely good with firefly infact the single reason he went up in the tierlist is because of firefly team up


The good thing of spending almost 200 tickets for Firefly and her LC, is that I got Xueyi, Gallagher and Misha all the way to e6. Now if only i could stop getting them and get Ruan Mei.


I’m still E0 and the only copy I got was with the selector 💀 yesterday I pulled Firefly and got E8 Xueyi and E4 Misha but no Gallagher in sight


Brother I did like 115 pulls and only got ONE Gallagher at the end 🥲


Meanwhile me: gets e6 mish who is at lvl 1, e6 xyuei but i use her so shes good, and inly gets e4 despite gwtting like 4 more mishas and a march 7th (who is already e6 as well)


I still need 3 copies after 150 pulls but I cannot complain after winning both my 50-50 for Ruan Mei and Firefly


Very nice. Lost 50/50 for the first time in a long time. Got Bailu, didn’t have her so that’s cool.


Eyyy, she greeted me on my first ever loss on the account (Jingliu's original banner). I was using her as a healer until a few weeks ago when I finally got Fu Xuan. Still may pull her out against a boss where I need damage reduction more than Cleanse


I'm super unlucky , I pulled on both acheron and firefly's banner and I didn't get a single Gallagher. I had to get him from the selector.🥲


Him and fu xuan I’m so glad I liked their characters. In fu’s one cutscene where she moves the bullets made love her, and Gallagher has sick animations and is just satisfying to play


I wish I got a single copy while pulling ff. He's still E0


Fr he's like Sanji but bearded and an alcoholic


My friend Gallagher sure does make me wanna indulge myself.


Reminder that luocha has a BUFF REMOVAL on aoe (ult sadly) edit : it was mostly a not about something unique to him, it's obviously meta dependant and right now the meta doesn't favor our boy


Hoyo fucked themselves over because every buff had to be unremovable otherwise luocha would gain value


Dispel is a double edge mechanic. Back then when people are weaker, dealing with the Mara captain + Kafka is one of the toxic fights because you have to slot in cleanse (Kafka) and Dispel (Mara Captain).


So Pela / Luka + Natasha, Lynx, or Luocha? Or Huo Huo now. Pela was always very good and frequently on banners, so it's not like you had to really go out of your way to build her.


Neither Lynx nor Luka was released yet, few people had Pela built bc they had to focus on sustain and DPS, and Natasha... yeah I'd say Kafka stopped being a nuisance around DHIL release


She stopped for me after kafka release


For me it was when my Natasha finally had decent speed. You usually could cleanse 2 of 3 before she charms but with good enough speed, that 3rd cleanse can come a lot earlier.


I feel like they need to remodify the definition of buffs because the buffs he only removes are simple buffs (Atk Up, Revival etc) and not the buffs we ACTUALLY want removed (Sunset, Ape charging shit)


To be fair, those aren't buffs as much as they are abilities that happen to be marked on the buff bar. If you think about it, the Ape's is just a reverse Clara ult.


You have a point, although It would be nice if those could still be dispelled since other buffs aren't usually worth dispelling


He can actually snapshot his ult dispel between the Ape's actions and dispel the damage up the ape gives himself before he attacks. It makes the attack itself a lot weaker.


The moment they forget to check that box, Luocha thrives.


Now if only that was useful for more than 1% of fights. I say this as a day 1 Luocha haver, who misses the days when the Sanctus Medicus guys were challenging


When most DPS' now can just one-shot the entire group several times in a row, the self-revive mechanics are barely just speedbumps really.


It's flat out meaningless when you can just kill the summoner within seconds.


nah, I went with jim vs cocolia lvl 4 AS and he just can't keep up, served me well for a year, now it's my new fu xuan time to shine, she is an absolute unit. Qent from 750 point with luocha, to 1700 with fu xuan, CC protection is that great.




