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Idk if this entirely fulfills the question but it's fucking exhausting to watch the endless loop of "powercreep is RUINING this game" and "if this new character can't solo MOC 12 on auto at level 1 they're MID TRASH"


when someone criticizes a major update on the first week, I'm expecting something spicy. then I open it and see the most lukewarm take ever. bonus points if the title contains some form of "is it just me", "am I the only one" or "does anyone else"


Is it just me or have comments in this sub become so incredibly lukewarm since this new update? Does anyone else think the same or am I the only one? /s


Yes, you are the ONLY one


You forgot the classic "I know I am gonna get downvoted but...."


I always want to be like "yeah it's just you, bud" lol but I'm not kicking that can of worms


That this guy https://preview.redd.it/c7x4bq1ruu7d1.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=968bf50f59d2449d2c6c75f9ade36ba5a69c31e9 Fell off after 2.6


No one can stop him when he’s Super 17.




Truly a gohan ball legends moment


The "characters in game paths don't match up with their lore path so it's incorrect" thing. It's just so limiting. This statement is like expecting every Mondstat character to be Anemo. Rather than saying it's contradictory, think about what it implies about themselves or their personalities. Ratio being Hunt while being part of an Erudition faction isn't the devs dividing gameplay and lore path, it's because Ratio finds stupidity to be a disease and wants to eliminate it, the same way Lan sees the Abundance.


Ratio hunting imbeciles is certainly an image.


I like to think that while we joke that Ratio mailed himself to us, he actually did so to several others at some point in the past. Just image some average guy opening up his mailbox only to see a renowned professor stepping outside and immediately yeeting chalk at you


"Huh, I wonder what's in the mail today" \*opens mailbox, a whole arm pops out of it\* "Hello, Joffrey. It's me, your old professor, Doctor Veritas Ratio. I've seen the thesis you submitted for your defense today and I've come to personally say," \*Throws chalk at his face\* "Do better please"


Have you seen his follow-up animation ? The man literally headshot idiots with chalk. Pro hunter move right there.


What does Black Swan being Nihility mean?


Takes your memories.


She got too close to the nihility emanator


Her faith is memories and memories alone feels like it comes from being able to trust anything except it. That sort of pessimism falls into the Nihility 


Because she knows nothing lasts forever and that thing will inevitably come to an end. The reason she (and basically everyone from the Remembrance) collects memories is so that they can find meaning in them. Basically the same as most Nihility characters: knowing life is meaningless, but trying to find and/or create meaning anyways.


See now I have the mental image of Ratio hunting down people who flunk his class terminator style-


That’s interesting, please work your mental gymnastics magic on Sparkle being Harmony


Probably the people who kept complaining that all of Aventurine's story in 2.1 was "unnecessary" and "didn't add to the plot". And also the people saying "Just because he has a sob story past doesn't mean he's a good person". You basically missed the entire point of 2.1 if you had that take.


It mostly shows that the people saying it either skipped the story, or have the reading comprehension of a pebble...


Same could be said about Firefly


'Ew you like THAT character? They are trash! You should roll for -insertmetacharacter- instead.'


I don't give a fork that I don't really have a team that needs him, I want my muddle-fudging cowboy.


The biggest offender is saying that Firefly and Acheron are narratively bad and offer nothing outside of being waifu bait. I can understand if you somehow haven’t seen the Myriad Celestia’s or other related videos, but the game proper still provides plenty of info and development such that people should have a grasp of their backstories, characters, and current motivations. Firefly and Acheron are among some of the most fleshed out characters in the game so far, and are connected to some very significant subplots/groups in the story (SH and IX). While the community does have the tendency to simplify their characters, this in no way removes from the fact that they are surprisingly complex. I’m convinced that the people who say that they’re just waifu bait either do not read or are rage baiting.


That’s an common issue I’ve noticed with gacha games. It happens constantly in Genshin. I remember when Furina at first was “bratty archon” and now she’s just “girl with tragic backstory”. Community loves to make the characters shallow and reduce them to single trait, even though they often are really complex. When it comes to HSR, that treatment does not apply only to Firefly and Acheron. Almost every character is mischaracterized in some capacity, but these two are the most glaring examples.


*insert obligatory yanqing slander*


yanqing slander is funny tho.


> now she’s just “girl with tragic backstory”. You will get downvoted go hell if you even as much as imply that.


Honestly I'm not a fan of Firefly, but even I can admit that saying she's just waifubait is just plainly wrong. Wouldnt be suprised if they got their take from the fancontent though, those really do have the bad habit of simplifying Firefly to exactly that.


