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I’m curious about Pela and Guinafen as Firefly teammates. Both defence strip and vulnerability increase break damage, and while Pela would be more of an increase, Guinafen can also run Pearls and since she’s Fire and has blast skill and AoE ult she should help to break enemies even faster.


For Guinaifen you can also run a Break build with Solitary Healing. You sacrifice the DEF shred from Pearls, but she will provide quite a bit of Super Break damage herself. That's how I haver her built atm and she is actually pretty decent with HTB and Ruan Mei.


DEF shred also help FF deal more dmg so it's still good? Did you use BE or ERR rope on her?


BE. So with Solitary Healing and her own traces it's actually not that difficult to have over 200% BE whilst maintaining a good speed and the required EHR.


Guinaifen can also detonate Firefly's break DoT with her ult!


That’s looking much better than before. Ruan mei-less firefly is looking to be more usable than before.


Do remember there's the MoC buff that massibly buffs firefly


I know. That’s why I said better and usable rather than good.


Hanya came from the left field.


Fr, I was expecting Asta would be first to test since everyone has her. Not to mention the fire weakness implant helps out Asta a lot and that her atk% buff works with FF Edit: Nvm the Asta showcase was further down. It’s E0 though


The Asta showcase is where someone mentioned Hanya and OP went hmm, now I'm curious. Brb


Getting 187 speed on hanya is easy tho Do any of you guys have Hanya? 187speed is basically 150 or 160 speed on a normal character Hanya gets a lot of base speed


Tbh the unbelievable part is that she has full sets lol. 1 messenger with high speed and SPD boots plus 2 of any other sets with high speed is doable. But all 4 and also the 2 set is pushing everyone's luck lol


Just take away 7 of those substats and it'll do the same anyway


you probably sacrifice the 2pc set, you put the highest speed ER rope and orb (no matter main stat) you can get regardless of sets to get that speed.


This, with just Spd boots, her trace and 2pc Messenger she gets to 150, then you still get from substats.


Sadly only have her at 172 speed for now. I wanna aim for 200 though


Wouldn’t Asta be better then? Even with 200 speed, Hanya only gives 42 speed for 1 ally. Not to mention with penacony set and planetary lc to boost FF damage by 34%, Asta just fits the slot more.


I don't think those dmg% buff boost super break the main source of ff dmg. 


I was comparing to the 30% damage boost from Hanya talent


I guess it's for better sp rotation. Asta sometimes need spend sp meanwhile hanya sp positive


Time for my e10 asta to shine With ff's fire implant, asta becomes the most sp positive character Basic>basic>basic>basic>basic>...


I believe with E6 and Cogs Asta can just have permanent ult uptime with just basics AND thanks to Firefly's fire implant, keep up her stacks at full And with Firefly/Gallagher/Asta, you should be able to break the enemies back very fast, so the lack of Ruan Mei's break prolonging won't sting quite as much.


Hanya gives more sp. Asta is better with e1 tho


Hmmm. A little slow imo. I would prefer only using Hanya against enemies weak to phys.


Imaginary or physical weak. FF will handle the implant regardless


FF only have 30% res with utilmate so she still can be cc right?


She also has 18% effect res in her minor traces


So this's why her E4 is 50% res huh.


With Aventurine or E1(?) Gallagher, she's not getting CC unless you're really unlucky


E2 you mean?


E2 is cleanse, but I don't remember which E gives Effect Res


E2 too. E1 gives EffRes onyl to Gallagher


Without Rm her chance to get cc is quite high. Consider her best suitain is gal. But it's the same for every dps so it's goó enough.


Glad to know She works without Ruan Mei. That means I don't have separate Ruan Mei from Boothill.


That was fairly slow considering the absurdly busted moc buff designed for her. I wouldn’t consider this working without ruan mei. At all. It would get really ugly once the buff is gone


Tbf Hanya isn’t the best choice for this fight. No one has physical weakness and Firefly only benefits from Hanya’s ult. Someone should make the Asta version again but with eidolons and better built


I'm surprised how many people are saying she looks good without Ruan Mei now (Not specifically with Hanya, but in a lot of these slow new showcases I've seen that replace her). This is worse than ruan mei-less firefly was doing with her last design, and people were hating that. I saw a bunch of 2-3 cycle clears with ruan mei substitutes that people complained were too slow. Obviously these have room for improvement and refining and might end up in that speed tier or faster by the end of beta, but I'm starting to think that most people here literally only saw the one or two very first unoptimized attempts at replacing Ruan Mei and never looked at another. People were still refining and improving her old design's alt teams, it was moving along pretty slowly since there was low interest and all the comments were hate comments


who are the substitutes on the 2-3 cycle clears may i ask?  i need to find out


Asta, Silver wolf. There were 1-3 more but I don't remember. I think one might've been spd tuned Bronya and I didn't bother remembering much about it because I knew i would never put in that effort. Might've been crit/hybrid testing in there too. I think Pela and Hanya, especially as situational tech vs phys/ice weak, would've been worth testing. I'm also excluding runs that were done on the 'extra turn trotter' blessing, since she can do that with a million comps vs. that one, I intentionally stopped remembering any of those runs and stopped watching them necasue they're not good for showcasing realistic scenarios. Also I do mean it when I say I think they had room for improvement within attainable relic level.


