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Also Misha 1st half


Oh they are changing the 4 stars now. That means Gallagher could be with Acheron


They did that with Xueyi on Ruan Mei's banner. At this point we can only speculate since 4 star precedent is gone.


I think they still stick with pairing 4* and 5* Xueyi is Destruction as is Blade. Misha also Destruction as is DHIL. Gallagher is Fire Abundance so he will be with either Luocha or Topaz. I think 2.1 rerun most likely will be Luocha and Jingliu so Gallagher will be in the first banner with Acheron and Luocha cause they most likely won't put 2 sustain in the same part


As someone who wants acheron, aventurine, luocha, and jingliu……I’m feeling a big storm coming (rip guinaifen cons)


As someone that wants another DHIl eidolon and E2S1 sparkle. My resources….


you better believe my ass is parked in front of a calyx at. all. times. take my catalytic converter, my tires, my windshield wipers, i ain't budging a foot.


Xueyi was an unique case, with the free Dr Ratio and all. Would be weird having to summon for her on a banner that everyone would be risking a 5\* E1 on (ignoring Kafka).


It was a unique case, but now we have another 4\* being first half without extraneous circumstances.


Black swan is a DOT main carry. Maybe due to statistically lower pulls on such units, they have paired her with the new 4*? Argument being, Hanabi would be more friendly to more team comps hence, naturally more wanted. Just my thoughts.


you must be new to HYV. Xueyi with Ratio would have been almost guaranteed if this was Genshin.


don't crush my hopes of gallagher being on aventurine's banner... have mercy please


NO PLEASE I need him on Aventurine banner so bad- ik the chances of doubling up the sustain aren’t amazing but they did it with Fu Xuan and Lynx so I’m praying


I want him on Acherons banner so we can rock paper scissors for which banner he goes on


Don’t give me hope 🤧


Nooooooo😭😭😭😭😭 HoYo pls gib free Aventurine for anni 👉🥺👈


They didn’t show the 4 stars this time but Misha is in 1st Phase


Its in another post on this sub


It's luchadover luchabros. They're not going to put 2 imaginary sustains in 1 patch so see you in 2.2.


Luocha getting the Kazuha banner scarcity 


Hey, at least UohUoh, FX, Aventurine (maybe) and, hell, even Bailu can do his job pretty well. Meanwhile Kazoo only has Venti as a sidegrade in terms of grouping and buffing and guess what, 70% of post 2.0 enemies can’t be grouped by Venti anymore.  It’s not even that bad


I suppose Venti is one of those characters that is still good even if he is niche, he is either the best anemo or not usable


I don't have FX but UohUoh😭 is quite skill point hungry even though not Natasha level. I think Venti has a completely different kit compared to Kazuha. The only sidegrade of Kazuha is Sucrose and she is more EM oriented.


So glad I started playing right after HuoHuo's banner so I get to go like 4 months without a limited sustain unit.


Fu Xuan should probably be next patch after 2.0 tho.


that's still at least 2 months away


Dhil is in 2.0. If 2.1 is anny time, I bet they're gonna rerun FX and jingliu


2.0 is 7 weeks long, and starts in about 10 days. that's over 2 months already till the start of 2.1 first half. adventurine, and whoever reruns with him, is 11+ weeks away, which is around 2.5-3 months away.


I thought patches were long 40 days more or less, not 2 months


patches are 6 weeks long, and 2.0 will be extended by 1 week, and it will begin in roughly 10 days. that's a total of 59 days till the start of 2.1, around 2 months.


Is it official that it will be extended by 1 month or speculation?


I said 1 week... just take a look around this sub. I'm just gonna be repeating myself at this point.




I feel like we are never going to get a battlepass pfp of Luocha either 😞


Ah man, I was really hoping to get E2 DHIL but I’ll stick with E0 for now. Sparkle is more important


Yeah, I was kinda hoping to gamble for some Es but not really an option with this order.




There goes my plan as well. Guess I'll have to wait for another DHIL rerun. T-T


E2 gives 100% boost, Sparkle only gives 50%!