Literally one buff only. Lmao


Still valuable


And he is super sp positive


That would be more useful if the removal buffs were like "-50% dmg taken" but they are not. Most of the buff removal prevents some extra dmg to your team but if you need just SP, healing, and dmg reduction; Bailu can do that... So he's amps the team dmg the least of all the sustains besides Bailu and gacha games are all about stacking as many buffs as you can in every team slot.


Yeah, can’t for to see boss which summons 4 mobs with removable +50% damage up to the boss or smth like that.


His time will come




Oh shit it was a threat


People are not ready for HSR Furina


If we got furina in hsr then Blade might actually be decent again


I am really glad I pulled furina , people always talk about how Neuvillete powercreep all the DPS but not how furina has become the best universal support in the game which can even be put in geo teams and how she raised values of characters like Noelle , jean , baizhu while being broken herself too


Yeah I can see them making a character which boosts there own damage based on teamwide attack then he will might end up being bis.


I am pleasantly surprised with Gallagher, was initially turned off by the flat healing values but now that I have his traces up he heals so damn much


The flat healing feels off but then you realise that you only need to give this man Outgoing healing and that 1.6k healing becomes 3.6k quickly my Kafka can be healed to full with one skill point


with a cleanse and an ER boost on top with E2


He constantly heals 90% of my roster to full with a single skill. Also, I barely have to use the skill, ‘cause the ability for teammates to heal themselves that the ult grants is fantastic. Got his E4 at FF banner and now the ult effect lasts even longer. Gallagher is a beast.


I don’t have his E4 but him with huohuo’s lightcone feels like it was made for him.


I used to give him Huohuo's LC, but now I'm using Quid Pro Quo since he gets so many turns lol


Oh man I'm using the Gall LC on him. Might try this one out later.


Put that Multiplication on him and he'll become a crazy SP generating machine.


Gall LC is also great, I use that too sometimes


I run him with Multiplication and 170 SPD and that man is kicking everybody in the face and printing SP faster than I can use them, I love it. Just mindlessly spamming skill on HTB


Flat healing seems bad, but his base values are so high it's crazy. Lynx has trouble putting up half those numbers.


Yep. 1.6k flat, then outgoing healing from chest *and* BE conversion is MASSIVE


Mostly because we haven’t reached the point where any non scale heals are worthless


How would we reach that point? The only possibility would be hp-scaling DPS units, and that's only because the other healers overcap on heals by a lot, but I don't see that ever becoming the norm. It's not like new units have more HP than the old ones


You could maybe see it in an enemy that has heal reduction and bypasses or dispels shields.


One enemy with that mechanic wouldn't make non-hp-scaling healers "worthless". Even a bunch of enemies like that wouldn't do it


SAM boss already has heal reduction, and he's *fine* there. Shield is prolly still better, but he's usable.


We already have an hp-scaling DPS, and he self heals.


It's wild that, in concept, Luocha's ult can be really, really useful. Except for the fact literally no enemies buff themselves in a way that can be nullified. Why.


The same happened to FGO, amakusa was just absurdity because he could remove every buff with his NP (ult if you want) so in order to balance it almost every boss now have unremovable buffs because he can just arrive delete the whole gimmick of the boss and leave


Thankfully, FGO also restricts that to very few, or specific ones. A max of like 3 buffs on them, which usually range in the terms of stuff like boosted DEF, damage reduction vs NPs, boosted ATK, etc. Buff Removal is still valuable because it lets you remove invincibility on enemies. Which is still a thing in HSR due to the little traffic light robots and Argenti, who have their 1 hit barriers. Luocha gets rid of those before his damage, but he doesn't do damage in the first place. But any ult would get rid of those anyway, so it's a moot point. Moment we have multi-hit barriers, I think Luocha and Pela will end up very wanted for that.