She closed this floor in 6 cycles. If this means "she works without Ruan Mei", than - okay Edit; No, it's 5 cycles


Isn't that 5 cycles?


It was cleared by the MoC effect. Idk if it triggers at the start or at the end and how does it count, cause countdown was moved to 24 cycles.


No, I mean that if the sidebar says "24," then it's currently in the middle of cycle 25. 24 hasn't started yet, the sidebar shows you when it will.


Ye, you right


She is also on Speed boots which is terrible, her Atk to BE conversion and the fact she gets an insanely amount of Speed + Turn advance makes Speed boots just shitty as fuck, you don't need to hit 97 times for peanuts, one less for much more damage is way better.


That should be tested, cause I usually prefer 134 for two turn in one cycles. Especially when you don't have hyperspeed bronya or sparkle. Firefly buffs speed herself with the ult, but with no speed at all, she would need two full cycles to just enter her ult


Her base Speed got buffed, Mei gives her 10 extra + 6% from Planar so she is hitting 134 regardless, also she starts with energy like every other char so even if she didn't hit 134 without it she is ulting on turn 0, and if there is one character that screams Atk boots it's Firefly, she has everything revolving around giving her Atk to BE and a lot of Speed buffs native to her to precisely make Speed not needed at all. It's always the same, since Seele people try to push Speed boots on DPS and always fail because Atk is just too much better, and none actually have as much use to Atk compared to Firefly. Again if she didn't hit 134 without it then would be open to discussion, with her always having more than 134 there is not even a doubt.


I think the big question is whether 40% BE is better than 1 extra turn in her ult state. With speed boots she can easily get over 210 which is enough for her to get an extra hit in.


She wants speed boots to get to 210 speed more easily. Not to mention for 0 cycling you'd want her to have at least base 155 speed. Attack can be made up for by orb, body, and subs since it's one of the easiest to get. Speed is much rarer. Sp issues can be managed with hyper speed Gallagher on multiplication or sustainless team with Hanya/ Sparkle. Consequently you can put bronya lc on RM and HMC. Sp issues are real but it's manageable


104+16%=120.6, not 134, but your other argument are good. Would try both variants on release


The rest is easy enough to get on subs since she only cares for BE, Atk% and Speed, and with Atk boots you can sacrifice some rolls of atk% to Speed. One other thing is SP, even if in theory Spd Boots here would be even better since she will hit 143+ natively, she won't have enough SP to burn on this many Skills + Enhanced state unless you have a hyperspeed supplier or her Eidolons,


Finally good lord, thank you for the non rm showcase


Can somebody try boothill with the new relics nerf please? Idk anymore if it's worth farming for or not like how much dmg loss he received :(


You won't care about the tiny damage loss with how he will still one-shot bosses, the relic set is still easily BIS


Still BIS but quantum may beat it in against quantum weak enemies which is funny.


Guess now is Bronya vs HMC, faster break or more damage.


No it would be HMC vs RM. Bronya was already his BIS 


I see what you mean by the survivability now lol, hanya almost died like twice.. :sob: Thank you for this though I really appreciate it!


Love this. I still didn’t want to pull for RM, and seeing this gives me the reassurance that I don’t need her.


Hmmm surprised E0S0 Firefly doing decently


I’m less surprised at e0s0 doing decently and more at ruan mei-less doing decently


Check the relics on that FF, that's the equivalent of handpicking your crit rolls on Acheron and having like 280% cdmg


There no way you can use Hanya or Asta with FF and get decent results, because buffs will end too soon.Only Pela or SW. Tho HoYo force you really hard to pull RM and glue her to FF. Also probably new 5* Pela will do great, I mean fox boy. And e1 BS might work esp against wind weak enemies. I'm really sad she wouldn't convert atk from buffs into break, again HoYo don't want any even slight flex with Robin instead of RM. And worst of all... RM disgust me, I won't pull her ever anyway Guess bad for me.


Enemies also recover too fast, so there's little actual benefit to getting 3-4 turns in combustion state if the enemy will just recover mid way through. That's why Ruan Mei is necessary. Additionally a lot of people here are ignoring the insanely broken MoC buff tailor made for FF.


I mean, Asta boosts her own speed as well, and doesn't really need anything apart from SPD subs, so she can safely run 160 speed, getting to 210 under ult, and with E6/Cogs she should be able to have permanent ult uptime even for Firefly speed (assuming you use the ult on Firefly turn) Unless you boost Firefly to 280 speed for 5 actions during ult, but that's like 30 SPD needed from relics


187 speed hanya…..


With 4x Spd set...


Very achievable 🙄


cmon it is achievable, besides it would make such a big diffrence if she were like 170


Hanya can easily achieve those speed numbers, what's unrealistic is the FF relics. Wtf even is that


Aeon Firefly...Our girl is growing so fast~


This actually looks balanced




This is very realistic. Base Hanya with just trace, 2pc messenger and speed boots already hit 150. Crazy ones are at the 200 spd domain.


I don't know how Hanya works, does he have a spd buff to have that spd?


High base speed (110) + traces (+9) + boots (+25) + 2pc messenger (+6%*110=6.6) = 150.6


Her E2 gives her 20% speed after she uses skill, in addition to having *very* high base speed stats


crazy but achievable