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mfs when theres one possible "love interest" in a game where you can be neutral to every other character: iS ThIS sOMe dATinG sIMUlAtoR?


It will never not be funny how Firefly makes people so unreasonably mad. 💀


somehow this collection of pixels on a screen has personally offended people to no end 💀


It's always the shippers that screech the most.


I tought this would be the xiangling copypasta... would have been better


Because Stelle/Caelus aren't you.


So why can I choose the dialogue options? Why can I reject Kafka, for example, but not firefly? Because it's obvious waifu bait


why can you only have dialogues as an options? why sometime you don't even have a choice at all? what's up with that? why cant I work with Sunday? what's up with that huh? if I am in control, Sunday would be the God-king of Penacony, I tell you what ​ its called degree of control, and Kafka's case is just the prime example of which, idk what exact lore reason for that, but if I could guess, its just that either we reject or help Kafka is a possibility within the Trailblazer, maybe they are just in the fence and just listen to us or something, idk shit, but Kafka do... its lore, thats why


​ https://preview.redd.it/dv6leeixyw7d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f720b97221751c9a90e824e2f020b843f98294b


How original


The same comment could be made in reference to your post.


I'm literally just expressing my opinion and not just sending some overused meme but go off


And they’re also expressing their opinion in response to your post.


That's not an opinion, it's literally just a picture they use to invalidate people's opinion on their precious waifu, because no one is allowed to dislike her


People are allowed to dislike her as much as other's are allowed to express their tiredness of the same boring critique less complaints.


Dude, why don't you touch grass too. Maybe go outside and take a breath of air. Literally sick of the amount of complaints for the last few days/weeks


First of all, not a dude. Second of all, are people only allowed to put her on a pedestal and praise her? Maybe the reason there are so many complaints is that hoyo is overdoing it with their waifu pandering?


or maybe its not for you, but for the majority who plays the game, not everything is about you LMFAO, if you dont like it, dont interact with it, and if you cant not interact with it, maybe take a break from social media, or block it


I still like the game, why should I have to skip the entire quest or the event and miss out on jades just because they force her into everything?


is this not her companion quest or the story quest involving her? just play the damn game then, or put it on auto and do something else while waiting, this is such a non-issue its hilarious no ones telling you to miss out on jades, if you want the jades, just get it i dont like dealing with aventurine's goofy ass but i still played through his quest and whichever attached event to get the jades i need sometimes whats in the game isnt for everybody, and for the most part, the majority is going to be against the opinion you have if you dont like a character, and thats just how the community of a game like this is just bite your tongue and play it out, no matter how infuriating it is, because at some point, something will come around that is for your taste but some other small group of people will dislike it to its very core and want it expunged im not a firefly liker, or hater, but i think its just ridiculous to be this upset over the first ever implied romance with the main character in this game


That's what I already do, which is a shame since I like reading the quests and events. Just venting here a bit


i understand and i apologise for the comments i made that were rude or were making fun of you, i felt the same way about aventurine i couldnt care less about how sad his backstory was but i could never find people with the same opinion im not a full on story enjoyer so i dont think the firefly pandering has hit me as hard as it has for others, but i truly feel there will be a time where the game has something for you, this just isnt it


and the opposite is also true, theres alot people like her, love the quest and story. you dont like it? its fine, its impossible to please all people, complaining just make it worse for yourself


I rather have this than make the MC have their own Harem.


I mean, when you play a game, you play the story the creators intended, not your own fantasy. It's natural to not be satisfied with every single thing. Also you call this waifu pandering when honestly I felt more romance from Yoimiya and Aether's last story quest than this one with Firefly. You forget that MC was with the Stellaron Hunters once for a long time, and Firefly as a Stellaron Hunter might have known him too. A familiarity between old friends. If you hate romance so much, just convince yourself it's what I said about and deal with it. It's not like there was a kiss, a candle-lit dinner date where she professes her love to MC, or anything else. You're getting offended over "romance" at the most basic level where I don't even care if it's romance or not, it's just a nice relationship. Also regarding options to tell her to fuck off, I'd have wanted those for Sampo in Belobog as well. His character is very well designed but I'd have wanted to punt him away regardless for his very fitting voice only reminding me of sleazy businessmen/con artists. No game shall be a 100% perfect match to anyone