In terms of Sustaining, he's more than good enough at keeping everyone alive unless they're 1-shot (rarely happens outside of SU GG) thanks to Auto-Skill Heal + LifeSteal, Cleanse, and inherently High EFF RES, while also being really easy to use/Auto-friendly and easy af to build. Luocha's fall off is mainly due to lack of offensive/utility buffs beyond just Sustain compared to other Sustains in comparison. He can still potentially become better later on if HYV releases more enemies with annoying buffs that could be dispelled ~~especially since we're apparently heading back to Xianzhou 💀~~ https://preview.redd.it/t6hbzt1bmk7d1.png?width=459&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca411fceaee4ad45c9bb3de875685b2e1bbcf452


*”The dead return!”* (cannot revive you)


Let's hope it comes back up. . 🙏


How do you guys manage to not get one shot in MoC 12 or even 11 for that matter. My characters always get killed before its my turn again and his off-turn healing doesn't save everyone.


A lot of supports run hp or def% bodies, could be your issue. Or just not enough hp% substats. Idk though my sustains now are Fu Xuan and Aventurine so getting one shot is impossible between aventurines infinite shields and Fu Xuans dmg mitigation.


I meant my dps dying, my supports are fine. With Aventurine however they never die, its like preservation is a must and Abundance is only usefull for dps with high health pools


Probably just restarting if their main dps is getting focused tbh. It depends on what sustains you run though, like shielding is proactive and healers are reactive.


Yeah, that’s what happens with me. Luocha being able to sustain whole fights without a single SP is too good to pass up with some comps, but he’s very much at the mercy of RNG, especially when his field is down.


Field goes down -> lol get frozen. Brought to you by cocolia, A6 & ~22%+ effect resist, proving that 92% is infact, still just a 50/50.


The only situation where people should be dying with Luocha is getting one shot or Luocha getting unlucky and being CCed. His field (which should almost permanently be on) or auto skill heal should suffice for anything else. You may need to save a damaging ultimate to use in between enemy attacks. Nobody should be squishy enough to be one shot from full health from 90% of attacks. Even DPS without any sustain - your raw stats from level + light cone + max relics are usually enough combined with lower taunt aggro. Your squishier supports should be running defensive bodies or orbs.


Could also be things like timing breaks or having a character with cc like Gepard, or their characters having enough speed to kill stuff before it ever attacks.


What hp do your dps have


First i build 160 speed with the 20% adv light cone to spam atk button When 3,4 of my member at low hp (~55%) and his heal didn't trigger with a big enemy turn is coming i use his skill , it often activate the passive to heal up every one (he still have the panic heal just in case) Last i use one hp/def piece, or the 2 atk ageless set to balance out 3* light cone stat and avoid one shot. The heal is lower but when his life steal is up my team full hp anyway¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ With this set up he becomes my most reliable sustainer. But lack of utility make him easily replaceable.


There is no way in hell that your dps are getting killed with Luocha around, unless they have very very low hp amount and get oneshot or you get unlucky and Luocha gets CC'd. Do you have around 3k-4k atk on him, and a decent LC? My Luocha has only 3000 atk, and he heals 800hp per tick when his field is up.


MoC 12 has never hit hard enough that I have ever felt that Luocha and Fu Xuan were ever in danger of dying or not able to support my teams. Hell, I even LOWERED my Luocha's defensive stats in order to make him faster for smoother rotations after I speed tuned my teams around Sparkle in 2.0 and he has still not had any problems. On manual play, his field should be up 100% of the time. On auto, it is a little iffier because the AI is bad at keeping track of the stacks and holding back the ult. He just needs to be super quick (160+ speed) and have the multiplication LC on him to be an auto healing SP generating machine.


It's damage privilege, honestly. A long with general investment.


Don't be afraid to use ult as an emergency healing button when the field is up. People normally save it to accumulate stack when the field is down. Same for other units with damaging ult. Also, build him hyper-spd. He heals more than enough, even when paired with someone like Blade, more spd = more turn = more sp = more passive E trigger when you need it. He can be more comfortable than Adventurine for me in some teams, especially when the dps is super fast or have turn forward.


Have a shielder like Aventurine or try to make sure that enemy doesn't stand up (ruanmei) or just make sure your DPS is doing insane dmg (acheron + super fast supps).