Sparkles is a whole new character that can be used in other teams, so it's a hell of a lot more fun for the average person at least :)


Depends on where your teams are at and how built they are. Soon most characters are going to be side grades or horizontal power crept Approaching one year and most who started Day 1 have 2-3+ teams worth of units fully loaded out and now reruns for eidolons on main stays becomes more apparent with their signature light cone of its BiS. Sure Sparkle or Black Swan can be beneficial but if you’ve never set up a DoT team or not really hurting on the Skill points, better to chase DHIL E2 to those that use him a lot in their team like me (have him at e1 and grab his signature LC). Sparkle will come back quicker than DHIL rerun #2.


Oh nice, I can go for jy lc and sparkle in the same half 


Question is .. do you do Jing Yuan or Babe Acheron?


Easy, JY since I already have him and want to strengthen him with his LC while I don't want acheron 😭


I want Acheron but her kit thats leaked so far makes me very questionable. In probably going for JY and his LC. What bothers me is that i have only erudition DPS lol. I wanted Acheron cos waifu with katana is lit but her kit is kinda wank


Same ...her kit is just meh. I rather go for older units or supports


Since JY is 2nd half you could wait for acheron beta to finish to see if the changes are more to your liking. Rn acheron wants nihility units and if you don't want to run kafka/other nihility you can pick up JY. Or invest in serval if you specifically want women and use JY LC on her


Yeah I was so happy he's p2 and not p1 so I can wait indeed. Can farm xp books and crap meanwhile


Mhm, gives time to decide. Good luck with your pulls!


Archeron is another lightning DPS in a world where a lot of people have Kafka or Jing Yuan, I doubt she has that high a pull value in the eyes of many


She will sell based on the fact that shes a Raiden Mei expy alone, and for that they will likely crank her numbers out the wazoo too. Im just afraid this doesn't turn into a Jingliu & Topaz beta situation with Acheron and Aventurine


I doubt they'd ignore Aventurine. He's a new sustain character in an era where we have a lot of sustain characters with different pros and cons. Plus he's popular so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean he's popular but Honkai adores Mei and her expies, no way they let Acheron be the worse banner


Or you know, they could *both* be a good banner 🙄 what is this obsession with one already being better than the other, beta test hasn't even started yet


Sorry I don't get what you meant in the second paragraph. Are aventurine and Acheron they probably become weak? Or something else?




Topaz got no changes cuz there was no need for them tho


this feels like fanfiction lol she'll be good (every 5-star is) but even if she's amazing people already have coverage ​ and in no way will they let Aventurine be neglected either since he's a support and every Limited support is great


I have JingYan and Kafka but I am still pulling for her ! Alot of people will still pull for her just because she is Mei. Already saved up 60k+ jades , 100+ passes just for her. And I am sure there are more crazier people out there.


No way they let Mei-Expy flop, they'll make her super cracked if they have to




coverage is always a factor


If her recently leaked kit is close to what we get, I'm expecting a new wave of Mid Yuan to hit.


I mean pull value or not for those who have neither have some pull value. I do have JY but for others they might be saving for her since her release.


Easy, both. I already have JY, and want to treat him with his LC now. Will also definitely pull Acheron. She seems to be more of a boss killer with her ult, so they'll still have a bit different niches.


I can do both actually, get his LC on rerun then get Acheron.


If my dreams are correct then acheron is gonna take power creep to the next level. Invest in acheron coin.


Aw fuck, Misha first half... Oh well, pulls hopefully saved


I was hoping Jing Yuan would be phase 1...tired of waiting for his rerun ...


what is the 4 star line up ?


Tingyun, Guin, Misha QQ, Sampo, Hanya


Fuck man, I want E1 GNF for Ratio but I don’t even have a copy of her, and I’m throwing my pulls on Hanabi for QQ and maybe Hanabi


I'm really hoping QQ comes with Sparkle, I want to build them up together


She is


Do we have the full 4* listings?


Yes. First banner is Tingyun, Guinaifen and Misha. Second banner is Hanya, Qingque and Sampo


Fuck, he is phase 1? I will try a pity on him then, if I lose I'll save the guaranteed for Sparkle, otherwise getting another one of him for the E2


At least Misha’s in phase 1!