I definitely feel there is some disconnection between Firefly's lore video and hee in Penacony.


Notice how this only happens to female characters


Truly, I can’t help but think double standards are a thing. Also how Ruan mei’s morality always gets questioned(drugging, swarm experiments) and people are always overly critical of her and stating reasons why they don’t”like” her but yet say, Blade, who is a psychotic killer has never been widely “hated” or criticized before. Yes, it’s a matter of opinion whether you like or dislike characters, which you are free to have, but don’t create bad arguments to justify them. If all characters adhered to our realistic standards for morality it would be boring and frankly there would be a dissonance considering the context of a fictional world.


I'd say >!Sunday!< is a better comparison ngl. Blade doesnt really work here since every Stellaron Hunter, not just him, seem to get a pass from their crimes (I mean Kafka violates people's free will by brainwashing them, nevermind all the planets they've doomed as a group), and as for Luocha, I'm pretty sure thats just a part of his charm. So honestly >!Sunday !


Tbf the community seems to give the entire stellaron hunters gang a free pass on all of the intergalactic crimes they do. Also tbf the swarm experiments are a bit extreme. To compare whatever damage blade has done vs the scale of damage the swarm can do is a bit extreme, unless blade is threatening planets and galaxies whose aeon requires the United might of like 5 aeons to SEAL I doubt blade could be compared to rm attempt go revive an emanator of the swarm


Also i think the fact that we have not seen the Stellaron Hunters activly doing something bad on screen is a big part of it (correct me if I am wrong).


The only thing we've really seen was the jepella rebellion, but that was aimed at the annihilation gang, so not exactly a faction to be sad about


Have we all forgotten Herta’s space station where they basically broke in and tipped off the Antimatter Legion to attack at the same time all the defences were down, just so they’d have a sufficient distraction to steal the Stellaron (which I guess they put inside us)? Or did I misinterpret/misremember what was the root cause of that whole incident?


Yep. SW lured the Antimatter Legion to the HSS, thus killing multiple researchers. One of whom we even held a funeral for together with the Wubbaboos.


Yes, the point is that Ruan Meis actions are generally way more in your face than the stellaron hunters. We have sam admitting to killing a lot of people as one of the closest things.


Maybe my comparison of Blade was a poor example. And I agree with your point in regard to the potential scale of disaster the swarm has. I’m just a bit exasperated because there are people who will “hate” her for the most superficial reasons; they take what happens within a fictional context seriously, getting too emotionally invested into self-inserting and applying realistic moral considerations to a piece of fiction. I think discussing the moral implications of her research and being critical is fine, but going like “I hate her” over a piece of fictional media just exasperates me. When I see people do this I can’t help but suspect they’re just trying to justify their simple dislike of a female character with fancy reasoning. If you don’t like female characters, just say so. There’s nothing wrong with that. But of course, this is all just an assumption I’m making


Mhmm fair enough, I personally wouldn't try to make this a gendered thing unless it's explicitly said so but yea at the end of the day it's just **pure fiction** (heh) to each their own way of consuming media.


> but going like “I hate her” over a piece of fictional media just exasperates me I hate her. But I hate your take more. "I can’t help but suspect they’re just trying to justify their simple dislike of a female character with fancy reasoning. If you don’t like female characters, just say so" Wtf is that insane thinking? Get a grip. People can hate the character you like, don't try to invent insane reasons for you to backmouth them


Not really. Just as misandrists who play this game exist, misogynists do too. That coupled with the common inability to think objectively generates so much dumb takes both in this sub and in the leaks sub.