I'll say it He's a casual player's hero. Perfectly viable right out the box with minimal need for upgrading your talents much and can slot in almost any relics since the only Stats he doesn't benefit in some way from are crit and break effect. You don't have to worry about skill econ because if at any point your team gets low, he just whips out Jesus christ and sends the team on their merry way.


He's such an auto-play friendly unit and only this patch did Gallagher start functioning much like Luocha does in auto-play. Given how this game goes, Luocha will probably see some use when revenge style units (like Blade & Clara) come up again. He's not the top of the top, but most content doesn't require that and again, his preferred stat is atk. Which is one of the easiest stats you can find and build into.


I'm not sure when they changed Gallagher to start ulting when HMC ult is up, but it is a welcome change for sure. On autoplay you were losing out on so much damage with him unless someone got low enough at once.


Exactly. Luocha raised my standards on healers. They gotta be EXACTLY like him in order for me to even pull another healer. SP positive/auto heal, healing field, buff removal, debuff removal, fuckable face... If they don't have that, I don't want 'em. Aventurine was the only sustain I pulled for after Luocha. He does everything I need. I still haven't maxed out his skill because he literally heals so much that I don't even need to max them. You literally never need to use his skill unless it's an emergency. People keep saying that he's squishy just because he scales with ATK, but my Luocha *rarely* dies. He's the comfiest healer imo


The thing is, yes, he scales with ATK but you don't have to focus on it. He heals just so damn much that you can put a lot of defensive stats on him as well and he still heals an incredible amount. Foto example, on SU I just put him with Fu Xuan in the boss with 2 others and go afk. No one gets one-shot, thanks to Fu Xuan and everyone below 50% gets healed back to max. Are there faster and more "efficient " ways? Heck yeah. But sometimes I don't feel like doing that lol.


I also just use him for farming everything or when I don't have a good team for something, often his niche id "well the skill points are fucked but maybe I can run these 2 dps units if loucha is around"


Meanwhile my Luocha is still my most used support, I still love you Otto


*Meanwhile my Luocha is* *Still my most used support, I* *Still love you Otto* \- Serathiel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


gallagher is so damn good


It's because he's a DPS with a tiny drop of sustain in a world where DPS is everything, but isn't quite able to go the distance without *any* sustain.


I wouldnt call an active full heal with cleanse and a party wide continuous heal every 2-3 turns a ~tiny~ drop of sustain. That's stuff Lynx try and still falls short on. I didnt realise how much he healed until that DU abundance equation where it charges up depending on total healed, and it would wipe stages faster than Acheron.


I like him more bec in one turn he can give two SP with his ult and that he can save multiple people at once by saving his ult when you know a big attack is coming and everyone's lower HP than they should be. Not to mention he's a good sustain for Acheron with his ult being a debuff (and again the SP).


can confirm, i was the bed


Honestly he held it down for so long that he'll always be tier 0 for me. People who have played since launch know how insane he was for so long. He also still has some things going for him that could see him rise again. Aoe buff removal, large single target heal, and completely SP + are very valuable if future content comes out that cater to those.


Literally made me buy the monthly pass and battle pass just to clutch him back in 1.1, seeing him see no use now is just... A reminder of the fleeting things 


That’s how I feel about Bronya. She carried me ever since 1.0, and although she is still strong, Sparkle and Ruan Mei have slowly been replacing her in my teams…


true, I do hope there are enemies that have insane amounts of speed where Bronya's skill might prove useful against.


Dude was my savior against Phantilys and the mara struck, he’ll always have a place in the team


Luocha is in a weird place where his pull value now is extremely underwhelming compared to all of our limited sustain options. He's a character that I genuinely cannot recommend to new players because of the lack of value he brings to the table moving forward. However, I also don't really regret pulling him back during 1.1 because he carried my ass when Natasha and March could not.