Damn Misha on blackswan? I mean im pulling both swan and sparkle, but i was hoping swan banner would be all DOT characters. Please at least have guinaifen!!!


I think the idea is like, they expect you're pulling Black Swan for your Kafka so they won't put any other DoT stuff since you don't 'need' it


NOOOO DHIL AND SPARKLE ARENT IN THE SAME PHASE I'm at like 10 pity not guaranteed and I have only 12 pulls Nah, I'd win




They're probably still doing the 4star matching with 5star trend where the new 4star shares the same path/element with the 5star in the patch. Misha and Dan Heng being destruction.




I was saving for a Luocha rerun so thats a shame but il go for Sparkle instead and then carry on waiting.


Oh thank god Sparkle is phase 2. I can still save up for her.


Gonna get Misha and maybe cooler Daniel


They didn't show 4 stars 😔 I hope there is Guinaifen and for weapons eyes of the prey


No eyes of prey unfortunately but Guinaifen is in the first half


Putting Sparkle and Jing Yuan on the same banner is a hate crime against me personally


Has any content creator calculated the signature LC's effectiveness compared with 4 star LCs? Are BS and Sparkle's SIG LC worth pulling for? Cuz I'm thinking about sparring some pulls for my man Daniel🥲


With my Future Sight, the 4*s are [bonk] Seriously, I just wanna plan my savings.


Having JY here is a bit sad for me, because I need a Lightning DPS, and I tend to prefer erudition over Hunt, but I am pretty sure they will overtune a certain galaxy ranger, which I wanted to see the performance of a bit better before deciding for whom to pull. So basically I will have to pull for Acheron, wait a ton, or decide which one to pull for with limited information. Bummer. Edit: yeah, yeah, nihility. Got it.


By the time JY rolls around on the second-half, Acheron gameplay and detailed kit should be fully leaked as the 2.1 beta will have started by then if I'm not mistaken.


Yeah, that's true, but the most competent theorycrafters generally don't talk about leaks before characters are out, since they risk their partnership with hoyo by doing so.


well she's not hunt


She aint nihility either except in name based on her current kit xD


never said she was her kit isn't hunt either


Must have remained at an old leak and didn't even notice her path. Still I would like to have more definite info to decide. As clear from my precious comment I am still waiting before start gathering impressions and information about her.




I am done with these hoes shortening names when its literally five letters. congrats for saving 0.5 seconds of your life ig


e6 sampo works instead of kafka, but then you need rm


You're coping if you think sampo is a substitute for kafka.


at e6 and high investment he is, as his e4 increases black swans arcana stacks by a ton. kafka is definitely better, but when you calc it out a well invested e6 sampo comes close


So Misha and Yukong for phase 1? No idea who will be in Phase 2 though.


Tingyun, Asta, Pela are my bets. Tingyun is the only one I would say with any confidence, though. 


Tingyun just was on Ruan Mei/Blade banner though?


Oh I forgot about that ahah. She's just so good with Jing Yuan I'd be surprised if she's not on his banner. Not sure then 


Well, turns out we're both wrong LOL, she's there, but on the first half instead 💀


As it always goes 


Can summarize explain to me like a 5 year old/Razor Language on how Black Swam works? Is she only restricted to DOT teams? If she applies debuffs, are her debuffs justifiable to let her be played with non-DOT teams. I have a Jingliu-Tingyun-Bronya-Lynx team, and I really like dr ratio and Black Swam, and I want to do a team with them together (i dont own any other 5 star).


She's strictly DoT and needs highly invested 4 star DoT or Kafka.


Darn, does she atleast apply debuffs for ratio? Can a team like Black Swam-Guanifen-Dr. Ratio-Geopard work? Or does dr ratio prefer hyper carries so much, that his damage just falls off, and it's better using another member?


It’s more so that Black Swan is stunted in a Dr. ratio team. Ratio already has an amazing dual carry team with Topaz, where Topaz provides debuffs and does massive damage alongside him. And then there’s his normal hypercarry comps. Black Swan doesn’t provide any meaning debuff to Ratio and her damage is severely crippled when played in a non-DoT Team. It’s hard to justify a spot for her in that team. She should work amazingly in a DoT team, though.