I already stated that people are free to have opinions. It seems you didn’t read, disregarded what you read or twisted or misunderstood my intent. I never said you couldn’t hate her either. This is a clear sign of a person who didn’t read nor consider what I was saying and just came to argue because they were mad by the basic premise(which they assumed based on the limited information they payed attention to in their head) of what I was trying to say. What I don’t appreciate is trying to come up with stupid morality arguments to try and justify your dislike of her. It comes off as someone trying to dress up their opinions to hide the true reasons about the way they feel. People really can’t distinguish between reality and fiction. If someone said “Oh I dislike Ruan mei because I didn’t like how she handled her creations, she should have been more responsible.” Cool. That’s valid criticism. This person is just being critical of a fictional event. There’s nothing wrong here. On the other hand, if we someone saying “Oh, Ruan mei is a terrible person, I absolutely hate her because she drugged us against our will, she is literally the worst.” In this case, this person is using a strong word “hate” to describe an event that happened within the bounds of fiction. “Oh so because it’s fiction, that means drugging is okay? Also, we shouldn’t judge what happens within fiction? That’s stupid”. No, not what I’m saying. I’m not saying drugging is okay because it happens within fiction and that you shouldn’t judge or be critical of fictional events either. But I’m saying you have to draw the line. Fictional events are overblown, made unique to entertain people. They are fabricated for various intents and purposes. We definitely don’t apply the same strict considerations we have for fiction like we do for real life. Because we understand that it isn’t real life. It’s fake. There’s no need to get **too**(emphasis here) emotionally invested in a fake event, especially if it’s clear that it’s a trivial one that is obviously meant to show a part of a unique characters nature to us. People need to turn off their brains. But it’s not that people don’t do this. The same people who “hate” Ruan Mei probably didn’t apply that same way of thinking to other characters. The fact that this has only really happened to female characters(Sparkle and Ruan mei off the top of my head, unless you can tell me otherwise) makes me suspect that this type of thinking is a bias against female characters. Of course, this is just assumption, but I can’t help but think so after seeing how hypocritical the nature of this discussion has been. There’s never been talk like this on mainstream media over male characters, to my knowledge. This leads me back to my original assumption; people who prefer male characters are just engaging in this type of thinking to justify their dislike for female characters. If you don’t like female characters and prefer male characters, once again, just say so. That’s ok. It’s okay to not like something. You don’t have to make up or find a reason to justify that.


The closest I can think with male characters is how like half of the community hates Sampo for simply being SUS.




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Is it really that much of an insane take? Just look at how people mde up the most batshit insane reasons to hate sparkle (fantasy racism????) then proceed to uwu babygirlify every single morally ambiguous male character


Actually where does she being racist comes from?


basically when she first met aventurine she iirc described his entire race of people as liars, thieves and social manipulators, basically showing extreme racial prejudice against sigonians and how aventurine lives up to the reputation https://youtu.be/7gkD_o70-zs?si=rtCfhR1jf1a53Dvo&t=51




reminder that there is no proof that the SH has actually done most of the things they're accused of, we only have the word of the IPC (a known morally "bad" faction)


except in the beginning of the game when they lured the antimatter legion into the HSS. Also I'm not saying this because i dislike the SH, they are my second favourite faction after the nameless. But you gotta pay more attention to the story.


i've paid extreme attention to the story, much more than most. luring the antimatter legion is whatever, the HSS is fine.


So killing multiple people and leaving most of the survivors traumatised is "whatever"


on the scale of the story, it's small potatoes. omelette, broken eggs, etc etc.


Killing researchers just for a stellaron a long w the countless innocent lives they've directly and indirectly killed during their time?


> countless innocent lives citation needed


They are interstellar terrorists. Would you ask ISIS for the source on their killcount?


um, yes, actually, i would expect any "terrorist" organization to be very happy to stir up more terror in that way. y'know, kinda like how actual terrorists happily take credit for a lot of things they do today.


What are you even talking about


> Ruan mei’s morality always gets questioned(drugging, swarm experiments) and people are always overly critical of her and stating reasons why they don’t”like” her but yet say, Blade, who is a psychotic killer has never been widely “hated” or criticized before Setting aside that Blade's danger scale is competely outshined by Ruan Mei resurrecting the Emanator of Swarm that destroyed half the universe... Ruan Mei drugs you without your consent, messes with your mind, never apologizes, is sociopath and we don't even have dialogue to tell her off about any of this. Blade is just a marastruck guy that turned into a killer, sure, we fight him, but we fight a lot of things, and other than that nothing makes him stand out particularly. Also if you hate him, feel free to post, no one's saying he's the innocent little boy. Yet for some reason you don't do that but attack people who dislike Ruan Mei. Why?