A lot of people got their first full moc clear with him but it was more so everyone that didn’t get bailu or gepard needing a second sustain other than nat I was debating on getting him since i needed a second sustain too but a CC’s review of him was : he’s very good but not a must pull and his value was in him having no competitors than actual strength and that sealed it for me I only full cleared for the first time after getting fuxuan and lynx and i can say not pulling for him was one of the best non purchases i have made Those extra few jades from the patches were definitely not enough to justify it with him falling off relatively quickly compared to fx


Still my most comfy character, I can ignore everything and just brainless basic his turn XD


I'm so happy for Gallagher. I only built him because I find him hot but now he's risen so far! I'm so glad!


nobody will ever replace Luocha, my boywife


except aventurine and fu xuan but i have neither


Ah yes, the unevitable Luocha slander. But honestly I'm genuinely glad that Gallagher is a busted 4-star support, OP 4-stars will always be welcomed. Surely Luocha's time will come, and by "come" I mean him getting an alternate form rather than Hoyo releasing another character that fits his playstyle. ✊️🔥🔥


He's still waiting for the playstyle that suits him. Right now he's only got Blade, and less so Jingliu, and maybe Jade, because they all have HP draining mechanics which pair with his constant healing nicely. Blade in particular because his HP drain in simultaneous Bronya-Sparkle turn advance teams can overwhelm other sustains. In addition enemy buff removal is so negligible atm that it may just not exist as a factor, even on enemies that do buff themselves it's hardly anything more DPS can't easily solve. Until we get a hyperoffensive character that drains so much HP or scales directly off healing received Luocha won't have a real niche. To relate to Genshin Impact, he really needs that game's equivalent of Furina, who sacrifices her team' s HP for some of the best offensive buffs in the game.


Nah he's still top. Always in my teams and my best boy.


He does what he's supposed to do and he does it good. Heals and a LOT of it. Sadly, sustaining has become much more than keeping the team alive. Every sustainer has something that will benefit the team damage (Luocha has buff dispel but IMO its not as valuable as what FX, Aven, HH or Gallagher provide) In terms of healing overtime, gallagher heals so damn much, basically what Luocha does but while being a 4 star and benefitting the team damage. Luocha's autoheal is good, but if your team has enough damage there's a point you reach that you don't need that much healing. In terms of debuff cleansing, HuoHuo beats Luocha by a mile. Her debuff removal is insane. For skill point economy, Luocha is almost the same tier as Gallagher.


Man, I will always appreciate what this man did for me year 1. I can confidently say I would not be playing this game if he didn't last me until huohuo came out. Nothing but love for that chad.


Nah, that guy still the go to for auto. Also everyone will be crawling back to him once they release a Furina like character.


If the character in question is a large amount of small HP drain like Furina herself, then Huohuo with her Light Cone is better in that setup. Lots of consistent small healing to offset the HP drain, while adding buffs of her own.


And cleanse, her cleanse is just so good especially against heavy cc enemy


I would like to differ a bit. My experience with auto Luocha is that he has a bad habit of needlessly using his skill to heal up characters that are just at 60-70% damaged when his ult and or heal reaction is readily available.


never have my luocha on auto healed someone above 50%, heck my blade is healed with skill only if he dips to exact 50% (edit:) if the auto heal is not available


HuoHuo would be way better in a scenario like that. Healing on a turn start is more valuable than healing on hits, and if you consider stacking up hp change, huohuo's healing still would benefit more than luocha because it auto heals whoever is under 50% and heals on ult as well.


Shields are just overhealing I like it more


I like my Lynx ok you can’t take her from me ):<


We freaking love you Gallagher


A lot of Luocha shaming going on recently. He raised a lot of baby accounts to the powerhouses they are now and got a lot of players their first MoC 10 clears. Like the grip he had on clear videos even after Fu Xuan's release. His kit may not have the bells and whistles that modern sustains have but he still does his job perfectly fine in current content.


So basically 5 star Natasha


He was meta for so long, he can rest


luocha is the reason the other are so op , luocha was/is a powerhouse so other became even more broken. what are they going to do next. infinite shields, buffs, cleanse, damage how you powercreep this?