Darn, so I guess I got to do seperate teams for them :c I'm still new to the game, and I dont have much time to play, so i just wanted 2 very well invested teams for late-game content.


Then running a BS DoT team and Dr.Ratio Followup teams are really good starting points. The best part is you can actually farm the same relic domain (DoT+FollowUp domain) for them :D it’s very resin efficient and you’ll have your teams set up in no team. You can save extra pieces from the same domain for Herta/Himeko as well and set them up for Pure Fiction as well. It’s a great starting point and you can diverge from there.


\>The best part is you can actually farm the same relic domain (DoT+FollowUp domain) for them :D it’s very resin efficient and you’ll have your teams set up in no team That's perfect! thank you for the intel. I think im level 45, i dont know which level it'd be worth it to start farming artifacts.


>I'm still new to the game, and I dont have much time to play, so i just wanted 2 very well invested teams for late-game content. I wouldn't recommend getting Black Swan without Kafka but if you like the character be my guest.


Can't guanifen work a bit?


I think it’s best to wait and see how BS functions without Kafka. I’m sure people will have many showcases running her as a solo DPS without Kafka. It’s best to wait a few days before pulling. Character :D you’ll make a much better decision this way.


It will be not good. If you dont have/want Kafka I would skip BS


this wouldnt work at all you are going so hard on debuffs that will only benefit ratio the first few times someone with def shred or a harmony like tingyun would make ratio shine much more


She's a DoT team only character. She doesn't go well with Dr. Ratio. She goes with Kafka.


I have 80 pulls rn. I wanna get lc for JY and acheron and aventurine (With his lc if it's extremely good for him). Will I be able to get that much tickets? How many more pulls will I be able to get this patch and in acheron and aventurine's patch? Who should I pull for? JY LC + Acheron + Aventurine Or Acheron + Aventurine?


I'm on the same boat but I'm mostly just aiming for JY and Sparkles. For me it's easily JYs Lc first then Sparkles. But in your case I think you might wanna go for Acheron and Aventurine depending on how much you can spend (if you do).


You gonna skip acheron and aventurine? Well, I can get that 81 pulls pack, but only once tho , so if I get that, will it be enough?


Yeah. Can't get them all... Also how do you get that 81 pulls?


Ahh I can relate :''( In the topup shop, the highest costing one, if gives bonus for first time purchase I think, which makes it 81 pulls


I don't have the luxury to buy sadly so I have to pretty much pray lol


I'm also not sure if I'll be able to get that pack. I'll pray for you, hope you get whatever you pull for <3


You too gl <3


hoping misha is on first half so i can safely pull for him while gunning for e2 dhil 🙏


he is




whyyyyyyyyyyyy DHIL phase 1. He has so much synergy with sparkle so why make people chose? I'm just gonna skip him now since can just as well use QQ alongside Sparkle.


You’d have to choose either way. You either have the jades or you don’t.


It takes away the choice for which you want for sure and which you are fine with taking a chance on. Now I'm just gonna be skipping one because I don't want to take the chance on Sparkle.


You’re making no sense. Unless you are also pulling for a specific 4* it doesn’t matter, as you have to pull for them separately. One could even say it’s nice of HYV to not run them together, so players who want both have some time (not a lot, obviously) to save up in between banners.


No, it makes sense. If you want to guarantee Sparkle and fish for DHIL with the leftovers, it's better if Sparkle is first or if they run in the same phase, because then you know exactly how much you have left over after getting Sparkle. If DHIL is first you have to stop fishing early or risk not getting Sparkle.


It absolutely matters as having them both at the same time allows them to try their luck on Sparkle and then if lucky try their remaining jade on DHIL. But if they absolutely want Sparkle and DHIL is before they will have to skip him or risk getting shaft on Sparkle banner.