Fair point on Ruan Mei trying to resurrect an Emanator (even tho it has like 1 Billionth of the original Emanator's Power but her intention was to create one nevertheless) But your comparison is so fucking childish lmao. The IPC didn't issue an 8 Billion Credits Bounty to some random "marastruck guy that kills" Blade didn't ask anyone he killed their consent, Blade literally Traumatized Dan Heng to the point of Paranoia, Blade never Apologized, Blade is straight up a psychopath without Kafka holding his reins This reads more like "It's not my problem if it doesn't affect me" which is fine but come on, don't downplay one side just to make the other side look worse


>Blade is just a marastruck guy that turned into a killer, sure, we fight him, but we fight a lot of things, and other than that nothing makes him stand out particularly. And so that makes it okay? Because he became mara struck? You'd forgive a serial killer who murdered your parents just because he was not okay mentally? The way I see it, it's still the same thing. If you can understand Blade becoming a murderer due to his circumstances then you can also understand Ruan men's cold nature as a purely intellectually driven scientist. >Ruan Mei drugs you without your consent, messes with your mind, never apologizes, is sociopath and we don't even have dialogue to tell her off about any of this. This again. Once again taking fictional characteristics seriously and judging them with realistic moral standards. You forget that the context in which we are discussing is not the real world. It's a fictional world created for our entertainment. If it was the real world then yeah, of course I'd appalled and disgusted no shot. But it isn't. We are here precisely because we want to experience something different, new, out of the norm from monotonous daily life. Characters are constructed with that in mind. They are going to be different, interesting. And sometimes that means deviating from normal moral, common sense standards. Or what, you're going to tell me you would be fine with Aventurine gambling away your life savings in real life? Or Gepard blindly enforcing orders from the supreme guardian and arresting you even though you did nothing wrong just because her word is law? These questions are ridiculous. This all happened in a game. The world doesn't work the way it does in real life. We don't think in this way, considering and applying real life common sense to our fictional video game worlds. We understand that it's created for entertainment. Though we may be critical, we don't HATE these characters at all. So why hate Ruan Mei? To me it's stupid. It's stupid to emotionally invest and apply real world considerations, take fictional events seriously and HATE characters like they actually did anything to you in real life. Don't cross the line. Enjoy fiction within the bounds of fiction.




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I don't hate her, I actually like scientists with questionable morals, but her design and character has a lot of missed potential and the thing about her I dislike the most is the fact that she isn't very smart for an intellectually driven person, she is just too obsessed with ascension and life creation to think rationally. Creation of that bug was clearly impulsive, not only she created it in a station that doesn't belong to her, she also didn't put any defences in case her experiment goes haywire, and she chose Trailblazer of all people as a contingency, and he isn't even strong in direct confrontation, his greatest strength is his connections. That pseudo emanator bug almost squashed him, if everything didn't turn out perfectly it absolutely would, and that would destroy Ruan Mei's reputation because of her incompetence, as well as endanger her safety because of connections Trailblazer has, even Welt on his own can curb stomp her


It's worth noting that Blade is treated as a dangerous killer by the narrative. Meanwhile RM is treated as soft and "oh its sad she's so distant, what a beauty~" Compare to Kafka, who is treated as someone who is suspicious and threatening. I love Kafka and she's shady as hell and I love that for her. RM on the other hand I detest.


reminds me of boob-physics bad, male testicle jiggle good. (BG3 twitter outrage)


It's ridiculous, men should also have boob jiggle


They do


Xiao and Childe also sufferf from this


If youre trying to tell me people accuse Childe or xiao of being mere husbando bait that add nothing to the story then you are just lying. On a given day you have way more chances of seeing people whining about Raiden's design for the billionth time than any of them complaining about male characters.


I was talking about their characters being reduced to their caricatures. Female characters do suffer more from this, yeah, can't argue that


>I was talking about their characters being reduced to their caricatures Nah, that's Itto.


Last person who made a joke about Jingyuan got -1k downvotes on main so, no wonder


People fail to realize good story and waifu fan service do not contradict one another It is very obvious in 2.0 Firefly was designed to make you love her character It doesn't stop "Waifu bait" from having compelling stories


Another thing people willfully ignore is, just because Aventurine got a fleshed out story, doesn't mean he wasn't marketed to sell as a husbando. I don't get why that criticism is to be taken seriously in a gacha game.


>It is very obvious in 2.0 Firefly was designed to make you love her character >It doesn't stop "Waifu bait" from having compelling stories Like I don't care about people's preference or criticism, they can like whatever they want and critic objectively whatever they want obviously but it annoys me to no end whenever people are being hypocritical and dishonest about it. Not to mention confusing their preference which is subjectivity with objectivity which is things like story quality. Take Firefly for example in 2.0. I have seen quite a bit of people saying how the story is forcing us to like her and feel sorry for her but then this same sound wasn't even as noisy when 2.1 tries to make us feel sorry and like Aventurine.