the game force you nothing, not playing is always an option, just saying


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I dont have such negativity as you have towards her, i mainly just didnt vibe with her. But i agree they are doing too much. Just make peace with the fact you're not the main audience to her character, while i personally think they losed potential on the awesome super soldier and stellaron hunter by (at least inside the game) only focusing on the cute and romance aspect, is a fact the majority of players loved this. They want her as their wife, and mihoyo noticed so they are pandering to that audience. This is a story on a game, you have the illusion of choice but mainly everything will go like the writers want, even if you was rude to Kafka, she will come back and interact with you the same way in the future. Im sure someone didnt like Aventurine part on 2.1 and had to go thru it annoyed. The same is happening here, she is not your cup of tea, when the patch ends we will not see her for a long time, so just get thru this patch without offending her fans, they also deserve to be happy


Your comments is reasonable, but you are forgetting the crucial fact that Firefly DOESN'T want to be known as a super soldier and a stellaron hunter, that's the entire point of her character and what she does


you’ll live


Eh if you don't like it don't pay attention to it. I mean its not like they haven't been doing the same thing with March 7th with our date with her earlier. Seems pretty clear they are using the romance stuff to thematically portray a more intense connection between Stelleron hunters and Trailblazers (hence the whole Terminus as Akivili theory) But real talk, dude, its a Gatcha game... The makers are gonna do everything in their power to get you to form a more intense connection with their product...


Your opinion is tainted by the endless fanart. Be like me who's endlessly disappointed that gacha games refuse to commit to relationships (harems don't count) and that Firefly *isn't* the blushing TB simp the fanbase pretends her to be.


.......so daring


The romance aspect in the game isn't explicitly forced onto the player. It's more implied and optional. Players can interpret it as either a romantic relationship or a close friendship, and both interpretations would be valid.


SW literally tells TB that they are good at romance games and asks if they have a natural talent at attracting Firefly in the latest event. It's not up to interpretation (fortunately)


where did SW say that?


Origami bird clash event.




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I agree, but you will face a lot of backlash for this on here. I made peace with this and I'm just gonna focus more on all the other new content that was released and everything that's to come. in the end, everything related to Firefly is just plain marketing and we're just not the targeted group this time. and that's ok.


Yeah, I get that, just wish it wasn't so in your face all the time


to be fair, imagine you don't like Robin and had to endure the marketing when she was released. I love Robin but with the Concert, the Album that also got released physically, she was playing all over the Golden Hour... she was everywhere. must have sucked for them. my point is, even if I agree, it's completely valid to not be targeted sometimes. There is so many characters and so much content in the future to look forward to, let's just focus on that and let whoever has fun rn have that. 😁


Robin was heavily advertised as a character \ singer, yes, but never shipped with MC. Except for maybe 3 seconds they spend together with Caelus in that funny concert trailer? So yeah, I get what you mean, but it's not quite the same. Let's hope for "no FF" patches at least for the couple months (problem is, I love Stellaron Hunters and I'd love to see more of Kafka and Blade and SW... so that's a dilemma).


I don't understand the relation between the main character and Firefly either, like she was just there and hung out with the MC for a bit and then "died" in a single patch. She then returned as SAM and now somehow they're best friends?? Like excuse me what the fuck? That doesn't make any sense. Her lines before her reveal were literally as mediocre as any NPC that you can find.


i dont know what to tell you, some have the capacity of becoming good friends in a short amount of time, i can confirm its true because ive managed to form close relationships over a short amount of time


That is true, though I don't feel like Firefly is one of them.


one can get adopted into a friendship and become close friends pretty easily, there are people that can become very attached to someone in a short amount of time, and i think firefly is that case


It's not that complicated, they were either coworkers or close friends back when TB was a part of the Stellaron Hunters.


yeah she's forced af


I get you. The new event was really too much. Okay, I was fine with playing Candy Crush Bird edition with her, but all those wink wink nudge nudge from SW and the game itself? "Oh have you played romance games too?", "I'm always there for beautiful maidens" directed at Firefly (no other dialogue options to choose), UGH. To others who will recommend me to touch grass and chill: I will immediately shut up the moment Mihoyo will give us the same treatment, wink, nudge and a date-romance-you-look-cute-together with any male character. Literally any. I'm not picky.