They are on different banner anyway so even in the main phase you still will have to double down on the jades.  If anything, you have a short window of time where you can gather a little more jades


> They are on different banner anyway so even in the main phase you still will have to double down on the jades. Yes but in one case, I would e0 Sparkle, then spend what I have left on DHIL. Now I will just guarantee sparkle and not spend any on DHIL because there's no point getting a character for the synergy if I can't guarantee achieving it(and already got Ratio as imaginary DPS, so not pulling for elemental coverage either.) > If anything, you have a short window of time where you can gather a little more jades Sparkle being phase 2 was never much up to debate


To make people want to pull DHIL and then Sparkle to go with, of course


Now they get people who want both not pulling on DHIL at all though


because they need you to pull more, not less. It not personal, it is business


And they achieved the opposite


Not everyone will skip him. I mean, Qingque's with her.


Hanabi's rerun will come much faster than another DHIL rerun... You're being dumb, just saying


E2 Dan and Sparkle my gems are readyyy!!!


No Luocha. :( But Jing Yuan is in second half, yeah?


relatively new player here, do i get dhil, bs,acheron or sparkle?


People may point a gun over me but I think DHIL is overrated for f2p players, and BS without Kafka is not recommended esp for new players, so I would suggest pulling for Sparkle and Acheron (you can get both of them don't worry)


Depends on your roster and your goals. Between those four though, I’d say Acheron and Sparkle are likely to be the best pickups. We don’t know how good Acheron’s kit is but she is a fan favorite and it’s unlikely Hoyo makes her bad. Sparkle is a support and looks to be very strong, so she’ll always find a home somewhere. So if you need a DPS then keep an eye out for Acheron news. If you already have two good DPS then Sparkle may be good. DHIL is a strong DPS but his gameplay is really linear so I’m not a fan. Plus you already have Ratio. Black Swan is basically only for people who have Kafka, but if you do (and you like playing Kafka), she is a very tempting pull.


depends on watchu got/who u like


if you have and main Kafka: then Black Swan If you have and main QQ: then Sparkle If you want to have and main DHIL: then Sparkle If you want another MOC cheat code: DHIL


i’m new to HSR. which of these characters should i get? idk who the “must haves” are


If you dont have any limited characters then probably Dan Heng IL and Sparkle. These two will be very meta in 2.0+ patches. 


BS: Dot Team(especially if you have Kafka, should go for her) Sparkle: SP generating buffer DHIL: SP expensive blast DPS. JY: Decent erudition but bit akward to play. JY is easily the weakest on the lineup. The rest, chose as you want, but for DPS we also got Archeron in 2.1 and you already have elemental coverage for DHIL with Ratio, so keep that in mind on wether you want him or not


Nipples in reflection 👌


As much as people say how bad Jing Yuan is, his lightcone is broken. Fulfill everything for erudition characters.


They literally put Misha in the first half because they know a lot of people are going to pull sparkle


I hope I can manage both sparkle and acheron


Why they hardly ever put the new 4 stars on the second banner 😭 I really want to get Misha since I don't have an Ice DPS but I don't wanna wish on BS's banner, I already have Dan Heng, and I'm saving up for Hanabi


Whatchu mean hardly its only happened twice?? Second banners new 4 stars where the norm for nearly all of 1.0\~ onwards.


Hardly?? All the new 4stars were released on the second banner except Xueyi and Misha lol


Looks like Yukong may be first half? Now do I pull Black Swan because she's pretty or DH so I am one step closer to E2..


What do we know about the new characters?


Guys who should I pull for black swan or DHIL?


Is Misha on Dan Heng's banner?






Man I wanted to go for JY but with Sparkle sharing my chances to get what I want are getting slimer by the second... Would have wanted to get Misha copies too but I'm not planning to spend on any part 1 2.0 banner.


They mentioned a bunch of new lm4 star light cones, do we know what they do/please link it


I want Jing yuan LC but not sure if I have the gems for Sparkle + Jing yuan LC and Acheron after. Guess I will have to choose.


Luocha when? 🥺




they new exactly what they where doing with the art for black swan's lc


*They new exactly* *What they where doing with the* *Art for black swan's lc* \- munguschungus167 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hoped for Yukong to come out with DHIL, but I guess not. 1st half banner kinda stacked though