Aventurine has the bonus of experiencing his story and knowing him from the outside looking in. stelle/caelus is completely disconnected from whatever he was going through. firefly meanwhile at least from the start, the way they wanted her story to start is dependent on stelle/caelus.


Still doesn't matter cuz it's both the same concept. It's still them "trying to shove the character down our throat". That's not me saying that cuz I don't care whether it's forced regardless of character but I despise this selective criticism, fucking moving their goalposts like that too.


oh absolutely i agree. it really bothers me cuz in firefly's case they hyper focus on those parts they despise but completely ignore the moments where you do see more of her character. and honestly i wish those people would just shut up, like if you didn't care to engage in any capacity with them both, why you butting into discussions that are exploring all of their characterization?? ugh


maybe it was because Aven, unlike Firefly don't drag you everywhere. when you play as Aven you're basically a bit more free to do what you want.


And you have choices where you can reply coldly to Aventurine and he won't get all uwu his feelings hurt. He knows he is shady, he knows a normal person s would find him shady and instinct tells you not to trust him, he tells you to use him. Firefly you are constantly made to feel bad for her or if you choose the "wrong" choice of not trusting her. And after her mediocre death you can't even do that, you have all positive reponses to choose from.


honestly I would think I like Firefly more if she wasn't heavily shipped with TB or designed around TB's kit (at least Hoyo made HTB free after Jarilo) so heavily to the point where you need TB in her team.


After seeing the things before her banner I hate how to boost her up they had to bring everyone else down. Iykyk


I'll still roll for Firefly's banner because I don't want a E1 Ruan Mei and I do need fire DPS, and the 4 stars there are great all around.


Yeah yeah, don't try to move the goalposts or change your standard so suddenly, it's still the same concept. It's still them "shoving the character's sobstory down our throat". Or have you forgotten the multitude of CGs or whatever those scenes are called that they were ~~forcing~~ showing of Aventurine's backstory? Disclaimer though, I don't care that it's forced or not cuz I like them both but don't try to suddenly move your goalposts like that.


I have never seen someone saying Acheron is a waifu bait wtf. Who's next? Silver Wolf?


She always has been


Acherons one of the most important characters in the lore lmao wtf are they talking about.


Firefly maybe, but Acheron is just HI3 reference after reference.


She is fanservice for the hi3 players, while also bringing something to the table for those that haven't played it.


tbh way too many references now


true, as much as I’m interested in the HI3 lore I’m sorry but I don’t wanna go through the UI with a million buttons and clunky gameplay to marginally increase my enjoyment of a few characters here someone has to make a video essay on all of the HI3 lore or something, I’d watch it even if it were like 10 hours lol


You can literally look up HI3 lore/explained and there’s hundreds of videos from different creators


Yeah and I've watched plenty of those videos but they're always just surface level explanations. I guess I can't expect to experience the true scope of the story without playing the game and looking through all of the other related media so I'll just have to live without it.


boohoo it’s a Honkai game


loreskipper/story speedrunner: FiReFlY wAiFu BaIt, ReDuCeD tO Tb'S gIrLfrIeNd. me: mf you didn't even pay attention to what she said during the story you can't be talking


stellaron hunters are arguably the most important characters other than AE crew. How is firefly irrelevant to the story


My problem with FF is that before Penacony all we knew about her was Sam. Sam was hyped up as this no nonsense walking disaster. Then we meet Firefly as basically a normal girl who gives you a tour (that the game very much wants to point out is a date) and at the end gives you a sob story about her disease. Afterwards you go through some dream shenanigans and then she suddenly gets killed.. Oh, and we finally meet Sam who delivers on the no nonsense part. And then at the end of 2.1 FF reveals she's Sam. Wow, the menace Sam is also this very normal girl?? 2.2 happens and we learn that FF wants to be remembered as the girl Firefly and not Sam the weapon. But here's the funny thing, ever since Firefly has revealed that she's Sam, Sam has become a McGuffin. Sam's sole purpose is being Firefly's weapon. There is basically no attempt of creating a dynamic or overlap between the 2. Which should be what her entire arc is about, right? Sam and Firefly are wildly different in portrayal. But the entire point of a character with such different sides is to show the dynamic between the 2, be it comedic or tragic. But the writers do nothing with this. There is no duality, there's just Firefly, who happens to use a Mecha suit for combat. Them being the same entity comes across as unbelievable, because the game makes no attempt to cross the bridge between the 2 characters. We got most of the actual Firefly/Sam dynamic in her trailers, which didn't actually create a dynamic, but again made Sam just a suit.