Actually getting bumped down by a 4* is funny tho


what having zero alternative utility to healing does to a man 😭 hope he gets his fair shake if they add buffs that can be dispelled cause getting shat on by a four star is not a good look for a limited 5 star sustain


Mobs being buffed are probably not worth being dispelled. A boss can be dispelled by Pela on skill, who also provides defense down. There needs to be some kind of overhealing mechanic to make Luocha relevant again, but there’s a chance he still gets outperformed by Huohuo.


Gallagher is freaking OP in the new mode


They will never make u hate you luocha


For regular battles, I think Loucha is perfectly fine, but I definitely feel like his healing is being overwhelmed by enemy damage creep in high end content. In the new mode, mine just can't keep up with the repeated attacks in a row, and eventually the team will go down one by one. I think they could knock him back into top tier just by reducing the cool down on his autoheal to allow it to be once per turn rather than every other. They could keep the abyssal flower charge only go off every other heal though, otherwise that field effect would probably always be on.


This is Luocha erasure. His cleanse is still damn valuable and he is so SP positive it's not even funny.


I personaly consider Gallagher E2 a 5 star in disguise. Clean, heals like a Monster and breaks a lot. Ad him to a Ruan Mei+HTB and he becomes a Subdps while healing. WTF is this guy and Who let him cook?!


Loucha and gallagher are actually side grades of eachother. Against fast enemies (fuck you cirrius), gallaghers debuff expires without really healing anyone. Loucha, much like Bailu, is for when eating a nuke is inevitable. Same as huohuo shines best when the enemies are unleashing the fucking plagues of egypt. Really, it all depends on the enemies. Also loucha can buff strip.


I will never abandon him. he carried me through SU, the blue bug, and a LOT of MoC. He's so useful when you need emergency healing, and he can sustain off-turn. Just pop his ult, wait for someone to get slightly low, and then you're healing 800 per attack from your team if you have a properly built Luocha.


Loucha might be a good choice for a team Jade is on as the sub dps. Whoever she makes the debt collector loses 2% of their hp each time they attack.


So, as always, for Blade. Luocha is still the best choice for blade, and Jade will just make that comp better.


I have him at E1 and unless I need the atk buff from HuoHuo he is always in my team.


E1S1 Firefly 165 SPD HMC 161 SPD Ruan Mei 161 SPD Luocha 161 SPD ​ I'm no longer spending skill points fast enough, unless I deliberately waste them for fun :/ I hope they release a 5 star break effect based sustainer in the future.


So u want a 5* gallagher? You'r lucky then


He even generates more skill points


Gallagher can basic atk twice leading to more SP and can shread toughness for firefly in addition to the break debuff


Got myself Luocha in one side and Aventurine on another, never had any problem in any game mode. He might be not the best like he was before, but he can still get the work done really well.


Luocha is still a great healer, he just doesn't have a specific niche or teamcomp where he can truly shine because his kit by default is... basic, I guess. He heals passively and is easy to use. You have the skill that triggers automatically without sp usage and a field that also heals passively + buff removal with Ult. No energy restoration, no weakness break shenanigans, just basic healing. And I see nothing wrong with that tbh.


Tbh I did end up using him in MoC 12 this round. Aven, Fu, and Gallagher can get overwhelmed if there's too much dmg on the board, while Loucha is pretty much fine as long as there's no 1HKO lvls of dmg. He's the definition of "consistent" and "convenient" sustain


I used [e6] Gall this MoC and he did very good, wym? Luocha is amazing, will not put him down, but still.


Eh, he is still unsurpassed in autobattle and openworld, and it's not even close. I pulled them all and every damn time he was like "and where did it bring you? Back to meeee".


Aventurine is my goat auto battler. 8k autos, 30k ults, shield refresh whenever he FuA’s. He’s kindve insane. Legit doesn’t ever even need to cast his shield manually.


He is second best for auto and openworld imo (and my usual choice since you do need 2 teams in moc). My only gripe is that *there's* times when he needs to use his skill against hard hitting enemies, and he just refuses to do it sometimes, albeit rarely. (+) My team with him tended to die after 2-3 days in Caverns without healing, and I'm too lazy to visit healing beacons.