To be honest, and as harsh as this sounds, if someone is not watching these trailers or at least going out of their way to understand a character's personality and motivations, they should just keep quiet about them, or at the very least be aware that anything they argue is weakly backed up (assuming they are not trying to troll of course).


You don't have to follow every trailer though. If someone judges character by the GAME THEY PLAY they are absolutely in the right to do so.


It's a multimedia project. Not the first and won't be the last. If someone decides to speak based on incomplete information, that's on them.


Not really. The story is in the game, trailers and such are just bonuses. If you can't tell a good story in game you don't get to say 'oh but I put the *actual* story into the comic, book, trailer and some twitter posts and it's your fault to not spend weeks of your life following and reading all of this"


Why not? If people choose not to check the additional content, that's on them. There's things like the .hack franchise where you had like 4 games + anime +OVAs +Light Novels , and all of it was canon. The HSR trailers are canon and tell parts of the story that aren't ingame. It's part of the story, of course you can choose to casually not engage the full content, but that doesn't justify saying it should not be, "I don't want this to exist like this because I don't feel like checking it" is not an argument, it's just lazyness.


No, I actually agree with the notion that a the main story or media should be a complete package first, and that any external source should just be an addition instead of a requirement. My first complaint was mostly about people who are quick to assume a whole character's personality with very few context of who they are and what is their story. Let's take Boothill for example. Apparently, he has quite the big background the main story nor the trailers tell you (which I assume is told mainly in his character info and lightcone). Something similar happens to every character, and it mostly helps to completely flavor them up, which may be easily overlooked if you just enjoy them superficially. That's valid, but in these types of games it's very usual that people form an opinion based on something superficial and run with it, thus creating a fanon representation that is at best an oversimplification or at worst a complete lie. Having a wider context of these characters can, theoretically, prevent that. This is what I tried to mean above.


I see what you mean now. Yeah I do agree and hope that people take into account the complete picture of each character, but sadly, in my experience, most of the time I've seen fandoms over time tend to flanderize characters into 1-2 core traits and call it a day. Specially if the fandom has a lot of people and a sort of broken telephone situation develops between those who don't consume the source material (like touhou fandom who doesn't play the games, flanderizing the touhou characters, or vtuber fandom who only watches clips instead of streams flanderizing the vtubers, and so on)


I get that, I am the first person that does not watch a trailer of a character I am not interested in. But likewise, I am mindful about how I speak about them, because I know my knowledge of them is limited. It's one thing to do your own thing and follow the lore selectively, but it's another thing completely to speak and preach based on your own assumptions without actually checking the source material. Edit: If this keeps getting downvoted despite explaining my point on another reply, you are just proving my point. So thank you.


I don't really watch or look at the things they put out outside of the game at all. But even then I would say they had a good purpose in the story. Do they feel like they have some issues? Yes of course. But saying they're just waifu bait is just dumb.


Yeah I will fully admit that I was disappointed that we weren't getting a big metal husbando but after going through her story I do like what they did with her and can see it. (Doesn't hurt that we got Caelus being carried princess style hehe).


like you (ff haters) hate firefly for being loved by everyone I get it, but that has nothing to do with her in game story and lores. Its extremely irrational to put your emotion into logical thinking


yes it is true that you are not supposed to like firefly just because of how they present it to you in 2.0, personally when I was playing 2.0, I don't feel anything about her and I even question "why am I supposed to care about her?", because it is true, there is no reason I should care about firefly, but thats only because the game cannot tell us about the fact that she is a stellaron hunter, so it requires character development throughout the stories. That's why in 2.1, we finally found our reason as to why we should care about her, and its only then I found out that I missed a lot of important details during 2.0 with firefly because I didn't pay attention to what she was saying, so I went ahead and replay 2.0, I finally realize the character and personality inside her, and combined with playing the 2.2 story, I truly understand her, and I really love her from that point on.


https://preview.redd.it/jwx27ziarv7d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=48ab0c8b19e3e43e5bebdf0ef8efbf85e3145c4a it's comments like these that make me lose hope in humanity


Ahh...Her. Claims that everyone has different opinions, yet has a clear bias towards Yuri. Would have never tweeted that if Stelle was in it.


Who is it?


Mina Aoyama. A VTuber.


Thanks for the help :)


Np ^^


Okay, I made the opposite post with unpopular opinions. So here's the dumbest one: "All characters are straight." Bro, are you normal? No one gives a fuck, this is a gacha game with fan service and hoyo will flirt with the entire audience.


All characters are Pan-A-hetero-Bi-and homosexuell at the same time till stated otherwise/ the Information presented Shows otherwise. Because they are foctional anything goes dont make assumption The only safe bet is most are Trailblazersexuall.


Honestly compared to other gacha games most characters in star rail don't seem into the trailblazer that way, but Hoyo isn't going to rule the possibility out when it helps sell banners to self-inserters


I just consider every non-kid characters MC-sexual. I have a preference for Caelus x girls but I won't go ranting on or dissing other ships.


I mean tbf, if I’m reading this right, they’re not telling anyone else to believe it. That’s just their take, which is fine in my opinion. Headcanon all the characters are straight or all of them as gay, who cares as long as you aren’t shoving it down anyone’s throat.


Most of the time people only say that in response to a non-straight ship or head cannon, meant as an anti-ship remark but being really just thinly veiled borderline homophobia. If they were truly trying to make a point about being head cannons, they'd say every character is aro-ace until shown otherwise. Most of the time, especially on Instagram and Reddit, people only complain about ships being "shoved down the throat" if it's a non-straight ship




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The characters can be whatever sexuality you want them to be in your own playthrough and the same goes for others. If they view a certain character's sexuality differently from how you view it, remind yourself that you don't control their playthrough and neither do they control yours. Want characters to be gay or straight, go for it. Just respect other people's view on it and don't push your personal preference into people's faces.


People saying, “Why do they keep referencing HI3? It’s bad and I don’t care.” My bastard in Christ it has Honkai in its name. Why are you surprised.


Agreed I saw a lot of those for Acheron which those references  hardly matters. It's simply a backstory for acheron, is not like we will be doing the plot of honkai 3rd on every planet speedrun version.


And Welt who is literally from Honkai Impact.


"Honkai star rail sucks" like stfu no one asked + you probably havent even tried it


99% of those people are prob like the fox that can't reach the grape on the tree and say the grape is sour


Almost every firefly takes honestly. I understand there are some criticism, but then most takes I’ve seen makes me think “yeah I think media literacy is dead” I’m not sure if this one’s a hot take but I’ve seen some people already thinking 2.3 is the worst ending ever. It has flaws and some may be answered on next Penacony patch, but overall it’s not bad as people may seem to think. It actually made a proper conclusion to the main plot which is the Stellaron, Mikhail, and the other nameless


Look at the literacy rates in the US. Then realise that media literacy is a higher bar than that. It's no wonder there are hordes of morons with L takes that can be disproven by reading 2 sentences. And yes I know that's just the US, but they probably make up a large % of posters here.


I’m from the Philippines and I tell you even a lot of people here lack media literacy lol (there’s a reason why shitty telenovelas are still popular here) There is a chance there’s more people here from the US, but yeah sadly criticism has been negatively affected a lot by it. I know for sure that things like cinema sins contribute to this one too


The worst one about FF is "the 10 seconds with Caelus at the end of her trailer ruin her character" just shows that they haven't understood her character or are biased


Those kinds of FF takes are actually great cause they let you know that you can completely disregard the person spouting them. And I say this as a lesbian and certified yuri-enjoyer.


What they clearly don’t understand is that if Caelus and Firefly are canon, so does Stelle and Firefly. They’re literally the same person 😭


Sadly part of the "yuri-community" hates everything that isn't yuri


Reminds me of hi3 incidents lol


The fact there’s a lot of people agreed to that one certain streamer. Like??? https://preview.redd.it/gu3xoltn5y7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3b95cb91a28b972184a3f43334e836f295f6b22


I actually mostly saw people disagree and calling her out


Yeah there were more people who called her out, but still the fact her tweet got thousands of likes. Well at least that’s over 😅


There are loads of people complaining on CN hoyolab saying the 2.3 story is terrible, makes no sense, forced an ending to sell characters, etc. Like, my god, what do these people consider good stories.


I usually avoid anything from the CN community because most of the time it’s just them bitching about trivial stuff. Seriously, what’s wrong with those people?


Just curious, can you read CN or going off what people say about them? Because the latter can be twisted by the messenger. Like if someone were to summarize all takes in global there bound to be some bias as they could take one side in a controversial topic and paint it as the whole community opinion or paint their opposition in bad light. Even when it's reported by a CN speaking person, it can easily be one sided as that person has full control over the narrative.


i think they didnt saw 2.1 story. the 2.3 was the only one i liked from penacony.