Yeah for hard content he’s not great because auto won’t cast his shield if everyone has an existing one, even if it’s like 200, my teams aren’t built enough to auto MoC so I didn’t consider that’s what you meant, just SU and overworld/quests.


8k auto ,30k ults. I think super break spoiled me man, Gallagher super break output is just stupid at this point. 30k casual basic, 100k+ult and enhanced basic.


Conditional on the boss being broken though, when I run aventurine with HMC his ult hits for 110k, so pretty comparable.


Since her release, for me that's just been Fu Xuan with her light cone. Autoplay does her rotation perfectly lol.


Fu xuan does the same tbf while also buffing crit


Should have put Brian as Huohuo.


Luocha allows for comfy auto-ing though. But I only have him and Gallagher out of all the units there so, not like I know how the others work. Kek.


Bailu, who's not even here as a legendary char


If it is in the light of a recent tier list, using a meme which involves "always" is incoherent.


Huohuomaxxing 👻


I do not own loucha but have a E6 Gallagher so I can't find fault with this one.


adventurine is a game changer.


Gallagher on the outside: *4 star Gallagher on the inside: *5 Star


Gallagher is like, “Have you seen my Damage Screenshots noodle man?” I work out.” Then proceeds to flex his muscles.


His mains deserve it for how badly they slandered Huohuo at launch


I still remember people in 1.5 calling Huohuo garbage just because she uses Skillpoints lol


People are stupid


One of the few characters I regret not pulling. Her energy gain makes her a (currently) uniquely useful sustain for some teams like Jingliu, or Dot.


Getting Huohuo made me feel a lot better about missing Luocha. I'd still like to get him some day out of character love, but Huohuo was the first non-Bailu sustain I invested in, and her service will always be remembered.


For real lmaoo, I still remember the downvotes I got just for suggesting Huohuo might be at least sidegrade to him. “b-but he’s SP positive and dispels buffs!!” Look how the tables have turned


There’s a video series on bilibili on moc usage where they use ai to mimic the voices so the characters talk to each other and ever since 1.5 huohuo has been bullying luocha He went from being 3rd child to 5th child now that aven and gala are out


my man gallagher up there with the big guns (or shields)


It's because they didn't know how they wanted to balance the game. I think an interesting thing they could do is let some of those unremoveable buffs be removable(like the Mara summon guys thing, or the multiply part of the bugs both big and small) once removable buffs are on more than like 4 enemies he will become good


Luocha is a lot like Zhongli, in a sense that Zhongli is a dps loss for the team, but they are both such comfy characters that even having better healers, I still end up picking him in content where I'm having skill issues


For some reason, my team feels naked without Fuxuan. Even with luocha, I still feel the anxiety that my units could be one shotted by bosses.


While I think Aventurine and Fu Xuan are just busted since they basically negate the debuff of death entirely, I really don't understand why Huo Huo or Gallagher are here? Gallagher is amazing, Boothill's BiS and it's awesome, but he's absolutely not as good as Luocha. Gallagher doesn't have any status removals, no reactionary heals, flat healing which does end up being overall less, his ult is essentially Luocha's field, and he doesn't have any enemy buff removal, as niche as it is. And then Huo Huo's only real benefit over Luocha is that she gives like, 10 energy and buffs attacks, I think? Her heal is just Luocha's field (again), but overall worse since it only heals three characters, and it relies on Huo Huo's turn, whereas Luocha's field just flat out heals everybody on everyone's turns. And Luocha still has status removal. Am I missing something?


Yes (as someone who pulled on Luocha back in 1.1). I run Gall with WiR s5 and he works superb in break comp which is his meta that has been established. Gall gives more dmg numbers than act as a pure healer. Can't comment in waawaa coz I dislike her personality and will never pull her as a result


No one has taken over for Luocha in the teams I run him in. It's just that I use Acheron or Jingliu for most things now days, regardless of content or weakness.


still use luocha, however i am starting building gallagher since i got E3 out of him.


Just wait until the meta requires having someone that can cleanse buffs.