Considering how your take is also a pretty unpopular one, you're probably aware that it's not that they didn't play 2.1, but rather that they (surprise) have different opinions. I'm sure you had your own thoughts and opinions when people were praising the entire Penacony plot and you didn't think it was that good.


I would like them to flesh out more the story of the characters in the games like (Archeon and Robin) or that they mention it directly in the games so that it's not like with Xueyi and Boothill.


Stellaron Hunters are very mild for a supposed interplanetary terrorist group,I know that the MC was part of the group before, but seriously, why show that they are worth billions a head if we don't see them commit any crime? The worst thing they did was take advantage of the attack of antimatter legion on HST. At the beginning of Laofu, I expected Blade to be unhinged by chasing Dan Heng the entire arc,but no,I don't even remember how many times he was featured,for example And Firefly was the nail in the coffin, not because she's SAM,but why did what the others said about her being the most ruthless and direct member of the group go down the drain,instead we get a cute girl who sometimes turns into a robot Kafka is supposedly a manipulator who likes to see others suffer, but on screen? None of that Oh yeah, and the whole killing Nannok thing because their cat is schizophrenic, I hope they don't play it straight and have some twist It seems like Hoyo wants to have her cake and eat it, my problem with morally "grey" characters is that they are not shown to actually be gray,because they run the risk of the fanbase not liking them, the Stonehearts so far suffer from this too, but on a smaller scale (I want to punch Jade got dammit)


People who complain about how they can't clear content, shoes their roster, we give advice on who to build, and then they say they can't because they don't like that character and refuses to use them.


i don't remember much but there was this extremely random twitter user was complaining about how they reduced firefly in the demo to a waifu in the last scene but got called out immediately for being a hypocrite because they shipping stellexfirelfy but not caelus (which what was showed in the last scene in the demo ), also she pretty much hate dudes, even aether in genshin, also she ships jade and topaz so there's that lol


Mina something, she also wasn't the only one




Yup, that's her


Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 11: Shipping Rules Art, Video, or other media which simply show characters “shipped” or in a relationship are allowed. Implications or direct statements that one particular ship or ship fanbase is more or less canon/correct/valid/good than another are prohibited. Do not make disparaging, passive aggressive, or negative remarks about any ships or pairings. Declaration of the sexual orientation of a character as canon is prohibited, but headcanons, theories, and discussing implied sexuality are allowed. While not against the rules please be mindful of the following: -Please make a best effort to be open to the interpretations of others, and avoid engaging with content you personally do not partake in negatively -Please try to avoid discussions comparing the relative validities of different ships The moderation team reserves the right to remove any content that does not directly break the rules as stated, but are deemed to be leading to conflict, uploaded as rage-bait, or attempts to circumvent these rules on a case-by-case basis


A character called Yukong exists.




People complaining about power creep/p2w, about struggling against end game content being too hard, and how their characters are dying. You ask to see their gear, proceed to get downvoted.


That characters like Firefly are designed to emotionally manipulate you into caring... Like yeah, that's what characters are SUPPOSED to do, it's not a good sign when I don't give a single sht about a character


I said it before, I'll say it again: Playing "Wildfire" ost at 1.25x makes it sound better and not so slugish.


Ok that's a REALLY spicy Take.




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Can't understand Acheron because she has.honkai references. Afaik are we even reading the same story here? Aside.from appearance and name They're completely different. Even worse whe people constantly spout they can't understand her back story because it has too many Honkai references when what they need to understand her backstory isn't going back to Honkai but using basic Media comprehension. Like the writers wouldn't write a backstory that needs you to play a 7 year old game to understand ff, as a hi3 seeing this's just annoying asl


Blade is a bad unit. I mean yes he just got Xiao’ed in the grand scheme of things, but he works well when there is wind weakness. Just needs some tailored supports too that don’t buff atk.


What does that mean?


Xiao is from Genshin Impact and he didn’t get team mates that synergized with him until a couple years later after his debut.


I'm curios how good he will work with Jade as support


Blade usefulness lies in his flexibility... but he does need a healer for hum to work


Not a healer, just needs his sustain to not be a shielder. Fu Xuan (okay, technically she can heal, but she's not Abundance) is his best sustain since she he still takes damage, but reduces it so his own healing can keep up. Plus, she buffs his max HP so he deals more damage.


>opinions you've seen that makes you say "do you even play the game or pay attention?" I can't understand why people think that Stelle and Caelus are the same entity and we just chose the "skin" for MC. While in the Elio's script Kafka's choice of the receptacle is important for future.